A looong time ago, we shared some tips about postcard sets that were available online. They’re cheap, great quality and quite handy when you need a bit of variety… or for when your local bookshop has run out of nice postcards! :)
Lately, we’ve seen a lot of new and exciting editions on the market, which means it’s time for a fresh roundup! The choice is rather overwhelming, so to narrow it down, we decided to focus on reasonably priced boxes of 100 postcards. Here are some of our current favorites that we thought you might like:
- House Industries 100 Postcards
- The Art of Pixar, Volume II: 100 Collectible Postcards
- The Impossible Project Spectrum Collection: 100 Instant-Film Postcards
- Live the Life You Love Postcard Box: 100 Hand-Lettered Postcards

- Sibley Backyard Birding Postcards: 100 Postcards
- Postcards From Puffin: 100 Book Covers in One Box
- Postcards from The New Yorker: One Hundred Covers from Ten Decades
- Paris versus New York Postcard Box: A Tally of Two Cities in 100 Postcards

- From the Desk of Jane Austen: 100 Postcards
- Doctor Who Postcards from Time and Space
(our absolute favorite!)
- One Hundred Writers in One Box: Postcards from Penguin Modern Classics
- The Art of Classic Comics: 100 Postcards fom the Fabulous 1950s
Typography goodness, photos, magazine covers, illustration, children and grown-up themes… there’s something for everyone, and they’re a steal! :)
Got any favorites of your own? Do share your tips in the comments!
54 comments so far
For Christmas I received 100 postcards of "James Bond". Just waiting for the right postcrosser!!
I have a few great box sets of postcards. I love them and love using them for the right Postcrossers. The cards are usually excellent quality. I love postcard books as well.
I really love the postcard boxes by Cavallini & Co. The postcards may cost a bit more than US$ 0.20 but the look so neat. I´ve also seen them amongst the faves of other postcrossers. ;)
I send only 2 posstcards a week. And because of this I make my own card mostly.I don't send more cards because the stamps are quite expensive in The Netherlands.
I got a nice set of old photography postcards (printed to real postcards, no photo paper) in the State Opera in Dresden :) Such lovely cards, perfect for those who collect old city views and black/white cards... some of the photos where shot when Germany still had an emperor :D That's some time ago...
I have been sending some of these out already based on profile
I buy my box sets from Fishpond because some sellers on Amazon do not ship to Singapore. :)
I have the Puffin set, and the only difficult thing is in making myself send them off in the mail instead of saving them for myself :)
I have five boxes, the pixar (both series), pantone, penguin book, and the paris vs ny. I usually get them at local bookstores because i hate paying shipping, but theyre great to send nevertheless
I bought the One Hundred Writers in One Box about a year ago but decided to keep them instead of sending them out to others.
I'm a proud owner of the Doctor Who box (mainly cards depicting moments from series 5 and 6) and whenever I see that a postcrosser is also a fellow Whovian they get one of those. Everybody loves a bit of Who in their mailbox.
My favorites (not listed in this post) are "The Art of Star Wars Comics: 100 Collectible Postcards" and "The Art of Vintage DC Comics: 100 Postcards". First one costs 15.16$, and second one, 17.05$.
For Dutch postcrossers: some of these boxes are also available at www.bol.com. Search for postcards or postcardbooks (use English words)
You can also try www.pomegranate.com there is a section for postcards and postcard books a very awesome selection most are under 10 US dollars per postcard book.
I have Doctor Who box (a bit dissapointing though: nobody told me this is mostly about 11th and people around him) and Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker box. Got them from bookdepository.co.uk, free worldwide shipping and nice prices.
I have bought some of these boxes here in Ireland and ordered also at Amazon. The quality is great and I love to send them out to Postcrossers, who like certain types of cards.
I have the Project Impossible set, and I find it pretty disappointing as I'd prefer the images to take up much more of the space than these ones do.
I love to send Anne Taintor and Norman Rockwell postcards, so I make sure to keep a good supply of them on hand!
From Ohio USA, Marica
I prefer to buy "street bought cards" but I've received several of these cards and some are really nice! :)
I was searching for something like this in a big bookshop today, and found nothing. Thanks !
I just purchased a bunch of postcards from www.Zazzle.com for a very good price. If you can time it right, you can get a LOT of postcards for very little money during their sales! :)
Another big boxed collection out there is McSweeney's "From the Ocean's Sweaty Face" featuring work from different illustrators. McSweeney's seems to be out of stock on their website at the moment but you can find it on Amazon.
