We know lots of postcrosses are big fans of Lali’s riddle cards — we are too! The charming colourful illustrations, the puzzle to solve and scratch on the back… what’s not to love?
So we’re stoked that Lali herself agreed to reply to a few questions about her art, tell us all about her famous postcards, and even decided to offer some postcards to a few lucky postcrossers! YAY! Read on to learn the story behind these lovely postcards… and to win some! :)
- When did you first start designing your style of riddle cards? Which one was your first one, and what is the story behind it?
After I graduated from “Les Beaux Arts” in Annecy in 1999, I worked for a while for Pylones, a famous brand of decoration and gadgets items. There, I designed touristic t-shirts with animals on them. At the time, I was already thinking about drawing child’s games, but it’s not easy to do that on a t-shirt and furthermore, the editor was not really interested in the idea.
In 2001, I found a job as a cashier in a famous stationary in Annecy. A bit dreamy, I was scanning child’s books but also illustrator’s postcards that were more and more playful. One day, my colleague, who was also responsible of the postcard section, encouraged me to try my luck at showing my sketches to an editor’s representative who would soon be visiting the store. So, I took the bull by the horns and I drew a few riddle games, amongst them were hearts, cats and clovers.
Afterwards, I went and defended my idea, my own concept to the editor in chief. He was seduced at once by my riddle postcards, it was a totally new idea at the moment. He gave me one month to send him about fifteen new drawings. Shaking my hand at the end of the interview, he said: “I think we’re going to work together.”
I was 26, I was a cashier, and I was about to be edited for my artistic skills. Tears of joy!
In November 2002, as I was sitting at my cash-desk, I started scanning the barcode of MY VERY OWN postcards. When I scanned the one with the clovers on it, with a sentence saying ‘TRY YOUR LUCK’ I must admit I beamed.
- What inspires you?
First of all, I like paper, the soft touch of it, and the smell. I like going to stationery shops, where I can smell the ink and the school scent. I also like old books smell… I had always dreamt of becoming a librarian.
I also like postcards, the small size, and the purpose. It is like a little travelling bird, carrying good news.
For my riddle postcards collection, I get my inspiration absolutely everywhere, depending on my desires and on what’s happening in my life.
I rarely work because of a special demand from my editor. Even if I keep the idea of a collection in mind, I am a bit of a chameleon; I love playing with different themes, colours and even sometimes playing with different graphic styles.
I always try to be curious, to follow the new trends. Animals, my favourite theme, are also fashion victims! (indeed, cows in the 2000s were soon to be replaced by bugs, owls and swallows). Therefore I have to adapt to the tendency. Bugs, monsters and food are still my favourite since they can be easily adjustable, and I can really let my imagination work.
- What techniques/means you use to draw your postcards? For instance, do you draw by hand first, or perhaps using the computer only?
Thanks to the progress of technologies, my technics have improved tremendously. Since the beginnings I’ve drawn by hand, I scan and then I re-draw the contours in Photoshop, then I colour the entire piece. But today with the introduction of the graphics tablet, the contours are way neater. It is such a gain in time, a great tool to use.
- Do you know how many you’ve done so far? Do you have a favourite one?
I think I have drawn about 200 postcards, lots of which are not printed anymore… Right now, there are about 80 different types on the market.
My favourite postcards are not the most successful ones. Some are timeless, but others are more fashionable, and thus last less.
It is more pleasant to draw the ones that tell a story, with a setting which incudes many scenes. For instance “le potager” (the vegetable patch), “le grand huit” (the roller coaster) or the last one “le colibri” (the hummingbird) are some of them.
I’d say that two cards are like turning points in the collection:
- The monsters: at that time, most of the background I was drawing were white. I mistakenly clicked and coloured the background in black. The result was great and so obvious. Today, this card is one of the best one of the collection that is composed of many black background cards.
- The library: it is part of my second new collection, signed ‘Lali & MG’. For its really long and tedious realisation, I asked the fans of my Facebook page to give me names of famous couples. That was so much fun!
- Are you a letter/postcard writer yourself?
I’m not going to lie, I use to write many more letters and cards before the invention of mails and text messages, which are my worst enemies…
But for a little while now, I’ve been using Postcrossing and I’ve just received my three first postcards. And it’s so nice and pleasing!
Thank you Lali, what a great interview! :) You can check Lali’s designs on her website, www.lali.fr, and you can also interact with her and follow the evolution of her collection on her Facebook page, facebook.com/lali.officiel.

And now for the best part: Lali kindly offered 3 packs of her wonderful postcards and other goodies to give away to 3 lucky postcrossers! For a chance to win a pack, check out her postcard designs, and leave a comment on this blog post, telling us which one was your favourite. We’ll randomly pick 3 winners this time next Wednesday and announce them on this post. Good luck! :)
And the lucky postcrossers, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… isabetta, serenityuy and Sreisaat! Congratulations to the winners and thank you everyone for participating! :)
A parting message from Lali:
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the warm comments you posted on the blog. I am more than ever motivated to find new riddle postcards and bring a little joy and fantasy in your letterboxes :-) Good news: Gradually, all the riddles will be translated into English at the back of the postcards. If you want to try your luck again, join me on my Facebook page, I often organize contests. Happy summer and happy postcrossing!”
472 comments so far
Thanks for the interview, it's really interesting! I've already sent some Lali cards myself. :)
Also, I guess I like the sushi card most. Looks tasty and funny!
Oooooooh, they are all wonderful, but i love the "sushi party" <3
Thank you for the interview! :)
I generally love all of Lali´s cards, but if I had to pick one, then it´d be this: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H5.jpg
I like the design with swallows and little red hearts. So lovely! :)
They are all delightful, I like the Christmas Trees best of all.
I like the sausage dog design! http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V8.jpg <3
Wow! These cards are wonderful. Do I have to pick just one favorite? Because I am such a favorite by my mood sort of person. Lol. They are all so whimsical and wonderful. I loved the sushi card and maybe the card with the colorful fishes.
I love bunnies, so I liked this one: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H22.jpg
Very interesting and exciting! I like matryoskas the most! http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V22.jpg
Wow, that was a hard choice, they all look so good! But I think I'd pick the one with the paint splatters as my favorite :)
They're all nice cards. I'd wish for the one with "l'étoile filante" (pattern 38 of 48 in the gallery).
I love your postcard :) Thanks for this interview, it's so interessant. My favourite is the "sweet garden". This is so cute ;)
Really nice collection!
I love them all, but if i have to choose one, it will be this one: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V23.jpg
I liked most of them, they are so cute and cheerful. However, I would pick the fish design as they are so colourful. Thanks for the interview to let me know about Lali card, she is so creative and talented.
I love the sushi one (so cute!) But the first Lali card I received had sheep on it... adorable!
Everytime I see Lali cards in a shop, I pick one and try to solve the riddle in the hurry of shopping. I always fail...
I like the one with the sheep the most
Great to read this! J'adore tes cartes, Lali <3
My favourite is the design with cupcakes !
Nice interview :D
I love all Lali postcards, they are very unique and pretty ^_^
My favorite one is the one with the shooting star because it's the first time I see it, I never found it in shop, and it looks very nice!
Just got my first Lali last week: DE-4256379!
As a fanatic for hearts,my own felt down.
Reading more,I am imressed and already following Lali on Fb.
(by the way, hearts are my faves <3)
I love the whimsy! My favorite is the Moustaches one (#40 of 48). I love the color & the polka dots. Mr. Cat & Mr. Disappointed crack me up!
