Voting has just started to choose the most beautiful EUROPA stamp of the year!
This year, the stamps focus on endangered national wildlife from each country, which is a really important topic to bring awareness to. Deforestation and other human activities threaten animals, fungus and plants, and according to the IUCN Red List, over 20% of species in Europe at the moment are at risk of extinction. That’s a staggering and saddening percentage. 😔 So in 2021, each country picked an endangered species to highlight, and depicted it in its own style. Here’s a small sample:

There’s fauna of all sizes and shapes, illustrated mostly in traditional philatelic style. This makes it hard to pick the best one, as we suspect people will inevitably vote for the cutest animals, instead of other, less photogenic ones…
What do postcrossers think? Which stamp gets your vote for best EUROPA stamp of 2021 in this year’s competition? And what do you think of your own country’s entry? We’re always super curious to hear your philatelic opinions, so go cast your vote and let us know which one you picked on the comments below!
136 comments so far
While I really like the one from my own country the Netherlands (I already bought 3 sheets to use for Postcrossong), Russia also did an amazing job and I think I'll vote for them!
Thank you for this post. It is always a pleasure to go through all the Europa stamps. The topic is really interesting and it is great to learn a bit about the endangered species. All the stamps are real masterpieces! I liked a lot of them, to pick just one is difficult but I voted for Spain.
They are all gorgeous! I finally decided for the one from Azerbaijan. I don't really fancy the beetles from my own country very much...
I voted Albania
They are all beautiful but I voted for Belarus. ❤️
More activities like that! So nice to meet the stamps from other countries for a topic! 🙂😍
So much lovely stamps ! I already received Germany that I liked a lot but I voted for Portugal.
I picked the Faroe Islands one!
I voted for Poland. The disappearing design is so cool and on point. Message received. But there are many lively stamps too!
I voted for Germany
What an unbearable pity, so many beautiful creatures disappear through the fault of humanity ... I liked the stamp of Poland, which clearly shows how terrible this situation is.
Well, there are so many nice ones! I liked Aland, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Lithuania, Portugal, Russia - BUT I voted for Getmany. not because it is my country, but because they show the sometimes less liked insects on the stamp, which are soo important for our environment! And what I like also about this stamp is, that they still managed to bring the whole topic "Gefährdete nationale Wildtiere" as text on the stamp, although they show 3 animals already!
When you take a look at my avatar you understand I had to vote for Germany !
Their were so many beautiful stamps, but I did vote for Russia. I have already received this stamp from a Postcrosser in Russia and it is a gorgeous stamp!
They Are All Really Special & Pretty Stamps But I Voted For Faroe Islands. I Couldn't Resist That Puffin.
I voted for Azerbaijan panther stamp
I am fascinated by the STORIES and little details that go with each stamp. I hope you take time to read each one. And because no one species is more important than another, I will vote based on artistic merit. I believe that human population growth encroaches on their domains and probably also contributes to the global warming, both of which only speed up the extinction process. We, my friends, are the most dangerous parasite of this planet, and need to seriously consider if our grandchildren will still be able to live on Earth, or have to move to some other planet.
I wanted to vote for the Norwegian bumble bee, but they've gone with the puffin instead. So it had to be Poland. Although I didn't like the gray text in the top left corner, they're the only ones who have put an actual element of disappearance into the design. I also love wildcats, so I definitely wouldn't mind receiving it.
I voted for The Netherlands
I want to buy all these stamps!! I love this story. Thank you for bringing awareness. I voted!
There are so many beautiful stamps, it's difficult to choose! I voted for the frogs of Aland! And I wish that all those wonderful animals can be save for extinction.
I really liked the stamps of Azerbaijan, the Netherlands and Ukraine. I can't choose which one to vote for yet 🤔
I love them all. This is a wonderful awareness to what is happening in the world. I liked Albania's stamp, depicting various animals. I showed this to my granddaughter and I let her choose which stamp I should vote for. She had a hard time between Isle of Man and Belgium; she ended up choosing Belgium. I would love to have one of each of these stamps!
This is a wonderful idea. I agree that most people will likely vote for the "cutest" or "prettiest", but as someone who used to work with wild and endangered species, it's important to remember the little guys! I love the artwork and photography depicted in these stamps. I look forward to seeing some of them on incoming postcards!
What a great selection of beautiful stamps. They all deserve to win. I voted for the Bees from The Netherlands. Without Bees in the world it will be the true end.
Good luck💜
It was hard to choose from so many lovely stamps, but my vote was for Estonia. Enjoy the day! Demaris
Albania will be my favourite and I also like the one from Spain and Bulgaria
Everything is beautiful. But I voted for Austria.
