Back in 2005, when Postcrossing was about to be launched, a logo wasn’t on top of our priorities… To tell the truth, we just wanted to get it done so that we could open the website, invite our friends to join, and get some postcards going! :) So we quickly drafted something on an image editor with our meager design skills, and moved on to more important things: actually sending some postcards and testing the website.
Of course, this was a time at which we couldn’t imagine the project would ever grow so big… so when people outside of our circle of friends started joining, and the media picked up on it, they caught us unprepared… As time passed, our priorities quickly shifted to solving problems and keeping the website running.
But over the years, we felt the need for something a bit more professional, something that would implicitly show the essence of the project… and something that we could brag about too! And so last year, we enlisted the help of our friend and designer Maria Nogueira, with the mission to create a fresh new logo for Postcrossing. She tinkered with many ideas for some months, being ever patient with our hesitation and obsessive adjustments… And now, we’re pleased to share with you the result from this collaboration:

We love the new logo, and feel that it really says something about the project! We hope you like it too. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Update: Hi guys! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and letting us know what you think – we do appreciate all the feedback, and it’s nice to see that you care and feel passionate about the project. We are listening and taking notes.
We think it’s too soon to judge whether or not the logo is good. Let’s give it some time, and a fair chance to sink in, to see how it works.
405 comments so far
Well done - I like it.
So nice, colourful and perky.
It´s so modern.The look of the old Logo was much better.
Oooops, what is this? Why did you change it? Hhhmmm. I need time to love it...
I liked the old one better.... :S I dont know but I think this looks kinda unprepared.
I like it.
I think it doesn´t fit to the site. and to be honest, it reminds me of cirus... But maybe after a bit of time it´s normal to see it :)
Not bad, but, to be honest, I find the new tint of blue quite disturbing, especially on the forum, because it is on the one hand too bright but gives too little contrast on the other hand - it is simply hard to read.
Very unusual. I like the idea of the "stamp" design but to be honest, also liked the old one better.
I liked the old one better. Besides, this one somehow reminds me of the US flag and Postcrossing is a universal project, right?
Hmmm, in my humble opinion, it looks a bit childish. But I'll get used to it. :)
I like the new design as well! :)
Wow, the new one took me by surprise; I thought it was a birthday until I read further. I do like the old one but I don't mind this new one however, it'll take some getting used to. I think the stamp idea is very clever but I wish the letters within the stamps were lined up horizontally with the top and bottom but perhaps that's a little anal.
nope, old one was better :c
the old one was better but I guess we'll get used to the new one
I love the new logo! :)
I love it! It's a refreshing change. I'm not too big on the color scheme, though.
I appreciate the hard work to design the new one. But the new design does not look sophisticated and unique.... Images of real stamps or postage chops are very nice ideas to add, similar to the old one.
hmmm... looks like a site for stamp collectors now...
and a bit like carnival...
I like it it is happy and upbeat!
Ehhh. Looks very childish, like letter blocks to play with.
The old one was much better - This one looks like a first attempt. Not very imaginative.
It looks like stamps or postcards....
I like the old one better, this looks like there is a baby on the way with the hot pink and blue. If it was in other colors it may be okay but even then I believe it looks childish. The site should represent the world, and all different countries
I liked the old one better. The red + blue color combination is not so good for my eyes, it makes the letters go dancing on my screen, if you understand what I mean ^_^'
I miss the old one...
to be honest it's sooo ugly and looks so commonly. the old one was much better
:( It's fanny,but I ♥ old emblem
I liked the old one, and also I'm the kind of people who needs time to adjust to think I'll wait before pronouncing about the new one ;)
I think I prefer the old one, but I always need time for something new...
Yes, I also like the old one.
I like the new logo, but the color of the url's at the forum, seems to be pretty "light" in contrast with the white background.
It is nice, but I miss the card-design of before! And maybe the blue is a bit to blue?
I agree with Lovesworthit. I prefer the old logo!
Honestly, it looks like a Birthday banner for a kid's party. The other logo was much better showcasing various postcards. The font, colors etc. -- that was a nice simple & recognizable logo. But if you're looking for something new, why not have an airplane traveling through the globe and dropping off postcards to awaiting citizens down below? This could be done in Flash etc.
Simple and stylish, allthough I do miss the pictures of real stamps.
Happily the towards a greener hobby tree stamp is still pictured.
If possible can you change this only stamp from towards a greener hobby into an other one? And then more regulary, say change every two or three weeks in an environmentaly friendly stamp. Maybe nice idea to open a topic on the forum where members can suggest their favourite stamp for this (
About the colours blue and red, those are very carefully choosen. Not the babyblue and babypinkish from the past, but more into the here and now (but if I read this back some years later this is the past hahaha).
Maybe you can use them both from time to time!
what about a large letter type with pics of different countries in the letters. If you put it at angles like this one ...
it will all fit nicely. Then underneath you could write: The Postcard Project
just a thought
Old one was much better! But if there is no choice of course everyone will get used to this one... hm.
Sorry, but I don't like(
old one was better, hope you'll return it back.
The old logo was much nicer, and I feel that it illustrated the essence and mission of Postcrossing much better. And this new colour scheme... it's boring :-\
Honestly? The old one was way better. Actually, this one looks like a very very quick draft from a random stranger you picked up on the street, not a talented designer. The old one looked a lot more developed and professional. This one is just childish. :-/
Well, to be honest, I much preferred the old one. This one is too... noticeable maybe?
Looks a bit boring, the old one was more lively. And the designer really needed months for it?
Like anything else it needs to grow on people I think. It is clean, modern, and simple. I did like the old one. It is familiar....
I liked more the old one, but as it was said above, perhaps I just need time to love it...
I like it)
I don't know...... Maybe we can put some other colours instead of only blue and red! Lucky stamps are not only blue and red!!!! But I think that i will miss the old one...... :(
I opened a topic about the Towards a greener hobby stamp
on the forum
What a lot of comments! We all are like familymembers of postcrossing and are realy concerened / empathising.
superb ! love it !
I think too, it feei like national flag of USA or French.
I like these country, but, I don't agree this color.
Especially, Red is improper, I think.
Some people cannot see red color.
It is not accessibility.
But, I think design is better, stamps or cards.
A new logo is lovely. I like it, though the former logo was also good locking. :)
I also liked the old one better... It was more dynamic, more related to the postcard crossing project, easier to read - easier to identify...
What a nice surprise when I logged in!
I love! ;)
It certainly catches the eye, like all things new we'll get used to it. It caught me unawares but it's not bad. I don't agree that it looks American because of the colours, lots of countries have red, white and blue in their flag. Great Britain does, we won't think the new logo is just for us.
I do not like the new logo. Because I feel anxiety when I look at it. It's like coloring of bees. Only red and blue.
It is good, especially for Christmas or child resource. But for the serious world-favorite site it is not professional.
It looks really nice - for first graders when they learn the letters. The old one was better.
I fear, people who takes the first view to Postcrossing believe they are on a kidspage.
I think at the end of the day, it is difficult to please everyone. To each his/her own and it can be subjective but lets not all forget that whatever the logo looks like, the very essence of this beautiful hobby is still there: that is postcard exchange from all over the world, from people you do not know!
Love it! (Not just saying that either!)
I suggest to declare the world contest logo among all posrcrossers. Indeed, among us there are many professional designers and artists.
I'm agree with Titvi. It should include a wide range of colors, not only red and blue. It was a good idea to include the stamps-shape on it, but it should be more related to postcards, to look more international. You should consider postcrosser's ideas as well.
I really like it! :) Nice and colourfull!
I like it. It reminds me of something. I'll have to think about what. Nice job!
The old one was better...
Maybe it will grow on me. I agree with the "circus" feel.
I never liked the old logo, so I'm happy for a change, and I like the new matching shade of blue on the sidebar as well. I like the design of the new logo a lot, but I'm not sure how I feel about the colors. I like the way they look, but I agree with other posters that they don't feel very universal. Overall, though, it's very nice!
I like the old one better, this seems too circus- or birthday-like to me. And the shade of blue is eye-unfriendly.
I wish you went back to the old one. I would feel more comfortable making a postcrossing presentation to teenage and adult students - this one looks a little childish,
sorry :(
I like the stamp feel to it, but I believe it doesn't fit the site color palette.
Maybe if you added some more of the pinkish color around the site the whole thing would look better?
Look at Flickr site (same colors).
I thought it was someone's birthday when I first saw it...
Well, I am not too happy with it either.
I agree, it looks like a child did it. A bit more "grown up" would be better.