I love these... And my favourite is: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H16.jpg
I adore Lali postcards - I've only received a few, but would love to receive the entire collection. Although all of the cards are wonderful, my favorites are the food related ones (cupcakes, sushi, etc).
Wonderful interview!
great interview, so interesting to hear how these postcards first startet since they are so popular :) Its so hard to decide on a favourite one but I think its the one with the feathers!
These cards are so amazing. As I love bright colors my favorite is http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H11.jpg
They are all great! I adore them, but I've never received one! I guess this one is my favourite: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V21.jpg
My favourite is by far the sushi one - it is lovely :)
What a great interview and very nice to finally meet the person behind these fantastic cards! Her story just shows us once again that if we have a dream, we should not be afraid to pursue it. When the opportunity comes, just grab it and work hard to achieve your dream. It will pay off eventually. Lali, you are an inspiration!
I have long admired Lali cards but never had one, which is a shame. I love her designs, they're very playful, vibrant, and appeal to all ages. Difficult to choose a favourite... but if I have to, then the dream catchers illustration would be it. I like the symbolism in dream catchers, protecting us in one way or another.
Thank you for the giveaway, so generous of you. Thank you, Postcrossing for paving the way!
Its fun to read a story about how a card you've already sent, came to live! I really like the card with the pregnant animals: "quel bébé a déjà pointé son nez?"
Thank you for the interview. I like nearly all of them, but if I have to choose, I will take the vegetables and the hippos at the beach.
They look all great. I think I like this one the most http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V1.jpg
Amazing postcards - j'adore all :) My favourite is: http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html
The books on the shelves and the monsters are tied as my favorites!
Wow I love all these cards, but I like the skiing cows best followed by the penguins.
I still love the cows!
It is so difficult to decide which I love most.... I would say the pencils!
What fun cards. I love the colors and styles. I already purchased a few but will happily and joyfully accept more. I can not wait to send them.
I love all of them! This one http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html would be my favourite. It was the first one I have received and my little son solved - he was 3 at that time and it started his love for postcards :-))
it's hard to make a choice, but if I have to choose one for the sake of winning a pack of postcards, it would have to be the one with the cows at christmas (I know, a little off season at the moment, hihi...)
I really liked the one with the monsters :D
I love the one with the dachshunds (http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V8.jpg)!
Many wonderful designs. My favorite is "Salut Pirate!" Looking forward to receiving one.
such a lively collection of postcards! my favorite will be pattern 20 with preggy animals!
i liked the 42th card. the one with so many stars on it. thank you for giving this interview and this wonderfull opurtunity.
Difficult to choose, I love them all !
maybe the vegetable patch with lot of scenery.
I enjoy learning how Lali came out with her amazing cards! I heard of Lali through Postcrossing. I don't have many of her cards but still I am fascinated with her cute illustrations. Very adorable and so Lali-style! :)
My most favourite is the whales. I like the smiley faces of the whale and the lighthouse in the middle. It's feel so cheerful! XD
Thank you, Lali for the colourful interview! XD XD XD
To be honest... it is not easy to choose one. All are great! I like the one with whales and lighthouse most.
Thanks for the interview and the lovely opportunity to win such a precious gift :D It is really hard to make a choice but I think I currently love the sushi design best http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V9.jpg
I like mostly the lamb...and all others are nice, too
I love the hippos on the beach! It makes me laugh :)
Thanks for this very intersting interview! I really love all the cards, especially all the small details, and would always hope to be able to draw like this.
Actually, to be frank, I never thought there was only one person behind Lali - I always figured it would be a company (but never acutally looked it up).
Now, to answer the question: I like the sheep one best, but they are all great. (I could have easily chosen like ten or more I like the best ;D )
Thanks again for the interview and thanks to Lali for the lottery!
All the best for the future :)
Thank you for a very interesting interview!!!
I like ``the vegetable patch`` - this is amazing postcard. Vegetables and all plant are very important to human! If there are no plant - we will die!
I`m not vegeterian, but I love vegetables and fruits!
I like all postcards! They are soooo cute and funny! My favorite one is "Salut Pirate"
Love Lali cards! And the author looks like a super fun person!
Ooh how lovely to read about Lali, she creates such wonderful, fun, cute, colourful postcards!
I just looooove the Library one from the new collection cos I work in a library and am the biggest fan of square cards!!!
From the postcard designs I think the summer one 'Who will have the best tan' is hilarious :-)
I have to look out for these special cards - they are really amazing. Funny, colourful cards that make you smile!
i like the 22/48 , the little matrioshkas :-)
thanks !
How can I choose just one favourite card? It´s impossible :) They´re all wonderful! But as I´ve just picked some strawberries and they´re delicious I will pick the card with the strawberries today :D
These are so cool, I don't have just one favorite. I like the ones with cats, the pregnant animals, sheep, hippos on the beach, and strawberries! Amazing!
Lali cards are great! Thanks for this very interesting interview and for the chance to win some cards :)
It's so difficult to choose, but I think my favourite one is the feather one :)
How wonderful to read this interview with an artist who creates postcards that so many peope love and ask for in their profiles. I hope I get to read more interviews like this one.
Thank you for the chance to win some of these great postcards. My favorite is the Sweet Garden card (nr. 41). It's just lovely.
I am always on the lookout for Lali cards and am a huge fan. It would be awesome to win some of her cards.
As a cat lover my favorite is the grey card with the black silhouetted cats. The matroshkas are sweet too!
Lovely. My little son loves the monsters. Maybe he will receive them once via PC.
Thank you for very interesting interview!
These cards are all lovely and funny :)
I adore them all but my favorite is card with a red roller coaster(nr.46).
Thank you for the interview. I love these cards, my favourites are the ones
with cats. Unfortunately I didn't receive a lali card yet but sending them makes me happy too :-)
Cute, and fun for kids! My favorite is the sushi one. :)
Great interview! I like the cards with cats and dogs best, but they are all cute!
Great interview, and great cards! :)
I love the card with the 5 hidden bones!
Most of all I like this one: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H6.jpg.
I enjoyed the pirate card the most
Wow!! How cute is that hippo!!!
Hi, all of them! Well, i was surprised at the card with swallow birds, cause they are our national birds. we dont even have a card that cute with them. and I also liked the moustache, reminded me of the french Eurovision song 2014 (I must have been the only person to vote for that...)
I love the postcards. My favourite are the cute monsters....
I love Sushi that's why the SUSHI LALI is really appealing to me :)
It was difficult to pick just one but hippos (no. 37) were so sweet.
I love the design "Wanted ladybird"
Great interview and beautiful postcrads!!! :D It's really hard to choose onl one between them. If I have to do, I think I'll go to the following one at the moment :
It makes me feel cooler in such a hot summer time! :D (I have to admit that those fishes' "Ohhhh" expression attracts me so much! XD) Thank you very much for this giveaway, and again, for this wonderful interview! It's always interesting to know something behind the postcards. :)
I love the pregnant animals! It's such a funny idea to show the babies!
J'adore les cartes de Lali!
Ma préférée, fan de hiboux comme je le suis, c'est celle du + chouette cadeau !
Merci beaucoup pour ton interview et tes superbes cartes !
thank you for the nice interview :)
i really like the colorfull fishes (no.26)
they are so cute
It is very interesting interview! I always wonder how people can imagine and creat such cute things!
I like all of these samples, but hippos on the beach are the best!
Thanks for the interview, like the lali-cards a lot,like them with the little animals the most.
Such an interesting interview! I really enjoy your style!
Thanks for the wonderful interview! I love all of her designs but my favorite one is the one with the strawberries. It's so cute! :)
What a lovely idea that there is a tiny chance I might get a Lali-Card one day by Lali herself!