I voted for Latvia )
All are nice, but I most favor Espania's. Children are depicted, suggesting the danger of the species.
Most of the stamps have good pictures of endangered species. However a pretty picture does not tell the story of the disappearing birds, animals, insects. Three of the stamps make you think about the problem.
3rd place - Ukraine has outline of falling tree causing loss of habitat for predators. I like the stamp, but had to read the text to figure out what it was saying.
2nd place - Greece shows red deer vocalizing, probably because of sadness.
1st place - Poland stamp hits the target dead center. The beautiful cat is disappearing because of human action.
I so enjoyed reading the texts on each of the stamps. They all encouraged me to focus more attention on endangered species. I liked the stamp from The Netherlands showing the bees. . .coincidentally, I've heard other countries have also shared the issues of "disappearing bees". But I voted for the beautiful Butterfly stamp from Switzerland. . .to me, butterflies signify something spiritual, especially through their amazing transformations. But I also know they are valuable for studying life cycles and healthy environments.
Белорусь.Хомяк очаровательный.
they are all very nice and at the same time sad to see what is happening with the environment, my vote went to Faroe Island one of the country that put the Puffin as headline.
I fear that the next generations will see some of these animals only in photos.
I voted for Austria / the Wolf. Beautiful photo! I should be so lucky to receive that stamp. There are several beautiful puffin stamps as well.
Понравились Босния и Герцеговина, Чехия, Словакия, конечно Россия. Но выбрал я Словению.
The puffin from the Faroe Islands looked me in the eye and said ‘choose me and save me’,
I have already received two beautiful European stamps. They are all very beautiful, but I have chosen the European stamp from Finland.
All beautiful stamps. Lovely animals. My vote went to the disappearing Lynx of Poland. I hope to receive many of these stamps.
Oh, hard choice! Both Norway, Faroe Islands and Jersey have a stamp with the Atlantic Puffin! How can I possibly choose 1 of those?!
Norway has released two stamps with endangered animals; the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula Arctica) and Great Yellow Bumblebee (bombus distinguendus). I'm disappointed because only one of them is shown in the competition! You can see both here, on the website of the Norwegian postal service:
There's so many other lovely stamps as well! And the German stamps with the two bugs is cool!
Greetings from Andorra,
For me the two most beautiful Europa 2021 CEPT stamps, and the most representative for the fight against the disappearance of animal species are the two stamps issued by the Principality of Andorra: Andorran Spanish & Andorran French administrations: the Pyrenean Desman shrew & Bearded Vulture (vulnerable and endangered species).
Lynx, wildcat, hamster.... so many animals great animals - I voted for Belarus.
Portugal's Loggerhead turtle is my choice, as they visit my locality where we try hard to protect their nest sites in the U S A
I'm very proud of our (Lithuanian) issue this year. 🇱🇹😊
I vote for the brand of the wolf from Austria.
I just voted for Estonia, The Eurasian Hoopoe, a bird that has always fascinated me, I have a special reason for voting for it. A few weeks ago one turned up out of the blue in my garden on a Sunday morning pecking around my wall for spiders, it must have been a thousand miles off course between W Africa where it overwinters and Southern Europe. It was reported as a rare sighting here and is a very rare bird in the Uk with just a few sightings each year. It is a spectacular bird and has even been recorded at 21000 feet around Mount Everest. Unmistakable, spectacular and very special to me.
I voted for cuteness, so Turkey it was but I also like the hamster and the mussels and and and. ;)
I voted for Poland, as I think that it shows best that the animal is in threat of extinction. But I loved pretty much all of them and I hope I'll get many of them on my Postcrossing cards! :) I'm actually especially happy that my own country, Germany, used bugs on its stamp. They're also endangered but not so popular, still we should give our best to save them. (Bought three sheets of them to use them as well. :D)
I voted for France!
Great and Beautiful iniciative.
I wish I can get all complete collections (I already have the Portugal series), because endangerous species are one of my stamp thematic collection.
We all should be aware of the unique value of each one of those (and so much more) species, for our planet...! So many endangered fauna and flora because of the "human species"...
I was sad to see Italy doesn't have this stamp... All the others were very beautiful. I voted for Aland, but it was hard to choose!
Poland. Their visualisation is great!
Beware that you can vote for one stamp only. Last year it was allowed to cast three votes.
My choice is Faroe islands! I would vote for Norway and Spain too if I could :)
I was really surprised to see three stamps with puffins and two with pearl mussels. A lot of the stamps were beautiful but my vote went to the Faroe Islands.
I voted for the Netherlands. Bees are so important and beautiful. My garden at this time of the year has a constant hum (when it's not raining) as the bees buzz around the blossoms. Amazing to watch.
