Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > April Writing Prompt: indoor activities


The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!

I don’t know about you, but to me it feels like a whole year has passed in the last 30 days… So many things changed and have been turned upside down that I have trouble remembering what life was like back in February. 😳 These days, the motto is “Stay Home”, and we thought this would be an appropriate topic for April’s writing prompt too.

In April, write about your favorite indoor activities.

Even if your country is not in strict lockdown mode, all of us have some activities that we prefer to do inside… so let’s talk about them! What are your favorite things to do around the house? If you’ve been having more free time at home lately, what have you been spending it on? And what tactics have you used to keep your family sane in a time of social distancing?

Around here, we’ve started doing dinner dates with friends, catching up on video calls while we eat our respective meals. It feels really good to see our friends and talk to them for a while, as if they were sitting just across the table. They always make us laugh, and make the evenings a little lighter. Give it a try, if you can!

What has been keeping you and/or your little ones busy these days? Share your best tips on the postcards you send out this month, and on the comments below.

55 comments so far

ned44440, Ireland

Besides writing postcards, what I love to do at home is read either indoors or out in my garden. This will be a good time to catch up on all those books 'I must read'. Keep safe everybody.

mapa, Belgium

I teach with Skype, I prepare courses for the coming months, we clean the house and try to tidy up what's lying around for years. My husband works in the garden and the kids do their schoolwork online. Unfortunately, postcards don't go outside Europe anymore because the planes don't fly anymore.

Glorip, United Kingdom

@mapa: I definitely relate to the above, trying to have a major spring clean and decluttering. In the evenings, reading and knitting items for charity are my favourite things to do. Best wishes everyone 😊

Gen24, United States of America

Read, draw, listen to my wonderful audio books from my library. (Wings of Fire and the Lunar Chronicles) Also baking and postcarding. Thank goodness for postcrossing or I would be even more bored!

beesknees, United States of America

sorting out my craft stash

Jasmijn_Helena, Belgium

I work in a hospital as a warehouse worker. My 2 daughters aged 9 and 4 take care of each other while Dad works for the hospital in his home office. My only hobby, unwinding moment that remained was postcrossing but the text below I can no longer do that.
Outgoing international mail from Belgium is currently suspended to a large number of destinations, or suffering long delays.

Please consider not requesting new addresses to send postcards to until the situation is back to normal

Hope to send postcards soon.

MichaelPurfield, United States of America

Writing letters, LEGO, playing piano and trombone, and writing postcards of course!

rsbellon, United States of America

Hello Everyone,
Health, Peace, and Happiness to all. I am now working from home, but am passing the non work time with two of my favorite past times, Reading, Nice to be able to read a little here and there, and then wonderful, quiet evenings of reading. Also, photography taking photos in my house and backyard. The pace is crazy, but also it has slowed down and I count my blessings every hour of every day!!!! My Best to all.

pefawm, Norway

Finally time to sort out all my stamps and read lots of books. Also do some writing.

posthexe, Germany

I love to do ministeck, creating wonderful pictures with little stones.
And postcrossing, handmade cards with photos or a lot of new ideas, cooking and a little bit baking and instagram..And pics with my traveling toys. Every time I looking for a new host..
Please stay healthy and all the best wishes friom my heart
and happy postcrossing friom Heidi

luiskalife, Brazil

Prayers, crossword puzzles, cups of tea, music and short walks have helped me during these busy days. As an anesthesiologist, I am still working at hospitals here in Goiania with emergency surgeries and exams (anesthesia at CT and MRI) and helping our colleagues at ICUs. COVID-19 numbers are increasing faster in Brazil too and we will have a challenging April… Since our postal service suspended outgoing mail to more than 120 countries I decided to stop for a while with Postcrossing until everything returns to normal. Take care!

ave, United States of America

I love spending time in the garden, growing plants from seed is a challenge and requires much patience but is well-rewarded.
I also love watching and listening to birds, especially in the early morning from my garden, with a cup of coffee in hand! --Matthew

SunWenjun, China

Everything will be well.China 🇨🇳 .

lostresviajeros, Austria

It should be mentioned that in some countries like here in Austria there are restrictions on sending mail to specific destinations, which affects Postcrossing massively.