I bought "The Art of Instruction" box (100 postcards of vintage educational charts) on Amazon, but so far, I haven't been able to part with them.
i have The Art of Pixar, Volume II: 100 Collectible Postcards ..
my daughter loves to play with it... :)
A Review:
Comics/Puffin/Paris vs.NY = Excellent quality
Sibley's = Very poor. Thin cards (apt to get damaged in sorting machines) and unimaginative backs.
I just bought Pixar the !!! A nice postcard box !!!!
The New Yorker is brilliant too. They have the cover illustrations from the 1920s to 2011.
Some are quite hilarious and some make you think.
But Most are just really brilliant.
The problem: Which to send and which to keep.
When I buy postcard boxes or postcard books I usually end up not sending them because I like them so much myself ^^'
OMG :D I want the PIXAR box!!! Thanx for sharing! Thats the perfect birthday gift for me ;)
Last week I was shopping in New York City and I found the Vintage DC Comic box with 100 postcard. I have never see before like this in germany...
I found some postcards boxes in London and in Brussels english bookstores!
I bought some of these boxes when I first started Postcrossing. I loved the cards myself. Still do, but now I also have some doubts. I still like many of the cards, but with 100 in a box it will take forever to send them all? Not all of them are that suitable to send for postcrossing and I do not want to send the same type of card to everyone. That makes them more expensive in the long run. I,m also a little disappointed when I see how many people from so many different countries are sending the same box cards. Myself included. So I always check the send cards wall to someone I send to to see they are not sending them themselves.
woooww... I want them all
I have several of these sets and love most of them. One word of warning though, the Sibley Backyard Birding Postcards: 100 Postcards are printed on much thinner stock than most of these sets and in my box they are all curled badly down the length of the cards.
I used these postcard sets. They're amazing quality for a great price: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/browse.html?ie=UTF8&marketplaceID=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&me=A3C62CHD07HTWU
I have the box of "Voque". It's great and the quality is very good. The receivers are also happy :-)
But it's hard to send them, because I want to keep them all.
I like sending (and keeping!) these cards too, but like it has been said, I try to double check that the person I am sending them to is not sending them as well, since they are available to buy in many different countries.
Sometimes I have spotted it on time, for instance, with the Penguin Writers (black and white).
I have The Art Box, Postcards from Ladybird and Vogue 1000 Iconic Covers all from Blackwells. They were two for £20 in Oxford!
I really like my New Yorker postcards. A great variety!
My collection of postcards to send are growing so much more quickly than the ones I am receiving! I have bought several postcard books, some in bulk and lots of individual ones. Trying to have the right postcard for everyone is quite a task!
You know what - those postcard boxes featured above - I actually owned 95% of those! Am I addicted or what?
Thanks for sharing!
I bought a postcard set called Foodles (printed in the UK by Star Editions Ltd.). There's only six cards, but I love them all ♥
Oh goodness! I have all of those except the Dr. Who set. I also have a whole lot more! I have a BIG problem!
My favorite is the Art of Pixar, I'd love to have those. :D
I've just ordered the Art of Pixar (both collections)... on Amazon - there are some on sale. Worth it! It works out about £1 per postcard send from the UK - so sometimes I create my own design on Photoshop based on the Postcrosser's wish list on their profile, and send them through Touchnote. Works well!
I bought the Alan Fletcher box set. Absolutely brilliant. Great choice and just waiting for the right postcrosser.
I have the Penguin Box, Ladybird Box (for retro postcard lovers) and The Art Box. Although I don't like painting postcards for myself, this is a good choice to send such to people who like them.
Some of these didnt get good reviews on Amazon.
I prefer lesser known collections like Dover's antique dolls -- which is sadly out of print.
Like the person who posted above me, I love the Dover postcards. If they're still in print you can get the postcard books directly from them: http://store.doverpublications.com/ or if out of print they are still often available used through Amazon. As an artist/photographer I prefer to print and send my own designs, but when people say they don't want handmade I'll pick a good one from my collection.
yes, www.zazzle.com has some really great cards! If you don't catch them during a sale, it can get expensive, but there is such a variety that I absolutely love!
do these boxes of 100 have lots of duplicates or are they all different. can someone tell me.
Ordered the "Sibley backyard birding cards" they are amazing - such detail - very beautiful - worth fifteen dollars with no shipping fees either - very nice - thank you for the suggestions..........
I wish I could buy them, but I am in Brazil...
I love the Sibley ones. I was accused of sending out ad cards when I used the Pantone ones though...
@teamug: Aye!
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