Good news, everyone! On January 2nd, Belpochta (the Postal Operator of Belarus), will launch a new Postcrossing stamp! Talk about starting the New Year with a bang! :)
Here’s what it will look like:

Isn’t it bright and cheerful? Each individual stamp measures 28×30mm and was designed by Inga Turlo.
The Belarusian Postcrossing community will be hosting a meetup on the launch day, which will take place in Minsk’s main post office. Stamps will be bought, and lots of cards will be signed and stamped with the special first day of issue cancellation mark… so if you’re in the area, do join them! :)
We’ve said a couple of times before, but it bears repeating: it’s an incredible distinction for Postcrossing to be featured on a postage stamp. Our heartfelt thank you to Belpochta for deeming the project worthy of such an honor – and of course, to all the postcrossers in Belarus. This stamp wouldn’t be possible without your enthusiasm! :)
Happy holidays everyone… and happy Postcrossing!
139 comments so far
My fiancé and I love it and hope we'll receive a Belarussian card with it soon.
love these!
it looks great ;o)
COOL STAMP ! I want it ! ;-)
Come on, postcrosser, it's time for the presents!
Many thanks to all postcrosser in Belarus + Belpochta.
What a nice surprise at christmas
Small gifts help keep a friendship alive: thanks to Belarus
Wonderful news! :D
they look so cool!!!! :)
Colourfull happiness on a small piece of paper!
Very cool!
Отлично!!! Теперь Беларусь будут все ждать )))
Great stamps!!!
Nice stamp - hope I will get one!
Happy New Year!
It's such cute and nice!!! i hope to receive a postcard from Belarus with this stamp :) Happy postcrossing!!!
Гм, Люся, Беларусь и до этого ждали :D
oh great...very cute^^.Too bad our post would never do something like this.
Very nice, hope I receive one!
Fantastic stamps! I also hope to receive one!
Congratulations to Belarus and to Postcrossing!
Wowow! I like the stamp, wish i would recive a postcard with this beautiful stamp! Ayway, wish all the world postcrossers to have a Merry Christmas & HappyNew Year!!! :)
Beautiful stamp! Hope I receive one. Congratulations Postcrossers in Belarus and Postcrossing!
I think it's wonderful that three countries have honored our lovely community with a postage stamp! :)
Cool stamps...
so cool! Postcrossing rules the world!
fantastic I can hope for a stamp like that
not that Australia post would do something nice like that.Its bad enough they put the price of card stamps up .
It's awesome! I love it!
Wow, it's great!!I'm from Belarus and I'd like to buy this stamp :)
They´re great!!
Oh wow, they're so great!!!! I want German ones too!!!!!
Really interesting! Where can I find this postage stamp? I would like to have this stamp in my own collection...
Oh finally!:)
It´s awesome. I love it too, and I hope I will receive lots of cards with those stamps on it. Happy Postcrossing to all of you! :)
Love postcrossingstamps. Nederland, Suomi, Lithuania and now Belarus.
What a beautiful stamp!
Can anyone offer it for an exchange of Indian Stamps?
If yes, let me know.
I would be lucky to have it.
I wish every country had one.
Suuuper!!! :-)
I hope that I receive a postcard with one on it, and I would love to buy some stamps so please let us know how we can do so. I agree that all countries should join in and design a postcrossing stamp!
very very nice, thank you belarus!!!!
Lovely stamps. :)
And German Post not even try to have one. :(
What a great Christmas present! Congratulations to Belarus on your fabulous stamp!
what a lovely one
Congratulations to Postcrossing as it is really a great honour to be recognised for it's great work and to be made into a stamp.
The stamp is beautiful too!
Belarus is the first country and certainly it will not be the last to realise the value of the work which Postcrossing has done to the whole world.
I wish i would recieve these stamps and cancelled first day covers.
I am very proud of Belpochta! This is incredible!
wow... what a way to start the new year.. :)
Enjoy the Meetup and Release of Happy Postcrossing...
I wish i get this stamp on official postcard :)
This fantastic stamp would be great for my husband's stamp collection. The colours are so bright and cheerful, just what we need with the wet and windy weather we are having.
Three cheers to Postcrossing ! Now i am waiting for a card from Belarus with these stamps :)
I hope I receive a card with one on! Why don't the UK do something like this! Royal Mail take note!
cool that i hope from belarus will sent it to me but will see...
Christmas present for all postcrossers) I'm waiting postcard with this stamp)
Белпошта is Belposhta in English.
I am so looking forward to receiving this stamp. It would be great to get one from the launch day. Here's hoping more Postal Services around the world will issue a Postcrossing stamp. I have already made a request to the Irish Postal Service to do one. Happy 2014 everyone.
looking forward receiving a card from Belarus with this beautiful and colorful stamp. Great!!
I really would love to find this stamp on my next belorussian card.
This is so fantastic!! I love it!!
I would love to get this stamp. It's beautiful
O happy day! Awesome, I hope I will get some cards with this stamps. I can't wait :-)
Cool! I wish I can get a card with the colorful stamp!
Looks very nice!!
Ого, наши молодцы =))
From this moment, I will send a postcard with this is stamps)
отправьте мне открытку с такой плизу :с
Wonderful and amazing stamp! Way to go Belarus post office!!!! Sooo nice!!!
great and nice stamps, i would like to get it in one belarus card.
I really would like to receive one. Maybe one day we will have our postcrossing stamp too:)
Отличная идея. Еще бы их везде можно было купить
Yay!!! I hope to receive one on a Belarus postcard.