Just my humble opinion!
It seems a bit crowded... Why not keep the first four letters "Post" with the stamp background for each letter (essentially unchanged) and "Crossing" without background and with a slightly different font or font size?
On the other hand, the mini-logo with just the slanted P with and pink stamp background looks absolutely fantastic.
In my opinion this logo is nice and could be great for other, more "funny" (or something like that) side. The old one presented itself better and even it fitted more for this side.
Besides, without "Postcard project" it lost a lot. Looking at new logo, my first thought is about stamps. Shouldn't be about postcards?
The old one was better.
I would of liked to have a vote in maybe showing several different logos or havr it stay the same. I know none of us own this site but we are what make this site what it is and I would of liked I have a poll/vote on logo changes. With that said I am not a fan of this logo :(
Looks kind of childish to me. Like something I'd expect to see on a kids' website (like Toys-R-Us). Hard to believe someone spent months coming up with that.
Please change on the forum blue color in less tranquil... Very bright, I want to tear my eyes.
Yes, forgot to say that I really miss "the postcard project"
What a surprise when I logged in! I don't want to join a 'side' but I love the new and I love the old logo. (I am here for the postcards not the logo) : )
Two thumbs up! I logged in and was immediately charmed by the new logo. VAST improvement!
Of course, like everything in life is changing a LOGO. And the former was by no means a graphical highlight and could have done with an expert, gentle refresher well determined.
The magnificent world acting postcrossing idea had been queuing an elegant and taste-graphical solution well.
My current impression: the circus is in town. And unfortunately, not Barnum and Bailey, with the three arenas, but a very small circus with donkeys and goats as the main attraction.
As set also associations like "washing on the line" or "flagged chains" on Used Car Dealer yards.
Anyone with help of the Word program can “lay out" available fonts and some graphical gimmicks.
This has in this case not led to a typographic quality improvement.
Pity about the missed opportunity.
Just one more thing, maybe the "crossing" bit could use a different typeface, something related to transportation, road/airport/train signs or indications. Something that conveys a sensation of movement or travel.
The old one looks better to me!
But in two or three days I like the new one, too! :-)
And the most importent thing is to write postcards and to get some.
I love postcrossing!
Do not be angry but
it reminds me of children's birthday.
Also, the small logo in the bookmarks looks like the Philadelphia Phillies "P". I hope whoever edits the site sees these comments, and notices it's just bad.
I don't like that the direction of the letters is different from the line of the stamps - looks not very professional...
Why fix something that isn't broken? I loved the old logo. The new one hasn't achieved the "professional" look you thought you needed. We can get used to anything, but why??????
I like the new logo with the stamp design and the bright colours. It´s "fresh"....
Really, I could have done this new logo within a few hours, not months :-(
Really don't like t at all and it surely does look more like a birthday banner.
I miss the old Logo ;( I don't like the new one at all. I feel deceived and deprived of 'my old Postcrossing'. After 7 years of being here I feel disappointed by the changes.
Also need to say I liked the old one better.
I like the idea of the stamp design. But overall, I liked the old logo better. The new one looks a little bit too childish to me to be honest. But I guess I'll get used to it if I have to ;). However, I also find the shade of blue very hard to read so I'd be happy if the shade (or colour) could be changed.
I don't like it, the old one was better ....
I'm a designer and I have to say it's very bad, truly childish and uninspired. The old one was much better. I'm sure many professional designers would have loved to send other logos and maybe they could have been on poll.
I like it!
I don't like this new logo. It gives me a feeling this is all about stamps, not postcards. Please put the old one back:-(
No, no, no!((((
Thumbs down. It looks like a circus site. It is not very polished. What was wrong with the old one?
it's wasn't broken, so it didn't need fixing. Bring the old one back please! ;)
Terrible. In your face. Annoying.
Sorry but it looks like a banner from a kids party. Not done by a professional designer.
Oh my ... I find it quite circus like.
Too much "in your face".
I find it the opposite of modern.
So very sorry but I can not lie =-(
The alternating bright colors is really not nice imho.
The red is so ...strange (and ugly)
If I look at it this logo too long I even get a little dizzy haha O_O
Sorry =-(
Unfortunately new logo is bad like my English =(
Colors are very bright, especially on forum. And postcrossing means "postcard crossing". But where are postcards on the logo? There are stamps only...
Of course this isn`t the biggest problem on my life. I still like postcrossing. But previous logo and previous colors was better.
I think the old one was better than this, but it is a question of getting used to it. And a logo is actually just a detail for me. What is really important is the objective of Postcrossing project: exchanging postcards and making friends!!!
I'd prefer the old logo, too.
And the bright colours at the forum are a bit exhausting for my eyes, but I probably can change that on my display, I hope...
I am sure someone took time to design this new logo. But I don't like it, it actually looks like it has been made in a hurry. Too simple, not exciting.Maybe a good idea for a contest? Let us send in ideas for a new logo!
I really liked old logo. This one is nice, but too simple, I was accustomed to the elder one.
The old was better. Farewell.
I started scrapbooking back in 1999, and the logo reminds me of the stickers-on-punched-out-paper-shapes that were modern back then.
I mean no offense to the designer, it just does NOT look new OR fresh to me...It seems blaah and boring and much less professional than the old one.
The colors don't BOTHER me, but they aren't anything special to me, either...
And like others have already mentioned: if the stamp that the letter is on is slanted, then the letter ON the stamp should be slanted,too. The horizontal letters on the angled stamps looks - well, OFF...
I would have tried to combine the modern (we are in the www here) with the old (writing and mailing postcards)aspects of this hobby.
I would have possibly picked more neutral colors, maybe a font that portrays motion (or old handwriting, or typewriter...), and possibly some eye-catchers like postal cancellation or an ink stain...The postal cancellation mark could read the date of postcrossing's start.
The logo could look like the back of a postcard, adressed to:
the postcrossing project
with stamps, cancellations etc.
It's always easy to criticise, I know...but you did ask what we thought, and I think with around 300000 members we could have come up with something better, more fitting, than this....
Wow! When I logged in and saw the new logo, I wondered what happened. It looked like quilt squares to me. Please bring back the old one....much better!
Like many others I was surprised to see the new logo. I am one who believes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". We all are here for the postcrossing experience itself so the logo should not really matter but it seems many (including me) were happy with the old one. If a change was needed to refresh the look of the site or be more up to date, it would have been nice to have had a contest for everyone to contribute their ideas and then vote on the top dozen or so.
Not to crazy about it...but I like someone's suggestion of a contest to design a has to appeal to all countries...prefer the old one.
Sorry, but I think that previous was much better! :(
I like's playful! Different!
I have to be honest and say I liked the other one better, but it is a nice effort!
The old one was better guys! This one doesn't look professional, it looks varsity, wrong colours for the site, postcrossing is too long to be in the logo this way, and I couldn't tell they were postage stamp shaped until I zoomed in. The old one was on the right track, you want to evoke travel, stamps, postmarks and postcards...this new one misses the theme almost entirely.
I think I like it but I think I get used to it.
I like the idea with the stamp shaped letters. But the color is a little bit to much for me. I like it more decent.
Bello!!! Mi piace!!!
I like the old one, the new logo looks like im not in the Real Postcrossing site. oh well, I'll get used to it...
Sorry, I don´t like it! I miss the old one. Awful colors.
But I try to look away.
I like the old one better. This looks more like stamps than postcards.
I love that you are always trying to improve things. Great idea!
Sorry, I prefer the old one.
Now, I miss "the postcard crossing project". The direction of the letters is not compatible with the direction of the stamps. The new colours are so bright. I like the "old" blue much better than the new one.
By the way: The red P next to "http" looks like a stamp-site (p for philately). The "old postcard" symbol looks much better to me.
I think there is no need to change the logo. But I hope I will get used to the new one after some time.
Colourful, different and creative! Nice job! I like it!
This is nice, but I like the old logo. There's nothing fresh about it, no offense. My first thought was it looked like a stamp-swap site, not a postcard-swap site. :( There should have been a poll.
Like several others have mentioned, I think that if you want to update the logo you should indeed have a contest. We are so many creative people, from all places around the earth..there would be many brilliant ideas, I'm sure of it.
The new logo is bold..but it's too much. It's not very 'user-friendly' or subtle. I hope you consider going back to the old one or letting users send in ideas for a contest ;)
and thank you so much for postcrossing! whatever happens I'll still love it
Second look: A mixture of Clown doctors and Ronald Mac Donald?