I voted for Ireland. I love underwater sceneries and think that the small seashells are quite important for nature, but often forgotten. Beautiful stamp, hope to recieve it one day!
I have bought enough stamps from the German Europe edition 2021 to frank my postcards.
I hope all Postcrossers who will soon receive mail from me will be happy about this stamp.
I also have the German editions from previous years to swap.
What I like best this year is the Belarus edition.
This is like Eurovision (but better, it was dreadful!).
I voted for the Bosnia-Herzegovina mouse stamp, so cute!
I voted for Poland - the visualisation of the disappearing lynx is really good and eye-catching. I like the German entry with the beetles as well, the overall design is well-made.
the little seal from Turkey. So cute!
I have to admit I consider buying the two Norwegian stamps and mail two postcards to myself with those stamps on them! They're so beautiful!
Wish I could vote for ALL of them.
First, because all of the animals are precious.
Second, because all of the stamps are beautiful.
I voted for the bees of the Netherlands. There were many others I liked. And many that have the advantage of cuteness. Insects don't. But especially the bees play such a crucial role for the survival of everyone, flying from blossom to blossom like that. Also our German beetles were not a bad idea.
Great stamps and interesting stories! Azerbaizan’s stamp is my choice, it’s both my favorite species and absolutely a real piece of art😍
I enjoyed seeing the stamps and voted for the bird stamp from Estonia.
Italy is missing! Not sure about other countries. Italy releases EUROPA stamps usually later in the year (in 2020 it happened in October). I think this poll should be provided once all the countries have issued the Europa stamps, shouldn’t it?
Postal greeting to anyone passing by 👋
I really liked the issues of postage stamps of Poland, Russia and Lithuanнia.
But I voted for Poland. The problem is very interesting and clear.
I voted for Greece because I like the drawing style of the deer.
Hungary! I'm not usually a big fan of bird stamps, but this one is amazing!
I can't believe how great this idea is! I think the stamp of Poland shows best the importance of acting quickly to help the endangered species.
I voted for Aland, but I also loved Monaco and Sweden.
Hard to pick just one, but I voted for Poland.
There are many really beautiful stamps or motifs. To many.
The worse I find it that these animals all belong to the endangered species...
Finally, I voted for Ukraine. There I like the style, the presentation very well.
I looked and studied all of the stamps twice! It was a hard choice, I had several I really liked- and Turtles are my favorite animal and I was tempted to vote for that stamp, but in the end I also think about what draws me when I go to the post office to buy stamps, what it looks like on the envelope for the other to see and notice- I think about who is receiving my letter with the stamp. There are several I would buy if they were available here in the states- but my vote went to Ireland!
I voted for Austria, I love wolves! Sorry to see Italy didn't release any stamp :(
Cry of the Carpathians UKRAINE with neon lights!
I was actually surprised that there weren't too many "cute" stamps, which is considering the theme absolutely understandable. Sadly there is no time for cuteness anymore.
Torn between Poland, Austria and Ukraine I voted for Ukraine. The stamp and the meaning behind makes me quiver....
It's so hard to choose--so many wonderful entries!
I tried to vote, but upon hitting Submit, I received the message "Form over quota". Did anyone else receive that?
Difficult to choose just one!
I've just had the "form over quota" message when I tried to vote too 😔
I'll try to vote again later.
Hi, I voted for Faroe Ilslands. I love the stamp-picture. I hope it wins.
You forgot to mention the beautiful Swiss butterfles :)
I really like the polish stamp, it shows very clearly the ongoing extinction of species. It also shows the beauty of these animals that are going to be lost.
But there are many other very good motives this year, it is hard to pick the _one_.
The Harvest Mouse from BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA is so cute.
But I vote for Poland finally.
All stamps are great, all animals, birds, fish, insects are important and unique, we are very, very worried about all of them... But the most disturbing, exciting, heartbreaking pictures are by Poland and Ukraine.
without the bees there are no vegetables, fruits and many other flowers. They are very useful, which is why I chose the stamp from the Netherlands.
All of them are beautiful! It is very difficult to distinguish.
I voted for Faroe Islands.
I voted for Ukrania.
Oh my god! So much stamps with such cuties! My vote goes to Belarus, because I'm a mom of a hamster. ;)
In Eurovision I voted for Ukraine (passionately 😅) But here Bosnia & Herzegovina got my vote. Love those little harvest mice! It was super close though, the seahorse from Monaco, turtle from Portugal and puffin from the Faroe Islands could easily have gotten my vote too 💌
I've voted for the Isle of Man, because that bird has a very beautiful name in Lithuanian ☺
Poland. The disappearing Eurasian lynx is the stark reality.
Austria. Wolves are my favorite animal.