One more honor for the Postcrossing Project! Thanks so much, Belpochta!
Great! Can't wait to get a card with this colourful stamp! Hopefully the Deutsche Post will also one day issue a Postcrossing stamp!
It is heartening to note that post crossing has been conferred this honour. Looking forward to receive a card with the stamp. If it would be possible for the post crossing to arrange these stamps for its member. Of course, for a price.
This is awesome. Love to get a swap with one of these stamps!
I like it
Из Беларуси редко приходят художественные марки (в России правда то же самое судя по русскоязычному посткроссингу), в основном стандарты. Чтобы в мое местное ПО завезли красивые марки пришлось полгода писать письма в Москву. Главное чтобы каждый боролся за повышение уровня культуры посткроссинга. Надеюсь дело сдвинется с мертвой точки. Даешь посткроссинг в массы!!:)Марки изумительные!!:)
Crossing my fingers that I receive one! How cool!
I will send cards with this stamp, uhuuuu :)
And I can help If someone wants to receive this stamp :)
So cool!!!
Great, very nice stamp!
I like it!
I hope I get one of this stamps :-)
Very nice stamp! I hope I'll receive it with the next postcard from Belarus....
Wow! They're so amazing!
This is fantastic! I hope I get one soon!
That's awesome :)
So pretty and bright! Congratulations Belarus & Postcrossing! :-)
This is such a beautiful and colourful stamp, I love it! =) You guys from Belarus are so lucky to have these. =D Congratulations on your new postcrossing stamp. :)
great stamp, I hope I get times as a cleverly
I can't make up my mind about the design, but I love the idea!!!!
Wow :D
Кто-нибудь может одну такую в Солигорск отправить? пожааалуйста))
даже могу за шоколадку)
Хочу открытку с такой маркой. Супер!
what a colorful stamp!wish i can get 1!
Hope fortune smiles on me and I will get such a beautiful stamp on the next card from Belarus.I will keep my fingers crossed!Each card in my mailbox is a small piece of luck.
Happy New Year to all of you.
Woo hoo! Lovely colourful design :-) I hope the Royal Mail does a Postcrossing stamp!
WOW It's cool
Superb news !!
Wow!!!!!Beeeeaaaauuuuutiful!!!!!! @u@
I want to same stamps in Armenia too...
It's a great-looking stamp! I hope to see one soon on a card in my mailbox! :-)
That's awesome! What a cheerful stamp :)
So cool! Belarus rocks!
Great stamp. Nice to see that more and more countries honor this beautiful projekt with an special stamp issue. I would be so happy to receive one of the cards sent from the meeting. But also I'm happy if I receive one at all... With Finland I was really unlucky and still not received any. Also from the Netherlands I just received some.
I wish you all a Happy Year 2013
Let us hope more and more countries will follow.
Wonderful!!! I would really like to acquire some of these stamps......
I loved the Finnish too, love to add this one to the collection!
Cards from Belarus are definitely some of my favourites so I would love to get one with this stamp!
Congratulations Belarus :) for joining in with a postcrossing stamp! Getting one like that would certainly brighten up a dark day :)
Wow, such a nice stamp. It would be nice if there could be such colorful stamps in Germany too. =D
Cool! I hope other countries will follow this very good example!
Very nice and bright stamp! Thank you belpochta! Today I've
bought these stamps, postcards and put a mark. I'm very happy :)
I want want want want!!!jaja!
This is a great milestone for Belarus and Postcrossing. Congratulations. I'm very happy to swap with someone for a Hobbit postcard or other to receive one of these....
Cool, i hope my next card will be from Belarus with this pretty stamps (:
great! can't hardly wait!!
This is so cool, I wish I'd get a Belarussian postcard with this new stamps!
Yes, the new stamp is really very nice! Hope for Germany to get its own soon!!! We are a lot of postcrossers here, aren't we?
น่ารักจัง - That's awesome :)
Great stamp! :-)
Such a pity it did not work out for Germany in 2013! :-(
Very nice stamp ,thank you to the Belpochta and I hope to get it on a card sometimes.It s a example for the German post. :)
Great stamps!! Happy new year and happy postcrossing :)
I love it!! So colourful and very inviting for others to join us. Like many others, I hope I'll receive it on a postcard. Hope Australia will join the Postcrossing stamp craze!!!
hi! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! 8-01 2014 card with postage stamp must appear on sale in the store, "Philately" in Minsk, the price do not know yet
Interested in direct swaps!! :)
Могу предложить на обмен, например
So cute!
I'm stamp collector from Japan.
I would like to receive a postcard with postcrossing stamp.
I got a card today on - not only with this stamp, but with the first day official special cancellation :-)
I've just got one on the postcard - it's incredible!
I would love recieve one too. It's a piece of history for all postcrossing lovers. Cheers for postcrossing movement :)
love the idea , I will talk to my postman and see if it can happen in Australia
will look forward to recieving one
I love the idea :) I hope it will be available soon and that I may receive it on a postcard
у меня уже такие есть) как почтовый работник скажу- в 2013 было выпущено небольшое количество художественных марок для посткроссинга)))
Nice stamp .....
I'd love to receive one :)
Wow! very nice
I would love to recieve this maxicard and happy postcrossing stamp on it. I am looking forward. I hope my country will have happy postcrossing stamp,too.
Oh! I hope to receive this one.
How lovely!
Thanks to my fellow postcrossers who signed the card from this special meeting :-)
Today I got a Happy Postcrossing stamp from Belarus.I was looking forward to get a postcard with exactly this stamp.It looks so great and is really colourful.
Thank you Belarus!
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