I disagree that it looks American (it's the wrong shade of red, and there's no white :P), but I agree that I don't like it. It doesn't do a good job of representing the essence of Postcrossing, and it isn't aesthetically pleasing, either. It certainly doesn't look like something that a professional took months to design. I'm quite surprised that this design was chosen, and I hope that it is replaced with a better one soon.
I liked the old one better :(
The old one was very nice for me. But I'm realizing just now this new format suits the formule, despite the colors are as an american flag... Just put some more colors on it. Green is important.
I'm another one who prefers the old logo.
Remember when Coca Cola tried to be modern like Pepsi?
It didn't work and they brought back "classic coke" after discovering that they had made a mistake. People liked their Coca Cola just as it was. I think the same applies to this situation. The old logo is good. I joined Postcrossing because of the concept and the appearance of the site made it very enjoyable to spend hours looking thought postcrossing. The new colors don't show up well on my screen and I have to look away.
Please, please bring back our old logo!
Makes me think of a circus, not postcards.
I agree with many in that the old one was better. I thought circus too. Sorry.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but I definately prefer the original logo. This one is simplistic, boring and has no personality.....sounds like my last blind-date.
Great joke!
Nice logo. Wow it is very hard to please everyone.
I haven't been a member long but I do like the new logo. Quite honestly, I don't even remember the old logo. This one caught my eye immediately and is simple as a logo should be. Unique and easy to associate with your site and will translate well from small (postcards and letterhead) to medium (t-shirts) to large (billboards). Well done.
I miss the old logo very much, it's simple yet very original & representative (love the blurred postmark at the background). The new one is too... bold & fancy & lose the essence of Postcrossing. A contest is definitely a good idea. I don't feel at home with this new design... *sigh*
I think it appears childish and unsophisticated. Why the circus banners ? At least incorporate flags of many nations in logo. Logo appears to be announcing a child's birthday party. Meh !!!!
I noticed it! :) fresh looks, but would be much better if done in colorful - for the p.o.s.t.c.r.o.s.s.i.n.g ( instead of just red and blue all the way:-).. anyway i love postcrossing very much:)
a bit more professional??? oh no!! the old one was much more professional.. as many of us mentioned here above, it should be matching to our dear postcrossing.. not like a children's b-day-party...what a pity of a missing opportunity.. even you could made a competition amoung the users for a new logo.. I'd be sure, the result could be much more better.....
Very lovely and pleasant colours for eyes I just found at Forum)))) Thank you)))))
I like it!!! ;)
Hmm. Interesting to read all the comments. I'm surprised by the very strongly worded comments, bordering on rude! I agree with crazyaboutpostcard that it's not so much the logo that matters but that this is a great project run by people who are supremely dedicated and passionate about the cause. The fact that they care about the look of the site and have really put time and effort into improving things overall, most of which we normal users can't even see, is the point here. This is a free site run by people who volunteer countless hours without pay, so I think the personal comments are rather unnecessary. Of course we are entitled to our opinions, but I'm thinking about the amount of time a contest would have taken to oversee. Thousands and thousands of hours to read everyone's comments and slowly narrow it down, and to deal with all the people who would be mortally offended that their design wasn't chosen.... That would be a huge disaster.
I personally like it. In a world full of internet sites vying for attention, this logo certainly stands out more. I am on a mac/firefox, and the "P" logo on my browser toolbar looks suspiciously like the "P" (but blue). Otherwise, I think its cheerful and bold and I appreciate all the effort put into it. I also like the new shade of blue on the main site and the forum!
Would it be possible to have two themes for the site, which each individual user could choose to use in their settings? That's the only solution I can think of to keep everyone happy, but I don't know how much work/space/time that would take and how viable that idea is. Just throwing it out there!
Thanks for everything, Postcrossing!
From my 4-year-old daughter's point of view, the new logo is very colorful & vivid.
Need time to get used to it as old version has been with me 5 years. I must big congrats to postcrossing for this big change :)
I agree with those who said that there should have been a contest and vote regarding designs for a potential new logo. This one is ill-advised, to say the least. Had there been a contest, it could have generated many designs that are more visually pleasing than either the old design or the current one.
I also thought it was surprising that so many people think the colors are American. There are many countries whose national colors are red, white, and blue. Red and blue are also two primary colors. But it seems that the U.S. has dominated in giving the impression that these are "American colors"? I think blue and red are classic, but these particular tints are too bright. Perhaps consider darkening them.
wow, lots of opinions! i like it :)
i like the old logo better, the new one needs getting use to. it reminds me of cross stitching i don't know why.
Please return the forum's navy blue. It looks like if I'm blind now
I like it but it will take some time to get used to it :)
Sorry, I do not like it. The old colourful one looks much more appealing and professional to me and also more eyecatching. This one is very mediocre and unattractive.
I love all the opinions.
I love Circuses.
I don't love blue, except cobalt blue.
What I love about Postcrossing is the variety of people, countries, stamps and all colors together reflect that more then blue, white and red/pink.
What I love about Postcrossing is the traditional snail-mail nature of supporting people all around the globe by MAILING something fun to make someone else feel good.
I don't see this reflected in this new logo.
My suggestion is to ask for graphic contributions and change the logos frequently. Keeping harmony between different people by being inclusive.
Yay! I love Postcrossing! Love Heidi B
I miss the old one. This one reminds me of a circus show for some reason. Also I find it very hard to read.
I also noticed that the small bookmark picture got changed from the image of a postcard to a pink P - a symbol one would expect in some (bad) magazine for women rather than postcards...
Maybe can more colorful?! Ha...ha
The new logo seems great& New starting!
I like the new logo simple and cute.
Wish I could say that I like it, but that wouldn't be true. I find the colors quite off-setting and way too bright.
No offence to the designer, but it's a little juvenile.
"Say goodbye to the Past and welcome the Future" is what it says on my last card from China, an woodblock printing.
Let’s apply it to the new logo. The colour blue seems to be the new colour in the Internet. All adverbs and many websites seem to have that colour. It is a happy new logo. Well done as far as I am concerned!
Opening the website this morning was a little shock, first I thought it was wrong. But I will get used to it, sure. Anyways, I wonder why things always have to be invented new.
Whatever the new logo would have been: there will always be people who like it and people who don't. In a way we like to stick to things we are used to, don't we?
I like the idea of a new logo, but this onevdoesn't really represent postcrossing.... Sorry.
I still wish for the old Postcrossing logo and the design to come back. It's more original and professional than this simple new logo. The color of the new logo is too strong. :(
And please do something with the Postcrossing forum websites. The light blue color when browsing for active threads are hurting my eyes. It's too light! X-O
I prefer the old design for the forum as well.
I liked old logo...Maybe new one is very modern and according to logo fashion in autumn 2012. First 30 seconds: why these party flags are here? has PC a birthday? in French colours? but France has birthday in July (on my husbands birhthday:) When I read that this is new logo, sry, my very personal opinion, it should be nice logo for stamp crossing?
But logo isn't still the most important thing about Postcrossing:)
Good morning, I don't like this new Logo.
Paulo you are in Bielefeld and i think some people there will,i bope so, give you some new Ir´deas for a new Logo. Pls change ist
I like the old MUCH more. When I saw the new one, I thought of a birthday party for a child.
It's nice, but it doesn't look like stamps - I guess it reminds more of a child's birthday party :)
Sorry, do not like it either...It looks a bit childish, the colours are really plain and it's really long and stretched out.
So many Postcrossers, so many opinions..Give us a few options and make a poll of it, so WE can decide on the logo? :)
The old one was much better.
Sorry, but I liked the old. One was much better....
I am a creature of habit, so yeah, I miss the old logo, but will get used to the new one in the end, I am sure.
I do though have a problem with the blue on the forum.. it is very uncomfortable to read.
What I do not understand is why people here think they have the right to decide on a new logo... why they say there should have been a contest or poll.... We are all guests on this site, and of course, we are free to say what we want about it, but it gives us no rights to decide on the design or the content; that is in the hand of the owners. There is nothing wrong with giving an opinion, but some messages almost sound like demands....
I like the new logo, it is beautiful. Happy Postcrossing!!! :)
Well, when I saw this logo, I was ready to write something congratulatory to this blog, thought may be it's a birthday of something or an anniversary :)
The old logo was unique, though I didn't really love its colors. The new logo looks temporary, not unique at all, and has no relation to the previous one. The colors are poor :( Using of pink for the tiny logo\favicon makes me think it is a website for girls. Also we used to use the acronym PC, not P.
