Un-be-lie-va-ble! Four million smiles spread in postcards around the world! Even our little mail carriers are thrilled!
Well done to all postcrossers, each and every one of you contributed to this milestone. You’re amazing!
So, we know you’re all itching to know more about this super postcard, so, without further ado here it goes:

The four millionth postcard received through Postcrossing traveled from JS1980 in Czech Republic to scheppie in The Netherlands. Lovely postcard, isn’t it?

Nobody guessed the correct countries this time… so only the sender and the receiver will receive a coupon for a 60 postcard pack from MOO.
Remember that until April 15th, MOO is offering all postcrossers a 15% discount on the purchase of any pack of postcards (20 or 60), with the code POSTCROSSING15. Enjoy!
Now… shall we start counting to 5 million? :)
PS – thank you Yvi-1 for the cute picture with our wandering mail carriers!
94 comments so far
Congratulations ^^
Yay!! Congratulations to all postcrossers!!
Congratulations :)
Great!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Nice card!
Amazing! Congratulations!!
Congratulations ^_^.
Congratulations! xD
Nobody guessed the correct countries...
Such a summer card! :)
Congratulations! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
And a very beautiful card too! :D
Wooohooo!!! Congratulations, and thanks to everyone involved, what a highlight!!!
Thanks you Jan for sending this summer-postcard.
Wonderfull to know that 4 million postcards have arrived. Wow!
Everybody congratulations with this milestone.
We did it all together!
Well done Paulo and Ana!
We cannot start the countdown for the 5th million smile.
Every time I draw an address for an official card, I smile - and I'm sure other do, too... So we have already 8 million smiles...
!!!!!!! YEA !!!!!!!!!! Great milestone, wonderful card - congrats and I'm so happy to be along for the fabulous ride!
Congratulations! Lovely postcard, nice and bright.
congratulations to postcrossing team
Cangratulations Postcrossing! Now everyone start sending lots of cards - I want to win the 5 millionth card sent! (I bought moo cards before and they are nice!) :D
Let's continue ! Postcrossing is a positive sign to the world !
Congratulations!! :D
Congratulations postcrossing why not..let"s continue!
I'm in awe for turbokotlettt from Estonia who managed to sign up in spite of the doomsday attack of news-hungry Postcrossers!!! :)
AWESOME!! Everybody cvan be proud and happy!!!
What a terrific Project!Paulo for President :-)
Congratulations! I love this project. Thanks so much to Paulo, who made this possible.
Congratulations to the winners and to Paulo!!!
Fantastic. Congratulations. 4 millions thats amazing. Congratulations to the winners and to Paulo. I'm proud of being a part of this,
Congrats :) Excellent !!!
my congrats to everybody who helped this happened!
5 mln! oh my god!
p.s. today is my mum's birthday! ;)
congratulations! 4.000.000 postcards, it`s amazing.
I can`t believe no one, from +1000 guesses had the right answer!
happy postcrossing to all x
5 million is near :)
Thanks to all postcrossers and of course Ann and Paolo!
Everyone here contributed at least one postcard for 4 million ones.
Unfortunately, nobody was vest with a right to be the winner but! we have a chance to do it next time. Cheer up!
Congratulations again ^)
Woohoohoo!!! So exciting!!! I hardly left my computer all day because I didn't want to miss any of the countdown! Congratulations!
Congratulations from me, too. I am so happy to be involved with this project. Thank you Paolo!
We made it.
We'll do a whole lot more!
Congratulations! :D
Woohoo! We are going to have to start counting by 5 million soon! Congrats!
Such fun!!
Cheers to all!!
postcard choice could not be better: sunflower looks after sunshinning...
WOO HOOOOO, we made it!!!!!!!
congratulations to all! :)
Hooray! ;D
wow... congratz!!! now, the countdown to 5million =)
This is so much fun! On to 5 Million!
countdown to 5 million... WOW
Congratulations !!!
Let's keep on sending/receiving cards on the way to 5 millions !!!
Wonderful! Congratulations! I love postcrossing sooo much! :-)
really great ! congratulations !!
Congratulations Paulo! Let's go to the 5 million.
A new milestone! Thanks Paulo, Ana and Team!!
Happy Postcrossing!!!! 4 million cards :-)
I was on the edge of my chair!!!! 10 and counting down.. but then.. OOPS! lol!
Congrats for everyone!!!
Great !!!congratulations to all postcrossers for reaching this amazing target
Hurray! The 4,000,000th postcard was received!
The postcard from JS1980 in Czech Republic to scheppie in the Netherlands has arrived! It reached its destination in 26 days and travelled 872 kilometer. Up now for the 5,000,000!
To see the journey of this postcard visit:
Now we all will sent & receive postcards from other random users. Stand-by! :)
Congratulations!!! I LOVE POSTCROSSING!!!
4,000,000!!!! and that's just official cards - a mere fraction of ALL postcrossing cards circling the globe!
Congrats JS1980 and scheppie, congrats Paulo and Ana and congrats to all postcrossers who made this possible.
How about a countdown to 4'444'444 ?
Congratulations, somebody shoud send this information to the post office, they think they are losing revenue, so they will be closing the post offices on saturdays.
祝贺(Congratulations in Chinese)
wow.. we reached to 4 Millions finally.
Congratulations to scheppie and JS1980 :D
Way to go! Keep up the good work!
Well done!
So whose getting the 5 Mil? :-)
Yes, we shall count down or in this case, count up to 5 million! Maybe in my lifetime, we'll have 1 billion postcards recorded here. That would be so cool! It's possible, right? If we continue to go at it! Why not? I'm not sure about the calculation of it, but it should be kept in track with all these numbers and statistics. Anyway, congratulations!
Wow, postcard from my coutry, Czech Republic! Amazing :)
If somebody wants to swap, I have exactly this card in my collection.
Урррра! ))
Yayyyy! Long live Postcrossing!!!
yeyeye!!! congratulations!!! and go postcrossing go!!!
Wooow, great job!!! Congrats to ALL OF US!!!! ;-))
Long live Postcrossing!!!
Fantastic. =)
Next up, 10 million. Should reach it in a jiffy, as growth is occurring at an exponential rate.
That's great! I'm sure 5 million cards will be reached soon! Congrats to the Winners! No one had the right answer, so you see that there are so many combinations possible - that's what makes this project so exciting! Thanks to all the helpers!
恭禧四百萬張的明信片被登錄(Congratulations 4 million postcards will be reached)...^^
A beautiful card to cheer us all. Congratulations! I'm pleased I was a member for the great number. Many more millions I hope.
Yay!!Congratulations!!! Let's go for the 5 millions!!!
Wow! That is so fantastic! It has been so much fun to take part in Postcrossing.
How cool!
yeah fantastic up to the 5 million cards
Congratulations to everybody concerned! I think it's like being an unknown recording artist, releasing your first CD and it sells four million copies. Wow, what a feeling! Paulo must feel just like that! Congrats and thanks, Paulo!
Hearty Congratulations to everyone! 5 million...HERE WE COME!! Let's get to 5 million before August!!!
why don´t we repeat this contest every 100,000 postcards? it was really funny :)
4 million...Unbelievable. Thank you so much for your hard work!
heheeyy! Congratulations.. =)
Congratulations! And let's start the countdown to 5 million, I believe we'll get there soon!
amazing, indeed! this is a cool goal ^_*
Congratulations from Luxembourg!
YESSS YESSS... count to 5 Million!
Congrats! ;) I believe we should get a new goal now, ha?
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