My favourite is the black pet-silhouette one (mostly cats on it) - as I am a crazy old cat lady. I have sent one with balloons once and I still have one here (the one with whales). They are very special and I like it that they are out of the ordinary, not just showing a motive but being playful. Thank you, LaLi for your ideas. Keep them coming.
My fav will have to be the sheep with a clover
I love them all!! My favorite one though is the one with all the books on the bookshelves! I think it is my favorite because I love to read and it looks like my own bookshelves at home! What a wonderful interview Lali....your creativity is amazing!
Love the interview!! It's so difficult picking just one favourite, they are all so cute!!!! If I have to choose, I will say it's a tie between the little monsters and the bugs.
I have two favorites: the lovely swallow with heart, and the moustache. :)
I love the one with the garden. It really does tell a story. There is so much to see on this ppostcard!
Wow! It was really nice to know more about the person who's behind Lali cards' designs! :D
I felt in love with them this winter, when i saw them in real life for the first time, in Germany! :D
It's REALLY hard to choose just one, but this one's really cute http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V1.jpg (and this one too http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V14.jpg ! i love too much cats to not choose it lol)
Thanks for the story anyway, it was very interesting to read it :)
All Lali cards are so wonderful! My favourite is sheep and clover design.
I love them all but my favorite is "Find the sunfish and make a wish."
lali cards are beautiful and very special pieces of art. personally, i love the one with the feathers, little skulls and dreamcatcher best. it's a style i didn't know lali does-love the color sceme on that one especially.
Lovely interview! I'm a fan of the Lali-card and have send quite a few already. Just LOVE the card with the animals with baby's in the belly. If I could order it as a wallpaper for my daughters bedroom I would do so instantly! Keep up the good work Lali!
I love them all! The pictures are so colourful and funny. I like the birds, the cup cakes, the snow flakes and strawberries.
So beautiful !!
I really like this picture : http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V14.jpg
They are all really cool!! I like a lot of them... maybe my favourite is the one with the Matryoshkas!
I really like this one http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V2.jpg :)
Lovely interview! I like many of Lali's card, but if I have to pick one, I'd go for the pirates.
The cards are so cute :) I love the feathers :)
Hope the cards are available in Holland!
Strawberries! Vegetable patch! Burgers! Soo many cute designs :)!
I received one of these postcards from my brother from Germany, so cute
@Rudie They are indeed, at Cardcetera: http://www.cardcetera-webshop.nl/c-1668156/lali-riddle :)
my favorite one (if i must choose only one) is the one with the swallows
Great interview.
Most of the designes are cute, I love most the strawberrys or the christmas cows :)
all the cards are lovely. My absolutely fav is the one with the poupeés.
Both cats and the feathers -- I love them. I went through all of them. They're all delightful. Thanks for the interview and the glimpse at the charming art.
Wow, really wonderful cards. Thanks so much for this interview!
I love all of the postcards. The one with the stars would be my favorite.
Great cards! My favorite design are the funny cats (no. 2)!
I really like the vegetable garden card.It s a great idea and well made.
Great idea,most of the time when I take part in offer tags postcrossers choose a Lali card.I like the fishes with lighthouses.
Beautiful! I like the one with the feather necklaces.
wonderful words, wonderful designs :-) i like and collect the postcards for years. i can't really say, which one is my favorite, but i think it's the card with the rabbitfamilyportraits, it has a special place in our house :-)
oh nooooo!!!!! you guys are literally forcing me to start collecting those fabulous postcards...!
the one with the VEGGIES is adorable. and the sushi party !!
lali.. wow... kudos!
I love them! My preferred theme is the circus, you have on the circus?
The Babuska for the rich coloring
Yes, it is difficult to choose. But as I have to because I would like to win a pack - I do not know where to buy them in Germany - No. 38 of 48, the one with the stars, because I like very much to look up to the stars at night.
Dear Lali, you bring joy and smiles to us and the ones we send your postcards to.
I'm a big fan of her postcards and thank you for this great interview!
It's really hard to choose only one, I love all of them, but the STARRY NIGHT one is special to me because it's the first one I ever received ;)
Great interview, love all her cards! :D My favorite is the one with all the cupcakes!
All of Lali's designs are wonderful! Thank you POSTCROSSING for featuring her. I like the monsters because it caught my eye right away - it is striking! I also like the sushi - it made me smile :) ... and now I'm craving sushi ...
Firstly, ALL are beautiful. I love these designs. It was hard to choose a favorite but I can't stop looking at the sushi themed one!
So beautiful!
I love them all, but especially the feather/ dream catcher ones, Cherche l'attra Pe reves.
I love your illustrations Lali!!! <3
One of the things that amazed me most in Postcrossing is how I got to know and be familiar with the works of so many illustrators like yourself. I am yet to receive one of your cards but I know that eventually someday I will have an amazing surprise at my doorstep!
Since I need to choose (hard task!) I would pick the vegetables one. It's so full of life!!
Continue your awesome work! :)
I love the one with cupcakes :D
So cute! I love the one with cats, where you have to find a mouse:)
My favorite is Romeo and Juliette, with the monsters being a close second!
It is nice to read about the creator of such popular postcards. Bravo ! (^_^) I like many of the designs, but I will go for the sushi one.
There are so many great designs of Lali. I choose this: www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V19.jpg
thank you for the interview:) very interesting.
So Lali is a Postcrosser too? That's amazing!
This is truly a great community :)
My favorite is this: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H6.jpg
It's difficult to choose though, all her designs are so cute and imaginative :)
They are all beautiful! But I like "les poupées" the most!
#48. The Christmas cows.
my favourite is http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H16.jpg , i love how classy this is and the creativity within the design.
What a lovely interview! Dreams do come true. OooH! I am hard pressed to choose one design, I haven't seen one I don't like. But perhaps the Christmasy woodland creatures one.
My favourite design is the one with the flying cupcake! The scene looks like somewhere I will visit in my dreams..
i love the one with many stars and there's a moon too! its looks like petit prince #42
I like the Lali which is fulled with heart, the NO.CL101. Because it the Lali I received. It is beautiful and full with love. I hope I will be the lucky girl.
My most favorite one is
It's hard to decide for only one card... so many that I love! I think I take the one with the poppies.
All postcards are very nice, I send them more times for other postcrossers. But my favorite are cats-postcards. For example, with mouse between cats. It is very cute. ^^
Favorite of all time: the hedgehogs. On the site to choose from: the hippos.
Waw, great story! Lucky you to be discovered like that and to make a living of your hobby!
I received the heart one and since then it has been favourited lots of times.
I love the heart one, the book shelf one and the roallercoaster one! Should be great to sell this in attraction parcs no?
Good luck with the further creations!
Nice interview and great cards! I once got a Lali-card for my birthday.
I love most of her designs, it's difficult to find a real favorite, but one of them is the one with the sheep (http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H20.jpg)! :)
How hard to choose just one! Is this a riddle? haha!
The one i favor today is the Pregnant Elephant. Beautiful creativity, indeed!
the strawberry postacrd is so cute :)
happy postcrossing forever!
Lovely interview :)) I collect Lali cards too n my fav one is the Sushi <3
All the best
I really like the Snail in the Airplane. What a neat fast way for a snail to travel.
Thank you for the interview :)
My favourites are the snowflakes (38) and the Christmas cows (48). I also like the starry sky (42), the cats (14), the whales (13),...
I love birds and this Swallow card. Very pretty postcards, Id like to have them all!
Take care <3
We put Lali Cards as number one in our wishlist. We love all of the designs,but our fave is The Rollercoaster.
