Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > The Heart of Postcrossing: A Quilt of Connection and Creativity


Postcrosser Laridian is at it again! After the world map quilt from some years ago, they continued collecting bits of fabric, which were put together on a new quilt this year! It’s a gorgeous piece shaped like a heart, which Laridian wrote about on their blog:

A full view of a heart-shaped quilt design made of colorful triangular fabric pieces, set against a white background, framed with a yellow and red border.

My second Postcrossing quilt project is complete: The Heart of Postcrossing!

This has taken since 2021 to complete, as it relies entirely on fabrics generously sent to me by other postcrossers. More than 150 postcrossers sent fabric for me to use!

I started working on the Heart of Postcrossing as soon as I completed the World Map. But this time, I decided to go for something a little smaller scale. (The World Map is more than 2m / 7' wide!) I’d also hoped it would be completed faster than the World Map, which took about 3 years. As you can see, it took about the same amount of time for this one to complete!

All the colored fabrics were sent to me by postcrossers, most of them included with their postcards, but a few were sent from Postcrossing forum members who had heard about the project. Some of the white fabrics were also sent by postcrossers, but the majority of the white “outside” pieces are from my own collection. People don’t often send white fabric.

Getting a random piece of fabric this way was such a lovely surprise each time it happened. Often, the senders had stories to tell about the fabric: if it was local to their region, or a heritage textile; if it was leftover from some other project they’d worked on; if it was from a childhood dress or a husband’s work shirt. The histories and information about the pieces was inspiring, and I loved every piece of fabric sent to me.

Each square measures 2" / 5cm. The finished wall hanging is 42" / 1.06m square. The binding is in pink, red and yellow to match the colors of the fabrics. Due to the cutting and piecing process, each fabric may be found up to 4 times throughout the finished work.

Postcrossers from North and South America, Asia, Oceania, and Europe all contributed to this project. The country that “sent” the most fabrics was the United States, with 27 different fabrics coming from postcrossers there. Second was Germany with 21, and Russia was third, with 17 different fabrics.

Postcrossing has been such a wonderful and loved hobby for me, and I have “met” so many wonderful people through it. This quilt represents the diverse and and colorful people of Postcrossing, and the little triangles are the “postcards” flying away around the world to their recipients.

Below is a detail of some of the blocks. If you’ve sent fabric to me, maybe you see your fabric in there?

A close-up of a quilt featuring colorful, triangle-shaped fabric pieces arranged in intricate geometric patterns with white fabric creating contrast.

108 comments so far

Nadia_Jang, Korea (South)

Absolutely stunning! The idea, the skill, the philosophy of this piece of art make my heart beat faster!

Samimi, Japan


DeniseAR, United States of America

You did an amazing job, thank you. I certainly appreciate all those who are so talented and crafty. Hoping to see more.

Sverige, Sweden


Tabalugalove, Germany

It's amazing ❤️ Such a great idea.
Thank you for participating.
Lucky to be a part of your project.
I can even recognize my donated fabric 😀 😍

Mailbird2, United States of America

Such a beautiful design!

vvt, Netherlands

Wow, this is amazing!

pammykay, United States of America

Beautiful! I have made this pattern. With all of those points coming together, it is not easy. I love the idea of collecting fabrics from around the world. Thanks for sharing.

Indreni, United States of America

Beautiful! Such a lovely idea. The beauty of Postcrossing.

abqslp, United States of America

What an amazing, lovely gift to the Postcrossing community! If this image was made into postcards, I would buy them.

Fahad, Bangladesh

That’s incredible! The Postcrossing community never ceases to amaze me. As a newcomer, I’ve sent out my first 5 postcards and am eagerly waiting to receive some. Excited to connect with everyone!

Geminiscp, Portugal

Another great work, congratulations!

Krimi65, Germany

Beautiful! A great Idea.

jmorris, United States of America

What a beautiful and inspiring quilt! I love it! ❤️

Minaminx, United Kingdom

I have been sending quilted postcards, but love this idea of collecting fabric through postcrossing. Might try something like this myself.

catsbe, Korea (South)


Kristi-D, United States of America

Gorgeous and inspiring! It would be beautiful on its own, but with the backstory, it's even a more incredible treasure!

TerriGreenberg, United States of America

Someone had the great idea of making postcards of the quilt. I'm thinking...World Postcard Day 2025!

