Hi everyone!
We know you’ve missed our irregular contests and giveaways – and we’re pleased to announce that we have a great one for this week!

First of all, MOO is having a huge Spring sale, with 25% off selected printed products until the end of this week. That means business cards, stickers, labels, greeting cards and of course, postcards – all with 25% discount!
On top of that, MOO is offering a $30 voucher to three lucky postcrossers, to use on any MOO products!
For a chance to grab one of these, all you have to do is visit their gallery of ready-made postcards at MOO’s website (under Products > Postcards > Browse MOO designs), and leave a comment below, telling us which artist or collection is your favourite. For instance, we really like Blanca Gomez’s Gentle festive greetings!
When the week ends (midnight GMT on Sunday, April 22nd), we’ll close the comments and pick 3 winners at random. Good luck everyone! :)
PS – Every time you make a purchase on MOO using one of the links above, Postcrossing receives a small commission, which helps support this project. So you’ll not only be purchasing outstanding products, you’ll also be helping Postcrossing!
301 comments so far
I love MOO Designers Mixed Pack by MOO Ready Mades, especially design number 14!
i can't decide between those two
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/382 - Aspa Gika Postcards
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/367 - Dr Woohoo Postcards
i like patterns and everything typo related...
I like the humour on the anti-valentines day postcards by Meg Pickard :)
I like very much the Painted People postcards!
I like the Autumnal Florals by Jane Dixon. No surprise since Fall is my favorite season.
My favourites are the "Aspa Gika" and "Catrien Janin" postcards :)
I like very much the Painted People postcards by Chris Keegan!
I love this Kokeshi Cuties, Postcards
Designed by Maria Parrish , so cute and fab
i like every work by Paul Cooklin!
They're all so beautiful! I like Santa & Father Christmas Postcards Designed by MOO Ready Mades
I LUV Seth Godin cards by Seth Godin. Because like many PCers I like quotes :)
ICHC Postcards. Designed by I Can Has Cheezburger. :)
I liked a lot of them but the Field of Joy are my favorite. It reminds me of when I was a kid on the farm
I like both of these:
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/605 SnuggleMuffin Classics!
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/382 Aspka Gika!
I think this set is very beautiful
Glamorous Girls,
Designed by Maria Parrish
I like the dotty mayhem!
Wow, there are some really great designs on there! I love the Seth Godin, Who Loves You, Good Things come in Threes, Sarah Green, Rachel Cave collections (ok, basically every collection on there), but I thin my favourite is the Aspa Gika.
Wow, what a lovely postcard on that website. All of them is really wonderfull. The most I like are:
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/1073 Summer Breeze
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/1072 Purple Passion
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/739 Classic Susan Mitchell
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/589 Paul Cookling Photography
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/80 Kevin Meredith
I couldn't choose only one... But all postcards by Jane Dixon are fantastic! :)
I think the Natural Delight reflects the true artist which is nature and the photographer captures a moment in time.
I like the Chelsea Groves birds. Lovely!
All postcards by MOO are great!
But my favourites are
- Summer Breeze
- Painted People
- Have you got a pen?
I'm liking Brian Taylors Halloween Horror postcards http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/777
I like the "Have you got a pen?" postcards by Andrea Joseph under the Ready Made section. Good for a pen aficionado.
I absolutely love Greetings with grace by Jenny Loyd:)
too much to like
laughed out loud at the Hire me!
Designed by MOO Designs.
love the Classic Susan Mitchell, Postcards
Designed by Susan Mitchell
HelloBard Postcards
Designed by HelloBard are pretty awesome too
and then i could go on for a little more..
I love the "Natural Delight" postcards designed by Paul Cooklin Photography!
I really like the Michael Bedard Postcards!
They are awesome! :)
What a sweeties.. :) I really like Greetings with Grace designed by Jenny Lloyd
I like Who Loves You Postcards Designed by MOO Ready Mades. They're so cute!
I also like Blanca Gomez's Gentle festive greetings :)
I really like http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/749 because I love to cook and bake and seeing the cards makes me want to roll out the cookie dough!
My favorites are Silviastella's and SnuggleMuffin's cards, but there were many, many more I loved.
I love the photograhs by Paul Cooklin. The whole of his photo collection is awesome.
There are so many designs that I love~
I guess if I can only choose one of them, it will take me years to decide.
