Last weekend, we brought the Little Mail Carrier’s cousin along for a trip to Cologne, where the latest Postcrossing meetup took place. He was really excited about it – here is his account of the day! :)

Hi everyone! Last weekend, I travelled to Cologne (or Köln, as they say in German) to see the city and meet the local postcrossers… I didn’t know much about the city beforehand, so the first thing I noticed was their huge Gothic cathedral, right in front of the train station!
Whoa… look at that! It’s just… massive! Did you know it is a UNESCO World heritage site, and the most visited landmark in Germany? I couldn’t wait to get inside and have a closer look…
I could have spent hours there, just wandering around, admiring the stained glass windows, tiled floors and golden relics…
The Hohenzollern bridge that crosses the Rhine just in front of the cathedral was also quite impressive! All the fences were covered in love padlocks… how sweet!
But enough of culture and sightseeing – it was time for shopping! We hopped on Isagv's backpack and off we went!
Our first stop was at the Maus shop! You might have seen this orange mouse on German postcards before… he’s really famous around here! Maus stars in a beloved children’s cartoon called Die Sendung mit der Maus (The program with the mouse) which first aired in Germany in 1971. We hanged out for a bit, and I tried to get him to share the secret of his success, but he didn’t talk much…
After that, it was time for proper postcard shopping! Cologne has a neat postcard shop, the Walther Königs Postkartenladen. Inside, thousands of postcards awaited the eager hands of the many postcrossers…
When all our bags were filled with postcards and our bellies started to rumble, we headed down to the riverside for mealtime. The food was nice, but everyone was more interested in the postcards! As soon as the plates were cleared, we all started to write, sign and stamp the many many postcards…
… which were then sent on their way around the world, to the mailboxes of other eager postcrossers and friends!
When it was finally time to say good-bye and head off home, my cheeks were hurting from so much smiling and smiling! A big thank you to everyone who attended for this lovely experience – it was great to meet you all!
Would you like to meet other postcrossers too? Check the forum for future meetups in your area – or if there are none, just start one!
23 comments so far
*thumbs-up* Always a pleasure to meet you guys :D
yesm it was a really special day :) I enjoyed it so much. It was great to meet you again - like always :)
I love the photos - nice to see the Little Mail Carrier's cousin again and all the other known and unknown faces.
Hope, you had a really good time in Cologne :)
woohooh, what a great blog entry!!! Hope to see you again soon!
It was a great day and so much fun to meet everyone. I'm absolutely looking foward the next meeting and thanks again for the nice blog-entry ana. =D
It's great! I wish I was there with you)
looks like a lot of fun! I see a few faces I know :-)
It was my first meeting, but certainly not my last! It was really great to meet some fellow Postcrossers in person.
Thanks for the great report. I attended the meetup in Cologne, it was my first one, and I enjoyed it. So nice to meet all those other Postcrossers - and to sign all those postcards that go out to postcard lovers all over the world.
Thanks for the wonderful "view" of a postcrossing meetup! I hope to attend one some day. Love this website!
Happy Meetup Day: )
great photos and story Ana :) Meetups in Köln are always so much fun. Thank you for 3 meetup cards Isagv, Sofa and Xtlera dear friends.
Wish I could have been there with you guys! I bet you had fun with out me anyway ;-)
hurray:) i received postcard from this meeting:)
Nice pics because it must have been a very nice meeting! Wish to take part in one of these some day :)
Great to read about the meeting in Cologne! I was so happy to get a card from the meetup. . . thank you Lone and to everyone who signed. :-)
Thanks for the photos, nice memories from my meeting in Cologne... :)
It was a really wonderful meeting
What a great meeting,how much i like germany¡¡¡¡¡
I was one of the lucky ones who received a postcard from Cologne meeting:
It is a great postcard of the Severn bridge for my bridge postcard collection, thanks a lot for it:
great pics and nice posting!!! and nice to see the cousin of the little mail carriers!!!! in 2008 I had my first meeting, and it was in cologne, too!! *smile*
I enjoyed reading, I'm always curious where the little Paulo and little Ana will show up. Recently I visited the Playmobil Factory at Malta and I saw one huge mailcarrier, I'm from the postcards and never take photo's - they had no postcards for sale!!
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