Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Poll results: sending vs receiving?


Over the years, we have noticed that the favourite part of Postcrossing varies from postcrosser to postcrosser: some prefer the sending, others the receiving, and many love both. So, we thought a poll would be an interesting way to have an overview of these preferences.

Thus, without delay, here are the final results from 11369 votes.

poll favourite part

The winner is clearly that sending and receiving are both enjoyed equally! Or, perhaps, it is just hard to choose between one or the other. Making someone’s day with a surprise on their mailbox can be a lot of fun, but at the same time, being the one surprised can be pretty neat as well. So choosing between the two is not easy at all. Looking at just the sending and the receiving options, the receiving one seems to have the lead.

For this poll however, we wanted to go a bit further with the results. We know many of you love statistics, so we did some more digging into the data. We were curious to see if the preference between sending and receiving changes from country to country? Here’s what we found out from analysing the data from the countries with more than 50 votes.

First, the short answer: it does vary from country to country and by quite a bit! In many countries the preference is for the receiving (just like the global average shows), but there are exceptions too!

Starting with the countries which do prefer receiving to sending, these are the ones where the difference (sending vs receiving) is most expressive: Turkey (38% vs 5%), Taiwan (26% vs 6%), Portugal (29% vs 9%) and China (25% vs 5%).

However, we were surprised to find that there are also a few countries which do not follow the global average results and, in fact, actually prefer sending postcards than to receiving them! The top 5 countries where this happens: Australia (24% vs 11%), Japan (27% vs 14%), Austria (24% vs 11%), Canada (22% vs 13%) and Finland (21% vs 13%)!

It is important to note that, the clear winner on this poll, both globally and per country was the option in which both sending and receiving are both enjoyed equally! Still, for us it was interesting to find out these differences which the global results didn’t quite tell.

What about you — what did you vote and why? Leave a comment and let us know!


81 comments so far

pucky, Netherlands

I didn't know there was a poll.
I would have voted that I love sending the most of all! Just think about what would make the person happy and the joy when the hurray proves the choice was right is the best part!

Norway_girl, Norway

I voted "both".
I just love opening the mailbox and find postcards there! And sometimes my neighbours get to see my postcards as well, and they clearly enjoy looking at the postcards!
Until last lear we had mail delivery at Saturdays, and I do still sometimes walk to the mailbox at Saturdays, just to realize on my way there that the mailbox will certainly be empty!
But I also love sending postcards to others, trying to find the perfect postcard! It can certainly be challenging sometimes, but other times I happen to find what seems like the "perfect" card, and then it makes my day to receive a very happy thank you message.

akalle, Sweden

I voted both, but most I like to send. Ofcourse it's fun to recive the cards. But the think to pick addresses, read the profiles and choose cards, and in the end , get the thank you mail from the reciver.

amesjo, United States of America

I love sending more - if only postage wasn't so expensive!!!

emmahyuk, China

I voted for both sending and receiving, I think it's a path for me to makes friends and respect them.

myshadow, Canada

I voted for "sending" (Canada). Of course I like to receive cards, too. The "hurray" mails from happy people who got my card and liked it, just make my day. :)

Robert-in-Australia, Australia

I think we have to remember that sending, while very pleasant, has an unpleasant side for people in certain countries. I often travel to the Philippines on foreign aid work, and a postcard, plus an overseas postage stamp there costs about equal to 1/2 a day's wage to a shop assistant or waitress. Countries like where I am in Australia, well ?? true, .. the postage is dear enough, I have to admit that, .. but, compared to our wages, less so. I always carry that in mind when I get a postcard from a postcrosser from a 3rd world country, and spare a thought for what they had to do without, to post me that card .. I encourage other Postcrossers to do the same .

elagipsy, Netherlands

I voted for sending because I love decorating the cards with stickers, stamps and tapes in the interests of the receiver. Besides owning over 200 different cards I have 105 different stickersheets. Sometimes I feel like being addicted to PC😂

Jumu, Netherlands

Well, I joined Postcrossing because I wanted to receive postcards, but now, I think sending cards is just as much fun. So I voted 'both'.

