Postcards tell us stories. About their journey, their sender, their origin. Their photo can tell a lot about the place where they came from and the stamps can share some history about the country too. But they still hold potential to tell much more. Thinking of this, Anna and Tess Knoebel have started Abe’s Penny – a micro-magazine in postcard format.
Each monthly issue of Abe’s Penny has 4 postcards that together form an artistic narrative prepared by a photographer and writer. The themes are random and unexpected and each issue has new artists that prepare the photo for the postcard and the accompanying text.
All postcards are mailed to its subscribers at the rate of one per week and they accept subscribers from anywhere in the world.

If you would like to subscribe to Abe’s Penny micro-magazine or if you are just curious about it, be sure to check their website and their archive for the previous issues. Let us know what you think!
3 comments so far
What a cool idea! :)
I love the idea.
Congrats and I hope read more postcard micro-magazine :)
Very interesting! Wonderful idea. I read the archives. They really have great little stories. I particularily like the one about the music festival. It made me laugh.