I think I would go for Jessica Hagy Postcards.
But gosh, too many I want!
Gosh, that was really really difficult, but I finally decided I would most like to receive one of Paul Cooklin Photography's Natural Design Postcards in the post! Thanks for the chance to win the voucher, to get my own made! Hugs Kerri
My absolute favourite is the "Postcards" album, designed by Paul Cooklin > http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/811 . I think he's really a talented photographer, his photos/postcards with these beautiful flowers give me the feeling of dawn. I LOVE it ;) !
The postcards by MOO are nice!
I like very much the Gentle Festive Greetings, Postcards Designed by Blanca Gomez! :D
I really like these ones - http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/595 - Natasha Newton Postcards
Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards is my favourite set! They are just my kind of photography.... the level I would love to achieve one day...
I love all of Paul Cooklin's postcards, but I especially love his "Photography Postcards" pack. His pictures are just amazing and beautiful!
I like the Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards best too :)
I think these are my favorites -- http://us.moo.com/readymade/pack/382 -- the Aspa Gika postcards. (Michael Bedard is a close second!)
So difficult to decide - the Paul Cooklin cards are great, but I think my favourites are Chelsea Grove Postcards by Chelsea Groves (the birds).
The choise is not easy. I like a lot of designs but I think that the Chelsea Groves Postcards are my favorites.
I love Purple Passion by Jane Dixon
I'm loving the colorful Sketchbook Sweeties by Nut and Bee - http://us.moo.com/readymade/pack/313 The cuteness is irresistible! Yay for Moo, yay for postcards!:)
my favourite pack is definitely the "Daphne Louter Postcards" (http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/306)
so beautiful cards. Love each of them very much!
So hard to choose! But I think I love the Natasha Newton Postcards the most!
Wow, wow... lots of great postcards!!! My favourite design are the Natasha Newton Postcards!
Greetings from Belgium, Saskia :)
I like most of the "Classic SnuggleMuffin Postcards", also designed by SnuggleMuffin.
Greetings from Northern Germany
The Classic SnuggleMuffin Postcards are lovely!
There are so many great postcards but I like the oncs designed by Seth Godin best! :)
Fraidercat are brilliant, I LOVE Have You Got a Pen,
It's so difficult to have to choose, Particularly when...,
But Natasha Newton's birdies, I think I like the best,
But Gosh it's Oh so very hard, To disregard the rest!!
I like the Dotty Mayhem ones by Jane Dixon.
So many really beautiful card set.
I know my mum would definitly go for:
Perfect Pink Pigs, Postcards --> http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/784
I by myselfe prefere Chelsea Groves Postcards, very beautiful birds!
I like the Odd One Out ones. Cos we all are, but also we're not! x
Ohhh!! The Forever Friends are so adorable! :)
While I like the Natural Delight cards, I absolutely love the Fields of Joy cards by Paul Cooklin (especially design variant 4).
I like "Gentle Festive Greetings".
I adore Natural Delight postcards!
So many great ones. I like Jenny Lloyd's "Greetings with Grace".
I like Susan Mitchell's Christmas & Holiday Postcards :)
I like the series "Fields of Joy" by Paul Cooklin.
Thank you for the nice offer.
Neil McFarland postcards!
These are my style for sure! I love them....hmmmmm now i must buy them :D
I really like Ellis Nadler Postcards, although it is hard to pick just one favorite collections, all of those are REEEALLY nice)
I think the Kevin Meredith Postcards are gorgeous. But all the other cards are great as well.
I like Fraidercat illustration postcards. These with photos of Paul Cooklin are great too!
I like Natural Delight, Postcards
Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography
I fall for the "Daphne Louter" cards, so full of fantasy, well drawn and suggesting a story.
I like Chelsea Groves Postcards !!!
The Susan Mitchell designs, hands-down! I love her whimsical, creative style - makes me smile!! :)
So many brilliant designs but my favourite are 'Michael Bedard Postcards' :-D
I like the "Have you got a pen?" cards designed by Andrea Joseph. Love that they tell more about the writing process.
I really love two kind of cards the nature photographies by Paul Cooklin and the duck cartoon cards from Michael Bedard.
I would be over the moon if i would receive either of these cards and will ben very happy to sent any of them to an expecting postcrosser somewhere in the world. !!