My personal favorite is the Pirates card :)
Another great interview - thank you! I adore all of her designs, but since I have a pregnant daughter, I think my favorite design has to be the pregnant elephant. It's adorable!!
I love Number 42, the one with the stars! My mother send this to me on my saint's day :)
Very creative and lots of fun to look at! ;o)
Hard to decide which is "the one"...
They are all so funny and "light", but my favourites remain the bug ones and the pregnant animals
I love these illustrations. I have received the one with the lighthouse (you must find a love letter!), and I think this one is still my favourite.
Very interesting interview. I wish to receive a Lali card someday! :P
I really love this colourful postcards full of details and have already sent some to my friends. I prefer the one with the sheep as it's so green :)
All designs are wonderful! I have received the one with Matryoshkas, and it's my favorite:)
Like your cards very much!
What a nice interview ! All the cards are wonderful. I like the one with mustaches :)
Such great cards!!! It's difficult to choose only one, but if I have to, I'd choose the "étoile filante" or shooting star. I just love it!
Congratulations Lali for your work!
Such wonderful cards! <3
I like the rollercoaster and the pregnant animals most.
Oh, such a hard choice to make! :) I think my favourite will be the sushi one, but I also loved monsters, burgers, feathers, owls, fish, and moustache)))
A very interesting interview! I like all Lali cards! But one of my very favourite is with whales :)
They are all great! One of my faves is the one with the pregnant animals! And the one with the clover. And.... (too hard to pick just one!) :-)
It is a difficult choice to make... I have bought and sent some already! I loved the one with the lighthouse, but from the list I'd choose the paint splashes :-)
Very nice cards, that I've sent more than once and admired so many times...My favourite is the vegetable patch.
Thanks a lot for this awesome interview :) All the Lali cards are awesome, too, but I love the Sushi rolls the most! Yummy!
A very interesting interview and I like all the cards, too, but most of all I like the postcard with the black cats http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V14.jpg
I've been a Lali fan ever since her cards were first sold in Germany and Switzerland, long before I started Postcrossing or even met my husband, with who I now share the account. My all-time favorite is not on the linked page, it is an older riddle about an alien snail among a number of terrestrial ones.
I thought they were all wonderful but my favorite one is the one with the feathers and charms..."Cherche L'attta Pe Reves"
Thank you for sharing.
My favorite is the moustaches card. It is quite creative and cute.
How I love these cards. So colourful. So difficult to pick a favourite but mine would have to be the library as I love being around books.
The whales are so adorable! Hard to pick a favourite, but they are top of my list.
I like the whale too - but they are all pretty neat! And I love riddles!
I love cats,so my favorite lali card is the one with black cats:)
Thanks to this interview i know now what Lali cards are. I read that postcrossers like Lali cards, but didn't knew what kind of cards they meant.
So i hope to receive my first soon....
I like the teckle dog :)
Keep it up !!
Hello! Chouette interviews.
Ooh, I love postcards, but these have riddles to boot! Lovely! Well, am expecting a baby soon, so I love the baby-themed ones, the one that says, "quel bébé à déjà pointe son nez?" and the one with the prams =)
I love dachshunds, so I like this desgin very much. But I haven't found it yet in stores here. U_U
Most of all I love the card with the hippos, this one: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H13.jpg
The Lali series are just amazing! :D
All the cards are wonderful and colourful, my favourite is the card with the monsters.
I love them all :))) Wonderful designs :) Hard pressed to pick 1 I would choose poppies - red is my favourite color http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H9.jpg and moustache frames ;) and matroyshkas and cats and....
All of them are beautiful !
But i prefer the one with "Les Attrapes Rêves" :)
Thank u for introducing Lali's art! All postcards make people smile (and think!) I prefer the moustaches, if I have to choose just one.
I just received one today nl-3044235. One of my favourites as well. I also send it myself to Canada. I just bought more last week in a toystore in Amsterdam. I really like the love couple who a blind to see the right one.
Keep on going you make me and others very happy.
I love the one with the feather :)
I love all lali postcards <3 the interview is very interesting ;)
Thanks for the interesting interview. I saw a few cards of her so far, but didn't know that there are so much more. It's REALLY hard to tell, which on of the designs is the best. They are all absolutely great.
It isn't fair to pick on, but if I had to I would choose the Garden one ;-)
The interview is amazing! I like it. And lali postcards are very wonderful too!All my family love these postcards! But especially i like postcards with cookies and animals...
the strawberry one is great - and the moustaches :)
they are all so beautiful! but if i had to pick one, it would be the one with the strawberries :)
I LOVE all of them! Each is wonderful in its own special way. My favorite is the Irish sheppard - it reminds me of my study abroad in Ireland :)
I like the moustache design.
Congratulations, Lali! My favourite is the bookcase ;)
I love the swallows and the vegetable patch most.
Had no idea that there are so many different designs :-)
These are so cute! I like the veggie garden or the strawberry best ;)
I love lali cards, especially the lady bug and stars
LOVE... the Snail flying the airplane! What a creative spirit you are!!!
Sausage dog is amazing and my sausage dog (Dusya) lies beside me and is having a dream about chasing that wanted cat )
So hard to pick a favourite ... I think it's this one: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V14.jpg
This was a very nice interview to read, by the way. :)
I've heard of Lali cards but never received one, it's cool to meet the maker in this blog post :D My favourite one is quite simple, the black cat one <3 Thank you for a great offer!
Definately this one http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H13.jpg but I haven't it at my collection yet :(.
Nice interview and very positive person.
Really beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing your art and inspiring story! It brightens my day...<3 my fav: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V22.jpg
I love the one with the ladybugs (with the "wanted"-poster - sooo cute!)
The strawberry cards are nice. Mmmmhhh *yummy*. And the background is black, they are perfect.
All these cards are simply amazing! I love the dream catcher one <3
Never seen these cards before, but they're lovely! I will have to hope one comes my way at some point. My favourite is probably the one with the swallows (with the rollercoaster and the starry sky as runners up).
How wonderful!! I am just sad they can only be found in stores. I would love to order these online. I love hearts, so my favorite is the hearts design on the white background. I adore this! I would love to cross-stitch this card. It would be a wonderful addition to my cross-stitch designs.
I like the one with bunnies in the movies. That's the only one I was not able to solve.. :)
I just love lali cards. My favorite is the letter | envelope one! Thank you for this cool interview!
Lali cards are great, but my favourite one is the whale card! It fits perfect to my whale-card-collection <3
I think all of the Lali cards are adorable! However, I like the lucky clovers the best! Loved the interview, too!
So nice to get to know someone's work better through an interview! I'm French but I came to know Lali's cards thanks to Postcrossing. I particularly like the one with snowmen on a clear blue background. Thanks for this great interview.
My favourites :) are lovepotion , the poppy / coquelicot , and the card " Confidential ". To pick a favourite card for a friend is really fun !
Due to my recent interest in hippos. I have to pick the one with the hippos at the beach!
A favorite? Ooh... so hard to choose! I'd have to say the cute sushi card. Yummy! ;)
Adorable cards - I love no26 - the fish - all my favourite colors.
Hard to decide a favorite one.... I like the strawberry.
These are awesome
My favorite one is full of energy and joy. It's written in the middle of the card: "Où se cachent les petits monstres?" It's funny.
Oh... I really like these postcards. Thank you, Lali! So difficult to choose. I think the postcard "Hirondelle" I like most of all however :)
all are wonderful <3 I like all the food themes XD especially sushi
What gorgeous cards! I had never seen them til now but am so grateful that Postcrossing did this blog post featuring Lali's cards. My favorite, if I HAD to choose (they're all so wonderful) would be H9, the poppies one!
