Submissions for The Graceful Envelope Contest are once again open, so it’s time to talk about the most beautiful mailart contest out there! :) Just look at some of the beautiful envelopes from last year’s contest:

Aren’t they precious? Last year’s theme was “Put a stamp on it!” and there are links to all the winners and honorable mentions on their page. The theme for this year is “Double vision”:
“The 2020 theme is inspired by the year itself. Only once a century does the year double up! On an envelope, capture something that’s double—whatever you see in your personal Double Vision.”
An interesting theme for sure, and we look forward to seeing the results! Rest assured, you don’t need to be a calligraphy master to participate, as works will be judged not just by the calligraphy or your choice of stamps, but by how you interpret the theme as well as how all of the elements work together to convey your message. Participation by little ones is encouraged, and children have their own categories by age groups.
People from all over the world can participate, as long as they do so until March 23, 2020. So you have less than 2 months to work on this creative project and then mail it in — all the rules are explained on the Washington Calligraphers Guild website.
Good luck, everyone!
24 comments so far
Amazing contest! Wish I was as creative :/
Good luck to everyone who participates.
beautiful idea
Good luck everyone 💌💕
palindrome envelope!
so precious!
Sooooooo kreativ ❤👍❤
Wow!! They are amazing!!!!
I am definitely doing this!!! Thanks for the heads up!!! ;) Hoping my postcard art creativity will aid me...^_^
Vor Jahren habe ich dort einmal mitgemacht, leider hört man nichts ob die Umschläge ankommen. Andere Veranstalter geben einem Bescheid ob das eingesandte angekommen ist.
Weird Al did a video on BOB all in palindromes!!!
Very cool! I LOVE those carousel stamps!
I enjoyed seeing the graceful envelopes. Calligraphy is indeed graceful and something I would not even attempt!
Amazing Good!
love getting postcards in envelopes and christmas stamps
This is very challenging but very inspiring!
Great contest! I recommend to participate - I did it twice and it was a very exciting experience! MailArt is a creative activity; I found several exchange partners via postcrossing.
This sounds interesting but I did not find any prizes. All the work will be for what? What is the point of this, except that eventually your envelope will be shown on their site along with the other winners. But only if it wins. Sorry for my negativity but what would my participation gain me?
I love it!! Can't believe that there's such contest like it!
@ AdelaisLili:
I'm sorry that I disagree with you about the importance of prizes in this contest. Taking part, in my eyes, is a value by itself. The contest offers the satisfaction of creating an envelope of a certain quality and to be part of a world-wide community. And being among the "winners" of a Honorable mention" is the cherry on the cake!
This sounds so cool!
good luck to the contestants!
Здорово! Всегда так радостно и приятно получать такие красивые конверты. Жаль, сама не умею так оформлять.
It would be cool if they listed the winners on the postcrossing blog too. ;)
This is a lot of fun !
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