I like the Good things come in threes by MOO Designs and Natural Delight by Paul Cooklin Photography... :)
They're all so good! But my favourite set design is "Natural Delight" because each of the images is so peaceful and sweet. I could spend a long time looking at each of them. :)
I like Chris Keegan's Postcard collections.
The Perfect Pinwheels are pretty, but the Perfect Pigs are also really cute! It'd be hard to choose.
I love the ICHC ones! I only wish I could order from my iPad from their website.... Will have to wait to be on a desktop.
I like Dr Woohoo Postcards. There are very unique abstract postcards!
I really like the "Have you got a pen? Postcards"
What is a postcard without the artistic scribbles behind in giving it a body and soul!
The birds and trees designs by Natasha Newton fit very well with the cards I like the most. See my profile!
I really like the Natural Delight, Postcards
Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography
We like all the designs by Julia Bereciartu
I love the bird cards from the Natasha Newton Postcards. They're beautiful!
The Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards are my favorite:))
but all moo postcards looks cute!
I like the Frieda Bird Postcards
Daphne Louter :)
I like the Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards.Great works.
I really love the Perfect Pink Pigs, Postcards! They are so cute!
My favourite postcards are these designed by Natasha Newton. :)
Without a doubt Jane Dixon is my favourite artist.. I LOVE the colors!!
Hard to choose! But I think my favourite is the Hello Hello postcard pack. I love colorful things :-)
My favourite definitely is the Natural Delight postcards, by Paul Cooklin! Such beautiful pictures!
It's difficult to choose, but I love the Natural Deligth and Purple Passion, well I really like all of them!!!
I like Natasha Newton Postcards :)
I like "Natural Delight" by Paul Cooklin .
I Like "Fields of Joy".
Coming from New Zealand where we love the outdoors and everything natural they remind me so much of here.
Chelsea Groves' postcards with all the birds.
I really like the line of postcards that have various vintage typewriters on them. You can even customize!!! How great is that?!?!?!?!!!!
My favourite is: "Summer Breeze" designed by Jane Dixon. :)
Kokeshi Cuties
Hi! Thanks for cool giveaway! I love almost all MOO cards, but ColorLovers http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/317 is really my lovely! I love to watch and to make different color combinations, and all of it on this postcards are very inspiring!
So many good ones! I'd have to say "Natural Delight", "Greetings with Grace", and "Graphic City Scenes"! :)
difficult to choose just one, so I decide for http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/780
good things come in threes, why not????
Postcards made by Paul Cooklin seems to be little... mystic. Maybe just for me, but due to that fact I like them most :).
for me very ineresting is:( awesome fantasy )
Daphne Louter Postcards
Fraidercat illustration Postcards,
Ellis Nadler Postcards,
some of Ana Aceves Postcards,
some of Jane Dixon Postcards,
and Forever Friends, Postcards
I love the following collections:
Kokeshi Cuties by Maria Parrish
Painted People by Chris Keegan
Forever Friends by MOO Ready Mades
Blanca Gomez Postcards by Blanca Gomez
I hope I win the prize, I would love to spend it on some of these postcards! :)
Fields of Joy by Paul Cooklin is the best set in my opinion :)
I adore the 'Perfect Pink Pigs'! It reminds me a lot of my mom because when I was growing up, she would always have cute pig stuffed animals in her car.
There are some very cute designs there!
As a crazy cat lady, my favourite of course is the "I Can Has Cheeseburger" collection ( http://us.moo.com/readymade/pack/167 ).
A close second is the "Have You Got a Pen?" pack ( http://us.moo.com/readymade/pack/1079 ). They just fit in so perfectly with postcrossing!
I really like the Lara Cameron Cooks! postcards.
Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards are my favorite... beautiful
Natasha Newton : wonderful birds and trees
My favourite.. that is definately the 'fields of joy' collection :). So natural, so pretty.
What a cool website! I like a lot of the different designs but do prefer the 'Fields of Joy' collection by Paul Cooklin (a mood thing ;).
i already ordered a few times from Moo.co.uk
and i love the Postcard designed by Chris Keegan
Couldn't find a search function. Do they have non-glossy postcards?
The Kokeshi Cuties designed by Maria Parrish are my favorite :)
The bright pink tulips/flowers postcards in the header are my absolute favorite but I couldn't find them for sale on the site.