I think it is a great idea about the world contest logo among postcrossers! It's a lot of fun for competitors and for spectators, and all postcrossers could vote for designs on the special page. It is fun! PC team could keep their right to choose the final variant, and preselection could be done with simple poll.
I didn't like the new one at all. Somethings shouldn't change ever, especially if it's already unique and nice.
I like the new logo design, but not the colors. The blue is hard to read especially on the forum. It would be better to keep the old blue color in the new design.
It doesn'e look like a logo.
It looks like a temporary decoration during holiday time.
I like the old one... Old is Gold...
The old logo might have looked a bit old-fashioned; but so may postcards seem as well...
The blue and red rectangles behind the letters shall remind me on stamps??? For me, that are maybe stickers, but not stamps. And is postcrossing about exchanging stamps? For most postcrossers, the POSTCARDS are at least as important as the stamps! ;-)
By the way: I like that the letters are not slanted, although the rectangles are; that is kind of funny.
But the P in the red rectangle reminds me on something... an advertising for a cigarette? I do not like it.
And the new blue (around the menu on the left) is too bright for my eyes, too.
But well, this new logo will keep me from spending too much time staring on the postcrossing site on my screen. :-) And I am not going to leave a postcrossing window open any more for my next computer session, because of that agressive red-white "P" in the top line... Certainly, I am going to get used to it...
In a nutshell:
I do not like the new logo; it does not fit to "the postcard crossing project"; and I do not see why it was necessary to change the logo anyway.
But more important than the logo is postcrossing itself.
Sorry but it's so bad :(
I really miss old logo.
Horrible. Please put back the old one. I don't think there was any need to change it in the first place.
I like the design. Well done :)
I think there are many designers in postcrossing.They are willing to design LOGO.May be we can see some different LOGO and choose the best one.Honestly,this one isn't suitable for the look of the website.(Bad English~I hope you could understand)
Ah well, looks like I'm not the only one thinking there's too much USA in the colour world. 'Not another site for Americans...!' was my first thought when I saw the new look. Using the stamp shape is not a half bad idea, though.
Sorry, but saying that anyone has worked hard on this is silly. It was only the matter of making the first stamp (which in my opinion looks like a Pettite Beri cookie...)and the copy paste.
The logo is horrible, it reminds me of b-day parties. The old one was much, much better. ANd the colours... It just looks like you want to get everyones attention no matter the costs...
To be honest, I am more and more disturbed by what's going on in Postcrossing.
Lately, some of the Administrators had gone mad! I am sorry, but if Ann, tells people to register stuff that is not postcards and be firm in the responce... Sorry, it is not a souvenir/ anything you send project! That's a big problem!
And, now you change the logo... I understand the site is yours, but without us it would mean nothing. We are the people who make postcrossing a success. Without us it would just be an idea. I believe you should have asked us, what we thought about the new logo. 80% hate it, and 10% just want to be nice and say that they will get used to it...
I believe you should make a topic on the forum.
maybe someone will be more than happy to make a logo that fits.
Change it back!
I like it, simple is the best...
As so many has told here, the new logo looks very childish and reminds me of carnivals/circus/children's party. I'm wondering if someone has worked with this logo for a long time! Simple is good, but some ideas are just too simple...
The old one was much better!
I's awful :( It looks like a sign of a cheap circus with dumb clowns and half-starved animals.
I think that Samlanka has suggested a good idea to have a forum topic. I'm sure there will be enough people willing to give their ideas and we can have a contest to find a logo we, the postcrossers, love. (Sorry, if it was somebody else's idea before Samlanka, I don't have much time to look through all comments).
Meanwhile, could you change it to the previous one, please?
i prefer the old one..
or design 'another one' other than this
My first idea was "is it a "doodle" to announce an anniversary?" or something like that. Kind of festive, but somehow like "kid's birthday party". Stamps are a good idea to use in a logo for postcrossing, but I would appreciate a little more grown-up design. Change of design is welcome, but maybe you can ask the creative ones among us to join in a competition. I believe there are some people already in the starting blocks - why not give them a chance?
Sorry, but I have to agree with the majority: I don't like the new logo at all. It really looks cheap, like a childrens birthday or a circus and the colours are too bright.
I would have loved a user competition or/and a poll. I'm sure there would have been many awesome suggestions for a new logo :) I might even have tried it myself ^^
If you had this logo when I signed up two years ago - I won't sign up because it looks like a page for little children.
1. It looks like stamps and this is a project about postcards and not about stamps
2. I miss the reference to "the world". This way it looks like a little project someone just started. And not like a project which connects people all over the world.
Wow, so much sense of ownership by postcrossers! That's what makes this such a great community :)
I agree with many of you that the new logo doesn't capture the essence of postcrossing, and that the shades chosen are painful to see on the screen. It is also too drastic a change from the old logo; if the site had started with this I guess there would be fewer negative reactions (or maybe some of us wouldn't have joined because we thought it was too kiddie?)
Will it make me send fewer postcards or stop recommending the site to my friends? I don't think so! A rose (site) by any other name (logo) will smell just as sweet.
hey I've also made a logo which took me 45 sec to do it, not months.. and I'm not even a graphic designer!
p.s. I made it on mspaint lol
Even though everyone is entitled to their opinion, I believe once you say something you cannot take it back. Remember you are talking to people who dedicate their lives to this project, who take this very seriously and for anyone who believes they could do it better, then please take all that energy and change something in your own life. It takes courage to change. It takes courage to wake up and having to read all of these comments too. Think about that for a second.
Having said that, hurray for Postcrossing!!!!
Sorry, but I have to say, the new logo looks boring - it doesn't represent the large variety of postcards and stamps, nor the variety of countries and cultures.
Please replace the new logo by the old one, it was beautiful!
This new logo isn't so bad, but I must admit it's a bit childish. What about distributing text on two lines?
There is the forum topic by fluffysheep:
great! but it looks unfinished a bit... to my mind it needs a background - it looks muuch better on facebook :)
I'm another person who dislikes the new logo and far preferred the old one. The new one is far too obtrusive (it's the page content, not the logo which is important) and looks clunky and unprofessional to me.
If you decide to change it again, I did like Big_Bilby's suggestion of organising a competition amongst postcrossers to design a new one.
great! but it looks unfinished a bit... to my mind it needs a background - it looks muuch better on facebook :)
The old one was much better! The old logo was also kind of showcase of this project - when I think "postcrossing" I see the old logo which just FITS but new one - doesn't. Actually I don't even understand why you wanted to change something that was great... Voltaire said: "The best is the enemy of the good"...
I'm afraid I have to agree with most comments I've read so far. I liked the old one better:(
I'm sorry. The new logo reminds me of a nurseryschool. It's so childish. The old logo was so much better, more powerful.
I am so happy that you exist Postcrossing! Love the new face :)
Old one was definitely better. This is a very childish logo. Not a good choice :-(
It's terrible. It's the one of the ugliest logo I have ever seen.
I don't like it. It looks too colourful, too bright, somehow it does not fit for the project. And I hate that you have changed the favicon too...
Hmmm... I prefer the old version. Need time to love the new one :)
Thanks so much for changing the shade of blue on the Forum :) It's much better and eye-friendly like that. All the effort and dedication put into this site are greatly appreciated!
I'm sorry but I don't like it.
To be honest, the new logo looks like a cheap, rough and primitive imitation of the old version.
Every company has a reputation in the society, so the new variant should be associated in part with the old one and preserve continuity with the previous logo (of course, if you do not attempt to get rid of the negative image, but this is not the case).
Old logo has become a kind classic. The best decision was to modernize, refresh the sign a bit if needed, not to change it thoughtlessly.
Unfortunately, the attempt failed.
Very nice! I love it more than the old one :-)
I'm sorry, I don't like it at all. It looks childish, or for a stamp-site, or birthday, much to bright, and so on.
The old one was much better!
I'm so sorry, but I do not like it at all! I do not want to hurt anyone, but I do not see here any designer creativity... It's very simple and do not have that meaning of postcrossing as the old one did! Here is just like a birthday-party flags :(
I like it. Cheerful and eye-catching.
Well, in my opinion, the old logo looked more professional and showed the essence of the project better.
It makes me think on a party of some sort rather than on postcards!
I like the new logo very much !! It´s fresh and bright, opening the site makes me extra happy this morning :D
The color blue links is nice too, no problem at all :thumbup:
I happened to be on the site when you switched from the old logo to the new one and it immediately caught my eye. I like it - but then I love colours :)
Sorry to be so negative. I'm sure choosing the new logo was a decision that was not made lightly.