I feel I have arrived from another planet because I have had no knowledge of Lali's cards. Thank you for introducing me to these wonderful cards by a super talented lady. My favorite has to be the "Sweet Garden" and the smiley rabbit. Hopefully I will be the recipient of a Lali card one day.
Definitely the sushi one because oh my.. how can you resist the temptation of sushi? My mother, sister, and cats are all postcrossers and we all collect Lali card. Realizing there are many Lali card designs, well.. we are still trying to collect them all, hopefully one day we can have them all!
I love the feathers! I have a feather tattoo so it reminds me of that. My first lali card was the clover one!
My favorite is the fish ("Trouve le Poisson lune et fais un voeu!). The colors are unique and beautiful, and appear bolder and more vibrant set on a dark background. The patterns used are fun and interesting. What a cute and creative collection. Congrats to Lali on her success. :)
I had fun reading the interview, I never would have guessed Lali is also a postcrosser :0 I liked the card with the feathers and the hamburgers, they're so cute :3
Thanks for the interview! I adore her cards so much <3
Great interview! Thanks! I love all lali riddle cards; I've been a fan since I saw them for the first time. :) I like the garden one very much.
Wow, I just loooove lali postcards! It's very difficult to choose one, but, right now, I like the one with sushi a lot :3
Very nice interview! Thank you! I was surprised by the number of existing lali and sad that some are out of print! :( I would really love to collect all of them!!
It is hard for me to pick a favorite one as I like every single one! But I guess my favorite one is CL164 with the cows playing football. That was the one I fall in love first and leaded me to discover the Lali's riddle cards.
CL64 with chrysanthemum is my second favorite one because it is super sweet!!
Wish the collection grows much further in the future and hope someday I can find them in a retail store in Italy too!
Greetings to all and good luck to everybody in this fun adventure. Thank you for the interview, it really inspires to continue doing what you love to do, it gives so much feedback. I do like the sheep with the Irish shamrock on the green background, i'm in love with it. I also like the hippo, so cute. I heartily wish for the collection to grow in number and have more people seduced by them:) I wish I could see umbrellas and coffee cups lali in the future!
It's really hard to chose a fovoutite, because they are all very beautiful! But I think my favourite one is that with the animals laying on the beach and wearing sun glasses.
Pick me! Pick me! :) I love the bugs. Lali wish your cards were available in South Africa, they are beautiful.
as I'm from Wales ...the land of sheep, my favourite has to be the one with .... yes.....sheep! Thank you for this article as it has introduced me to Lali and her amazing postcards for the first time!
I love all of them. But I especially like the strawberry Lali because I love strawberries :)
Hi from Berkeley! My favorite is the mushroom motif. Thanks for the interesting interview. janie
Thanks for introducing Lali cards; I didn't know about them so far. My favourite at the moment is the garden scene (vegetables and a gnome).
lovely ! great to read the story. i have received some lali cards already :) i love all the cats, for example ^^
Wow, nice to meet you. I like almost all your cards but my one time favorite is the one dog with fleas amidst all the other dogs.
It was cool to learn about these cards! The illustrations are all charming, and the surprise is delightful. I think I like the one with all the expectant mother animals and their little ones waving from their bellies the best, though!
thanks for the great interview!
Since I´m into biology I love the cards with the cute animals or with the bugs. Even though it´s biologically not correct it´s sweet to see the Mum´s with their babies in their bellies=) So far I´m very sad because I haven´t received any Lali card yet :(
Hope to get some soon! =)
I love them all!!!!! But one of my favourite is the card with the hippos on the beach.
I really like dog card with his big long ears. It so looks like my dog and i like it when the ears wave in the wind. That looks so funny.
Love them all! :D But got two favs - sushi and strawberries! They are the cutest ones :)
I collect lalis for many years now and love the Christmas cards - mostly the one with the snowflakes.
Love your creativity and the interview! Thank you for sharing with us. SO difficult to highlight just ONE as a favorite from my beloved six, but... it would be the Cows Noel... love the trees and the cows.
I love the lady bird one
wow I never knew these existed...the postcard world is getting bigger every day for me. I would just love any one of these. They are simply awesome
Lovely, lovely cards... all so fun!!! I really like the strawberrie-design (nr 7).It would be great to send some Lali-cards around the world, so fingers crossed for this give-away! Smiles from Belgium, Saskia (lusaro)
I just got one of them https://www.postcrossing.com/postcards/DE-4301694 and am simply overjoyed :)))) Posted to me on 16th June - what a lovely coincidence :))))
WoW! They are all brilliant, but if I have to choose, then the swallows, no. 30.
I love these, we just got our first Lali card last week, and it was so delightful! What a coincidence that this article would then appear. How to pick one favorite? Today, perhaps the matrioshkas are my favorite. All are wonderful.
I really like this card: http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html
It is so lovely, but I would need a translation on the backside. :D
They are all great, but my most favourite is the one with the swallows. Also swallows are Estonia´s national birds :)
Hey hello from Germany to Lali in France!
I like the card with the colorful fingerprinting the most :)
Have a great summer!
I love the colorful illustrated cards! If I have to choose I'll pick the cute colorful paint splashes :)
Have a great weekend!
Oh, there are many lovely ones! I especially like the first card of those sweet hearts, the pencils, the underwater creatures,... :-)
I like all the cards! I especially like having to decipher the riddle from French, German or Dutch!!! I prefer the original style too
I love the hippos, they are very cute
The one with snowflakes is absolutely cute! But every of them are sooo beautiful, I love them all! :-)
Unfortunately I don't speak French, so many of the wonderful cards went over my head... i do like ladybugs and mouse among cats.
They are all so nice. But as Antigoni, if I have to choose one, I'll pick the Poppies, they are my favourite flowers.
I love the cupcakes - getting one of these makes a birthday even sweeter ;-)
It's so hard to pick just one! All are lovely! But maybe I like the one with the poppies, so vibrant!
Interesting inteview!
From the collection I have a lot of cards, and it is hard to decide...
maybe the baby hippos on the beach
I hope the old ones will be available sometimes soon to fill up my collection!
And I´m happy that you made this interview, I was waiting for it for years!
What a great experience to work at a stationary store and be discovered as a postcard designer! I love the clover card but the others are lovely, too.
Thank you for a very interesting insight. It never ceases to surprise me that so many things happen by chance.
We like the sailing boats, although I don't understand the French!
I like the one with sheep and the clover, but my nephew would definitely choose the one with the ladybugs!
I like the strawberrys a lot- they are so funny:-))
The cupcakes are also great!
This is my favorite: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H4.jpg It is SO cute! Especially the little chicken! :)
Wow...I've never seen these before now! A really nice idea! I love all of them...very colorful! It would be nice to get some of them through my postcrossing friends:)
i really like the one with the sheeps, they are cute.
I like the design with a swallow and a heart most. So beautiful!
I just thought Lali is just a brand name, or company. Never expected that it is a real person's name too *embarassed* But I always love Lali's cards, it's so fun and cheerful. And if I have to choose, I love this one http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V5.jpg <3
I love the one with the red flowers.
I like the one with the poppies.
I really like Lali cards, I received two already - with dogs and with poppies. My favorite card is with pregnant animals, so cute and funny!
I must say many of them are adorable, but my personal favorite is the one with the hot air balloons :)
I like the round shaped postcards most. Fishes at night is lovely.
Oh, moustache!! ♥
(and the Library..)
I wonder what lali's user name is ;-p
Everything is beautiful. My favorite is the cupcake, little navy boy and the whales.