I really like Psychodelic Florals designed by Jane Dixon!!
All of them are great but my favorite is "Fields of Joy" designed by Paul Cooklin.
I like the Chocolate Log postcards by Onno Knuvers. My mom had some of her photos made into postcards through MOO and the quality was excellent.
Meg Pickard by far!
Too many beautiful designs to choose from! Help! But if I absolutely have to pick one, I'll go with the "Dotty Mayhem" cards.
Wow! These are all lovely postcards, so it is hard to choose just one design. Hm, I will choose Andrea Joseph's "Have you got a pen?" because pens and postcards go together like cookies and milk.
I do really like "Have you got a pen". They're a little bit different and I've always liked pens. I usually carry half a dozen in my handbag at any given time, most purchased on behalf of various charities. A lot of Postcrossers seem to like Moo cards so I would love to win some!
I lilke al the moo stuff gives me ideas for creating my own stuff.I like hte paul cooklin stuff and have you got a pen.
mind you I end up with other peoples pens so maybe I could do a series called "have you got my pen?"
I love all postcard designs by Silviastella and Colin Johnson.
It was so ME! Me likey!! :)
Pattern, abstract, colorful and so nice to collect.
I love, love, love the Moshi Monster cards by Moshi Monster. They are so darn cute in a monstery sort of way.
I like Marie Parrish - Kokeshi Cuties :-)
I like the Natural Delights postcards!
Andrea Joseph's "Have you got a pen" set is a favorite!
My favorite is Susan Mitchell's Christmas and Holiday Postcards.
My pick will definitely be Jessica Hagy Postcards! What a creative and innovative yet evidence-based (scientifically proven: the equation works)postcard!
Blanca Gomez and the Love You postcards are my faves!
I enjoyed the illustrations found on Frieda Bird Postcards.
Perfect Pink Pigs!! AlliterGREAT!!
So many beautiful cards, you can not choose one. I like: Designed by s0ulsurfing, Designed by I Can Has Cheeseburger, Designed by Natasha Newtons, Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography
So many beautiful cards. I especially like: Designed by I Can Has Cheeseburger, Designed by Paul Cooklin Photos, Designed by Jenny Lloyd
oh... these are soooo cute - 'Perfect Pink Pigs, Postcards' !!! I'm not a huge fan of pigs but these are totally adorable!
I love the Anti-Valentine cards by Meg Pickard - just my kind of humor!
I like Natasha Newton's cards.
I really love "Natural Delight" - a collection of seven different floral images from the photographer, Paul Cooklin! ♥
I like Dotty Mayhem +Graphic City Scenes Postcards +Natural Delight, Postcards : )
I love "Fields of Joy" postcards designed by Paul Cooklin. ^^
I adore the "Glamorous Girls" postcard.
MOVE IT cards!!! that's like playing being achild and choose the house you want to live in...
I love the natural delight cards by Paul Cooklin!
we like the cards by rachel cave!!! dreams...
Too bad! I can't decide..!!
I think I'll go for the 'Silviastella Postcard' set, in the end (even though the Peskimo and the Frieda Bird ones were adorable too)! :)
I like Katrien Janin Postcards set~
especially No. 1~3
Kevin Meredith Postcards are my favorites!
I'm a big fan of the Fraidercat illustration Postcards :)
So many beautiful sets of postcards! Difficult to choose only one set. But if I have to I'd choose "Classic Susan Mitchell"
Well the Anti-Valentines Post Cards, Designed by Meg Pickard are funny and fits me as I don't like Valentines Day at all (to commercialized for me)but the ones that are really pretty in my point of view are: Natural Delight, Postcards, Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography. Really beautiful.
i like have you a pen?
Ooh, I LOVE the Dotty Mayhem cards! So lovely and colourful!
poooh, that was tough.....after lots of studying and careful eliminating I decided my favorite collection is "Glorious Green"....it was tough deciding between that and Chelsea Groves' Postcards!
I love the Postcard collection from Classic Susan Mitchell by Susan Mitchell. Every card has a story to it. It will be great to start your own story and sent to fellow postcrossers! Great work from Susan Mitchell. :)
I like Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards.
My favourite is Glamorous Girls Postcards by Maria Parrish
I like Natural Delight Postcards by Paul Cooklin Photography
I love horses so Laszlito Kovacs Postcards by Laszlito Kovacs is my favourite
I really like Graphic City Scenes Postcards by Paul Cooklin Digital Art, Design variant 3.
