Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Lists, Love, and Living in the Moment: LouPaper’s Wonderful World of Postcards


Louise Neumann (and LouPaper) need no introduction to the Postcrossing community. Her U.S. state, seasonal garden, and other themed postcards are collected by thousands of us.

She made time for an email interview with Clarisse (aka Cstar9) last summer, and we’re so grateful!

mosaic of Louise and 8 of her designs
What music should people listen to as they read this interview?

Something cheerful and whimsical! Whatever puts you in a good mood. I think that would reflect my approach to my work, and the way I want it to make people feel.

How did LouPaper get started?

When I first started LouPaper, I was trying to see if I could make a career of drawing. I have a degree in illustration, but I didn’t know how to turn my passion into something that could earn a living. After college, I did some editorial commissions and other odd art jobs, but I was still trying to find fluency in my technique and confidence in myself.

Several themed cards stacked on a table - crystals, pastries, sushi and more 2 of LouPaper's state cards: Massachusetts and Nevada, with whales, lobsters, balloons, striped rocks

I had this idea of practicing my craft by simply choosing themes that I loved and drawing them. I thought maybe I could sell them as prints, notebooks, etc.

Obvious question: Why postcards?

The day I dipped my toe into the world of postcards was the biggest fluke of my career. I had been selling art prints for a while, and I was working on a collection of U.S. state prints.

I hadn’t particularly considered postcards, but in 2019, a lady contacted me on Etsy asking if I could turn one of my state designs into a postcard for her wedding in North Carolina. I agreed and created 100 cards, and the funny thing is that she never actually purchased them. I never heard from her again.

Snail-mail themed postcard

With nothing to lose, I made them available in my shop, assuming I’d spend the next five years trying to sell 100 postcards. Who buys postcards? To say that I have since been educated on the prolific and magnificent Postcrossing community is an understatement. The speed with which I was embraced and swept up by this community still astounds me.

Even though I don’t have the time to send a lot of snail-mail myself, I feel fully immersed in the snail-mail world from a creative standpoint. I also receive a lot of postcards from the fabulous snail-mail community (truly the kindest people in the world) and I think that informs my work a lot as LouPaper continues to grow and evolve.

Garden plants are omni-present characters in your postcards. How is your garden connected to your work?

When I was first starting LouPaper, my husband Forrest and I had moved to Tennessee and were also starting our first garden. There was so much to learn and it was on my mind all the time. I was learning what grew best in each season – identifying seeds, different plants, garden zones, and so on. One of the first things I ever published in my Etsy shop was a set of four seasonal garden prints, which so encapsulate that period of my life, it’s like stepping into a time machine every time I see those designs.

Fast forward ten years and the garden still plays a role in my process as my favorite thinking spot and mood enhancer. It is also very “me”, as I love to be creating and producing things all the time.

Whether it’s drawing, growing a garden, or cooking a meal, I am definitely my happiest when I’m creating something.

Postcard showing illustration of winter garden vegetables like parsnips, turnips, and cabbage Postcard showing spring garden vegetables like herbs, radishes, and artichokes
What are some of the elements that define LouPaper for you? What do you hope people take away from your work?
An illustrated tea cup

I think one thing that sets my art apart is my traditional pen and ink approach. More and more art is digital these days – which I think actually opens up a whole world of amazing techniques and design elements – but working on the computer is my least favorite thing to do, so I don’t!

I have distinct themes (food, seasons, holidays, states). I also like round numbers and neat things and things that “fit”, which I think is reflected in my work.

An array of 30 or so LouPaper state cards

Occasionally I will create a postcard that doesn’t really fit the rest of my collection of work, and I will release those designs as limited-edition postcards, so that I can explore and enjoy the theme, send it out into the world, and then let it go.

Maybe this goes without saying, but I LOVE what I do. I literally could not enjoy it more. I hope the people who enjoy my cards can feel that positive energy coming out through the designs, really embodying the spirit of “happy mail.”

I love the thought that my cards connect people around the world and bring a little happiness to the mailbox. What could be more rewarding than that?

What’s the first step to getting an idea from your head to the page? Do you tend to sketch components one at a time and then eventually group them into a piece, or do you get ideas for whole cards?

I always want my work to be consistent and recognizable as a cohesive “brand.” With that always at the back of my mind, I’ve developed almost a formula for the way I create for LouPaper.

I am always nervous when I begin any new theme, feeling unsure with my drawings and ideas – maybe like the theme is missing the mark somehow. But I have learned to trust my process and push through my nerves.

Beer series - 9 images of different cans and bottles

I’m the biggest list-maker you’ll ever meet. I have notebooks and little sheets of paper and post-it notes everywhere. To organize future projects, I have to-do lists that are as long as each arm, and I’m constantly thinking of new ideas. I also receive a lot of suggestions from people who would like to see a certain design, so I never feel that I am without inspiration.

Starting with lists, I hone in on a theme, then sketch out a whole slew of different elements for that subject. I don’t have a particular composition in mind, I just create all the little pieces that I want to include, then put them together and keep shuffling the parts around until I finally land upon the puzzle that fits.

Over time, I have learned to trust my instincts about whether a finished piece is actually complete or needs to be adjusted. Sometimes I’ll sleep on it and come back in the morning with fresh eyes, just to make sure.