The one with stars is beautiful: "Find a shooting-star and make a wish". I believe that this is what it says :-)
But they are all wonderful :-D
Oww, Lali's riddlecards are so awesome. The hippos, the swallows, the strollers, the cupca je es...do I really have to pick only one? It's so hard...
Well, the swallows. For now ;)
I like the ladybug one the best. :)
I like http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html Nr 20 most. I have a lot of your cards on stock to send. ;)
Great cards and welcome at postcrossing!
I mean the pregnant animals. ;)
So many lovely cards - it is really hard to choose the one I really like! I like their brightness, lots of ideas they include in them and their cheerfulness :) It was so unexpectedly to find the card with nested dolls: and very pleasant to understand that Lali found inspiration also in culture of my home country.
Thank you for an interesting interview!
I think that the one I love the most is the card with black cats on grey background. They look so alive, so graceful - it's amazing! :)
I love the paint splatters.
They are all so nice. Lali has such an amazing talent, it is hard to pick just one of these cards but I have to say it comes down to two of them number 1 and number 45.
I'm a great fan of Lali cards and I have a collection on flickr.
Most I love a card that I've sent several times but I never received it: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alles_fuer_euch/8126939953/
They are all wonderful , I like the Cat with guitar and the whale one best of them.
Thank you for introducing us to Lali and her whimsical post cards. I like birds, so my favorite would have to be her swallow card.
I love them all, , that was a hard choice, they all look so good! but if i have to choose one, it will be this one http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H18.jpg
It is so hard to choose - all of the cards are amazing. My favourite one might be the one with the swallows, closly followed by the one with the moustaches.
23, 24 and 40 of course.. fathers' day... daddy's moustache :)
I love he find the monster who loves you! I would love to know where I can buy these in theuk?
All postcards make me smile. But I love the owl postcard the most.
I liked the one with the bunny,s the cuttest. I want to hug them all.
My first Lali card was the one with cats, it's feautured in the article. I absolutely loved it! The design was so cute, nice and well-thought it made me fall in love with Lali cards. All her cards are amazing! Always full of colour and cuteness.
Hi, I like the one with the monsters :)
My favourite is the one with cat silhouette and paw print.
I love them all, but if I had to choose it would be the fish card with the lighthouse.
Hello ! :D I love the card with hamburgers on it, which is written in French. :) And also the sushi one. :)
Greetings from France!
I wish you all the best :)
I hadn't heard of these before. They are great!
My favourite is with "le monstre calin"! :-)
My favourite are the ladybirds!
So many great cards! You're so talented:)
If I had to choose, I'd say the sushi card is the greatest of all. But it's so hard!
Wow, I have never seen these before. I like the swallows one the best although its hard to choose as they are all lovely
My favourite: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H12.jpg
If I had to choose a favourite it would be the library, since I work in one. So books have a special place in my life.
But they are really all beautiful, the colours and details make me smile! Keep on designing please!
Thanks for the interview! It's great to hear about how these amazing postcards come into being! My favourite is the Sausage Dogs.
I really love the ladybugs and the christmas cows. It is really nice to discover who makes these wonderful cards. My friend has send me many of them when she studied abroad in Sweden, our favorite cards!
All of them are great, it's hard to choose. My favourite is the roller coaster.
This is the first time I've seen these happy wonderful cards!
Wow, it is hard to choose a favourite, but I really like the colours of the feathers and beads on strings.
I absolutely love the one with the cute monsters <3
These are delightful. If I bought some id have a hard time not solving the riddle before sendings it out and I'd want to scratch the answer off, especially because I would be translating. It's a wonderful idea, I love that they are interactive.
My favorites have animals and I especially love the pregnant animals.
But the library is near I my heart I love books.
Thank you for sharing your story and your art.
Airplanes are my favourites. :)
I like the cards with all lot of hearts. You never can have enough love and it is great to spread it :)
Never seen these before! But I certainly wouldn't mind one (or more) landing in my letterbox! ... One of the many that caught my eye was the one with the pencils! :)
Oh... I did not know there were so many designs! They are all SO beautiful! Congratulations, Lali, on making such a beautiful dream come true, and making so many people happy at the same time! :)
My favourites... the Sushi is amazing! You even have Yakiniku in there <3
Close second and third: The tiny burgers and the Poppies!
Hope I will draw you in the Postcrossing system one day :)
Thans for the great article. I love making people happy with these cards. I like the blue one with the hot air balloons best. I love the brightness of the color blue
The cards are all very beautiful and funny. But this one, I like the most: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V10.jpg
Thank you for the interesting interview! :-)
Thanks for the interview, I assumed the maker of "Lali cards" to be nice - now I know! :-)
Like Lali herself I like the cards best which tell a little story. My favourite: The one with the gardengnomes on which you can look at several "floors" beneath the earth. Great idea, and so cute drawn <3
Number 10 :) Ladybugs are my favourite bug!
Wow, those cards are so lovely! It's hard to decide which one I like best, but I choose the postcard with the black background and the colorful hearts on it. :)
Thanks for the interesting interview. As I love sheep my favourite one is that with the sheep :)
The "sushi party" is my favorite!!! <3
Thank you for the interview. The postcards are so adorable, it's hard to pick one! But I loved the one with the swallows http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html
I like many of the riddle cards though I don't collect them but buy them for swaps and funny surprises. The first ones I found in a shop about 5 years ago, if I remember that correctly. That was two years before I became a Postcrosser. My mother and I stood there giggling about the few cards they had in stock. My mother sang in a choir and a friend from that choir was about to have her birthday. So among the first riddle-cards we bought was one of a choir. That one seems to gone out of print.
Of the cards available in the website now, my favourite is the one with the hippos because I always love hippotami.
They're so cute!!! My fave is H24, because Christmas is my fave time of the year!
My favourite: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V13.jpg Message in a bottle
I'm madly in love with the "candyland" card! <3
I received some cards yet and I'm totally happy when I open my postbox and see a LALI card inside! :)
Nice to lern more about the producer! :) Nice interview! :)
Hands down: the one with all the cats.
My "favouritest" is pirates! Lovely little creatures!
My favourite one was not amongst the designs on the website. I love the one of cows playing soccer. That one was sooo cute
I love the sushi card! I have been lucky enough to receive this card from another postcrosser! I love sushi!!
Lovely and funny cards, to play with the grandchildren in "Who will see/find it first!" I promise they'll beat you! I would try my own grandchildren at the nr 44, the sheep flock! (^.^) How many seconds ... Ready, steady, GO!
Hello! I loved H1! http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H1.jpg
It's cute and awesome! I'm looking toward to receive one of this soon! :)
I love these postcards. I have received one. My favorite, the cats; cats, cats, cats!
They are so colorfull, full of joy... Maybe one day I will recive one. :)
And the best for me are library, cats and rainbow hearts. :)
There are a lot funny and colourful Lalicards and the idea of a puzzle on a card is very good. The one with cats and a poster with a mouse and the text 'wanted' in the middle is one of my favourites. But most funny is the one at the beach with a man who lost his swimming clothes.
My 3 favorities are:
And test are very beatifull
I love all of them but mostly cats, pandas And whales
Very tough decision....
I like the strawberries, sheep, ladybugs and lots more. ;)
Thanks for the great interview!
I love Lali cards, but my favorite design is the one with the cats.
Why have I not heard of Lali? Oh my, I want them all!! My favourite is the Russian doll, I love rainbow colours. Well done, they are superb.
For me they are all gorgeus!