So many lovely stamps. It was not easy to vote. I voted for Faroe Islands
My favorite is Polish stamp, absolutely amazing 😍🐱
Albania got my vote. Second places for Malta and Spain.
Every time I send a postcard, I put the most beautiful stamp on the other side
Faroe Islands got my vote! I find puffins fascinating and would love to receive this stamp on a postcard! ♥♥♥
I vote for Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Latvia and Montenegro are my favorite. I vote still Latvija cause i think the topic is so important all over the Europe.
I voted for the Manx Shearwater of the Isle of Man. It was a tough choice but I haven't heard of this bird and it is such a beautiful picture.
I voted for Aland. I love frogs. Others I liked were, Latvia (pearls), Portugal (turtles), San Marino (the color of the endagered fellow and others there), Sweden (toads) Ireland (pearls), Germany (bugs). The one for Greece made me think of Canada or the Northwest USA, not Greece.
I love the Aland design!
I chose the one from Poland because it shows that it is disappearing! I love it all but I think it's the one that gets the message across the most!
I voted for Armenia but there were so many more I would have wanted to vote for.
I adore snakes, so ended up voting for Belgium. My second favorite is the frog stamp of Åland, such a beautifully illustrated stamp! I definitely like this theme in general as I'm a huge animal lover and will always support the conservation of endangered wildlife no matter the species.
All stamps are gorgeous... very hard to make a choice ! I voted for Montenegro !
I voted for Aland (the moor frog). I love the detail in that stamp and I like frogs or any amphibians anyway. I enjoyed the beetles from Germany. I also considered voting for the cute rat 😃
Love the variety and beauty of these stamps. I voted for Spain. The stamp was designed by someone with autism and I found that wonderfully empowering (plus it's a pretty cool drawing :-)).
So hard to choose only one - but I picked the Faroe Island puffin - it was looking right at me!
I voted for Guernsey - Endangered National Wildlife: European Eel! Outstanding!
I've voted for the Netherlands, not because it's my country, but because the stamp showes Bees. They are extremely important for the reproducing of plants, many of which are consumed by humans. It's very sad that they are endangered now. For a great part this is not caused by human failure, but a bee disease
Difficult to choose.. but my vote goes to Hungary
Although I like the Dutch one, my vote goes to Poland as it really hits the mark with the fading away Lynx.
I voted for Poland which I think has the only stamp in the whole competition that really illustrates what endangered means.
The Faroe Islands stamp!
i voted for belarus' hamster, but i also liked birds from hungary, lynx from croatia, wildcat from slovenia, hoopoe from estonia, and bird from montenegro.
unfortunately no stamps from my country, italy
I vote for the Netherlands. Our stamps with the bees are so nice and colorful.
Italy stamp is missing..... Polald is my favorete but also Norway and all the others are very beautyful too. Good theme for a Europe stamp.
I Love Fauna stamps, so I voted for Estonia and Kyrgyzstan.
The birds are exotic.
Love it ...
My vote goes to Finland!
What wonderful stamps! <3 I love them all. In the end I voted for Romania. What a bombastic stamp!
I wish no species of animal or plant was endangered! :-(
It was sad to notice how Lynx and Wildcat has began endagered on so many European countries. I voted for Lithuania. So beautiful creature!
All are special and beautiful, but my favorite is Slovenia :) I love all kind of cats and the one with the wildcat looks amazing.
I voted for Slovakia! I would love to see that bird in the wild
I voted for the stamp of Ukraine. I love the color and style. It depicts a brown bear, and you can see it’s existence is endangered by deforestation.
I really like the other stamps too. Maybe one of them will find it’s way to me on a postcard. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I voted for Slovenia wildcat but it was tough choise because there was many good ones.
It is difficult to choose because each species deserves to be protected, each species has its own utility.
From the bee to the Capercaillie, from the monk seal to the Persian panther, the choice is vast.
It is the stamp of Norway that I chose, the puffin.
Let's vote and above all let's work each in our own way so that Nature does not become a thing of the past.
Voted for Belgium! Snakes are beautiful creatures and very misunderstood by people.
In my country have (Asian black bear),but I never seem the bear.
I want vote to the Republic of Albania!
I like my country stamp (Romania) but I voted for the Netherlands. The bees are just great, I love honey and I really think that life quality and nature depends a lot on these tiny beings.
I voted for France, not so much because it's my country or because I love the stamp (there are better ones) but because of the effort to show many animals, you can see them if you have the mini sheet of 15 stamps, they are not all on the stamps but on the sides, and it shows a - frightening - panorama. Also France is the european country that has the biggest amount of endangered fauna, that sort of maximum you not very proud to reach.
here is the sheet I was talking about, on wikitimbres that reproduces an official document from the french post :
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