Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Cats checking the mail!


We saw this delightful video on Ilona’s (aka MissiveMaven)'s blog and just had to share it. Hurray for cats and mail!

Now wasn’t that a 13-minute break well spent? 🐈 📮!

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22 comments so far

myshadow, Canada

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Great to see so many animal loving mailmen and women. And some of the cats are hilarious. ;)

Ekaterina_zp, Ukraine

Некоторые коты ведут себя как собаки. ))) Очень милая подборка видео. Спасибо

ned44440, Ireland

Wonderful video. It is amazing what cats 🐱 and dogs 🐶 (and other animals) can get up to. 😀

Jacque53, United States of America

Very cute!! ❤️🐈

JasonZhou, Hungary

What a lovely cat!Thanks for sharing!☺️

Amanda5417, Australia

I bet some of those posties wouldn't find those cats quite so funny if they weren't behind glass! I know ours would jump out of the bushes and latch onto a postie's leg if we got out post delivered!

beesknees, United States of America

Love cat videos!

lis459, Japan

I love cats!

Shafath_Ahmed_R, India

Animals checking mail! It's just amazing:):):):)

SilviaRegina, Brazil

It woudn't be good for postcards!!!!
My cats would hide from the postmen!!! These ones are very "friendly"!

EmineAleyna, Türkiye

Smart and cute cats! Love them :)

anna_darts, Argentina

Thank you! Interesting to see so different reactions :) I want to test my cat now :)

MissiveMaven, United States of America

Thanks for the shout-out! I <3 this video so much...

Geminiscp, Portugal

LOL!!!!!!!! :)

eddie11, Taiwan

very cute!!

MommyAndRowan, Netherlands

I wish I was greeted like that by a cat when I'm bringing the mail haha. So far only barking dogs and kitty claws snatching the mail through the door. Occasionally a cat that walks a few blocks with me.

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Postmen/women seem to have even more than animals fun teasing cats! Not a bad job.

EHW, Germany

cute, funny (mail)cats. Thank you for sharing.

Elfmaiden687, United States of America

At my house, everyone has a cardboard mailbox with their name on it by the front door, to prevent mail from just piling up on the kitchen table. The only interest our cats have shown in the mail is to shove these mailboxes out of their way when they want to look out the window… I'm glad to see other cats enjoy mail much more than they do!

Copperplate, United Kingdom

My cat tends to wake up when she hears the postman, but only to give him a dirty look before she turns over and goes back to sleep. :)

StampedwithaK, United States of America

I watched this video with my dog - she loves kitties and didn't turn away for a second! :-D

BridgetDG, Canada

What a great video! You are right the best part of my day so far! Thanks so much!


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