Dharaniya, Sri Lanka

I didn't no that there was a pol. I would hv vote for both. When I'm thinking to write few words on the postcard to send I feel damn good. At the same time when I receive the post card also I feel very happy. When I see the different postcards I feel like I should search for such good cards to send.

mounten, Italy

I voted for "both". I do like sending because it's always a surprise witch address I get next. The other surprise is when I open my mailbox and I find a postcard in it it really makes my day and I can get to know the sender by reading the profile. So many creativ people around the globe it's just fantastic. Thank you all!!!

radiohead92, Germany

I have voted for "both" because I enjoy the two ways of postcrossing. The magic drawing mashine for sending- which country, city and human being is also doing postcrossing and perhaps why and the receiving part with the surprising moment everyday at the letterbox :D
Happy Postcrossing to everyone!
Jonas :)
P.S. The polls are a fantastic idea :)

Shipovnick, Russia

Добрый день всем!
I voted "both", but I like to send too! I love my native city very-very much, because I want to tell and show people all over the world, he's beautiful :)
But I'm also very interested to see the beauty of other cities and of nature in different countries, where I never visit, perhaps...
The idea of postcrossing is great! Cards with good wishes do not give to forget that in any country, among any people there are nice and kind people. Sending each other postcards, writing "happy postcrossing", we pass with it something good, I think.
And thanks for the poll, it was interesting!
Всем удачи и happy postcrossing!

Sommersprossen, Germany

Not surprised Japan enjoys sending, they are some of the nicest postcrossers who have gone way out of their way in the past to send me a beautifully written, gorgeous card. :)

Gerda-RD, Netherlands

I didn't know that there was a poll. I like it to send and receive. And it's a sport to find the right card for the right Postcrosser. In my wall I have the cards who I would like to receive as my favorites.

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Thank you for these results. Show us that both sides are really relevant.
Well, I voted for 'both'!
Just because this game is a double folded action.
But you are right, IF I would have to choose one side, it would be very hard.
Keep on with this kind of poll,pls.

leia_guimaraes, Brazil

I voted both. I like to send. I like to receive. I love sending and receiving letters and postcards!

TattooMom, Netherlands

I voted sending. Today I received a card with just my address and the ID-number on it, nothing else. That is clearly someone who only likes to receive (1000+) I guess. I wouldn't dare sending a card like that. I enjoy picking the one suitable card, decorating it and writing a personal meaningful message the most. Of course receiving is much fun also.

siobhan, Germany

I voted both because I enjoy both, but both can also be disappointing. Sending to someone with a picky profile is not much fun for me, if I have to assume the receiver won't be happy with what I send anyway because I simply do not have a card matching their very specific wishlist and they don't like anything I have to send. But receiving a nondescript postcard with just the ID and no real stamp doesn't exactly brighten my day either. Fortunately, these are exceptions (at least in their extreme forms), but it's not like either side of postcrossing is always 100 % joy. Receiving usually holds more surprises for me, so if I was forced to choose one option, I'd go with receiving.

I sometimes get the feeling that you are "supposed" to say sending, as that is the altruistic option and preferring receiving makes you sound selfish. But if noone liked receiving, what would be the point of sending? ;)

honeybee, Austria

I voted both. I love getting the addresses. It is always like Christmas, full of surprise. I love writing and decorating the cards, put nice stamps on them. And I also love receiving cards from all over the world.

plasma, Austria

I love sending out cards because I love to spread my countries values, culture, and ideals as far as possibly, and it's a great way to push my own political agenda on others. <3

martha66, Netherlands

I voted both because I love searching for the "right" postcard and receiving a lot of favorites. The only thing that disappoints me is when my card arrives and there is no comment with it, just a simple "thank you" would be o.k.

Karulek, Poland

I love sending postcards, but post cost so much :(

SannyMelon, Germany

this is kinda fun.
Maybe its also about the age?
My Son, 12 years for example loves to RECIEVE Cards..
while i (31),of course like to get cards but i also love to choose a card for some strangers and love to hear that they actually liked it*-*

EHW, Germany

I voted both. But it differs. If I have just nice or special cards and stamps it's more joy to send them. Some weeks ago I could send a boy in India, who likes elephants, a stamp with a picture of a funny elephant (for the Germans, an Ottifant) . that was more fun than the usual stamps. And often I see the the sender has thought about what I would like and has sent that. Such a card is also joy.

kalani, United States of America

I was fascinated by the results and was so grateful that you showed which countries prefer which method; that was very enlightening. I voted both, and it sort of depends on my inner mood as to which I start with on any given day. I am aware of the countries that are so war-torn that postcrossing is a distant dream, and aware of the huge price that some are paying compared to their wages; thank you Robert. I really try to send people cards they want; sometimes I'm just stumped, but each card is special to me

Knerq, United States of America

I voted both. Can't wait to see what the next poll will be!

mom22sons, United States of America

I like both. Sending because I really like to find the type of card that will make the receiving person happy. And receiving because I love to learn about other people and places. I enjoy researching the city and country that the sending person lives in. It makes me want to travel to all of the places that I am seeing on a postcard.

tokyomusings, Japan

I also was not aware there was a poll otherwise I would have answered.