HuibCat, Australia

Australia Post still functions domestically and I’ve send my new family and friends happy mail for Easter. I also keeping up to date with my scrapbooking and journaling. For exercise once a day I walk up and down the stairs in our building! 7 levels! I didn’t know I have all those muscles in my legs! 😀.
My next project is to write thank you letters to sectors which are keeping us save, healthy and motivated through this time. I’m using mailart for the envelopes.
Please keep save and healthy during this time. And practice gratitude. ❤️

vigneshraja, India

Hi all,

a) I read up books (Maverick by Ricardo Semler is on my reading list)

b) Try to learn a new skill (cooking is one I am seriously giving it a go)

c) Learn programming (if you have time this weekend, give it a go) I recommend Python (for non-coders / beginners) here.
Register at (share it to college folks, who might benefit)

d) Practice Mindfulness & maintain a gratitude Journal, if you can!
Staying fit is important (do simple exercises like push ups, sit ups and planks)

e) I am also working on creating a digital brand identity for myself (will share more on this once i am done)

Cheers & Stay safe.

Vignesh Raja

Charlin-young, China


Libara, Czech Republic

These days, I have to cook more at home, because our family used to have a lunch outside during working hours. I try to cook ( bake) according to new recipes and I like it.
I have bought several books online ( e-books, audio books ), reading is also good way for enjoying my free time.
I discovered an online fitness pages, too, some exercise won´t hurt me...
And my big hobby is handwork - knitting, crochet..
When the spring begins, I am looking forward to my garden !
I am always OK .....
I think everybody can do something useful for him - many many indoor activities exist !!
I also think - internet that connects people is very important and helps us.
I cannot imagine my life without it.
And thank you for The Postcrossing I´m happy to be here with you !!

richskipworth, United Kingdom

Have set up a whatsapp group to keep in touch with family members. Amongst other things we have a daily quiz. I use the postcards received through postcrossing and ask people to name the city or country - groaning from some relatives who ‘don’t like geography questions’!

Marina_77, Sweden

I am a teacher, so I teach online and correct many assignments as well. Plus we have staff online meetings. I feel like I am busy doing those things most of the day, but when I take breaks or in the evenings, I love to write letters, postcards, do mail art and puzzles! I love huge puzzles and they do take time to complete, so I am never bored! I also am doing an online course and writing my thesis :) When I am not doing all of the above, I play with my cat, who likes me to toss her toy mouse so that she runs and catches it and I love to cook healthy gourmet recipes. Keep safe all! <3

faithcathren, United States of America

I'm so impressed with everyone's indoor activities! I've been watching way too much TV, which saddens me. However, I have been playing the piano a lot more, cross stitching, and I really enjoy working from home. I finally finished organizing two closets--one storage and one home supplies. I've had a virtual (Zoom) "craft night" with a couple of friends where we work on our own projects and visit with each other. That's been fun! I need to get some more exercise, though. My muscles are so tight and stiff now. :( MarinaLi mentioned puzzles--I forgot about puzzles! I might start one tonight. :) Please stay healthy if you can, folks! And stay indoors away from other people as much as possible! This too shall pass!

Nightbird, Germany

I love to write dark and sinister poems at home. Been doing that forever...but in these times I find a lot of inspiration.
Stay safe and healthy-and support your local shops and restaurants if there's any possibility

Lurdes, Portugal

How can I sent postcards if I am staying at home and I don't go to the post office or to buy postcards?Someone tell me?

Lurdes, Portugal

From August to November 2019 I sent 8 postcards! I've only received 3!! How come? I stop sending, then I went on holidays and now I must not go out!

fatrasie, Russia

а смысл что-то писать на открытках и отправлять их? мои открытки не доходят, я новых не получаю. уже месяц. закончился посткроссинг.
But is it worth writing something on postcards and sending them? My cards do not reach, I do not receive new ones. already a month. postcross ended.

Roberto1966, Brazil

Saudações a todos
Trabalho na área de segurança e me encontro fastado das atividades por estar no grupo de risco.
Tenho me dedicado a filatelia, colocando meus selos em ordem e catalogando dentro do possível. Sou amante dos discos de vinil e tenho ouvido muita música. Também tenho lido mais que o normal, afinal tempo é que não me falta agora.
Felicidades, paz e saúde a todos. Fiquem em casa

meiadeleite, Portugal

@Lurdes @fatrasie You have both already received as many or more postcards than those you've sent. Check your stats! :)

kathilo, United States of America

I noticed I'm receiving postcards less frequently lately. Would there be any way to compile a list of countries whose mail service has been temporarily discontinued?

