Although we’ve never met Luzia (aka Luziaceleste) in person, we know she’s a generous postcrosser. Sometimes, she’ll send postcards in advance to participants in meetings across the world… just to say hi and share a bit of the joy of Postcrossing! How nice is that? 😊 To discover more about Luzia, we asked her our usual round of questions:
- How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?
It happened in seconds. A work colleague, next table to mine, mentioned he intended to join the project. I checked it out and registered before him!
Reason is simple: I have been always fascinated by mailing postcards. Every travel in my life has these moments where I shop, write and go after nice stamps before mail them. It a sort of proof that I’ve been on the place, and besides, sharing the experience with dear people is wonderful.
Postcrossing took me a step forward: exchanging postcards is also the exchange of culture and individual points of view.
In the very beginning, I used to send one postcard at a time. After asking for the direction and reading the profile, I searched the best postcard and then sent it. Soon, I realised that storing postcards would be handy, and I slowly asked for more addresses. Now I have two collections: the received postcards and the blank postcards to send. I am constantly being hooked by Postcrossing. Frankly, this an endless world. The more you get into, the more possibilities you discover: decoration, swaps, collections. If you wonder how this is true, go to Postcrossing Forum! I made many virtual friends there, that are not that 'virtual’ after all, as postcards are very physical stuff.
- Do you have any other interesting hobbies?
I love the Tea Ceremony. Have been practicing for decades. It helps me to understand Japanese aesthetics and ethical views. It is very handy for postcards too: space for writing is minimal comparing to letters. Getting the most out of a few words is an art. And a goal.
- Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!
I store postcards in boxes — not in albums. I love the contact with them, having them on my hands. Periodically, I rearrange the classification. With the growing in my collection, I see sense in ordering them in more refined ways. For instance, the 'heart-themed’ postcards are under sub-classification of 'Nature oriented’. Blank postcard are also stored in boxes according to the theme, to help me find the best postcard. I have no idea how many of each one I store… I don’t mind the figure, I enjoy the fun and the possibilities.
- Have you inspired anyone else to join Postcrossing or start collections of their own?
Some people are enthusiastic when they see my postcards arriving and also the joy I have in sending them. A cousin, a niece, a friend and some people felt motivated… but quit after a while. Attendants in the Post Office are very curious, but language in a barrier in Brazil.
I like to support newbies, to ease their steps, helping them to cope with the difficulties we face at the start. Unfortunately, Brazil is a country with a lack of production of decent postcards, picturing the local scenario.
- What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?
The matching point! I love sending a postcard that I know the person will be pleased to receive. It is surprising when we get something that took someone’s time and effort… This is the magic!
- Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.
What a difficult task. It is so unfair to all the other postcards… Let’s say that a good sample of nice postcard I got are:
A tasty, fresh and inspiring heart
A mailbox, on a very peculiar street. This postcard came from a swap with Japan via the forum’s 'stamp related postcard tag’.
A special eye chart!
- Have you been surprised by any place that you have received a postcard from or sent a postcard to?
The postcard I got from Tuvalu was a touching one for me. Thinking that the country is in danger talks deeply to my heart.
Of course, we also value the rare… but, I do value every postcard. From time to time, there is a huge number of postcrossers in one country and I send to and get from this country more than others. Still remember when Finland was a frequent country! This is a good opportunity to see personal differences. How people communicate, what they are able to express in their profiles or in the postcards. Every person is a single person, and even further, every postcard is unique.
- Have you met any other members in real life?
I dream with meetups. And yes, there was a mini international meetup here some time ago. I was glad to join martinha, vbformig and andreaeiko for a nice chat. Now, we are doing efforts to do more local meetings with postcrossers. Let’s see!
- Is there anything that you are passionate about?
I live in a crowded business city, so, every opportunity I have to escape, here I am, ready to get into Nature. Travelling is for me the best way to learn about others, through food, drinks and cultural production (in this order, please) and learn more about myself through relaxing and enjoying life. Travelling is also related to postcards… but this is no longer travel dependent, hahaha!
23 comments so far
Luzia! Sou do Brasil também, comecei tem pouco tempo, fiz algumas trocas. Queria participar mais das trocas do fórum, plano pra 2017! :)
Luzia, que bom ver-te aqui também!!! :)
Nice to see you here too!!! :)
Luzia, you inspire me to organize more creatively! Happy Postcrossing Always❤
mlas, a gente tem também um grupo no Facebook. Chama "Postcrossing - Brasil" ! Também temos insta @postcrossing_br. E tem o grupo geral do Postcrossing, lá é o melhor lugar para direct swap ;)
Hey Luzia, It was a real happiness to go through your collection and experience. Got to learn a few new things :) We are holding a postcrossing meet in Bengaluru India on 29th jan 2017 after establishing the first Postcrossing Society of India. Would you like to take part in it :) Will send you a meet up card. Kindly respond with your address. Thank you Luzia.
Luzia, thanks for letting the rest of us get to know you a bit! I an envious of your collection of post cards and looking forward when I have a few boxes to pull out myself! I am a newbie and loving every minute of it!
I love the colourful boxes. I wish I was as well organised as you. Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy Postcrossing.
Thank you guys! I am sure I enjoy postcrossing as much as you do!
Your story has inspired me in more ways than one- join a postcrossing forum, think of better ways to keep my collection, etc.
Gostei de te conhecer Luzia! Adorei suas caixas bem coloridas! Também tenho algumas e acho muito boa ideia...gosto de tocar nos postais viajados!
Adoro ser postcrosser e pelo que vi tu também! beijinhos e Bom Ano Novo :)
❤the super COOL eye chart! Would be awesome if one found it's way "Down Under" ... just say hahaha 😉
HAPPY NEW YEAR Luzia & all our fellow Postcrossers, be safe, be happy & have heaps of fun sending 📮
Regards to Brazil !! :D :D Nice blog post :D
Great blog post! Love your Postcrossing eye chart card!
Nice to read about other postcrossers! I wish all postcrossers a wonderful, colorful and 'cardsfull' year 2017!
The boxes are a great idea...I have a lot of my cards in albums, and now think of other ways to arrange them.
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful journey with Postcrossing. I think you have inspired me to look for pretty boxes too...rather than clear plastic containers.
What a great read :)
Thank you for your words dear Postcrossers. And for those that sent me emails.
I also love to learn over different potcrossers around the globe... we are so similar and so unique!
What a lovely read!
Lovely to read. All the best for 2017.
Ola Luzia! Nao recebi nenhum do Brasil ainda, mas adorei todos do mundo inteiro!
Tambem guardo os meus em caixinhas especiais, e em um plastico. Mas sinto muita dificuldade de comprar postais no Brasil, mesmo o Correios nao tem nas agencias mais e pela internet com o frente e um absurdo. Acabo comprando uns no Aliexpress, mas se tiver alguma dica eu agradeco, fora isso os mais turisticos eu ainda acho em algumas bancas, mas queria mais alguns diferentes, por exemplo de animais...
@NHook (sent you an email) and other Brazilian postcrossers: here you find great postcards (yes, it is possible in Brazil!!!)
Lovely interview! Thanks for sharing.
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