You’ve done it again! :) Five million received postcards in five years, pretty neat, hum?
We know you’re all eager to know the details so here we go…
The five millionth postcard received through Postcrossing traveled from Elefantus in Italy to ployploy in Thailand. Lovely card, isn’t it?

Nobody guessed the right countries (from Italy to Thailand), so we’ll split the surprise between Elefantus and ployploy – congratulations!
PS – We apologize for the sudden drop in the countdown numbers towards the end – we had some unexpected cache issues that caught us by surprise, and didn’t allow us to make the magic screenshot we usually do on these events. Bummer!
87 comments so far
Congratulations to Elefantus, ployply, all postcrossers and to Postcrossing!
Congrats :)
I'm so proud to be a part of this!
wow Italy to Thailand!! Always surprising! :D
Congratulations! :)
Congratulations to Elefantus (my swap pal ;)) and our new member ployply:
Thank you all postcrossers and Postcrossing parents for making this REAL!!!!!
Van harte gefeliciteerd!!!
Congratulations on sending and receiving the five millionth postcard! =D
*cough* photoshop *cough*
Or should that be photoshop ? :P
It's a beautiful card!! Not just because it's the 5millionth but because it really is a unique card. Congrats to the users involved! :)
such lovely! I like it. congratulations! :-)
That should read:
*cough* photoshop *cough*
Or should that be < cough > photoshop < slash cough >? :P
Congratulations to all postcrossers!!:)
Bravoooooo !!!!
Congratulations to the sender and the receiver of the 5 millionth postcard.
The card is great! :-)
oh,should have think about Italy as i am writing this from Florence
Congratulations to Elefantus and ployploy :)
Let's go to 6.000.000 postcards :)))
Congrats :)
6,000,000 by the New Year. Congratulations to the 5,000,000 senders.
Congratulations to PloyPloy and Elefantus (I've swapped with him before). Looking forward to 6 million!
Yay! Congratulations!
Congratulations to all involved! I love the card.
Congratulations!! A trains, of all things.. I also happen to collect train postcards... =D
Congratulations! I have been watching the countdown!
Congratulations to Elefantus and PloyPloy :)
This must be the best Hobby in the World - honestly !!
It is unbelievable, 5 millions postcards - I remember the 2 millions postcard... Congratulations!
What a great card for 5M!! At the rate we're going, we'll be celebrating 6 in just a couple of weeks! :)
Maybe a idea for a new contest; How long takes it for the next million? :))))
Congratulations, everyone! And I agree, it is a great card!
Like @tascosa, I think it is fantastic that the sent postcard is from someone who has been sending and receiving for eons (in Postcrossing age) to someone who is just beginning. And I am also thrilled that the postcard is **not** one that so many users would consider "real." I get a bit frustrated at the number of Postcrossers who note on their profiles they only want "real" postcards. There is no such thing as "fake" postcards!
So many guesses, and ended up in creative way, this is the magic of postcrossing!
Congratulations to both Elefantus and ployploy! Most importantly, everyone on this site for making that possible!
Congratulations!! Everyone! :D
Right on! I gues sthe 6 millionth will be around XMAS time.
Congratulations to everyone!!
surprisily fast, countdown went down like thosaund, each time i on to this site
wow... !! so Happy to know the receiver of 5 Million Postcard is THAI. Thank you to sending a lovely card from ITALY.
Congratulations ! ^_^
Hip-hip, Hurray to the beautiful train card sender & receiver! Postcrossing is a blast!
congratulations to all postcrossers for contributing to this wonderful number of postcards sent and received!
Congratulations, go for the 6th million...
Congratulations to all the postcrossers!
...And thanks for all the adorable cards!
Well, I think it was impossible to guess correct countries. Italy to Thailand - that was very unpredictable!
Congratulations, PostC! :)
nice ;)
Jiepieeeeeeee!!!! Superbe!!!
congratulations; SUPERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Really nice card!:)
congrats to all!! ahah nice to know the 5M postcard was sent from Italy :D !!! this is a great hobby really!! wish the best to every postcrosser out there!
great card and congrats !!
Congrats! Beautiful card!
yippie!!! congrats to sender, reciever and the postcrossing project!
congratz to the winner who also is the card receiver~
Congratulations for number 5.000.000!!!
It's a beautiful postcard
yay! =D
Congratulations everyone! Great card!
Now goals in the millions tivk off so fast who can do the math to figure how soon we'll be seeing a billion? 1,000,000,000!!!
Another thought is - remember these are only official cards - how many more in private swaps? We keep the postal workers of the world busy!!!
I completeley agree with heyjude!
If only you could add an option to register private swaps - this numbers would skyrocket.
Congratulation to both of you and everybody ^-^
Well done to Elefantus, ployply & all Postcrossers who've made this 5Mill mark possible.
Cheers as we head to 6 million
Congrats to all of us who made it possible!!! :D
Now gold is: 6 million!
very easy!!! :D
Let´s make posttcrossing continue...
Congratulations to Italy and Thailand and to all postcrossers.
Congrats!! Let's go for the 6.000.000!!!! :)))
Congratulation, the right members share, an older member with very hig activity and a baby-postcrosser.
Congrats to you both and Thank You to the entire postcrossing team. I love POSTCROSSING...
It's so niiiice !
it's sound very good!!!
Let's make it to 6M.
CONGRADULATIONS! Great job everyone for sending all these postcards, now we need to get to 6million! :)
Congratulations to everyones, happy postcrossing...
next milestones are at 7.500.000 ?
How cool is it that one of the first cards I ever received here was from the sender of this infamous card, Elefantus?!?! I feel strangely connected to this milestone. Congrats! :)
Congrats to all postcrossers! ;o) I have to say that I also got postcard from Elefantus, I still remember the mark of Elephant on the back of the card..:o))
Wow~Congratulation!! ^_^
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