Look at that — we did it, everyone! Together we reached the much awaited milestone of 60 million postcards received! Hurray!
A postcard might not seem like much by itself, but all these millions of postcards carrying our words and handwriting are such important tokens of friendship and connection in these socially distanced times. Traveling is difficult right now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share a moment with someone far away and take a peek through their window… right here in our mailboxes.

And did you know that if we put all these postcards together side by side, we would get a line stretching from London to Seoul? 🤓 Pretty cool, right? But I know you’re all dying to know who guessed the correct time at which lucky postcard 60 million was registered, so without further ado…
Postcard number 60,000,000 (BY-2711325) was sent by YourWitch in Belarus on January 10 2021, and registered today at 10:17:18 (UTC) by Tominni in Czechia!

The postcrosser with the most accurate aim was chrisbonham11, whose guess was spot on! Your shiny new box of 100 postcards will be on its way soon!
The other lucky postcrossers who came the closest to the right second were Dorkius, NZ_Chris, mathalie, majewski, Shih-chia, and stokely — brilliant! You will each receive a set of nice postcards as well.
Whether you’ve sent 1 or 10,000 postcards in the past 15 years, you have our permission to celebrate your contribution to this historical milestone with a celebratory slice of your favorite treat (share it with us on Instagram!)… or just by sitting down at your desk and enjoy sending a postcard today, knowing you’re part of this postcard revolution happening all around us. 😊
And last but not least, if you’ll allow us our weepy moment, we’d just like to say thank you to our lovely team (including all the forum volunteers), to all the supporters and ambassadors, and last but not least, to all of you — you’re the reason Postcrossing keeps going, postcard after postcard. Onwards, to 70 million postcards!
134 comments so far
Hurray ✨🎉🎊
Congratulations from the Netherlands.
Congratulations and more power to the Postcrossing staff! Thank you for keeping us occupied with this hobby during quarantine.
Hurraay! Congrats on the spot on guess! 🎉
That's great! Congratulations!
congrats !
Awesome! Congrats to sender, receiver and winner and thank you to the Postcrossing team and to us all!
Congratulations Chrisbonham11and the other 'top-guessers' !! And thank you/hat off to complete team!! Greetings from Oostende at the Belgian coast.
Hurraay ! That´s great ! We´re ALL HAPPY !!!
Congratulations- amazing!!
I ❤❤❤ Postcrossing!
Congratulations! Postcrossing is awesome!
The 60 millionth happiness happening today! Congratulations
Hurray! 🎉👏
Congratulations to the whole team! Up to the next 60.000.000! Keep up the good work.
To the winners: enjoy your postcards!
Congratulations - what a wonderful day!
I love this! I was out by days! 🙈😂
Congratulations to all - this is a wonderful project - and today a very happy day!
Congratulations and heartfel thanks to the team !!
Hurray! let's keep rolling on :-)
Wow! I cannot believe that I was spot on! Thank you for your good wishes, folks! And a big thank you to the team who run Postcrossing for all of us! I've been sending and receiving postcards on and off through the project since September 2014. I have been especially thankful to have an activity that brings so many others and myself such joy during this year of pandemic and enforced physical isolation from others. At some point next month I expect to hit my own milestone of 1000 postcards sent to others across the world. I'm looking forward to brightening 100 peoples' days with my winning box of postcards. Happy Postcrossing one and all!
Nice 'speech' Chrisbonham :-) ! I enjoyed reading it. Greetings
It's great! Congratulations to all of us!
60 million, what a joy all those cards must give to senders and receivers. Onwards we go, gefeliciteerd!!! or congrats
Wow! That's crazy! My guess was way off ~ haha XD
60,000,000 million postcards 🍾
What a wonderful achievement 🎉
Congratulations to all the winners 💐
I think we are all winners though, as we send and receive good wishes and love to and from all round the world 🌍. Each small postcard spreads joy - in the sending, in the receiving, in the writing, in the reading, in the viewing 😀.
To the Postcrossing Team I say thank you 👏👏👏 for all you hard work in keeping this site running. The sense of connection we get from this site despite this unusual era of isolation we are all experiencing, is just simply priceless.