I thought I would prefer receiving but I realized early on that I prefer sending as Japan has so many beautiful postcards that I want to send. Also, I've been buying beautiful old stamps at the antique markets and have loved sending those through. I'm currently sending out a beautiful stamp from 1973. Wish I could receive such stamps myself! I also like to write my postcards as if I were sending them to a family member, telling them about my day, etc.

On the receiving end I find myself often disappointed as I often receive electronic stamps, simple "happy postcrossing" messages with nothing else, or generic postcards that could have been sent to anyone. One postcard from China was just a postcard advertising their website! Rude!

But it does make the gems much more precious and when I get a beautiful card with stunning stamps and a personalized message, I'm very happy.

betslets, United States of America

After being a Postcrosser for several years, I find that sending just the right card to someone, and having them receive and acknowledge it as being special (without the card being lost or expired) has brought me the most joy.

However, I also love getting an unusual card ( which I identify as one with a great message from the sender, perhaps including a "story" of the card they send, and a card that offers something new for me to learn).

Each card I receive gets special attention...I may even research the subject especially if it is some thing, some place, or someone that I know nothing about. Some cards have led me to some great books which keep me occupied and entertained during our hot and humid summers. And some cards have created extended friendships with fellow Postcrossers.

Either way, I am proud to be part of the Postcrossing community.

kallini2042, Canada

I love both, but I voted "sending" and I thought I would be in a weird minority (my usual group). What surprised me the most, that my preference is aligned with that of my country, Canada. The worst thing Canadians are accused of is "being nice". I guess it's true, but there is nothing more joyful as to realize that my spirit is so Canadian. We are a nice minority proudly rubbing it in everyone's face (no, that's probably just me).

When you think of it, giving vs. receiving is the natural preference of people. It gives us more joy to give than receive. It's being said that we love those we take care of more than those who take care of us. Generally speaking, we love our children more than we love our parents.

Bowyum, Australia

I voted "sending" as on the whole I like the cards I send far more than the ones I receive to be honest, and after nearly four years of Postcrossing I am somewhat bored with the message "Happy Postcrossing - hope you like this card". I am of course delighted when some effort is put into a card I receive.

ChrisFoster, Russia

I voted "receiving" (though it might seem selfish), because I like reading other people's stories, get these warm greetings from different countries and cities, and it's just so pleasant, so much fun :) You get to see a glimpse of other life, and I like this feeling)
And although I like choosing a postcard to send, it's always difficult for me to find words to write, I feel like people might not like my message, and it makes sending not so enjoyable :(

topcloud, Kenya

I voted for "sending" because I am very happy to hear that most of postcrossers who received my card said it's their first card from Africa and they were very excited. "Hooray" emails make my day. Oh, I also love receiving, too.

devanshi8, Belgium

If I remember correctly I voted both. Its very hard to choose. I am new in this country and receiving postcards in my name with this address makes me feel very special. I love it when postcrossers take extra efforts to match their cards and messages to my preferences. Again, makes me feel special and I like repaying by doing to same. To carry forward such good acts to inspire others! It's a lovely project :)

Loppe, Finland

I would have voted for sending, if I had participated. I simply love to browse through all my lovely postcards (maybe 300 - 400?) and trying to pick the right one...

Also getting Hurray! messages is so exciting...You both read the thank you - message and can now send a new card ;)

But of course it´s nice to wait for the postman and see what´s in the mail...Sometimes you get such gorgeous cards.

METAAL100, Belgium

Me, I like to send postcards. And i love sending the right card to the right person. I try to send the type of postcard that the person asks for as much as possible. So i spend a lot of free time on flea-markets and second-hand stores looking for all kinds of cards and that makes it so much fun !

oeshine, Sweden

I hope more young person will like postcrssing!