Cheryll, Suriname

I love it!
my compliments!!
Cheers 🍾

Verabrady, United States of America

I think Laridian’s quilt is out of this world and would love to have postcards of it.
In the 90’s I had a rural postal route and every Christmas I would receive gifts from many customers. I found it overwhelming so one Christmas I asked customers to simply give me a piece of cloth that meant something to them in order for me to make a postal quilt to hang in our post office. I got many pieces but also many gifts! Unfortunately I had to quit before I was able to make the quilt. One of my regrets🙁

harrickson, United States of America


judigreen1, United States of America


Rimanari, France



Molt Bonic

Zulhma, Argentina

Hello. I didn't know about this project. The result is very beautiful. Congratulations and thank you for sharing this experience. Regards

Byrons_brain, United Kingdom

This is so beautiful, congratulations on your amazing work, it should be exhibited in a museum

jemcfadden, United States of America

This is so inspiring, and what a tribute to a hobby that brings joy and connection to so many. Are you collecting for another quilt?

LeSillyMe, United States of America

I love this, from idea right down to the final piece! 💜

ajrhodes17, United States of America

So wonderful! If you do any more, Id love to contribute some fabric. I have some Idaho material. Let me know!

Judi-Wildflower, United States of America

Such a beautiful quilt. I think making this into postcards is a great idea!!

merebear8, United States of America

This is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

balticAnne, Germany

It is beautiful and a great idea to pick up the idea of postcrossing. Thank you for shsring with US!

JaneOL, United States of America

So pretty. What a great way to include postcrossing in your other hobby.

alterego, Canada

It's beautiful! I love the idea of turning it into a postcard (your map of the world quilt, too!) Congratulations on such a heartfelt project.

jeanettep, New Zealand

Beautiful! And I add my support to this image being made into a postcard, PLEASE!! 😍

YoBethie, United States of America

It is so lovely, and such a wonderful idea!

wendyquilter, Canada

This is a beautiful interpretation of the Exploding Heart quilt pattern! Doubt that it should be made into a postcard since the image is copyrighted.

velveteenbunie, United States of America

This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing

Mulberry_Mailbox, United States of America

Amazing! What incredible talent!

Smarty, Netherlands


mysweetlife63, United States of America

Incredible! Congratulations on completing this beautiful piece of art!

sienemien, Belgium

This is really postcrossing, connecting people from everywhere in the world. Putting all the fabric together and making a big Postcrossing heart. Congratulation for your talent, dear Laridian.

Hechizera, United States of America

Vety beautiful? It was very sweet for post crossers all over the world to send fabric and take part int.

suegathman, United States of America

Oh, how gorgeous!

realfantasy, Russia

It's unbelievable! I would love to be a part of this masterpiece!

cerres, Estonia

Wow! Great idea and super well done!!!

Sweetsazzle, United Kingdom

I love this! It's such a lovely idea, so well made.
I have to give major credit to the fact Laridian stuck with the project, it's inspiring, I have so many projects started but waiting to be finished. Maybe reading this will help me get going again!

Gekem, Netherlands

Glad I was able to contribute to this project. You did an amazing job!!

CorinneJKS, United States of America

Okay, just Wow! Nice work.

As a quilter, I understand the joy in bringing pieces together, and as a swapper, the fun of gathering from the four corners.

Great job!

anitajune, United Kingdom

As a quilter myself how inspiring. Thankyou for such a lovely contribution to all our Postcrossing friends.

AnnScot, Germany

That's so inspiring in these difficult times. This is what can happen when people from all over the world unite. Wonderful!

nopecat, Ireland

This is simply fabulous. What a beautiful idea. Well done!

pamspeidel, United States of America

Such a wonderful work of ART! I love that postcrossers around the world contributed! ❤️😊

BlueWaters88, United States of America

Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!

OkieSelena24, United States of America

Its beautiful!!! So creative and love that the bits of fabric are from all over the world!!!

martha66, Netherlands

This is what Postcrossing is all about, fantastic!!

AlohaD, Russia

This blanket is so warm that I'm sure you won't freeze under it even in Antarctica. Thanks to postcrossing, which warms with such ideas!

Nuvolett, United States of America

I love the idea someone posted about making this into a postcard. I hope you will consider it!

CentralTexasRose, United States of America

Beautiful! Wonderful idea! A job well done! Very special that pieces of fabric from all over the world added to the love.

beesknees, United States of America

What a wonderful project - well done.

Flippie, Canada

I love everything about this....

betslets, United States of America

Absolutely wonderful. And as busy as Laridian are with quilting, and Postcrossing exchanges, they also happened to participate in the March 2023 Houston Meetup I attended. Laridian are truly Ambassadors of Connections. I'll look forward to learning what project is next.

Bickley, Australia

What a beautiful piece of handicraft with a lovely connection to the Postcrossing community

jeannor, United States of America

A treasure, for sure! Thank you for the time, talent and perseverance to complete this beautiful quilt. Thank you to all who sent fabric and personal stories about the fabric. Amazing, amazing, amazing!