The boys in our class really liked the DGPH postcards designed by DGPH. They think they are really unusual with bright colours and some are very funny!! xx
I had troubles deciding which one. Here a few favourites: Fields of Joy, Natural Delight, Greetings with Grace & Paul Cooklin Photography by Postcards.
I like Fields of joy by Paul Cooklin
the Love You postcards are my faves!
There are so many I like... but I think Natural Delight is my favorite! Thanks for the contest! :)
Oh, I love the fields of joy, Paul Cooklin's photography. These take me back to childhood... :)
I like the Hello Hello postcard the most. They are so colourful!
I love the postcards that were made by Paul Cooklin. His postcards are so beautiful!
There are many beautiful postcards, but my prefer is Kokeshi Cuties Designed by Maria Parrish.
I think the most beautiful sets on that page are those from Paul Cooklin. I love the city scenes best.
I really love the Perfect Pink Pigs Postcards!!!!
Designed by MOO Ready Mades
I love the Fraidercat illustration Postcards -- the Dead Frog Band made me laugh out loud! ;-)
I am drawn to "Have you got a pen ?" because the designs transcend generational, cultural, and gender variations. We Postcrossers usually rely on our pens to pursue our mutual hobby.
I like the Natasha Newton Postcards, Designed by Natasha Newton. :)
I like the Have you got a pen? Postcards designed by Andrea Joseph. I also like Hello Hello Postcards designed by Hello Hello. Color! And the MOO Mixed Mack For A Gentleman is pretty funny. Thanks for turning me on to a new-to-me site.
What a great website: am so glad to have discovered it. I like most of them. A particular favourite is the Aspa Gika collection: to images remind me of retro children's book illustrations, which I love.
Fields of Joy is my favourite.
I really enjoy the Fields of Joy by Paul Cooklin! But I have also found one extremly funny in Ellis Nadler collection.
I like Classic SnuggleMuffin postcards the most!
Paul Cooklin's Natural Delight cards are magnificent!
I do like postcards designed by Jenny Lloyd.... (Greetings with Grace) I love her style :)
Jane Dixon's cards are delightful eye candy--the flowers and dots are both fun collections. And the black and white cards "Odd One Out" designed my Moo is also fun. Would make a great card for those people who request black and white cards!
Oh I loved the Adam 'Apelad' Koford PostCards by Adam 'Apelad' Koford *-*, they're lovely and would make so many people happy here in postcrossing
I love ICHC Postcards. There is nothing like cats in the world!
There are so many lovely designs in the gallery ... I really like the Classic Maria Parrish collection :)
these two are the best!!!
Natural Delight, Postcards
Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography
So many beautiful designs to choose from...
Here are a few of my favourites :
* Maria Parrish : Glamorous Girls, Kokesie Cuties
* Nele postcards
* Jon Higham postcards
* ICHC postcards........
Kevin Meredith postcards are all great! In every picture there's something "silent humour" or other funny thing. I really like that... And if I managed to receive any of those postcards someday, I would be extra-super-happy. :)
" Have you got a pen" is my favourite! Colourful, stylish and it looks like someone scribbled something on a paper at first, but by second glance it is so much more!
My favourite is: Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards
I just love Paul Cooklin's design. The shadowing on the flowers, just awesome!!
ohhh I LOVE Andre Jordan postcards, so simple and yet so funny!!
impossible to decide - i'd have to go with the Moo Mixed pack (for little boys)
I like the "Calm Chef" postcards. Of course I like a lot of the other ones too; it was hard to pick!
I love the postcards by Natasha Newton! They are so wonderfully designed! I really like the ones with the trees.
Don't Panic postcards
There are so many options to design and buy your cards, that need a cup of tea and a lot of time to discover. Good fun for browsing now and then & to add on my wishlist!
Or to design some cards and get it printed professionaly in not such a large quantity.
MOO's got the future!
this is a working link
and then postcard 7 - 18 - 19 - 20!
I love the Jessica Hagy Postcards: http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/352
Reminds me of math classes :))
I love the greeting with grace postcards designed by Jenny Lloyd.
I love the Seth Godin statement cards. But.........there are several more. It's like being a child in a sweet shop!