You mentioned that LouPaper began with a commission. Do you still take those?

I used to take a lot of commissions, which was quite a different process for me. I have worked with many companies in the food and beverage industry—often a challenging process, and typically very time-consuming. Companies / art directors tend to expect a series of ideas, followed by some sketches, and an ongoing conversation until we reach the final artwork. It’s a fairly defined process.

I’ll say I have worked with some incredibly kind and supportive people through that work, and it’s probably where I have grown most as an artist. It has given me some validation for feeling that I could step out on my own more with LouPaper.

Since having my two children, I have needed a more flexible schedule, and during this season of life, I put all my work-time into my LouPaper business.

What does research look like for you? (Do you travel to ALL the states? Eat ALL the pastries?)

Ha! Well I have definitely eaten all the pastries and all of the donuts (and my veggies too, so don’t worry Mom!). I like to be as authentic as possible in my work, which is why I typically choose themes that I am interested in or have some knowledge of.

A plate of donuts next to a LouPaper print of various kinds of pastries

It isn’t always possible, though, and there are plenty of themes in my work that I’m not an expert on. The state series is a good example of that. I have traveled a lot, and since moving to the U.S. in 2010, I have lived in California, Alabama, Tennessee, Oregon, and Idaho. Because I grew up in England, I think I have always looked at America with fascination and wonder. It’s such a big country and very different from where I grew up. I see it with the eyes of a curious visitor, even though it feels completely like home to me here now.

But there are states I haven’t visited – or where I’ve barely scratched the surface. For those states, I do as much research as possible and also solicit input from people who live there.

This is where Instagram comes in handy— I can throw out questions to my community and they’ve always got me covered.

By the way, it’s Friday today so my cocktail research will resume this evening. That one is a work in progress!

Tell us about your studio – what are some of the inspirational elements there? Is there anything about it that might surprise us?

My studio space is what should have been the “formal dining” room in our house. We are not formal people, though, so I claimed this room for LouPaper the moment we moved in. I sit at my desk in front of a big, beautiful window that looks out onto our garden. It is my happy place, for sure.

LouPaper sketchbook image of a postage stamp of the Queen

The only downside is that when people walk in the front door, they basically step straight into my workspace, which is absolute mayhem. My studio is in a constant state of functional chaos, though I do have lots of things here to keep me inspired.

I think artists are often divided into two groups: those who display their own work in their home, and those who don’t. I am 100% in the second category. I adore the work of other artists and have it all over my studio.

I accumulate cups of coffee, water, and tea on my desk all day long and basically need a removal truck at the end of the day to take them all back to the kitchen.

I am also infamous to all my friends and family for leaving a trail of tiny little paper snippets wherever I go. I trim the corners off hundreds of postcards throughout the week and they end up on my socks, in my pockets, all over our house, and basically everywhere you could imagine. But I really like round corners, so I guess it’s a price we’ll pay.

Looking at my office floor right now… I really ought to sweep.

Do you ever get creator’s block, and if so, what do you do about it?
Lou's hand holding a pen, hand-lettering the text on the Hawaii state card

I think I used to get creator’s block more when I was starting out and I didn’t have a sense of who I was as an artist or how to channel my creative energy. I was always looking for a specific result, without enough experience to have confidence in the process. I could often see what I wanted to achieve but not quite how to get there.

For me, creator’s block has become less of an issue. Time, patience, and oh so much practice has gotten me more into my groove over the years.

Occasionally I do struggle to start a new project. If I realize I don’t have enough passion for it, I try to side-step to something completely different. Often, I will still be thinking about that project further down the line and come back to it at a time when I am in the right mood to tackle it.

What’s your earliest memory of defining yourself as an artist?

It all started with me winning an art competition at school, where I drew a really mediocre sheep at the pivotal age of 8. It was the taste of success that got the ball rolling, and a lifetime or so later, I found myself in the idyllic coastal town of Falmouth, as a shy and clueless 20-year-old Illustration student doing the whole university thing and also my own laundry.

It has been a steady road of failures, triumphs, self-doubt, and determination from that moment on. My first professional commission (an illustration about dim sum for The San Francisco Chronicle) and my first Etsy sale were pretty big moments. There are plenty of disappointments and frustrations, but I’m definitely somebody who tries to celebrate the little successes along the way. That’s true about my approach to life in general.

The road to becoming an artist isn’t always easy. There have been times when I have done completely different things – like painting houses and creating a gourmet popsicle business (!) – to make ends meet. I’ve learned lessons from everything I’ve done, and gradually I’ve been able to make the art dream work.

Resilience has been key! I have a little post-it note stuck on my desk reminding me, “success is dependent on effort.” It can take time, but continued effort combined with passion and a positive attitude will eventually pay off.

What are you working on right now?
An array of LouPaper stickers - a fish, a black bear, a blue bicycle, blueberries on a branch

I am currently drawing a conch shell. Nature creates some weird and wonderful things, I tell you.

On the broader spectrum, I am working on a few different postcard themes (beach, coastal, wedding, and my seemingly never-ending state collection).

I am also looking at adding a few different sorts of products, so stay tuned for those later this year!

What do you look back on most proudly?