Flippie, Canada

Writing cards and letters was already my hobby. Now I color pictures for adults and sort out my old photographs. Reading is not bad either, love this too. -STAY HEALTHY AND KEEP SMILING-

ceoramalho, Brazil

I love reading, watching indie movies, listening to music... sometimes I take a box of old pictures and start remembering things... sleeping is also an option! :)

ceoramalho, Brazil

I forgot to say that I'm also improving my Spanish skills!!! :)

Tresart, United States of America

These days I work virtually from home M-F. I throw myself into gardening and cooking to do something useful after work. I see the beautiful things, but my mind will come back to the pandemic time and time again.

susandg, Philippines

I'm sad that because of the "enhanced community quarantine" (basically, a lockdown) in Luzon here in the Philippines, Philpost is closed until April 12 (and that may be tentative because there are rumors of an extension). Philpost, for now, is involved in delivering goods as part of relief operations.

For the past three weeks, I've been posting photos of flowers to be found in our garden every day on Facebook as a way of helping to cheer up my Facebook friends. I've also been arranging my Postcrossing postcards, cleaning up my stationery cabinet... and waiting for the day when the post office reopens to I can start sending out postcards again.

Stay safe, everyone!

santhoshrupert, Sri Lanka

You can find my series of daily posts regarding the lockdown and how it can be utilized, on my personal blog under the topic "Quarantine Diaries".

Here's the link
Hope you guys find it useful and your feedback is always appreciated.

uangienothingyet, Netherlands

Basically the same things I always do..
Read, write, play bass, listen music, watch movies
All by myself

I do miss playing with the band though and my aikido practise

Fotoelvira, Russia

My husband and I watch a lot of humorous movies sitting at home in quarantine. I have been wanting to start painting for a long time and now I have it for now!
Finally made a general cleaning in the whole apartment!
I talk to friends from other countries a lot and get them.
There was more time for video editing.
You can sleep longer and meditate!

YNPS, Taiwan

Taiwan is doing well and normal so far, but we still try to saty at home to avoid this pademic. So my daughters and me read a lot. In general, my little daughter, who also has an account of postcrossing, and me love to write postcards on weekends. Unfortunately, our psotal services just temporaily stopped to send mails to lots of countries, so we lost our favorite habby for a while.

APol, Poland

I discovered a nice Android free application: Counties Been :)

52cats, United States of America

I take my dog to the park (way out in the field) to work on her manners. I found some eBooks to read also.

Howl, Taiwan

I enjoying staying at home even before the outbreak of corona virus.
I love reading and studying, staying in library and cafê all day is a great pleasure but I'm worried that I might can't go anymore if the condition will get worse.
The post office keep updating the suspension list mailing to many countries..
Some postcards I sent before might get lost (Canada, Australia, Germany) because the mail service just stopped after I sent out the cards.

Ligongwei, China

Hope things work out

Julias-Hyde, Belarus

I HATE ALL OF THIS - pandemia of panic about this virus made in order to crush global economy, "staying at home" activities and naming doctors as "heroes" when most of them are simply ... (have no decent words about them)! And I hate those who like you try to make this global hysteria in something good. ITS NOT GOOD. People are social creatures, they NEED live communication, no online technology can replace it! We mustn't stay home all the time - its a stright way to deseases and starving. I'm so pity that most of countries succumbed to this provocation and deprive their citizens of the human greatest value - the Freedom.
Personally I #hatestayhome and have a right to have opposite opinion than most of people.

OmichkaM, Belgium

I hope our friendship through cards will be a joy in these times ! Together we will overcome this crises. But I see the following application:
Outgoing international mail from Belgium is currently suspended to a large number of destinations, or suffering long delays.

Please consider not requesting new addresses to send postcards to until the situation is back to normal.
For this reason, I feel very sad and in isolation from the world

Riinka, Finland

I enjoy listening to podcasts, especially good quality true crime ones. They keep my mind active and give something else to think about other than this current situation. However, if my mind is starting to become way too active for my own good, then meditation is the best way to calm it down. It's like hitting a reset button.