DianeL, Canada

For me the pleasure is the same, sending or receiving. I recently moved from busy downtown Montreal to a suburb of Sherbrooke, in a country setting. The mail has to be picked up from mailboxes at the road. I am sure the postlady must be wondering who is this newcomer, as I have received many many lovely postcards in the past few weeks😃 ...

fourdogfarm, United States of America

I love to receive and send, but I get more pleasure sending a card. I love to select a card they might like, write a special note to them, and decorate the card with stamps and stickers. I feel like a piece of me is going out into the world to touch someone!

patrycja_k, United States of America

That's actually pretty interesting... personally I love both I love when I get a new address to send it to and it ends up being a new country. I also love the fact that when I open up my mail box I get a new postcard. They make my day.

Flippie, Canada

I love both, because if you send it nice to receive.
I don't like the post-crossers how are not so active. Some post-crossers are not active for 7 months!!!! of course our cards are expiring!!!! so sad for finding to right cards and paying for stamps and than expired, because the receiver is not so active!!!

Kleine_Liebe, Germany

I love statistics and I loved this poll.
Although I really like receiving postcards (seriously, who doesn't?), I do enjoy sending more.
As someone here said before, I also think, that it has to do with age. The younger people on Postcrossing might enjoy receiving cards far more than sending them. In addition, most people starting Postcrossing probably got here, because they wanted to get anything other than bills and spam in their mailboxes. After time it just changes, I guess. I certainly love sending more. Not only on Postcrossing, but also when I'm on vacation, I always loved sending postcards to all my friends and family, although I rarely ever got cards myself. And that's not due to lack of travelling!
I even send cards to my best friend, who lives about 500 m away from me. I actually drop those cards off at the postoffice instead of her mailbox (sure, it's also due to the fact, that a stamp isn't that expensive in Germany). Since she's studying for a huge exam right now, I send her weekly "You got to study, but keep in mind we are going on vacation soon!"-cards. It's hilarious. On one of her studybreaks, she brought me a piece of cake and a letter saying "I don't have cute postcards, but I have cake."
Last year, for example, before I started to postcross again, I was in Lichtenstein for one day and I wrote about 20 postcards to everyone, just because it was Lichtenstein and it was so much fun!
I love how the Canadian cliché shows in this poll. Canadians are the nicest people I have ever met!

SnowApple, United States of America

I love both, but i picked sending on the poll. To me, it's like choosing a gift for someone, yet it's far less stressful and less expensive. I also love sharing the nature and beauty in my own little corner of the world.

However, I love opening the mailbox and finding pieces of other users' own little corners of the world as well. :-) I enjoy learning about other cultures and having the people who live there describing it and their daily lives.

Happy postcrossing!

foysalratul, Bangladesh

I love receiving the cards, when I receive a beautiful card with some personal text from the sender and the amazing stamps, it really brightens my day. That's why I voted "Receiving"

Isabella1978, Netherlands

I enjoy sending more because I like the challenge to find a card that will make that particular member happy.
If a member has several preferences, I scroll through their wall and aim to send them the one postcard theme they have received least.

tulipan7, Croatia

i started postcrossing because i've always enjoyed receiving postcards and discovering new places, unknown art, unfamiliar costumes or customs etc that way...
now, i voted sending because through years, i discovered i like trying to bring equal joy to the others...
what i don't like is when my joy in finding 'the perfect card' is met with silence or simple 'thanks' when the card reaches the recipient - maybe i judge too hard, maybe the cards they write have only short messages like 'happy postcrossing' but i use all the available space and when i receive only 'thank you' or nothing at all in return, i have a feeling no one even bothered to read what i wrote... that makes me sad because new postcard in my collection is nice but contact with unknown person from far or near country, for a brief moment in our lives, i think, is precious... as famous ad says, postcard is fine but that contact is priceless...

shieru, Russia

I chose sending because sending a card is always a creative way to express myself to other people (along with the postcard itself!..). I put bright or interesting stamps, stickers, tapes, maybe add some drawings, rubber stamps and so on... It's always amazing when the receivers write me nice "thank you" messages, but if they don't write anything... maybe they've lost words, who knows! :)

specalade, United States of America

I love both but enjoy sending more. My first few I just sent whatever postcard I had on hand, and didn't know what to write. But after sending a few cards and some postcard purchases I am enjoying picking a thoughtful card for the person. I wish I could write more cards, my cards are taking a long time to be received and I keep checking like an obsessed person!