I love http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V1.jpg! Very sweet! And http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H11.jpg is so cute and colourful ;)
Wow, they're all lovely! I've been lucky enough to receive a couple of these cards from fellow postcrossers already :-) If I have to pick a favourite it would have to be the dreamcatchers! So original and pretty :-) Thanks Lali!
All of those cards are so lovely and colorful! It was hard choise but I think I like the sushi one the most. ♥
So hard to choose just one. I love all the cat cards. :)
Bought recently a new Lali (at least never seen before) with dream catchers, on a black background, beautiful. Also one with a sort of big big mac :) She stills has a lot of inspiration. Hopelessly 2 of my Lali postcards never reach their recipients recently :( I think they are a bit too nice!
I had no idea before Postcrossing how those postcards, and Nouvelles images could be popular and well known around the world.
I love the Lali-cards, they are funny, colorfull, interessed and I like it to taking my time to find the solution of the card! I didn't know the cards before I've started with postcrossing... but now.... I love to find them in my mailbox and also love it to make someone happy with a Lali-card! So, GO FOR IT.. and keep on surprice us!
Choose a favorite??? For a color-aholic like me, that's nearly impossible! And they are all so cute: the black cats in so many different poses...the pencil people (LOVE the expressions on the eraser, sharpener and pencil!)...the puffball with eyes (so adorable!)...the sunbathing cows and pigs are hilarious!....the interplay of the swallows blew me away....poppies, I love poppies....the paint splotches and their googly eyes just make me happy, as do all the animals in airplanes and the hippos on the beach...and the garden: from the snoozing snails to the smooching slugs to the naughty hedgehogs and the card-playing moles; wow! Like Lali, I prefer the ones that tell a story or show a community.
If I HAD to choose a favorite.....it would be the garden: there's just so much going on!
I have to admit...my favorite kinds of cards are like these....bright cheerful and graphic...love them
I love the rabbit one :) it was funny to find the little brown one and I love the place were it's hiding :) and I would totally love a pack of cards like these! <3
Reading such an interview is really inspiring!I love people who are passionate and make such creative,cute and make-my-day cards.Just like Lali i love the smell and the touch of paper.I'm not a creative persone myself so i really admire people who are able to make this beautiful pieces of art!
I love all of the cards but the ones cat ones!
Keep up the amazing work and welcome to the postcrossing community.I really whish you to make an amazing collection of cards from all over the world! :)
How clever, sweet and silly--love these!! Hard to choose a fave but I guess my pick would be the dog looking for his bones in the garden. so cute...
I'm ashamed to say that didn't know Lali's work before this interview but her postcards are awesome :D
Congratulations on such nice work and for sharing it with others!
It's hard to choose a favorite but I love cats so I have to say the one with cats in funny clothes.
I love them all, but if I had to choose just one, I'd the crazy party monsters (image #18, I think). I can't help but giggle a bit when I look at that one. :)
Thank you for making these wonderful cards. My favorite is the colored pencils. I feel creative just looking at it!
Hey. All postcards look amazing. But I think, that my favourite is with sheep. It is very cute and adorable.
Lali is a wonderful artist. My favourite one is the postcard full of poppies!!
Hello!I love #44 sheep postcard.This is so cute & pop.
I think I am biased because it's my birthday in a couple days, but my favourite is this: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H3.jpg
Cutest Birthday Card I have ever seen!!!!!!! And it's a POSTCARD too!!
I joined post crossing to stave off depression while being very sick and fighting my auto-immune disease, because of my medications and pain, I can't do much or focus long, so the Lali Cards are perfect for me, they are entertaining but I don't struggle with them, they are also fun and cheerful and hopeful, I have loved them since I got sick and joined! Thank you for the opportunity to win a couple! :)
Nice to meet you, Lali! :) I'm a big fan of your creative works and have collected the riddles for 8 years. I love Sushi the most because it's featuring Asian culture ;)
All so colorful! They make me smile. I really enjoy the "Salut Pirate" card. Especially the shark with the "mum" heart tattoo. Just great!
Thank you for this interview! It's nice to hear about someone so wholeheartedly enjoying their craft. These designs are all adorable and intricate, but my favorite would have to be the card full of poppies, bumble-bees, and little ladybugs: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H9.jpg.
I just realized that the card I received yesterday is a Lali! It's owls. I'd still like to win these cards so I can send them out to other Postcrossers to enjoy as much as I do!
What a wonderful hobby and postcards, so colourful and joyful :) I admire all of them but these ones the most
http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H6.jpg :)
The hearts are my favourites :) also the romeo and juliet book themed notebooks and photo albums! <3 lovely!
Great interview and the Lali Cards are really creative and wonderful <3
My favourite has to be the one with the feathers, though, it's just beautiful!
Really nice cards! Her creativity is really inspiring. Personally I like the cards with cats and the moustache card the most =)
Sushi postcard is the cutest! :3 ♥
They are all cute, but I prefer the monster card! :)
What lovely cards. I like the Dashchund and the black cat
Hello and thank you so much for showing us your wonderful and funny cards!! They are all so special and great! I really like Nr 20, also because I am also pregnant :) so this is a very special to me :)))
These cards are adorable, it's so hard to choose just one favourite! But I'd say the sunbathing animals (#28), because I love being under the sun :)
Such wonderful use of colour. No. 17 Cupcake is my favourite.
Lali's cards are wonderful. It's not easy to pick a favorite one. I love the card with the monsters.
I love the cat silhouettes, V14! Too cute!
Thank you for the interview and the contest!
I've been collecting Lali cards for a long time. It's the only series of cards i've collected before i knew postcrossing. It's very hard to choose a favorite, because all Lalis are so cute and colourful and each one of them is lovely itself. I mostly like the Lalis with animals, especially the cats, the colourful tortoises, the hedgehogs, the swallows, the whales with the lighthouse... but i can't choose just one favorite :)
Thank you very much for the interview!
One with ladybirds is my favourite :)
Oh my God! They're soooo looovely! I can't just pick one because I really love them all :-) I believe xmas theme would be the ones I would pick first as I love xmas :-) Thank you so much for sharing your passion!
i like the one with matryoshka dolls...amazing talent!!!
amazing collection! thanks for the interview, all of the cards are interesting! but my favourite is definitely the 102 ladybugs(luckbug) !! ladybugs are always my favourite!
They are all very fun and colorful :) If I had to choose one I'd choose either the strawberries one (V7) or the tanning animals (H4). Great job Lali! :)
I love the cards but have not yet one in my collection. My alltime favorite are the ladybugs.
I love them all, it's difficult to only choose one.
Great interview, great cards !
How special that must have been, scanning the barcode of your own cards for the first time ! I love the clover one of your first cards !
Of those here, I go for the "où se cache ma jolie petite puce" one. So colourful and fun. But what a difficult choice, they are all eye-catchers !
Thank you for the chance to win; good luck to all of us !
It's so hard to choose a favourite! But I'll say the birds and hearts design :-) thanks for the competition!
They are all very colourful but most of all I like number 26! http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html
They're all so nice! I think I like nr. 2 the best, because of the bean shaped cats :D
I love all cards and mostly Nr. 13 - the card with the whales :) . I wished I could draw so wonderful, too.
They are so wonderful! It was hard to choose a favourite, but I think I liked the cat shadows the most. :)
What a wonderful article! I want to collect these cards!