When I first saw the new logo I thought of a fair or carnival, or baby blocks. Then I noticed that the rectangles were (perhaps?) stamps. Stamps? Isn't this a postcard site? Where are the postcards? Hmmm...
Also, in my opinion, the page is too harsh and uninteresting--I don't want to stay on it for long. Light blue background, bright blue and red 'stamp' letters, same bright blue on the left with white letters, white box with same bright blue letters in the middle...the only thing my eyes find interesting is the advertisement on the right, and the pictures of the Recent Postcards at the bottom.
Please "turn down" those garishly bright colors and add a pleasant contrast. This blue, red and white is too stark. And make it obvious that this is a postcard site.
Sorry but I really liked the old one much better. This one looks like a miks of a birthday party, and a site for stamp collectors. I might get used to this one ones in the future, even that it will be hard. Sorry but I really don't want to hurt anybody. But since you do ask us. Then I would say: No way, lets get the old Logo back again. Make a competision about a new logo or something like that. This one is simply "No go"
I liked the old one better....
Please please please change it back...
I agree with the majority of the comments here. The old logo was better. Why not ask a postcrosser to design a logo?
So sorry but i didn't like the new one at all. i think the old one was better :(
It looks so simple now.. I liked the old one better. But I think that's what everybody says when something changes..
Thanks to Maria and all the admins for their effort, but, personally, I don't like the new logo. As many others users have said, it looks so simple, childish, unfinished, so bright that hurts the eyes and reminds a birthday party, a circus or just a stamp web. Where are the postcards???? I miss a lot the old logo, it has been a shock when I have opened the web page. But if it is the decision of the admins, we have to accept it :)
I do prefer the old one (something about the colors in the new one really does disturb the eyes). BUT... I do like the retro kind of kitschy feel to the new logo. It's fun! But perhaps tweak the color...?
I miss the old one.
I wanted smth best, in my opinion it is whorse than before (Не в восторге я короче от этого)
I am fine with the new logo, though it focuses by its shape more on stamps than on postcards (but the facebook cover is great!). I had the same problem with the new and brighter forum blue (missing the contrast which makes it difficult to read), but this seems to have been fixed already.
I'm so sorry to write this - but I deffinitely prefer the old one. This seems so ordinary, nothing special, nothing as magical as this incredible project. :(
In my humble opinion, the old one didn't only look better, it also looked more professional. I find the contrast of the blue and the red too stark, and the stamp-thingies look childish. Also, they make it seem as if this site was about stamps when it really is about postcards. I miss the old, softer blue, too. I know I'm usually slow when it comes to accepting new designs etc., but I feel that this is going to be especially hard to get used to. I hate being so negative and unfriendly, but I simply don't think changing the logo, especially changing it to THIS logo, was a good idea.
Completely agree with SiniS.
I don,t like it. The colours hurt my eyes, and it looks like a circus
I definitely prefer the new logo, but I'd add some green in it ! Well done !
I don't like the new logo at all, it's exhausting for the eyes - if it was a sound then I'd describe it as if it was shouting at me all the time. Now I often scroll down a bit to get it out of sight. It's somehow disturbing.
Sorry! :(
I guess I took the old logo for granted. Now that I think about it: it had a nice, everlasting 'pioneers look' that I miss in the new one. The new one on itself is not bad.
Meh. I don't like it. I liked the other one wayyy better!
I don't like it at all. Very childish looking. Lots of country flags are red, white and blue, but most aren't. It looks too "American" and not in a good way.
Another voice for the detractors here. I dislike the new logo, at first glance the decision to switch from red to blue, red to blue makes it look as though it's two words mixed into one. The old logo was much more fitting for the project, it had a nice font and paraphernalia like stamps and cards. Sorry!
I wonder if part of the outrage expressed here is because this is the second recent incident of springing something on the membership without warning. The other "incident" was the experiment with requiring a comment to sender when registering postcards. I thought I had the wrong ID and wasted a lot of time figuring out that I had no choice but to comment when the day before commenting was clearly optional.
Sorry, but I dislike the new logo. Hope it is as temporary as the other incident. I'm wrong, I'm sure, to think or wish that there is an implied agreement or contract with members not to change things in mid-stream.
I work as quality assurance engineer testing web sites. If my developers have made this, I would have kindly ask them to start working and not playing with colors and forms. I don't want to be rude, but this logo is wrong on all the levels. Now is the time, I started appreciating the old one. Please bring it back, please!
I think that there is no need to change the logo. The old one was better.
I don't like the new logo, the colors are too much, too "aggressive" on the eyes. The old one looked much better!
Sorry, but looks absurdly!
Like a circus, I feel I open a child site.
I think it would be better to ask users in the blog like this to choose the best one from 2 or 3 variations.
But now...bad gift before holidays ((
I don´t like the new logo. I prefer the old one!
On the page "Sent Postcards" columns "Status" and "Img" are too close for my liking now, I am sure it wasn't this way before.
I hate to be negative but while I like the red splash, overall the new logo is a bit childish. Like someone else said it reminds me of a carnival or circus. I see that they wanted to make it look like stamps but it really doesn't.
I already missed the old logo!:(
What do you think of the new Postcrossing logo? Please visit:
The colors are too hard on 'old' eyes. Please tone it down.
The fact that I do not like this new logo does not mean I do not like change.
I tought the old logo really needed an update actually.
I was just hoping for a more mature and modern one.
I also like old logo. Postcrossing as a thing is so colorful. How can there be just two colors in new logo? Sorry, and these many stamps don't look nice together.
Great logo! I really like it! And the old one too!
First of all, I love postcrossing besides the logo and design and colors.
Personally I love much more the older one and I will explain why. I read some comments bellow (not all ones)and I found some reasons and opinions of people that explained why didn't liked it. I like color, I like irreverence, I like change, I like improvement and I like to think in everybody. My vision it's very well, but the vision of many users are not quite good and the light blue of the forum for example it's very annoying and disturbing, because the backgroung it's even more light, even for me that have good vision.
Fourtunatly postcrossing has many users of all ages and countries, cultures, religions and classes. So, maybe there are some good drawing skills or webdesign skills. I don't have personally.
What I want to propose is that you Postcrossing Team make a contest to ask here in blog for drawings of possible logos to Postcrossing. Then, open a poll and invite all users to vote in which one it's better. It was Paulo and Ana that had the ideia of Postcrossing but I think that postcrossing it's of everybody. Everybody it's part of it. Some users are able to do donatives, other not, some users are good drawing, some users are good writting, and so on. Maybe the poll ask also for oppinions about the lightness of the blue settences.
It's an oppinion that values as much as the 280 comments bellow.
Good work!
I appreciate your desire for something new but I don't like the new logo...It's a bit childish and reminds me of a celebration, making me wait for the old one when the party is over. Maybe a vote among members on more logo ideas you have?!
My very first reaction when I saw it was that I was on the wrong page and on a crafting website instead. So for a crafting website it would be a great logo :)
I looked at Maria's other works, she has lovely handwriting and rendering (drawing) skills! Maybe a hand done logo (instead of a computer font) would have been better for a Postcrossing logo?
How colors translate on a web page can also be a huge challenge, I do too find the colors displayed to be very bright and hard on the eye balls (but love fun bright colors too :)
Hi there! Thank you very much for the fun new logo! I use the Ipad for. postcrossing and now i have the red and white P as sparkling applogo on my display! I think the logo is terrific. Because of the stampshape for each letter, the two colours showing the to and fro going of postcards and the way the letters are dancing a bit. I have not read other opinions. I don't care. I am happy with this design, congrats designer and postcrossinginventors! WELLDONE!!!
Ps i can't even remember the first logo. As app it was not readable anyway., white and blue flag...reminds me of a clowns tatter clothing on a clothesline...a bit sleazy... the old one withthe burned look to the postcrossing seal looked MORE professional and friendly...this one is glaring. Ditch it.
Actually its more like a used car lot advertisement. cheap.
I don´t think that a new logo would be bad. But this one - that´s not it!
Easy!!! this new logo doesn't match with the spirit of this group...
Can we return to the other logo!!
I'm sorry to say, but I really LOVED the old one, and I hope you will choose that one after reading all this comments. I don't think I will get use to this new logo, and I missed the red colour when I got messages from postcard-receivers.I think the red and blue colour in the new logo seem so cold. The postcrossing project makes me think about warm feelings, so we need a warm logo. SORRY for feeling that way, when you are so happy about finally getting a new logo....