Can't decide on a favorite between these three:
Painted people
Natasha Newton, birds
Chelsea Groves, birds
There were so many great ones!
I'm going with Kevin Meredith. I like the mix of whimsy and realism.
Great designs! Glad I saw this. I pick Colin Johnson as my fav.
I love the "Greetings with Grace" designs by Jenny Lloyd...I get a little sad when I give them away because I want to keep all the cards to myself!
Kevin Meredith
I loved all the Paul Cooklin collectionss, especially the Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards collection.
Also, the ICHC Cards made me laugh LOL :)
I like a lot of them, but Daphne Louter's are super awesome. http://us.moo.com/readymade/pack/306
Reading all these comments made me want to go back to the website and look at the cards again. The Paul Cooklin cards caught my eye (various design sets) and I did love the "Have you got a pen?" by Adrea Joseph. I will get the kids to have a look and choose their favourite designs - they are postcrossers also.
I like the cute Japanese dolls postcard. Kokeshi Cuties is my favourite. :)
Personally, being a pen and paper nut, I like the 'Have You Got a Pen' design by Andrea Joseph! The pen may well be an endangered species so it is good to remind people that there is another way to communicate besides email or Twitter.
Kevin Meredith MiniCards! It's funny that they make those because i'm a big fan of his photography and i love lomography!
It seems to me that Fields of Joy designed by Paul Cooklin is the best design! They are so unusual!
Aspa Gika postcards, they remind me of my childhood and those alphabet books
Love the Classic SnuggleMuffin cards, especially designs #2 & #3
I love Natasha Newton's designs, but it was a hard choice!
I love the pen collection!! By Andrea Joseph
My favourite postcards are with city views from MOO
I love them all but if I had to choose probably Classi SnuggleMuffins cards.
rachel cave for me!
I love the postcards designed by SnuggleMuffin. They are lovely!!
The Sketchbook Sweeties are so darling!!
Natural Delight by Paul Cooklin - very beautiful! But Nele Postcards are so funny.. so i choose Nele Postcards=)
My favorites are these: http://us.moo.com/readymade/pack/439 Chelsea Grove postcards. I have ordered these from MOO in the past, and sent a few to some lucky Postcrossers! :)
The classic susan mitchell ones are cute!
I hardly can choose one, but my favourites are the Kevin Meredith postcards, I love the photography and coloursof the cards!
Absolutely loooooooooooove Forever Friends, Postcardset (http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/684). In this set Moo picked the best of Friederike Vogl, Studio Mela, Susan Mitchell, Blanca Gomez (and Nut and Bee??) I believe Blanca Gomez's postcards will make all receivers smile.
Paul Cooklin's photography is awesome!
Oh, I really like the "Paul Cooklin Photography Postcards" collection.
I love all of them, but my favourite postcards are Susan Mitchell's
Anti-Valentines Post Cards are the best =)
I love the Forever Friends postcards :D
Oh my god! How can you choose a favorite?
But if i had to choose, i would pick The 'Hire Me' set by MOO themselves.
No! Wait! Changing it to 'Laszlito Kovacs Postcards' set.
I could have chosen so many... But I think I'll go with Natasha Newton's designs.
I love Moo cards. I usually have them made with my own photos. But I love Moo's Vintage Typewriters collection!
I have to pick 1 design? I can't have just one.... I like them ALL!!!!Please don't make me chose one!
I really like the Hire Me! collection designed by Moo, because they seem to be a brilliant way to stand out!
I really like the Natural Delight set by Paul Cooklin.
I like the Jessica Hagy designs... - But every pack is special for some purposes...
illustration by Fraidercat are adorable
Silviastella and ICHC made me laugh too^^
I like "MOO Mixed Pack (Gift Idea for Little Girls)". Plenty to suit me in that pack.
I like Fraidercat! It's a mix of the bunnies me and my daughter loves with some science fiction which my boyfriend loves. So this pack is the family one for us. And that's what we do: family-postcrossing ;-)
So hard to make a decision but Kevin Meredith Postcards have to be my favourite - so bright so clever and so appealing (to me)So rry about so many so's - was inspired by the blue boats. Go Kevin!