Overall, I think the LouPaper brand itself is something that I’m the most proud of. It’s been a work in progress for the past decade, not just in the creation of content but in marketing my own work, being punctual when shipping orders, and trying to give my customers the best possible experience. I feel their support on a very personal level, and I want my customers and community to know how much I appreciate them.

What is the biggest challenge in your work right now?

The biggest challenge in my work is time management. I love my work, and I love being a wife and mom. I have to manage my days to try and find as much balance as I can and divide my time and energy accordingly. It’s a busy season of my life, and I’m so grateful for all of it!

What’s next for you?

As a mom of a 2-year-old and 6-year-old, I’m living in the moment! But generally speaking, I will be continuing to work on LouPaper, growing my garden, enjoying my family, and trying to cook all of the recipes I’ve saved on Instagram (about 5000 of them, so wish me luck!).

And that’s it! :) You can learn more about Lou on Instagram, or visit her shop on Etsy.

And now, for the small giveaway! Clarisse is going to send 4 LouPaper’s postcards to 4 randomly picked postcrossers. For a chance to win, you should reply to this prompt: “If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?” Leave a comment below, and come back this time next week to check out the winners!

88 comments so far

Oleks_and_ra, Ukraine

Love it!!🧡
“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”
There aren't many interesing things in my town, but I will try to find some. First, the name of my town is Vyshneve that translated as Cherry town, so there can be a blooming stick of cherry🍒And there is a dove on the emblem, so it's like a national animal. She can also add some Ukrainian food like Varaenyky. Finally here is a bust of Taras Shevchenko. Okay that's all)

Bookhuntress, United States of America

There already is a Minnesota card--I've sent dozens of them!--and Lou did a great job with drawing representative items, from a hockey player to our state symbols. I live in a small town, so not much to draw here; but for the North Shore area, ideas would include Lake Superior, ore carriers or sailing ships, huge forests, moose and wolves, salmon fishing, the amazing rocky coast and cliffs like Palisades, World's Best Donuts in Grand Marais, thomsonites and agates.
I will check out her Etsy store periodically to see what she comes up with.

sacdalton, United States of America

Louise is so very talented. Her cards have been a favorite of mine since I stumbled across them. How about a series of state capitals after you wrap each state? I live in Sacramento and would include the Tower Bridge, State Capitol, American River Parkway and buildings from Old Sac.

eat_lift_hike, United States of America

I live in North Carolina and I'm amazed that the person who ordered the 100 postcards never claimed them (their loss, our win!). I might be one of those people who purchased maybe 50 of those 100! LOL. If Louise were to do another North Carolina regional postcard, I'd love to see her add the Blue Ridge Mountains, Cheerwine, Wright Brothers Memorial, NASCAR, Mt. Olive Pickles and Texas Pete hot sauce!

Jenzeestyle, United States of America

Ahhhhh yay Lou and Lou Crew making it to the big big pages of postcrossing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

yhn666_CN, China

I am from Daqing, Heilongjiang, China. We have a very unique scenery here: oil pumps! Because Daqing City has the Daqing Oilfield, a famous oilfield that played an indelible role in China's early construction. Therefore, the postcards of Daqing are indispensable to the oil pumps!

lburr_2000, United States of America

I love the state postcards! Since I've been in Postcrossing, I acquire postcards from many sources. When I've been to museums, especially local ones, I've been disappointed in their selection. I think you could redo states with only historical topics and market them to museums. I live in Utah presently and you have the train joining, and Mormon temple, but you could have handcarts, famous men and women, explorers, native people...

Southernstampqueen, United States of America

Awesome! So glad you had that first postcard order! Lou Crew loves you!

Sjwiley, United States of America

Hi! I live in Kentucky. You already have a postcard from here, but there are some regional foods you could add. There is a Hot Brown which is an open faced sandwich that’s popular. A stew called Burgoo. A couple desserts are the Derby Pie and Kentucky Butter Cake. Thanks!

Luziaceleste, Brazil

So nice to meet the artist behind known postcards. Lovely interview of a lovely person.
Particularly I like her humour. We can always laugh about ourselves, to start...

Answering the question: if there would be a Loupaper postacrd over São Paulo, 'brigabeiro' is the essecial (a typical sweet created in this area and a must have in any party), 'virado a paulista' is the savory dish that represents well the area, then on the landmars there is MASP (museum of art), 'Estação da Luz' (train station) and 'Ponte estaida' (bridge), nature would be represented by Ibirapuera Park and its iconic buildongs as Oca or Bienal.

booboo_babies, United States of America

Thank you for featuring this artist. She is certainly talented and I hope to see much more art from this lady.
As far as the question goes, I live in Lubbock, Texas. Our area is known for: Texas Tech University, flat land, Buddy Holly (1950s rock and roll star), cotton, and lots of wind and dust storms, especially in the spring.

motherhubbard10, United States of America

I am definitely a fan of Lou Paper postcards.
I live in Oregon, and I would love to see Multnomah Falls or Crater Lake put on that postcard.