I like the one with the feathers and beads hanging from the ropes. :)
All are very special! :) I like cats very much, so I think the cats silhouettes are particularly adorable. Nevertheless, the postcard design with swallows and hearts is my favorite! <3
I am a newbie to postcrossing. I heard of this kind of card. I kind of want it.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading the interview! :)
My favorite design is the pencil one, although, honestly I love all! :-)
What a great interview! Collecting Lali cards is always about discover something new! i am a huge fan of the scratches at the back. Hope one day will have all the Lali in my hands!
oh my god !!! I really like Lali cards, especially
monster,moustache, blimp, humberger, and plant .. ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope this project can grow up and get successful in future ...
and I hope one of these cards could get my hands ;D
want collect all lali card!!!
I totally adore Lali cards. My favorite is the monsters one!!!
My favourite is Strawberry.. I love everything to do with strawnberries. the taste, the look , the color and it makes me think about summer.
Very nice Cards. I really love them all . :-)I use the Cards in my Office, working ith children. It´s much fun.
My favorite one is the Little Elefant.
Great interview with Lali!!! I love her cards so much, the sweet garden is my favorite, it's funny to see the life underground, a wonderful design to trigger both Lali and the receiver imagination!
wow! amazing arts, I love the one with sushi it's cute^-^
The cards are all great, but the one with the hot air balloons and the lost hat is my favorite. :) Unfortunately I cannot find it in shops anymore. :(
Those cards are so beautiful!I like the cap cake one.
I've bought 25 of the series today. I hope the next receivers of postcards will be happy.
My favorite colored splash card you see in the right: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/diaporama/2.jpg
My favourite is the one with the pirate fishes! The one with the lighthouse and the whales is a good number 2!
Thanks for this great interview! I love the Lali cards, so far I've received several of them and it's always so much fun to solve the riddles :)
It's hard to choose a favourite card, but I really like the "sweet garden" - so many different things to see!
Thank you for this great interview!! i love Lali postcards sooo much!! My favorite one is "Sweet Garden" <3
i love Lali postcards.
my favourite is sushi, dog and moustache <3
I love Lali cards ! They are so creative ... And I love the riddles ...
As my son is on Marine Nationale, my favourite is the one with the sailors "find the pompon rouge" !
THese postcards are all so nice, so refreshing and so funny. My favorite if I had to pick up just one would be the black cat (...or maybe the coloured hearts :-)
I love Lali postcards, really creative. I love them all, but I really like The Dreamcatcher ;) !!
My favorite is the one with all the monsters on it. It is something I know my daughter would love!
How nice to read about the designer of the lovely Lali cards. I love the cards with the cats :-)
Oh wow, what a cute blog, what cute postcards! So creative and adorable :) I really like the fishy postcard!
This is lovely, I bought (and send) some of these card when I was in France last year. My favourite is the one with the cats that says 'quel matou n'a pas de jumeau'. It took me nearly 5 minutes. I still enjoy the cats :)
Lovely interview and wonderful cards! My favourites are any cards involving animals: whales, sheep, elephants, beetles, you name them... :)
Hi Lali, I absolutely loved you collection. I think my favourite would be: "Find the monster that loves you". I think what makes your postcards amazing are that they are so colourful and the illustrations would brighten anyone's day!
Really hope you choose me as a lucky winner. I would treasure these forever. Loads of Love from India
Being a cat lover and having received the "cats in love" riddle card recently (DE-4036172), I'd say this design is my favorite =^..^=
I love the one with the birds saying 'Quelle hirondelle apporte un message personnel?' It's not as bright as the other ones but it is actually quite romantic. It makes me think that's what it used to be like in the very very old days :)
Great interview!
These funny and colourful riddle cards are perfect for sending a smile to someone. (^-^)
I love the sushi party with the new tapas friend (I didn't know that one):
And another one that I love isn't on the website anymore, but it's one of my favourites:
But I really just love them all!
And if there would ever be a dragon riddle card, I would be the first one to buy it!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Wow! These cards are so lovely:)
A lot of hamburgers card is my favorite!
the one with feathers is beautiful;')
Lali's designs are so colorful and beautiful! My favorites are the cats, poppies and matryoshka dolls designs. :D
I love the stars :-)
http://www.lali.fr/en/illustrations.html Sushi Mjam! I just love Lali cards, to send and to receive. So inspiring and colourfull. Happy mail du through a happy card. Thanks for this nice blog.
I love the cat silhouettes and the strawberries
I just started with postcrossing in May, the little sheep design is darling!
Great interview! I love all Lali cards cute and colourfull :)
Thank you for the interview, it was nice finding out about these beautiful designs! They look all so lovely and wonderful, but if I had to pick 1 for my favourites, it would be the one with feathers :) http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/V23.jpg
I love the elephant and hippo designs. All card is beautiful and inspiring!
Lali-cards are beautiful.
I like the one with Sushi on it most
so amazed there is so much talent. I would love anyone of these here in CapeTown South Africa
Great interview! They are all so wonderful, how to pick just one? My favourite is the Christmas Owls, or is it the Swallows and Hearts? Both are my favourite! :)
I love the matryoshka doll! :-)
My favourite from the page is the design with the fishy pirates (H21). And I still love the cats (V24) because it really takes a bit of time to find the one without a twin.
I am very happy to know about you! I like everything of your cards,so...decided you for me!
thank you
I love books and music. So I love the "Vinyl" card and the "Bookshelf" card. But of cause they are all awesome. :)
I like them all.. But most I think I like the ones with hearts and with stars...
The cute fluffballs and mushrooms! :)
I love all of them and have collected 148 so far. One of my favourite ones is the bunny portrait gallery.Of the ones I did not knew I like the swallows best.
the strawberry one i just love!
Oh, that a hard decision. They are all pretty and special! But i love cats very much, so the black cats with fishbones around are my favorite.
It is so hard to pick just one! For this I will go with the Mr. Moustache design!
The strawberry design is my favourite. It's so cute and I love strawberries - perfect choice for me! :-)
For me the best is card with many (funny) dogs and one cat with bone. It`s amazing ^^
I love the one with all the stars and planets. That makes me dreaming.
I love the mustaches! Thanks for the great interview. I was not familiar with these cards before.
I love the one with the birdhouses in at tree! My first Lali was the one with the bee ... that was a long time ago! I have lots in my collection now :)
I love the air-balloon design!But I want them all in my collection <3
Oh my! They are wonderful! I'm so happy I read about them on the blog. Your multicolored hearts on the black background really charm me.
They all are amazing!
But this one I love most: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H6.jpg
Your work is amazing! I love the one with the house martins and the clouds. I actually have stickers with house martins on my wall, I guess they are starting to grow on me.
The back cats on the gray background look really classy though!
The wanted one is my favorite with the weenie dogs and the cat in the center. I have a weenie dog named Dexter who is my constant companion, especially since he went blind earlier this year. I love my dog and any time I see weenie dogs, I am reminded of him.
All cards sooo lovely:D
I love...
All of them are nice, but my favourite is the one with the moustaches
The cows playing in the snow! :)
I like the library/bookshelf design. It seems to be called "Romeo & Juliette" on her page. I like this one because I definitely relate. I have this bookshelf (& several like it) at home.
I love the card woth the big baby bellys ... so cute!!
I often send the cards to others, so many postcrossers collect them. My favourite is the one with the black cats.
What great postcards!
My favourite is the strawberry postcard. :)
The others are nice, too.
Its give so many verry nice Lalicards but my Favorite is this: http://www.lali.fr/_/img/illustrations/H5.jpg i hope so that i can the recieve in next time:-)
Well my first favorite is the nesting dolls, so colorful and cute! Second favorite would be the bugs and butterflies. Third favorite... well, they're all great!
The one with the hearts that says "Can you find my soulmate?" ALL of them are delightful!
my favourite? I adore ladybugs, so that's my favourite!
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