Did you know we have a Facebook page and a Twitter account? It’s where we (and you!) share any postal goodies and snippets we stumble across throughout the day. It’s also where many members share their photos of what they’ve received that day… or what they do with the postcards afterwards! In the past few years, we’ve come to realize that many of you had very real postcard walls in your homes… so here are a few of them! :)

Danny2105 in Germany is almost running out of space on her huge blue wall…

Need inspiration for sunny dreams? Honey-b from Czech Republic found the perfect solution!

magdziolka in Poland has an expanding burst of color in her orange wall… and a very cute dog!

AnnSmailikova in Ukraine made rows of creativity on her walls!

And lastly, Marrijam from Germany crafted this sweet display with strings and pegs. We like the fact that it’s the messages that are on display! :)
Got a postcard wall of your own? Planning to make one? Do share! :)
31 comments so far
great ideas - nice postcard walls....
Lovely postcard walls. .....
..in work ;o) great postcard walls
It reminds me of my bedroom when I was a teenager, all the walls from floor to ceiling were covered in postcards. As I received new cards, I replaced some of the older ones.
Love the displays
Nice decoration, postcards deserve these honour places! And by the way, just found over FB page, cool!
Thank you for sharing these. I love to see how postcards are displayed. Did you know there was a Facebook group only for pictures and ideas on how to display your postcards ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/postcardz
Who needs wallpaper when you have postcards! Great post. Thank you!
Great ideas. And nice that now also those without Facebook and Twitter (yes they exist....me for example) Now I need more empty walls in my house to do something with these nice ideas.
I want to do this, but I can't really think of a good way to do it without damaging the cards! Clothespins would work, but I think they're sort of tacky.
Gabitha, there are tiny clothespin available at craft shops which are far less tacky than the regular ones, and they come in nice colours, too.
very good idea! I am going to make one tonight! :D
Very nice inspirations.
Здорово! Планирую сделать у себя дома подобное
Great ideas! :)
Amazing :D Love them!
At the beginning I put my postcards with double-faced tapes on the wall, so I can remove the cards without damage.
I placed them around the map of europe and the world to see where they are from. (Like the Postcrossing map)
But now I have so much postcards, so I decided to put them in a photo album with insert pockets. My cards are protect and when I feel like to look at, I take my album(s) :D
When I get my own place I plan on hanging up two rows of ribbon and then using mini clothes pegs to hang my postcards on them! Excellent ideas of displays here!
Greetings from Ohio, Marica
great idea, to show what others are doing with their cards, using for decoration!!
Here's how we put them up: http://www.mnlocavore.com/2011/10/stamppot-mashed-potatoes-with-kale/
@agsippl: great display! and we love stamppot here as well :D
This gives me ideas for when we have our own house again. I really like the strings with pegs idea. :)
I scan my postcards and use them as screen savers on my computer. At home, I do this with all my cards, at work, I do this with only the cards that are appropriate for display in an office. Each card is only shown for 10 seconds, so I get to see plenty of cards at any given time.
Some interesting ideas here.....Better than just storing them all away in a box somewhere
Lovely creative displays! I don't have enough wall space for all my cards but have a 'postcard of the week' spot on my bedroom door :-)
Very nice! Well done, everybody!
Most of our walls are full with paintings already, so it's unlikely that we will have a postcard wall.
Lovely ideas! I am a "strings and minipegs" kind of girl and I have two rows in our lounge walls, where I display the most recent cards and the favourites I feel unable to ever bring down.
For displaying a very special card on my desk I have recently discovered mini easels.
inspiring ^_^
Already did with my butterfly postcards collection on the wall... but, some idea came up after saw the pictures shared above ^_^
I think It'S Cutest :D
I used to put mine on the wall in my bedroom, but I was running out of room, and my sister was starting to get annoyed. I took them all down over Christmas and now they are sitting in a drawer. I am trying to think of something wonderful to do with them but haven't figured it out yet. Any ideas?
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