My suggestion for a theme for Lou Paper is music.

anushka_manjure, India


Thank you so much for featuring Louise Neumann (and LouPaper). While I regularly get these cards via our lovely group of USA postcrossers, we have since bought a set of mint 50 States far as the question goes, I stay in Mumbai, India's financial capital, and it is home to numerous iconic landmarks and cultural symbols. Here are ten must-include places and things that define the city:
1. Gateway of India – A grand colonial-era monument overlooking the Arabian Sea, built in 1924.
2. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) – A UNESCO-listed railway station known for its stunning Victorian Gothic architecture.
3. Marine Drive – The iconic seaside boulevard, also known as the "Queen’s Necklace" due to its glittering night view.
4. Elephanta Caves – A UNESCO World Heritage Site with ancient rock-cut temples dedicated to Lord Shiva.
5. Bandra-Worli Sea Link – A modern engineering marvel that connects South Mumbai to the suburbs.
6. Dabbawalas of Mumbai – The legendary lunchbox delivery network known for its precision and efficiency.
7. Bollywood – The Hindi film industry, centered in Mumbai, is a global cinematic powerhouse.
8. Crawford Market – A historic shopping hub known for fresh produce, spices, and colonial-era charm.
9. Haji Ali Dargah – A stunning mosque and tomb situated on an islet in the Arabian Sea.
10. Vada Pav – Mumbai’s favorite street food, a spicy potato fritter inside a bun, often called the city’s burger.
Each of these places and symbols captures the spirit of Mumbai, blending history, culture, and modernity.

cbayha, United States of America

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”
If Louise featured Fredericksburg, VA on a postcard, she would definitely have to include Agora Coffee shop situated in a lovely historical building painted yellow, and/or the crowds of Herons who stopover on the Rappahannock river on their way to other places. My city is also home to several beautiful historic churches that I think would be fun to draw as well.

bindola, United States of America

No one does not love your work!
Fiona the Hippo for Cincinnati Zoo
Raspberry chocolate chip ice cream cone for Graeter’s
5-way serving of chili on spaghetti for Cincinnati Chili
Flying Pig carousel animal
Red-eyed Cicada
Facade of Union Terminal for Museum Center/architecture
Facade of Music Hall for culture
Beer mug for Oktoberfest and our many breweries
Bearcat mascot for University of Cincinnati, tiger for Bengals, Mr. Red for the Reds
I got a million of ‘em! But I will stop here.

SandyMe, Germany

In my little town in Brandenburg: the city hall and the railroad station, because these are historical buildings and were restored!

Michelle0814, China

I like this style of postcard! If he is in China, he must be very popular! Maybe it can be combined with China and the West? Ahaha, draw a postcard of a foreigner visiting China! It will definitely be welcomed by Chinese and foreign friends!
Painting content: foreigners visit the Great Wall, foreigners eat hot pot, foreigners do pottery diy!

KatziMausi, Germany

Really enjoyed the interview. It's actually my first time coming across her postcards and I see why there are so popular. If she ever made a Hamburg postcard it should include Alster river swans, the pastry Franzbrötchen and the Hamburg Harbor with the Opera house. :)

Blue_Sheep, Germany

For my hometown there would be a lion. Maybe some football and beer too.
And we have so many old and beautiful buildings, so it is hard to choose just a few

craziferretlady, United States of America

I am overjoyed Louise was interviewed!👏She is simply wonderful. She always leaves the kindest notes in my beautifully packaged envelopes of postcards I order. I loved learning about her and hope to open my own Etsy postcard shop one day using her as my inspiration.🥰

LouPaper already has a state of Illinois postcard that features the most popular landmarks and Abraham Lincoln of course.

If she were to do a postcard of my city, Bloomington, it would feature our beautiful downtown district of historic buildings, State Farm Insurance Corporate Building, important leaders such as Adlai Stevenson II and David Davis. I would hope to see our tree stump wood carving of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz in Evergreen Memorial Cemetery.🫶

Neita, United States of America

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?” Re the Baltimore, Maryland, USA area:
steamed blue crabs with lots of rock salt;
Berger's chocolate-iced cookies;
marble doorsteps;
the Pride of Baltimore replica ship sailing on the Chesapeake Bay;
Camden Yards baseball stadium;
the Star-Spangled Banner (Fort McHenry);
the "Natty-Boh" beer logo;
McCormick spices;
I can supply more if needed!

emmylou, Germany

Love it! If Louise featured the black forest, she should include "Ellbachseeblick", a very nice view point that is definitly worth a visit!

Ramya, United States of America

So happy for you Lou to be featured here! Your story inspires me to keep at my own art… to find myself in it. Love love love your interview. Love your beautiful artwork! Sending and receiving your postcards from people all over is such a delight!

Ramya, United States of America

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?” For the city of Emmett, Idaho; The water tower, cherries, Payette River, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, classic cars, old sawmill, Island Sports Complex, Magpie, a fishing pond, deer, crop of corn, a Black Angus and a horse.

ZenTravel, United States of America

We have such a diverse state here in CA. The Golden Gate Bridge, sequoia trees, ocean, desert plants, mountains and more give infinite choices for a postcard.

hoppintoads, United States of America

I love your art so much, Louise!