I think postcrossing team really could have warned us about an important change like this. Most of us probably didn't have any problems with the old logo. For me personally the old logo was perfect. It wasn't eye-catching or facy, but it was original and classic. Just like postcards are. It really suited well to this project and this site. This logo is really cute but doesn't have the same feeling of "being about postcards" :)
All the member of Postcrossing should be involved in choosing new logo.
It's your website to do with what you wish. I like this new one, it IS a bit more professional, and you can change the colours in the stamps when you want - easy to update. Well done. Then again if you change it to something completely different, that's up to you too. Well done.
Another twenty-four hours to reflect on my initial reaction to new logo, I wish to articulate my thoughts precisely. Postcrossing is a superbly-managed, egalitarian site open to all persons on Planet Earth. Much of its charm derives from binding us together in the archaic process of exchanging postcards. I open my mailbox and receive a card from Singapore . . . wow !!! I request an address and send a card to Germany . . . hope you like it. My experience here has been pure pleasure for which I commend the managers. The new logo does not rightfully represent this awesome site. While it is bright and perky, it falls short of the nostalgic essence of stamps and cancellation marks and unusual exotic addresses and the WONDER of receiving/sending a postcard.
I liked the old one. I think this one looks kinda stupid.
Postcrossing is so much better than this cheap gaudy childish new logo makes it seem. For the week if Postcrossing's anniversary or the day of Paulo's birthday this logo could work. But please reconsider the decision to make this a permanent change!
It's incredible the rudeness of some replies! If you don't have anything intelligent to say, please keep your ideas to yourselves and save us from mediocrity. Old logo, new logo, no logo, I don't care, I'm happy it exists.
Having read all 301 replies before mine, I get that the drift that most people don't like the new logo. Personally, my initial response was dramatic, along the lines of "Oh my gosh why on earth would they change it to this hideous creation?!?!?!?!" But then having looked at it for a while, it's been growing on me. It's certainly different, but not bad. For one thing it's a little more bright and happier than the old one. I'll get used to it eventually. Just remember, change is not a four letter word.
Ack! I didn't expect the logo to change & now I can't even recall what the old one looked like. ;) I like the new one - it's very modern - not sure if I love it yet or not - I just hope the rest of the site won't change - so glad exists! :)
I am sorry; but I have to agree with the majority of the users on this thread in voicing my displeasure with the new logo. It is too garish for my tastes. The old logo had a very quiet elegance to it that was timeless, like our postcards.
If there is an option to use the old logo, I would definitely take it in an instant.
Those who think that all the negative feedback = rude, please remember two things:
1. English is not everyone's first language
2. The original blog post specifically requested people's feedback--not merely their accolades.
I also prefer the old one. I find the colours now a bit too harsh on the eyes. Also, I agree that this new logo doesn't really suggest postcards but rather, only stamps. Or a birthday banner.
By the way, how do I vote in the poll on the forum. It says to log in but when I log in with my user name and password, it won't accept it.
Over the 4+ joyful years I have been on this site I have touted it to many family and friends. It was cool, fun, sophisticated. Flat out AWESOME! It's strange how I feel a kind of embarrassment now when I open the site.
I love Postcrossing! I'm here to stay! I wouldn't give it up for the world! A new logo will not change that but I still love the old one better.
Thanks Postcrossing staff for all you do :)
@alterego. You have to join the forum separately from the official site. You can use the same username or choose another one. Hope to see you there.
Perhaps it needs some time for the new logo to look okay for me? I thought the previous one looked somehow more "professional". I don't think that the previous one as something inferior--designed thoughtlessly just for the sake of coming up with a logo. It looks elegantly timeless. This new one seems a little bit "frivolous" to me. I am sorry to say that.
cute but can be better
Hey…it's okay but like a lot of postcrossers are saying…IT COULD BE ALOT BETTER…maybe more colours?? Perhaps taking on a rainbow effect…green, blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow on the 12 letters…yes-no...??? :)
I think the new visual identification of postcrossing is a big failure. You have mistaken the design of the LOGO with the design of the headline STRIPE. Now the website looks like a picture exchange service for children. Also, the connotations with specific national flags are too strong (notably USA, but also Russia, Netherlands, etc.) which is not good for a service whose ambition is to span all the nations.
I understand that you wanted to have a strong visual identification of Postcrossing. What regards the LOGO, your new favicon (the old one was horrible) is a good candidate: a SINGLE "P" letter on a red vertical rectangle with "perforation" on the sides to mimic a post stamp. Rationale:
- A single letter on vivid background can make a perfect logo. A small "f" on rounded blue square means "facebook" for most of the people on this planet. Why a capital "P" on red "stamp" could not do the same for Postcrossing? (ehem, maybe not for 1 billion users, though...)
- To make it a bit more aggressive, you could also make P yellow instead of white; yellow and red are "postal" colors in many countries. But do not try to mimic e.g. a postbox for the background, because post boxes look different throughout the world. A stamp is universal.
- This is the LOGO. Make it big and apparent, e.g. 100x60 pixels. The rest of the headline STRIPE should be neutral, e.g. the remaining letters in "P-osctcossing" should be e.g. black or dark-grey; add a few cards or colourful stamps in the background to make it more appealing, as in the old design.
I can help with the handwork, if you wish
-- Jarek
I can see why you might have thought the old logo was a little bit old-fashioned, but that added to the charm. Sending postcards can be old-fashioned too, instead of this TwitterFacebookMySpaceBlahblahblah of today, but one person's "old-fashioned" is another person's "classic" and your old logo captured that nicely. This one, not so sure. It just looks frivolous, like someone above me here just wrote. Anyway ...
I liked the old one much better. I'm sorry to say this looks very juvenile, like something for a kindergarten newsletter.
I prefer a vintage look for a site like this.
The old one had a kind of official character, the new one is childish like a birthday banner... :-(
To be honest, I do not really like the new logo ... This is similar to the sign in the circus ... Too tasteless and I think in a hurry ... Old logo was much better, and I really liked the cards that he was accompanied by ... I do not understand why it was necessary to change something. Sorry for the criticism.
I don't like it very much, I agree with the "circus" and "childish" feeling. And stamps are important, but are not the clue of this project, that is postcards.
I like it!!! :)
return old logo back!!! the new doesn't show the sense of project
The mini-logo "P" is removed? That is a relief! Thank you!
Hi Paolo and colleagues, i allready commented on the logo, which i like very much. But i feel sorry to read all the negativity here. If one doesnot like the logo they should give it a few days to get used to it. Also if someone gets a new dress you don't burn it of do you? You are respectfull if you don't like it. And here the people feel free to be rude. It makes me sad. I hope you won't let it spoil your weekend. Now i am disappointed in my feloow postcrossers. Shame on them!!
For all the people that say: I can't remember what the old one looked like...If you look up an old Hooray or email with an ID in it, you will see the old logo.
I like the idea of the dancing stamps but not the colors. It would be cool to change the colors to go with the seasons or with the flag of the highlighted country or postcrosser.
I liked the old logo better. To me, it seemed more professional than the new one!
Everytime I log in, I feel like I'm on the wrong site but then I realize that it's just the new logo that's irritating me.
What a surprise, a new logo!
It's colourful and looks like fun.
I like it!
I've left it a few days before commenting as I know from experience that my gut reaction and my considered reaction are not always the same. When I first saw the new Logo and it certainly jumped out of the screen as soon as I logged on, I thought 'oh, no' but having put some distance between my initial reaction and now, I find the new Logo is growing on me. I like the colors - they compliment one another. However, I do think we lost something with the words 'the postcard crossing project' being removed. I think that for someone logging onto the site for the very first time might actually miss what the site is about. Maybe, in my humble opinion, if these words (or something similar) were incorporated in the new Logo it might make the change a lot more acceptable.
Whatever the outcome I know that I will continue to enjoy Postcrossing. When I started out first just over a couple of years ago little did I know that as well as sending and receiving some spectacular postcards to and from spectacular places that I would make some great friends here. Paulo and team, keep up the good work. I for one am very greatful for this site. Thank you.
I like old one. the new one seem too typical from illustrator. From my point view, you can improve it and not separate word individually in different card.
It looks really nice :-)
I liked the old one better. ;-)
" I like the idea of the dancing stamps but not the colors. It would be cool to change the colors to go with the seasons or with the flag of the highlighted country or postcrosser.
Posted by PENZE on 6 Oct, 2012 "
-> Yes. :-)
I do like it, it gives the website a fresh new look!
