We know many Postcrossers take their yearly break in the upcoming weeks to relax or explore new places.
So here’s your yearly reminder: if you know you’ll be away from your home or school address for a while, we recommend that you switch your account to inactive a few weeks in advance — you can do that easily just by editing your account settings. This will tell Postcrossing not to give your address to any other members while you are away. You can still send some postcards if you’d like, but you won’t be sent any until you’re ready to receive them.
When you’re back, all you need to do is to switch your account back to active and you’ll be in business again! Rest assured, all your due postcards will then be sent your way.
Oh, and don’t forget to get some local postcards, so you can share your holiday memories and recommendations on the cards you send!
Enjoy your holidays! :)
15 comments so far
Thanks for the reminder. I love postcrossing!
Will do.
Thanks for the reminder. My holiday is not until next month, but with the traveltime for mail lately in Denmark, I have set my account to inactive already. That way I will (hopefully) get a bunch of cards when I get back home (I will still send cards from now until my vacation)
I have a new computer. How do I get Postcrossing messages to go into my Postcrossing folder or whatever. Now they go into my inbox. Please answer!!! djent@tbaytel.net
How long is "a while"?
Ah, and don't forget to send official cards directly from your holiday! ;-) I love to do that! :-)
@mkaplan Depends! You should set your account to inactive at least a couple of weeks before leaving on holiday — perhaps even earlier, if you're in a country where postcards take a bit longer to arrive on average. Check your stats to have a better idea! :)
I don't deactivate my account when I'm on holiday. Just the opposite. I LOVE sending cards when I'm on a roadtrip. Each year I'm on a roadtrip once or twice for about 10 days. This tuesday I just returned from Slovakia/Slovensko. So I sent cards from Austria and Slovakia and bought many great cards. Back home I had to register 15 cards. Normally I register the day I receive. Now it has a delay of max 10 days. Though inactive is good tip for people who knows there are not gonna send cards for a while.
Is it possible for three months to change the address?
I am going on an eighteen day road trip in 44 days time and have already set my account to inactive. So hopefully no- one will be kept waiting for their card to be registered.
@Inna_Sakhalin Yes — but depending on where you're going to be for those 3 months, it's almost always better to just set your account as inactive for the duration of your holidays. That way, you don't risk postcards arriving after you've left your temporary address.
Should a person set their account to inactive if there is a postal strike? Looks like that might be the case here in Canada :(
@RockPaperScissors If it's just a planned one-day action, there's no need. But if the strike is open-ended (and likely to last more than a couple of days), then it might be worth it, to avoid delays and frustrations!
Happy holidays for everyone!
I set my account inactive from the beginning of the sign-up time since I planned to have a backpack journey this year. I'll go back to Athens at the end of the year! G'day mates!