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

I'm in Washington state and you already have a card that features all of the things I would recommend for that, but I was thinking that it would also be fun to have a Leavenworth, WA card, which is the Bavarian-themed town in Central Washington. It could feature the Bavarian buildings, carriage/sleigh rides, beer/Oktoberfest, the Christmas lighting (basically the town's annual festivals), Nutcrackers, the rolling hills with or without snow, the rivers/river rafting, the outdoor theater, horses, pears and cherries. Okay, maybe it needs a themed card for each season of the year, or at least Christmas and summer!

Dawn_Plum, United States of America

If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include? Louise did a great job on the Kentucky card, I would maybe suggest a cardinal and wildcat addition for the big sports teams, or something for Mammoth Cave National Park.

volvomom, United States of America

I live in Massachusetts, but my heart and soul are in Vermont. For the Green Mountain State please consider adding in creemees, maple syrup, moose, red clovers, the Morgan horse, skiing/snowboarding, and don't forget Champ - our own Lake Champlain monster! Reach out if you'd like more input! :)

shellvillepost, United States of America

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin is where the world-premiere of the Wizard of Oz happened in 1939! I actually designed meetup cards for one of the recent anniversaries, and the town has a big festival.

Oconomowoc would have
-water (several lakes and is part of Lake Country) and boats
-Wizard of Oz characters or a yellow brick road/ruby slippers
-5 O's
-a racoon (our high school mascot)
-adirondack chairs from our boardwalk downtown
-an ice cream cone and a snowflake, the differences in all seasons
-our dome-shaped band shell
-city hall's clock tower

P.S. LOVED this interview, and love Louise and LouPaper! Thank you for bringing smiles to so many postcrossers.

dulcey, United States of America

I recently bought the NH Loupaper and those are so accurate! For my hometown I’d add in hot air balloons, wild turkeys, firefighter suits and white tailed deer.

Anjanette, United States of America

If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?

Minneapolis MN- I would love Louise to do MN postcards featuring Little Free Libraries and the Minneapolis Wedge Cat Tour (cats in windows)!

Thank you for this wonderful interview!

Chirp2lou, Canada

Victoria, British Columbia is made for postcard images! Our beautiful downtown harbour with the Empress Hotel and Legislative Buildings is iconic. Totem poles. Chinatown Gate of Harmonious Interest. We have castles, orcas, humpback whales and lots of other sea life, kites, bicycles, birds, ice cream, mountains, gardens, and people out enjoying walking, hiking, biking, beaches and more.

reiselustig, Germany

If there would be a lou paper postcard about my region there should be at least one of the medieval castles, a half-timbered house our Forest hills within fields and a raccoon (it is an intruder, but in Germany I live in the area with the highest raccoon population 🙂
Thank you for the fantastic and so interesting Interview, Clarisse!

Hawwa, Spain

From my region she should include some food (rice dishes, oranges & lemons, traditional cakes...), fishes, the sun & the beaches, a medieval castle or tower, orange & almond tree blossoms...

charzevans, United Kingdom

First of all, LouPaper postcards are the best and are such a treat to receive via Postcrossing as they are on my wish list.
I would love it if there was a UK postcard.
My little island is full of history, beautiful sights and landmarks as well as a vast array of amazing pastries and desserts.
Keep up the good work!!

Catlover2120, United States of America

Louise is THE BEST! As a customer since early 2020, I am delighted to watch her popularity grow and grow. What an amazing accomplishment for her, to have people all over the world seeking out her artwork! (Well-deserved!)

I love my state card (Washington) and think it's the most beautiful (yes, I'm biased.) But if I could see a new card with other things in my area, our iconic Space Needle is a beloved landmark. I would also love to see orca whales--we have resident pods in Puget Sound, plus transient pods that swing by.

NaturalistNatalie, United States of America

I she were to make a postcard for my town, it would include all the different types of grapes we grow in the vineyards around town.

FlamingoRose, United States of America

I live in a Far west suburb of Chicago, Illinois. The postcard should feature Chicago, Lake Michigan, Navy Pier. Abraham Lincoln also has roots in Illinois, so he should be included as well.
Thank you. I'll have to check LouPaper's on Etsy.

Lilly7022, Germany

Certainly I live in a small village, there's just our nice castle and much nature around.

Not far away is Francfort at Main, also named Mainhattan. Francfort has a nice skyline, it could show with towers of money, which is traded in the banks.
Plus the most famous person if Francfort: J.W. von Goethe. He loved a great food, the traditional green sauce/Grüne Soße of 7 herbs. And don't forget a glass of hassian apple wine/ Äppelwoi in it's Bembel!

tracymom27, United States of America

I live in the Boston area and have had her Massachusetts card! But for my area, Arlington, MA - it would have to be the Revolutionary war and historic battle scenes. We are celebrating 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War battlegrounds this year with our more famous neighbors, Lexington and Concord. I will be going to the first issue release of these stamps next month in Concord, MA! And Uncle Sam is from Arlington, MA!!

LSLipshez, United States of America

Love the wide selection of LouPaper themes!
How about dabbling into professions?
Teacher, librarian, accountant, doctor, no problem!
How would you capture my field, Speech Pathologist??

tinilu, Austria

I love Lou paper! My little home village has nothing special, but the region only a few kilometers away is lovely with vineyards and many castles and even two big Monasteries along the river Danube. There are also many apricot trees, so an apricot should be on the card as well as castles, vine and perhaps knights, as one of the castles was a robber baron castle.