iphoto, Australia

G'day 🤗 I'm from "Down Under" that's Australia for those not used to our slang!
I sadly missed the poll ... But found the stats to be of my way of thinking❣

Why you ask? There is no better way to spend an arvo than receiving new senders, to find the closest you have to their Wishlist or faves request with a postcard that you hope will give them a sm:)e or giggle when they open their mailbox at the other end. Once the all important postcard is selected, then you have the stamps to choose 😉 as crucial as the postcard ... Don't you think? This I do over several mugs of coffee ☕️! When possible sitting in the sun 🌞
Never in a rush - I ensure each postcard is as I would like to receive myself 💚🌿
This being said ... Nothing makes me smile more than finding a postcard in our P.O.Box. Something my treasure & I can share together 💌

iphoto, Australia

I'll quickly add ... The best bit about sending is when you turn your computer on - little message comes up "HURRAY" your postcard has arrived at its destination. I can't wait to see what they write and think!
Yeah I know ... You think I don't get out much hahaha No just 💌Postcrossing 👍🏻

melilot, France

I prefer sending... Choosing a postcard, trying to remember if I have a postcard that fits the tastes of the recipient (but where have I put this one ? as my sorting can be erratic or nonsensical sometimes) and sometimes (not often) even the stamp that goes with it! Finding something interesting in the profile: oh yeah I will tell him/her about this little anecdote... And the hooray message that I receive most of the time on my phone, while I'm on the tube or in the supermarket or outside the house, I love that! But I also enjoy receiving, being delighted by the special effort somebody did to make me happy, then I will send a looong thank you message, and will find a little anecdote (good sign the anecdote, I've been touched and it makes me talkative, well even more than usual I mean ha ha). It's all about emotion, love that.

melilot, France

hurray, sorry. Here we say hourra so it was a mix :)

franciscojclima, Portugal

I voted "send" but as time goes by the quality of received postcards increased and that made me more sensitive to my latest postcards that I received. Sending postcards is also a way of putting my energy and love towards my next and that makes me happy and glad.

natuurliefhebber, Belgium

I voted send because that's the beautiful part of a hobby, make time to find cards to make people happy, it's a pleasure to read the profile and send the right card :) But I received awesome naturecards and cards with hartwarming words ... Thank you all!

hmthompson, United States of America

Eight years of Postcrossing finds me very close to attaining 10,000 postcards sent and received. Both sending and receiving are imbued with significant pleasures. To choose one over the other would compare to asking which of my two sons I love more. Impossible. Each card I send is a small gift from me to the recipient. Each card I receive is a small treasure. Failing to make a comment when registering a postcard is profoundly rude and I admit that it hurts my feelings.

Gogge1, Denmark

Didn't know there was a Pol either. But I would have voted for both. Just sad that the postal rates here in DK are so high. Arround 3,45 Euro. for one card.

PiotrKrylov, Russia

I like both and I voted both. However, I do not think that preferences like send/receive seriously depend on the country. I suppose that they are more age and social dependent. The members of postcrossing community are so different! I am 62, I live in St Petersburg, Russia, where I can easily find a lot of nice and cheap postcards on various topics; to send several postcards per week is not a financial problem for me. But when I imagine a 14 y.o. girl from Russian (Spanish, Indian, Colombian, Chinese, etc.) village, the case is a bit different. Of course, she hopes to receive a lot of wonderful cards from all over the world, though to find, to bye and send a proper card may be not so easy for her. We should not forget about this.

cmdanne, United States of America

I prefer sending, helping to make a profound difference in someone's day is great. Also getting to know the different regions of the world.I like receiving so that I can create scrapbooks and journals.