RosieT1, Canada

The quilt is amazing! It should be made into a stamp!

angel555, Russia

It turned out very beautiful ! So much work and soul was put into it. I'm new here, I didn't know about such a project.

clbrown, United States of America


StellarStamps, United States of America

I only joined in early 2024 but I have loved being part of this community. This project of yours is a testament to how generous and cool Postcrossers are. I wasn't aware of this project or that anyone did things like this so your creation further expands my knowledge of what goes on here. The quilt is fabulous!!

shc, Japan

very cool!

Michelle305, United States of America

This is so neat!! It came out amazing!

CStar9, United States of America

Just wanted to express my deep thanks to the creator of this quilt and everyone who contributed! What a heart-warming labor of love!

AsterArt, Belgium

It is a heartwarming project. What a good idea!

CBergen, United States of America

Thanks for blessing us with your story of this amazing quilt. So many bitty, flying envelopes of random colors from different cultures & personal histories joined together at perfect points to create a unique but universal piece of art that represents exactly what is so wonderful about Postcrossing.

gcbacon860, United States of America

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful work of art.
I'm so thrilled to be apart of this community of people who have liked interest.
May your days be sweet and gentle in the best of ways...
Namaste 🙏 Gail

Maya_Ansje, Belgium

I have a long way to go...

Emcea, Netherlands

This is is beautiful!!

JOSEMARIE, Netherlands


kuchenfee, Germany

I have NO Words for that fantastic idea, and for DOING that!
It's wonderful

SnoopyGirl, United States of America

That's really glorious- it's a great design.

snailmailingnancy, New Zealand

That is such a wonderful quilt and so moving how many people around the world contributed.

squirrelgirl55, United States of America

This is a work of art and heart!

Lorie15, United States of America

I am awed by your achievement! What a great way to connect the world!

Langfordlibrarian, United States of America

What an honoring project for all of the Postcrossing community. Thank you for using your gift to make us all something that we can be proud of! We need people like you to join us together!

Aqality2, Finland

This is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Aileen93, Germany

It looks absolutely beautiful 🤩

Bebuna1, Czech Republic

Fantastic work, wonderful idea. I'm also making a quilt right now, but from squares.

gneissrock, United States of America

What a great idea!! I'm a quilter and never even considered asking for bits of fabric to help make a quilt. It turned out amazing :)

lburr_2000, United States of America

I love this so much! It makes me want to dig out the quilt I started about 2019 of thrifted Hawaiian shirts and finish it!!!

RMW, United States of America

I can see the piece I sent!!! Absolutely stunning craft and I'm just over the moon with joy that I am a part of it. I have received a few pieces of fabric myself from generous fellow Postcrossers but not enough yet for a quilt. I'm hoping I get more (and will happily send more) for a project in 2025.

3Meredyth, Australia


justicepirate, United States of America

As someone who loves to quilt, this is beautiful!!! Nice!! What a cool idea too.

Goli, Germany

Absolutely stunning. What a great idea and so perfectly done 🥰

civrob, United States of America

Beautiful! I agree with the others that a postcard should be made.

GrammieSuz, United States of America

I love this idea so much - I am a quilter too, you have a lot more patience than me however, ha ha. Beautiful work.

dorrapomidorra, United States of America

So much work, and such a stunning outcome! We need a postcard with this heart ❤️

scrabblebum, United States of America

I would love to send fabric for the next quilt!

bibliokate, Switzerland

How beautiful! What a wonderful tribute to this incredible community! Thank you for creating this collaborative artwork!

Donna_Vagabonda, Italy

I'm really proud for this great work! Few pieces of clothes are mine.
Fantastic Laridian!

Travelyso, United States of America

This is beautiful! What a great idea and way to commemorate the community of Postcrossing!
As a fellow quilter, I’d love to send you some fabric for your next project.

mounten, Italy

Love this, so beautiful, congratulation to you well done.

Ceres1849, United Kingdom

Fabulous Quilt, well done and congratulations, it's really beautiful.
If you need anymore scraps with pretty designs suitable for patchwork / quilting PM me...
Best wishes and Happy New Year, D

Pinkee, Canada

So beautiful. Working with your hands becomes a work of art and so up-lifting. Happy New Year.

rie-, Japan

So lovely!

Erdbeerpony, Germany

Wouldn't this heart be a perfect design for the 2025 WPD postcard?
So beautiful!

Demmi, Romania

So nice! Hard work!

myhillsidegarden, United States of America

This quilt is amazing. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us. Happy New Year!

Midcoast, United States of America

Beautiful and creative quilt! Well done ;)

RHodson, United States of America

I love this. What a great idea.

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