LittleDormouse, Germany

Hello, Louise,
reading your interview is a very great pleasure. Thank you very much.

The first ever postcard I received via Postcrossing was your "Pastries" card. A very special one for me forever. In my profile I spoke of my love for baking, so that's why.
I live in Hamburg, Germany, and on my wishlist would be the church of St. Michael's, the port and cruise ships, and from the "pastries" card the "Franzbrötchen" which is very typical for Hamburg. Legend has it that if you look at a "Franzbrötchen" from above, you'll see the outlines of the city.
Finally, Hamburgers are very British-minded, so a tiny hint, like a Union-jacked umbrella or a cup of tea wouldn't be amiss.
Warmest wishes to all your work, Karoline

tautiptoe, Germany

I love these cards and the interview was lovely and so down to earth!
I live in a small town in Northern Germany, and we have a beautiful market square with timberframe houses, an old watch tower from 1423 that was once part of the city wall and also a renaissance castle (which nowadays unfortunately is home to the tax authorities... Kind of fitting, isn't it?) with a lovely park.
Would love to see a LouPaper card with these sights one day.

AnimalLovingSwimmer, United States of America

LouPaper has some of the nicest illustrated postcards and very great quality!! I always have a nice little stack of her postcards on hand for fellow Postcrossers.

Purple21, United Kingdom

It’s lovely to read your journey onto creating all the creative postcards. If you were to do a city in Scotland, it would be Edinburgh

You would have to include

1 Castle
2 writers museum
3 witches
4 Scot’s monument
5 princess street gardens
6 ghosts
7 grey friars Bobby
8 dean village picturesque tranquilie
9 smallest pub ( the wee pub )
Oldest pub
Leith doc Leith was used as the port of entry when King George IV visited Scotland, giving rise to the names of The Old Ship Hotel, and the King's Landing.

Underground village
Mary’s close
So many landmarks

Purple21, United Kingdom

Forgot St Giles in Edinburgh
Is very famous x also holyrood palace
Grass market

mtag, United States of America

I'd love to see a Vermont card. Maple creemees, beer, cheese, maple syrup/a tree with a sap bucket, Champ (our lake monster), mountains, farmers market, deer and other critters, a covered bridge...

CentralTexasRose, United States of America

Thank you for a great interview - LouPaper postcards and notecards are a favorite of mine to send and receive. I send colorful postcards and stamps to my granddaughters to spark their imagination and start a conversation. I sent them the "tomato" postcard and asked them if they would eat a purple tomato or a yellow one or a green one? It was fun to talk to them on the phone about the tomato postcard!

LetterHead, United States of America

Louise's art is so bright and cheerful. If she were to create another Hawaii postcard, she could include:

Humpback whales (who migrate here each winter)
Kolea (golden plover)
Loco moco (fried egg atop a hamburger patty with brown gravy on rice)
Rubber slippers (aka flip flops outside the 50th state)
Pineapple (of course)
TheBus (our city transport in rainbow stripes)

xusblasco, Spain

"If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”
As my hometown is near the Mediterranean, I'd definitely think the sea should be featured as well as the walls of the ancient castle in Sagunto (Valencia, Spain) and probably orange trees, which we have a few!
Thanks for this interview with Louise!!!

LeilaKewl, Philippines

Wow!!!! Loupaper has really set the standards for having a chaotic order of related things. Thank you for sharing your artwork!

CentralTexasRose, United States of America

LouPaper has a great Texas postcard and notecard I send frequently!
The official motto of Austin, Texas is the "Live Music Capital of the World"

lilypostkort, United States of America

If Lou Paper would represent my region she would include a small creek surrounded with trees, deer and squirrels.

Michaela-SK, Slovakia

Slovak postcard from LouPaper would be so amazing. If she were to create Slovakia postcard, she could include at least one of our many castles, traditional (smoked) cheese, mountains, chamois and marmots, and buchty (yeast pastry with sweet filling).

mysweetlife63, United States of America

Love your work Louise - thank you for making it available to Postcrossers!
For Wisconsin, you could add a white tail deer, cow, the Kringle, cheddar, pumpkins, either of the Great Lakes or the Mississippi.
Thank you for this interview!

postboo, Norway

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

As I live in the west part of Norway, she would definitely have to include the fjords and the mountains. People go skiing (downhill, cross country and freeriding), snowboarding, rock climbing, paddling in the fjords, hiking in the mountains. There is the city Bergen, which is Norway's second largest city with only 290.000 inhabitants, with famous tourist attractions and Unesco heritage sites like Bryggen (the Nærøy fjord is also on the Unesco list). I have so much more I can list, but I'm going to leave it at that, hoping that she will make a postcard featuring Norway someday.

animemiz, United States of America

Hello, I love love love Louise's store. I buy and send postcards! There's already a New York State postcard, but as answering the prompt for "If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

If she featured a New York City one, she should depict a rendition of the New York Citu Subway, hot dogs, Brooklyn Bridge, Big Apple, New York Public library Lions and others.