Rapunzel7, United States of America

I find it interesting from a socialogical standpoint that the majority of the responders commenting believe that "sending" or "both" is viewed as the most preferred, or unselfish answer. I wonder why "receiving" is viewed as negative. I suppose everyone might give it some thought. What do you yourselves do with the card when you receive it? It's hardly like preparing a holiday gift. Just a thought.

fanny0051, France

hello! I voted and I've voted for prefer receiving => beacause it's everytime a surprise in a mailbox : the postcard, the country which it come from, te message, the stamp...
A little postcard but a big surprise!

sheelah, Netherlands

I didn't know there was a poll, but I would have voted both. I like sending cards and I like receiving cards.

butterflycard, Malaysia

Actually while both sending and receiving are good it is the sending that has more impact.It is also a belief in a certain religion. Postcrossing is not only about also about postage stamps and people.There are even some type of haters on this site which is really scary.These people hate people but like only things close to their heart and mind.Details if anyone asks me.Back to the site, this is a great invention much like the Bicycle.....Postcrossing should be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for bringing many people together.All schools and colleges should have one postcrossing account!

hiphophater, Netherlands

I actually like the receiving bit best. For personal reasons, I find writing cards quite difficult sometimes. Surely I'm not the only one..?

tanyareed, Canada

I voted "sending". The most fun part of Postcrossing for me is matching a card to a profile. I just love trying to figure out which of my cards the receiver will like the most. Of course, I love receiving, too. It's like Christmas every day! :)

April_ka, Russia

I like both . Even send to please someone like a little bit more . Saddens me more : I sent a lot to Germany , Netherlands , China , Ukraine and it's bad . I want to please those who live far away , I want to send to the countries of South America , Africa , Australia , Hungary , Bulgaria , Macedonia , Greece , Cyprus , Slovenia , Slovakia , Macedonia ...

tandrj, United Kingdom

Personally, I prefer the sending part. The possibility that a postcard that I love would somehow find a home with another person across the planet who'd appreciate it, too, is for me very fulfilling.

As for the rest of my family, I think they love the receiving part more, for they are very curious people. My husband, a very private and introverted person, appreciates the glimpses of daily life that Postcrossers share of themselves. Our children love the direct connections about the things they otherwise learn only in their textbooks.

lpresley, United States of America

I didn't see the poll before it ended, but I would have voted both. I love receiving postcards from all around the world. I also love picking out a postcard, writing a message that I hope will be interesting to the reader and finally, sending it on its way to its new owner.

AgungSMn, Indonesia

I love both

Gaspara, Italy

sure I love both! a card in my box it's a so nice thing! but also to look for a card in my friends wishes is a wonderful thing!

Mosshumla, Sweden

I love both. Which I enjoy most is changing on a daily basis. Today it's "sending". Why? Swedish Post isn't working on saturdays, so I won't receive any cards today.
Yesterday it was "receiving", as I found no less than 10 postcards - official and swaps - in my letterbox. The reading, writing thank you-notes, scanning and googling about the images took so long, that I didn't have time to send any cards.
The day before yesterday was a "sending" day again - the new autumn stamps had been issued that day, and I went to Stockholm's Post Museum to buy a bunch of them, use most of them immediately and get my cards stamped with a First Day Cancellation.
So impossible to decide which one I like most.

moonlessnite, Canada

The results are not accurate. There never should have been an option of "both". This poll doesn't measure whether people prefer to SEND or RECEIVE. I picked sending.

melilot, France

It's nice to see all the people and the various opinions written here.

But really I wonder, why on earth all those persons don't go on the forum and comment more often ?

Another thing is : it would be very good in my opinion if we could, on this blog, answer to the messages (under the messages) to increase the interactivity and react to the various experiences the persons have chosen to share. I know it may make the comments more difficult to read but to increase interactivity, there's nothing better.

And I agree with moonlessnite, choice may be hard, but sometimes it's clerear :)

chrissiestott, United Kingdom

One of my favourite things about Postcrossing, which was not included in this poll, is reading the lovely thank you messages people write when they receive their postcard. Such a warm feeling inside to hear how happy you have made somebody :-)

Subroto, India

I love to both send postcards and receive them.

alcott1, United States of America

I signed up for Postcrossing because I wanted to receive postcards, but soon found that sending them was such a joy--searching for great postcards (hard to do in the USA) and choosing the perfect card to send. So--
I enjoy SENDING them more than receiving them.


As it is not strange, still send.

malluadesta, Indonesia

I love both! Life is about take and give :) I love to send since I can share my story of my postcard and of course I'm always overjoyed every time I receive any postcards.

Shreysharma, India


katherinepw, Indonesia

both. i love to sent and i love to receive. especially with the unique stamp

Barbiesoup, United States of America

Both of course or else I wouldn't be participating. Sending is very satisfying because it lets you be creative and happy and receiving;lets you feel the happiness that you bestow on others.


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