Like the majority of other Postcrossers, I prefer the old logo. I'm glad to see I'm not alone. However, I may get
used to the new one in time, like I always do. I always have a problem when any web site changes its design, even when others seem to like it. I complain every time there's a change on or Yahoo. I always think "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Even if said web site contains a bunch of so-called great new features. I'd rather stick with the tried and true -
Hello again - Now that I've had time to look at the logo, I agree with another Postcrosser who said: "Now the website looks like a picture exchange service for children." I certainly do get the vibe of a child's party/circus/etc. Also, I do agree that it's a bit too large/hard on the eyes. Anyway, in the end, it's just a logo ;) but these are my thoughts. I guess I'm not too keen on the new logo after all. :/
With all these negative views (yes, including mine) I want to say I hope the artist does not feel it is all directed at her. Presumably she was given specifications to work from, and other people contributed to the final decision. Maria, don't feel too bad, all these bad comments are not just at you.
Okay I took another look at the old one and the new one is much better for sure. My previous post about adding more colours might just be too busy!! I see that the red and blue does match the rest of the page nicely so I change my vote to THUMBS UP!!!!
Hello, the new logo is OK, but I loved the one before
Really coloured logo!!!!
Its not bad, but....I agree, I wish it were in different colors. What would be very interesting if maybe the blocks had country flags on it or something. Yes, I realize it would leave most country flags off but it could still have a bit more detail to it or other colors to represent the countries.
It is not bad, but it isn't WAW, it is not special. t reminds me at birthday cards with balloons that form "Happy birthday".
I commented earlier, but I want to expand on what I already said.
-First of all, the reason I do not like the new logo is not because I loved the old one or that I am opposed to change. I think a new logo that is better than the old one and better than the current one is possible.
As for the new logo...
-The color scheme doesn't work well. I especially hate that magenta-pinkish color. I have no problem with bright colors but there should be a variety of them, not just two, and a deliberate, careful effort not to look like blocks or party flags.
-I guess the boxes are supposed to look like stamps. But they don't! They look like blocks or flags. If we are going with a stamp theme, it should actually *look* like stamps - like the graphic at the bottom left of the page. I really like that graphic and I think it represents the essence of the project well. I am sure something similar which also highlights the words "Postcrossing: the postcard crossing project" could be designed.
-I also dislike the new little logo at the address bar. In this case, the old one (postcard symbol) was MUCH better. I doubt that could be improved--the old one should be brought back.
If the administrators don't want to pay for someone to design another new logo, they could solicit designs from postcrossers (similar to the postcard-design contest or the contest to design a video that explains postcrossing a while back). They could choose several of those, and then post a poll for all of us to vote, and choose the most popular one. I really think this could generate some great designs, and something the most postcrossers would like would be chosen.
We were asked to provide feedback, and this is my honest opinion. Yes, criticism may be hard to hear, but I have thought about this a lot since the old logo was replaced, and I doubt the new one will "grow on me." I guess I may get used to it, but I am never going to change my mind and like it. Now, I want to scroll down on every page so I don't have to look at the new logo -- I am sorry if this sounds rude, but that is honestly how much I dislike it.
We all got used to the old logo but I think we should be open for new things. And I think the new logo - letters printed on stamps - looks very nice and it fits very good to postcrossing.
ooh come on, can no one be satisfied one time?? it's all about sending postcards not a logo ;)
Congratulations! I do like it!!!
The new logo looks unprofessional and is a little nauseating. The color scheme and lazy design seem like some patriotic British/American circus bunting. I love experimenting with new looks and ideas but I might stop using Postcrossing because I can't stand to look at this eyesore. Today is a very sad day for Postcrossing.
Three words: my eyes hurt.
There are a lot of rude messages but I tried to be polite. The Postcrossing team asked us what we think about the new logo and we have answered them, but it's true that some people have been rude.
Otherway, I'm not against changes, yes, changes are good, but I don't like this change. Maybe, if there are more designs we can try which one we prefer and it will be a change too. But if they don't show us, we only can decide between the old one and the new one.
Well, as I have said, if this is the new logo, we have to accept it and those that don't like it (including me), we have to get used with it :) I won't leave Postcrossing only for this reason!!!
I'm sorry, I don't like it :-(
I prefer the old logo too. I don't like the new colors that remind too much French, US or Brtitish national colors.
Hmmm, red and blue stamps - and meiadeleite says:
"We (...) feel that the logo really says something about the project!"
I saw it for the first time on one email I got from the site. it is very powerful in driving attention, too much maybe for people that are using/seeing the site with frequency...
Sorry guys :(
It looks like a dangling ornament you would tie on a baby's crib. Don't see any symbolism that relates to this project.Sorry. Grannie
I don't like the new 'birthday banner' at all. The old one said so much about the entire scope of Postcrossing. I won't get used to it, so I will ignore it completely. It's not reflective of anything associated with mailing postcards. I don't get the 'stamp' feel from the new look. Make it go away; bring back the old one. Please consider leting talented designers in the Postcrossing community submit some really smashing ideas and let us all vote on a universal look that the majority of us can love.
So Cute!I love it!
Perhaps we are all alittle freaked out about the new logo, not that we don't like changes, but that we are afraid you might be springing more changes on us that we won't like. Facebook kept changing, for the worse, IMHO. From what I am reading so far, most of us really like Postcrossing, and don't want to see changes as drastic as the new logo. I think any changes in the format/mailing/routine should be brought up long before any changes are made, if the new logo is leading up to that. ?
I didn't like it at first, but now I don't mind it so much.
i like the old one better~~
and the page looks crisper
I like it! I think it looks fresh and bright. I like the minimalist approach. Well done!!
When I saw the new logo, I thought is was very fresh, not to colourfull ( even maybe to little colourful, reminded me of the dutch flag)just a "quiet" logo.
The blue on the forum doesn't bother me.
But it was not a "wow" reaction!
I do not give it so much importance, as it is the postcrossing itself that I like!
All the comments given above show how different people think about it and this will be the case with every logo in the future.
Graphic design is not as easy as some people suggest, I am not a graphic designer so I will not judge the work done to get this result.
I like the suggestion of heidibmoon to change the logo frequently (don't know how much work that is for the webmaster!). And maybe using the designs from postcrossers that are able to do this and like to do it. No contest where one getting 1% more is a "winner", but a value for everyone's choice and a lively stream of different atmospheres, which is also the soul of postcrossing itself!
Not a good move, the original was better, but does it really matter anyway? Unfortunately, yes, it does, because postcrossing is an interesting blend of the traditional (post) and the modern (email), and you have just messed with the traditional (the logo). I'm left wondering what's next...
Postcrossing as a social networking excercise actually works, unlike the dreadful Faecebook (deliberate sp.), don't mess around with it too much - please !
Must give my 5 cents as well...When I saw the postcrossing-site in 2006 for the first time, I remember finding the logo a bit strange, but interesting. Then it still read: "the postcard crossing project" and the colours where dark blue and pinkish. This drew my attention and I really often wondered about the unusual design. I got used to it and then found it really cool after a while and now...this.
I think the idea of a contest including old logo, new logo, new logo with changes to help it looks better, and new ideas from members would be a good idea.
It reminds me too much of a circus tent and not to be taken seriously. I much prefered the old one. But that is my opinion.
It indeed looks special:)
Let's get real: this "special" creation could have easily have been produced in Adobe Illustrator in under 30 minutes! And the elements looks like playing blocks for children not even stamps. It is bland and boring and has nothing to do with mailing and the essence of the project. Either stick to the old logo or open a competition.
My first thought when I saw the new logo was that there was something to celebrate, like a postcrossing birthday. When I read it had taken months to come up with this, I was a bit surprised though. It looks quite simple (nothing wrong with that!), but I think it would be nice if the logo incorporates more what postcrossing is all about. Now it seems to be about stamps only, while the previous one also said something about 'postcard crossing project'. I don't hate it, I'm already used to it and I'm starting to like it. But still, I think it would be nicer if more of the project was recognizable in it, so also new members can get some sort of an idea of postcrossing from simply the logo :)
I also preferred the old logo, this one looks less professional in my opinion... Sorry :-S
change is always nice. i quite like this logo. it is fun and stands for a nice bright style.
Liked the old one. This looks childish. Sorry.
Postcrossing is much bigger that its logo, really!
Making proper logos is very expensive and I much prefer Postcrossing using the (little) money (it has) for making us a better and more usable system. Keep up the good work Paulo and friends.
It's not bad, but I think it looks a bit childish.