I also love to "travel" around the world via Google Street View. Some of the views are pretty outdated but it still gives me a sense of exploring and adventure. The last couple of days I've been cruising around in New York City and just got to familiarize myself with the Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn :)

In addition, I try to engage in some form of daily exercise at home. Nothing too fancy or demanding but something that keeps me brisk and alert.

IuliiaS, Germany

The first two weeks of lockdown were quite hard and depressive for me (my boyfriend got stuck in the other country, I lost my part-time job, every time I wake up I know I'll spend the whole day in the same room and it'll last for a month at least).

Then I got used to it and started making smth positive out of it. Me and my floor neighbours (I live in the student's dormitory and we share one kitchen) celebrated my birthday last week. I started making calculations on my thesis. I got in touch with friends whom I haven't written online for quite a while. Finished puzzles like people who wrote before ;)

Before lockdown I ordered special stamps from Austrian post and it makes me happy because I wanted it for a long time. I will start sending postcards with the new super stamps in the summer or so.

But I actually come to this website from time to time to see what's going on even when my status is inactive.

meiadeleite, Portugal

@Riinka You might enjoy Geoguesser ( — it's a game where you're dropped in the middle of a Google Street View scene anywhere in the world, and must navigate the streets in order to guess where in the world you are. The more accurately you can pinpoint your location, the more points you get. Try it out, it's fun! :)

Riinka, Finland

@meiadeleite Thank you for the tip, Ana! I'll definitely check it out. Sounds like a perfect lockdown pastime :D

WattlePark, Australia

Fortunately we can still go out for a walk in my area. Just have to keep away from anyone else. So when I go out I make sure I speak to as many people as I can, we sometimes have conversations across the road, or I am on the pavement talking to someone in their garden.
I have been making things ready for the Christmas Markets - just finished 15 glass gingerbread men. It is raining today and the light is not good so I'll work on making some Australian bird decorations tomorrow.
Cross stitching small pictures to make greeting cards, keeping up with family and friends via email/phone calls, gardening, even sometimes cleaning the house, and re reading the Harry Potter books, among other things all help keep me occupied.
I miss my dances but youtube is a great source. I have to limit my time in youtube, it is so easy to get distracted especially by the parodies inspired by Covid 19. The Sound of Music videos by the NZ headmistress, Shirley Șerban are very clever ( eg )
The more things I can do now will mean more time in the future when I start sending postcards again.
Wishing the Postcrossing Community good health and happiness

surfclub66, United States of America

I have even less free time than I did before. My husband is an essential worker, so he is still working. Our three kids are remote learning and I also go to school full time. Since the stores are empty, more time is spent searching for necessities. More meals must be cooked and it's time for complete spring overhaul on the property. I have almost zero time for postcards and hobbies. 😢 Still sending a few, but certainly not a minute for extra time. I am guessing that most people who suddenly have time may be single or not have children. The idea of extra time is foreign to many of us. 😂😂😂

leaflets, China

Now I have enough time to deal with the stamps I have collected.
Some of them are still on paper, waiting to be soaked.
While many are waiting there house (philately album).

Blackie85, Türkiye

I usually read books in English or Turkish, watching interesting series, animes, documentaries, playing piano and baking new recipes (my mommy bakes bread every day and it is very delicious!) Unfortunately, i can't go outside or post office so i miss that feeling very much. We don't receive postcards too. It is sad but i believe it will be good at the end.

ezredax, United States of America

Besides doing some laying around in bed with a pulled muscle in my back, I have been cooking many international recipes. I try to cook the recipes I receive on a postcard if I can find the ingredients. My latest was Wet Nelly from the Indonesia Nasi Goreng, a type of fried rice.

I hope everyone is staying safe in these troubled times,

Anyutushka, Russia

I started to cross stitch.

cerres, Estonia

Wow! I like the ideas! Thank you for the topic!

chamekke, Canada

E-mail, phone or Skype with friends, especially those who are isolated; work my way through my huge tea stash; play Godville (a wonderful text-based online game); work on my taxes; relax on the apartment balcony and read; fiddle happily with my collection of fountain pens; take part in online Dharma teachings; improve my food prep skills; rediscover our DVD collection (which I had thought of discarding, but is now very welcome given we can no longer borrow from our library!). I'm also trying to declutter, but not trying too hard...


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