ILove2Write2, United States of America

Wisconsin is known as Brew City, Cream City (cream-colored bricks), City of Festivals (Summerfest, German Fest, Fiesta Italiana, to name a few) and the Lambeau Leap (Green Bay Packers). Thank you for adding some creativity to the snail mail enthusiasts!

dutchgranny, Netherlands

the district where I am living in the northeast of the netherlands is called "drenthe" / there are still to see the many graves / dolmen out of the ancient times / very impressive to see in the heatherfields or forests ... and to make drawings of them / also in neighbourland gérmany they are to find everywhere - in NL they are called: "hunebedden" -

mezzanine2, Canada

If Vancouver, Canada were to be visually represented as a LouPaper postcard, I would consider the following images: the geodesic dome of Science World BC; Canada Place; mountains; Seabus; the seawall around Stanley Park; forests; the Canadian flag; ocean; the neon sign to Granville Island Public Market district's main entrance.

SparklyTurnip, Australia

If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

Coffs Harbour Australia
- Gumbaynggirr words
-the big banana
- jetty
- buster (ship wreck)
- surf board
- blue berries
- kangaroos

♥️ love Lou paper cards

Heartlover1717, United States of America

YAY! Lou Paper is one of my FAVORITE postcard providers! The Massachusetts Card is wonderful!

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?"

I live in WORCESTER, known as the "Heart of the Commonwealth" so of course there should be HEARTS, e.g. a rendition of our City Seal, some examples of our Street Signs (they all have hearts). Also, many other things, such as:
• Famous Black athlete Marshall Major Taylor (professional cyclist)
• George's Coney Island (classic sign!)
• City Hall - where the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence took place
• The Worcester Common Oval/Ice Rink behind City Hall
• "Turtle Boy" (IYKYK)
• The classic Smiley Face (Harvey Ball)
• The seven hills
I'm sure others who live in Worcester would suggest MANY additional items!

Michelle305, United States of America

Hi, Louise was such a pleasure to chat with when I placed my 1st order on Etsy for her cards. I was telling her she is like a Postcrossing Celebrity!! lol. “If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?” - I live in Oceanside, California (North San Diego County) There is the famous "Top Gun House", also, the Longest wooden pier in the Western U.S, We have tons of Harbours (by the coast) There should be seals on the card (Seal Beach), Maybe sketch a "California Breakfast Burrito" lol San Diego is known for it's California Burritos for breakfast. Maybe add a Navy Ship since we have a Naval Station here, or Marines... (MCRD) Just Ideas for San Diego.

Anamaria8, United Kingdom

Great post - thank you for sharing with us a bit of your creativity and daily life.
I live in London so I'd say London Bridge, the Royal Greenwich Park (or the Observatory), a delicious scone, and some sunshine as the summer days are getting closer and the weather is getting warmer. No rain please ^.^

LeilaKewl, Philippines

Hello, Louise! Finally, was able to finish the whole blog post.
To answer the question, "If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?"... this is far-fetched as I am in the Philippines. But for the province of Laguna, I would say:
-food: buko pie (coconut pie), singaling, espasol, kinulob na itik at itlog na maalat (roast duck and salted eggs) (of Victoria)
-nature: Mt Makiling, mudspring of Los Banos, Laguna de Bay, Pagsanjan Falls (of Cavinti/ Pagsanjan)
-structures: St Gregory the Great Parish Church (of Majayjay), MakBan Geothermal Plant, National Arts Center ampitheater
-handicraft: slippers and sandals (of Liliw), embroidery on pinya cloth (of Lumban)
-flowers: sampaguita (of San Pedro), gumamela varieties created by local scientists, bougainvillea (of Bay/ Calauan)
And many more!

MerryMeg, United States of America

My hometown of Willoughby Hills, Ohio is famous for a "castle" at North Chagrin Reservation. It was actually part of an estate that was never completed. It is a favorite for picnics, gatherings and -- especially -- wedding photos!

Mr-Levi, Netherlands

I live in the Netherlands in the northern province Fryslân.
A LouPaper Fryslân card should have the Frisian flag, a lapwing ("national" bird of the province), a black and white cow and/or a Frisian horse, a "skûtsje" (old sailing cargo ship), the "Waterpoort" (archway) of Sneek, something representing the Eise Eisinga planetarium, a piece of oranjekoek (pastry), a bottle of Berenburg (disgusting tasting traditional Frisian alcoholic beverage 🙃) and ice skates on it (skates as referral to the Elfstedentocht). And maybe a "kaatsbal", a small ball used in the traditional sport "kaatsen".... (Google will tell you more about everything)

I am looking forward to a Vermont LouPaper !

sandytoes, United States of America

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”
Boise, Idaho or Idaho
Guru Donuts, Train Depot, Bogus Basin, Camel's Back Park, High Bridge, Rainbow Bridge, Table, Rock, Green Belt (there's LOTS of sites along here), Lucky Peak Dam Rooster Tail, Birds of Prey, Coeur d' Alene - Moose/Millie (statues around the city & there are books), Nampa - Warhawk Air Museum, Firebird Raceway and so much more.