Could not something be done at least with the color tints to make them more eye friendly? From all the comments I see that I am not the only one who has this problem. I really want to spend time enjoying the site, but the changes in the colors hurt my eyes. Before I would spend hours looking at postcards by countries or those being registered. As I have stated before, I prefer the old logo which was really good and didn't give me one problem viewing it!! Yes, we postcrossers are very passionate about postcrossing. It is not about objecting to change--it is about protecting something that is of great value from being changed just to make a change.
I like the new logo. If you were going to add anything I would add a postmark to the end with the date of when you began the whole project. It looks good with no changes :)
I must disagree with your latest comment that it is "too soon" to register a feeling about the new logo. A logo is all about instant impression and response....and this new one is not good enough for this great project.
I agree with freshwater. The impact of a logo comes within the first few seconds.
The new logo is definitely less sophisticated and looks cheap. I love you Postcrossing, but this is a disappointment.
This logo is really "into your face" and not as nice as the old one.
I'm all for change, but would a few possibilities and a group vote to decide wich one it would become not have been a better choice than to put this one on without any feedback.
Especially since the majority seems to think like me that this is not the best logo for this wonderful site;-(
So keep up the good work but please change into something less.... "into my face!"
The poststage stamp formate i like but the colors....
I also liked the old one better. This new one is too simple and the colours make it look like children's drawing.
What's more - can you please leave the "icon" that is on the list of tabs in IE and other as it was (the old postcard like "icon" instead of the new first letter on pink rectangle)? If you do it this way - I'd easier accept the new logo ;).
I commented before, after seeing the logo, but decided that maybe I didn't make myself clear.
I still do not like the logo. I didn't love the one had before either, but it was much better. I do believe that change is good and I think you should maybe think of a different idea, or just try to make it again from scratch, with handwritten letters and different colours.
I believe that this logo won't gain us any new people.When you enter teh site as a new person, you think it's a site for kids...
SOrry, it just isn't good. Please, prove to us that you are grown adults who can and will admit to have had made a mistake :)
I don't like this new logo, it looks so boring :(
I really want to like it--but when I opened it up the other day, I thought, "What happened? Is there a party?" It looks, well, kind of childish, as others have said. It needs some sophistication. I'm usually pretty good at just going with stuff, but I'd hesitate to recommend this to people based on the look of the site--and I've done quite a bit of recommending in the past, when it looked professionally done. Love the site, though! Love the project! Just...not too keen on the new look.
As many others already said, The old logo was a sign of trust and felt good. This new logo just don't work for me, but to be honest, it is just a logo, the idea of the site won't change
I don't like this new logo. and I don't understand people who say that they love it. I'm a graphic designer and i say that the new logo looks awful. Colors are too contrast and it dazzled. The size is too big. This logo annoys me.
Please, back the old one!!!! Or change the colors!
The previous one was much more connected with this postcard project. Stamps, postmarks,... these were much more related with POSTCROSSING! It will take time for me to like this one!
Even after a few days I still don't like it, sorry. I know you can do better.
I like the old logo.
I know I'm pretty much beating a dead horse here by stating my opinion but I prefer the old logo to this one. The new one does have a party/circus feel to it. And I feel it's much too big. I realize that time and effort was put into this new logo, but I'm not sure the old one needed fixing. Please bring back the old one...or perhaps...meld the two together?
another milestone! Good work
Sorry but I must say it. I like the old one. The new logo is so simple and less interesting for me.
Even after a few days I still don't like it, sorry. I know you can do better.
:( :( :(
The old is is more suited...
The old one is more suited...
I liked it so much! It's so beautiful logo!
Mmm, the old one was better, as for me. The new one is too colourful, besides, it lacks something personal, what the postcards have.
How about a new logo design contest?
I am beginning to get used to the new logo. In a few weeks I will probably start to love it :)
No disrespect to anyone, and I know it`s been mentioned already, but to spend 'months' on a circus logo like this? Oh wow...
10 days have passed and I still can`t cope with the new logo, sorry.
I really wonder what a poll with users` opinions would say about this new logo.
I am courageous enough to estimate an 80% of 'dislike' result.
Nw postcrossing also has its own unique 'P'... awesome
@Dolphin8. There is an unscientific poll on the Forum:
You have to vote to see the percentages. Currently 75.9% have voted that they prefer the old logo.
preferred the old one....looked more in alignment with social media sites. Cleaner. This one is juvenile.
I don't like this one at all. A company in the USA uses something like this for the packaging of their cookies (biscuits). The cookies taste too sweet and artificial. When I see this, I get that nasty taste in my mouth. Let's have a contest for people to submit their choices.
I don't like it at all. As others have commented, it does look juvenile - like a child's birthday party banner. The old logo was more representative of Post Crossing.
To me, this logo looks so tacky. It makes me feel like I'm on one of those scam sites. It's ugly, boring, and lacking in any sort of innovation. It looks better suited for a quilting circle logo than Postcrossing. :/
As long as I don´t know your world famous "old" logo - I´ll go with this one. Like it!
As for me, it is really a fail... Sorry, but this logo looks bad =/ Like if it was done by 5-years-old child.
I still very much dislike the new logo.
So disappointed. Childish. Garish colours. Looks like "Stampcrossing" if anything.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
How long did you say this took to design?
I don't like the new logo at all. I was hoping it was something for a special day or something that would soon go away. The old logo looked much more professional, the new one looks very unprofessional and childish. Sorry... It's not getting any better with time, please, please bring back the old logo. :-(
I love our new logo! When I first saw it, it gave me a retro feel. I'm really saddened to see the negative comments on it. Hopefully, folks will grow to like it given time.
Thanks for keeping things fresh and interesting!
I was away for a week and was so disappointed when I came back to find the new logo. I immediately wrote to Postcrossing with my feedback (and received a very nice email in response), and I am only now seeing this forum to leave comments.
Even after time to get used to the logo, I echo the sentiments of those users who find the new logo childish and less professional. I think people will take the project less seriously because of the first impression they will receive from the appearance of the logo. I doubt that I would have thought it was a project for adults from looking at the logo. I am always glad when I see that children are involved, but the circus feel of this logo doesn't fit the idea of the project for me. I agree with the user who was surprised to learn that this was the work of a professional designer. I don't think it fits the project.
Finally, while I realize that many countries' flags are red, white and blue, I think at the very least more colors should have been incorporated into the new design.
I don't mind the logo but do find the colours to be a bit too bold!
A logo change is always difficult. You are so used to the old logo usually that you hardly see it anymore and then when it's changed it comes as a shock. I hope Postcrossing people will understand that this may be a large factor in peoples (sometimes harsh) replies here. I think this is a fine logo and we will all get used to it and not nag about it anymore.
I'm not on Postcrossing as much as I used to be. I did notice the logo change and wanted to give it some time. I have to say that I prefer the old one. The new one is too big, the colors are too bold and it is missing the important line "the postcard crossing project". The stamps that used to be a secondary part of the logo have now come front-and-center, even if the postcards are more important, possibly confusing people
I am not against change, but why fix what isn't broken? I'm sure I'll get used to it over time, however getting used to it doesn't mean liking it.
I know I'm a little late with this, but I still want to say: I think the new logo is much much much better than the old one! Because it IS finally a logo :) The old one looked just like you described it: Like something that was needed but not considered all too important, so it just got pasted together quickly...
Yes, the new logo looks kind of playful, but to me, so IS Postcrossing! It's fun!
I think all in all it does give the site a much more professional look!
Still not liking it.
Agreeing with lednimedved. Well said.
Still not liking it.
Beautiful new logo! :)
I like the old one better. It was more 'grown-up' and international. At first I thought is was Postcrossing's Birthday..
Why did you pick such a simple boring old font? There are so many wonderful fonts out there.. :-(
Ah well, maybe i'll get used to it someday..
Something is missing from this one!
I like the colours and design, it really stands out. :)
I like it, it looks fresh and different, the colors leave a friendly impression.
Still not liking it.
~:( ~
I love postcrossing, but I still don't care for the new logo. Change for changes sake is not always for the best.
Yes, we can live with the new logo, but why?????
Sorry to say this....but my daughters, also "teenage postcrossers", were shocked and said;"What happened with the logo? It's so old- fashioned and the colors are so "dull".
And yes, I do agree, the logo isn't "refreshing/ "alive and kicking"...
Still not liking it.
It seems now we are stuck with the new logo that most of us don't like. :(
Really unfortunate logo. Any chance to bring back the old one when the cute new wintery background melts away? It seems like the overwhelming majority do not like this logo new logo. The old one was much nicer.
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