Hurray to the 6million card 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Congratulations! Fantastic!
What an amazing milestone!!! I guessed the day, but was off the mark by with the time I guess :)!!! Here's to more sharing and connecting.
Congratulations 🌺
Wow! 60 million postcards!
Congratulations to Postcrossing and the wonderful team for the great achievement!
I have stopped the postcrossing for a period of time and re-started it in 2021 as it is one of my main goal of the new year!. I received this good news when I am writing my postcards to send out. It is really a great encouragement and happy to be one of the postcrosser.
Congratulations to Chrisbonham11 too and hope I will be one of the lucky postcrosser to receive one of your 1000 postcards in the winning box 😀.
Faster than I thought! Hurray!
I guessed 24/January/2021 at 18:02, and kind of expected I would miss by a few days. So I was a bit surprised when I realized I was only a few hours away from guessing right!
I’m a new Postcrosser and have enjoyed sending cards all over the world. Congratulations on this incredible achievement!🎉🎉
Hurray. And thank you for the gift you have given me with Postcrossing! I love it and all the friends I have because of it.
Congratulations! And THANK YOU for the wonderful hobby you make possible for us!!!
Congratulations, chrisbonham. And here's to the next 60 million!
Postcrossing is the ultimate *pay it forward* and we are all winners with this amazing site. Thanks to all.
What a beautiful card to represent 60 million!
A great achievement! I'm proud to have been a small part of it.
Congratulations everyone! Congratulations team!
Awesome! Congratulations!
Postcrossing is such a fantastic project, now more than ever.
Congratulations everyone!
🥳 🥳 🥳
Hip-hip-hip-hoera! Postcrossing: if is didn't exist it had to be invented! In this corona times it's a blessing for all of us! Sienemien
This is so cool... A small idea that has truly revolutionized and spread across our entire planet!!!
Congratulations and thanks to the PC team for helping keep joy alive in this crazy time...
Thrilled to be along for the ride!
Congratulations to all those involved and particularly to the lucky winners.
Congratulations!!! I am so glad to be a member of Postcrossing. Thanks Postcrossing team for all you do!
🥳Congratulations EvErYBoDy🎈🎈🎈
So happy to be a part of something so WONDERFUL. What a beautifully written article!
YAY! What a wonderful achievement! I love this group! 😃
Congratulation to the winner also to the sender of this amazing ID number 60 MILLION. Thanks also to the PC team ciao!!!!Let's go on for the next MILLION!!!!
My guess was today at 10:11. So close! 🤦♀️ Oh well, maybe next time. Congrats to the winners! 😉🍾
A big BRAVO and THANK YOU to everyone who keeps Postcrossing up and running.
Yeaaaaah 🤩🤩🤩
It is a great moment to celebrate. "60 million" sound wow. congrats to the team and all the members. Happy postcrossing.
Congratulations! 🎉❤️
Marvelous! Congratulations! Ans such a cute postcard, too 😃💕😊
Hurray ! ! ! 😍💗
Absolutely brilliant!!! Congratulations!!! And a big 'THANK YOU!' to the PC team!!!
Great :) How many people did bet?
Hurray !!!
That is the cutest 60 millionth postcard ever
Very cool!
WooHoo!! <3
I tried to stay up to see you/us reach the 60 million milestone but it was so late and registrations had slowed way down. The countdown was around 1400 when I finally went to bed around 3am EST. :-)
Congrats to Postcrossing and the winners! 60m is a lot of postcards!
Congratulations! It was fun to place bets!
Hurrah! Congratulations :)
Fantastic news!!! Congrats!!
Wooooooohoooooo!!! Congrats to all of us!!!
My part in it is roughly 5000...half sent by me, half received by me.
Here's to the next 60 Million!
Wheeeeeeee! (happy dance here)
Hurra! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Congratulations! It is amazing!
Congratulations to everyone!
Thank to all, Postcrossers (include me).
Thank you to The Great team.
Thank you to The Forum volunteers.
Thank you to The Supporters.
Thank you to The Ambassadors,
And Congratulations to The Winner Chrisbonham11 for be the winner.