OldManSea, Norway

A pier, lighthouse, fishing boat, a tiny old white wooden house, the statue of the 2 girls overlooking the sea "Jentene på Flatholmen" (a statue made to touch your heart) and of course myself - the #1 receiver of mail in Tananger, Norway. Must be with me sitting in my "Ferrari" holding a bunch of cards 😀 Cheers and Keep Up the Good Work, Joey

DrDave, United States of America

There is a Texas card which is quite good. A card of the Texas Panhandle might be interesting. We have the Lighthouse rock feature in the Palo Duro Canyon. There is the skyline of the city of Amarillo. The cars of Cadillac Ranch. A very large Lake Meredith. The town of Shamrock. Route 66. Lots of wind turbines.

OkieSelena24, United States of America

I love Lou paper!! and love the Oklahoma postcard.. I have purchased it many times!!!

Rajath, India

“If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

I would like her to cover the city starting from our General Post office in front of the seat of power Vidhana soudha and then see how the city has come from being a peaceful place to the Information technology capital of the city. Take a trip to electronic city to see where the city grew to be on NASDAQ and every fortune 500 companies want to go list

kirstinbr, United States of America

PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON : the black ball ferry between here and Victoria, Welly’s ice cream shop, olympic mountains, and downtown first street:)

LowerDecksPOBox, Belgium

Those postcards are great!

For Brussels, Belgium, I nominate:
St. Michel and Gudule Cathedral
Grand Place (with baroque and neo-gothic guildhalls)
Museum of Medical Instruments (in Art Nouveau style)
Atomium (a structure representing an iron crystal)
French Fries
Foxes (who come to inspect our trashbags :-)

BetteJamison, United States of America

For California she should most definitely feature California poppies. Every spring the buttery orange blossoms cover the hills AND our front yard because we plant seeds every year and a few also come back year after year as they naturalize. They’re an iconic native plant!

tintenn, United States of America

For Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be a good addition by drawing a few green covered mountains with wispy smoke swirling around being up at Clingman's Dome at sunrise. Also, a postcard designed for meet-ups in any part of the world (could have postcards on it, pens, pencils, washi tape, and about 5 diverse people sitting at the table smiling, talking, laughing).

carameljuniper, Brazil

probably but not only Christ the Reedemer or Sugar Loaf, it would be amazing to see her creations related to Brazil

Chia-Cheng, Taiwan

"If Louise were to feature your city, state or region on a postcard, which things do you think she should include?”

I'm from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Kaohsiung is bathed in sunshine, a city with warm weather and a vibrant, welcoming spirit. On a postcard, it must include the Formosa Boulevard MRT Station, 85 Sky Tower, Pier-2 Art Center, Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, Kaohsiung Music Center, Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, taro, and the Light Rail Transit.

travelswithcharlie, United States of America

There is already a Colorado card (yay!) but if Louise were to say, make a Boulder one, she would include bicyclists, the Flatirons, the CU buffalo, maybe McGuckins hardware store, the tulips on the Pearl St. Mall, or the Art Deco courthouse. The limited edition one might feature (rude) bicyclists, an endless line of orange traffic cones, homeless encampments, and the dread sugar tax.

AKbicicle, United States of America

If featuring Fairbanks, you'd have to include the midnight sun and northern lights. There is also the wonderful ice scuplting competition in the winter, and all the beautiful flowers of summer. Fairbanks is also known as the golden heart city.

Schnappi, Belarus

Thank you for the wonderful interview!

If Louise created a card about Belarus, I hope to see there a European bison, cornflowers, storks, national stitching patterns ♥

Jacque53, United States of America

I love ‘Lou Paper’ postcards! I always have a stack of Louise’s postcards to send out and I have also received many of her state postcards. Louise has already made a lovely postcard of my state of Arizona, but if she were to do my city of Scottsdale, you would have to include the following:
1) Taliesin West (Frank Lloyd Wright’s former home)
2) golf courses
3) Desert Botanical Garden
4) Butterfly Wonderland and OdySea Aquarium
5) many walking trails through the desert
6) lots and lots of saguaro cactus

Thank you Louise for this interview and your wonderful postcards!

franhunne, Germany

Love her artwork! I looked at her Etsy-Shop - but there is no stationery. Some of us write letters, too. *nudge, nudge

an-foxy, Belarus

I really love Louise's work! I'm answering the question: it's absolutely necessary to draw a monument to the stargazer (astronomer) on the postcard, which is located in my city of Mogilev, because it's the only monument to the stargazer in the world ⭐

Sanita_Barley, Latvia

A church tower with a rooster on the spire.

Nikafox, Germany

I love the postcards 😍 and would be happy about a European series.
For Germany: Sea eagle, Brandenburg Gate, football, oak, rose, Black Forest cherry cake, beer, currywurst, Neuschwanstein Castle, VW Käfer (car), Dirnel and leather trousers.
Thematic cards: Magic 🪄✨ or Hobbits such as Urban sketching, hiking, sewing, …

teamug, Germany

I also really adore the LouPaper cards. My city has been featured above, so I would specialize on local produce and nature. We have in the city of Frankfurt over 200.000 trees in parks and public places. The botanical garden and Palmengarten. An area is called "Kirschenwäldchen" because of it's cherry trees; theres loads of apple trees producing apple wine; the Frankfurter Kranz is a lovely butter cream gateau; the "Bethmännchen" were created by a woman of a well-known old banker family of the city; green sauce and new potatoes, frankfurter sausages are other specialities... But we also have people from 180 nations living here, so there's an international cuisine. Take your pick...

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