My favourite would have to be Susan Mitchell's Christmas & Holiday Postcards because they are so jolly. And really, you can't go wrong with a christmas postcard :)
Decisions, decisions! I do like the Anti-Valentine's Post Cards;)
They're all great, but my favs are Natural Delight and Graphic City Scenes!! Those are great!! So glad to find your site!!
All us cool but I liked Chelsea Groves Postcards by Chelsea Groves and Fields of Joy by Paul Cooklin Photography))
I really like the Fields of Joy postcards designed by Paul Cooklin !!
Kokeshi Cuties by Maria Parrish
I like nature, thus my choice is Natural Delight, Postcards
Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography!!!
I really like the "Fields of Joy" postcards
The first card which really caught my eye was "Design variant 3" by Daphne Louter.
I really like the Kokeshi Cuties! They are so adorable!! But there really are a lot of lovely designs out there!
Oh, I love Peskimo Postcards. The whale on design 3 is just the most adorable thing!
I like the Glamorous Girls postcards by Mariah Parrish.
If I had to choose one, it would be "Purple Passion" by Jane Dixon.
I LOVE the Natural Delight postcards! Absolutely beautiful!
Ahh, choosing only one collection or artist is impossible!
I love everything by Paul Cooklin, but also postcards designed by Kevin Meredith, Lara Cameron, Andrea Joseph, Marc Johns and Jessica Hagy.
I love the Glamorous Girls and Kokeshi Cuties both by Maria Parrish. They are so cute!
I really like the Jessica Hagy Postcards a lot!! I actually think they are all fantastic! But if I HAVE to choose it's Jessica :D
I love natural delight collection! It's amazing!
so difficult to choose!!!!
so... if to do it, it will be Chelsea Groves Postcards or Ellis Nadler Postcards
All of the collections are so beutiful and unique, but my favourite is Natural Delight designed by Paul Cooklin :)
I like these:
Aspa Gika Postcards
Silviastella, Postcard
Have you got a pen? Postcards
Natasha Newton Postcards
I'd buy them all if I could! :)
I really like Andre Jordan Postcards or Jessica Hagy Postcards - they are already on my favourites list :)
My fave is the Andrea Joseph Postcards by Andrea Joseph!
Wow, I didn't know this website, cool! I love Natural Delight, Postcards collection =D
I really like the Fields of Joy postcards by Paul Cooklin. I never thought about how pretty fields can be until I moved to midwestern America!
My favourites are Kevin Meredith Greeting Cards. Really great colours!:)
I can't choose!! I guess if I have to pick one, I'd go for Paul Cooklin, Natural Delight.
I really like the soft light of "Natural Delights".
i like these http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/17 and these http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/4. Thanks for the giveaway!
I really like the Painted People postcards
ICHC Postcards
Designed by I Can Has Cheezburger
I like these funny cats most.
One of my most favorited cards on my wall is also from Moo but I can’t find it anymore at the Moo side. :(
Fields of Joy
So hard to choose! Summer Breeze by Jane Dixon, Natural Delight by Paul Cooklin or Kokeshi Cuties by Jane Parrish or Chelsea Groves cards? All very beautiful prints. But my favorite no. 1: Jane Dixon!
Natural delight, by Paul Cooklin. I loved those floral images: http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/811
I like too many! But the "Have you got a pen?" Postcards by Andrea Joseph could be my favourite :)
wow, so many cool postcards! if i had to pick, i'd say that i really like the Hello Hello postcards. i love the colors!
I like all the cards by Paul Cooklin, and the Laszlito Kovacs cards. But there are much more really nice cards on there!
love the don't panic collection - awesome selection of cards
http://uk.moo.com/readymade/pack/1069 This one is great:)
I really like the "Dotty Mayhem" cards and Paul Cooklins photos.
as a certified pen-NERd, i can't help but be in love with the Have You Got A Pen series. it makes me want to go write something with a fancy pen right now! (^_^)
I love the Natural Delight series very much.
How can I possibly decide??! JSusan Mitchell, SnuggleMuffin, Natasha Newton, Jane Dixon, Seth Grodin, Have You Got a Pen?
I love the 'Painted People' postcards, designed by Chris Keegan! :D
So much great cards, but if I had to choose, I would choose Fields of Joy designed by Paul Cooklin.
I love the Kokeshi Cuties, Postcards designed by Maria Parrish.Kawaii!!^_^
I love the Natural Delight, Postcards
Designed by Paul Cooklin Photography :)
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