I will open a bottle of wine tonight, OK
Es ist bereits ein wunderschönes Gefühl, über unsere Postkarten auf der ganzen Welt verbunden zu sein. Über die Freude, uns zu schreiben, uns die schönen Dinge unserer Welt zu zeigen, uns voneinander zu erzählen und über alle Grenzen dieses Miteinander zu empfinden.
Und nun unser gemeinsames Ergebnis : 60 000 000 Karten! Das ist wunderbar! Wir alle im Team zusammen in den verschiedensten Sprachen und Ländern, auf unserer wundervollen Erde!
Congratulations! Fantastic!!!
Only love for all of you 💜💜💜 thank you! And congratz!!
Congratulations on reaching 60 million!! I'm excited because my guess was only 2 minutes out!
Wow !!!!!!! Congratulation, really fantastic!!!
Cong~~ these are 60M bridges of love. Connecting us together.
What a great day -- January 24th is (as I write) my son's birthday, and in his honor, I actually guessed the correct date for the 60 millionith postcard to be registered (but, as usual, my guess was off, timewise). In any event, it was fun to "meet" all the winners of the current Postcrossing Contest and share a wonderful celebration with everyone. (To think this all started with a "Lighthouse") Yes, on to 70 million!
I love that Postcrossing has traveled with me as I moved from one US state to another. I’m sending cards through PC’ing AND to the many friends I’ve made through meetups and penpals I’ve found through this very cool hobby! I made a “barebones” Postcrossing kit to bring with me (our things are in storage til we get into our new home) but who can resist picking up more supplies. The “hobby” calms me and grounds me in stressful times... Happy 60 milllion PC’s Postcrossing ♥️💙♥️
Congrats........from Philippines
Hurray!Great website.Love postcrossing!
Congrats. Blow out a candle or something. 🤗
The post-crossing hobby has really bonded us globally. With this hobby I got the friendship of hundreds of good people from all over the country and abroad. Thanks to the Founders who embodied such a wonderful concept.
Congratulation to all!!! And what a perfect card for this event!!!! So in about 1,5 to 2 years we gonna celebrate the 70 Mil. right? :-D At least I hope so.
💥🤗🥳🥳🥳🎂🌹Hurraaaaaa! From Finland 🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮🌹🇫🇮
Congratulations! :)
Lets go for 70M ! Let this group growing. ciao from Italy
Как приятно чувствовать себя частичкой такого Праздника!!! :) Ура!!!
Wow! Such a happy day! Well done everybody!!!
(I gussed 1.25 1.40 a.m.)
Well Done! <3 Congrats!
a Fantastic Target :- )))
All the shared joy stretched from London to Seoul!
GREAT !! so many friendship messages all over the world!
Many thanks to the Postcrossing-team, who made all this
Congratulations from Nashville!
Wowwwwww, congrats from Jakarta :)
That´s it! The spirit of Postcrossing should be part of the world´s leaderships! Hehe. A great postcard got the no. 60.000.000 (for luck the "0"-button works)!
I wish the very best of luck and health all the people out there, who ever sent a card and who my send a card in future to reach the 70 million milestone.
The might of smiing always stays with us all. :-)
Congratulations from Russia ❤️
That's great! My sincere congratulations!
Congrats everyone!! And a great big THANK YOU to all the fabulous volunteers here at Postcrossing! I don't know what I would have done without all of you during this pandemic. Cheers!!
Hurray!! Wonderful!! Look what Postcrossing did!!
From Corvallis, Oregon, USA
I am extremely happy to be part of this statistic. My hug to everyone. Be happy in this exchange of good energy!
YAY! and the 60 Million card was perfect!
Happy Postcrossing everyone!
Yay! ^_^ Congratulations to the sender and received of this lovely card, and congratulations to all of us! :)
My warmest thanks go to the team of Postcrossing.) You are doing our world friendlier and cozier. It is so important in this difficult time. I am so happy to receive all these wonderful postcards full of all the nice words, wishes, and stories. Love and hugs to everyone of this really great community! 60,000,000!? Hurray!!
A W E S O M E.
That's great! Congratulations!
LOVE, all of you in this huge family.
And thanks to those postmen / women who bring us so close.
Yay! This is so cool. :D
Nice! Congratulations ;D
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