Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing day in Sochi


Back in May, the city of Sochi, (which will host the 2014 Winter Olympics) experienced a Postcrossing day! The event was organized by Polina and Alena with the help of Katya. It included an exhibition, contest and lottery, a postal fairy and even a dragon – with postcards hidden on his mouth! :D

We were so impressed by what the three of them managed to accomplish that we asked them to tell us all about it! Alena described the event for us:


It was a bright sunny day in May, when Rivera Park in Sochi became a meeting place of postcrossers and future postcrossers! :) For one day, the park was turned into a fabulous Postal Square. The Carrier-Dragon went among the old trees and every brave child could try to get a postcard from his mouth. The Postal-Fairy flew near the rainbow of the fountain splashes and brought gifts to the children who enjoyed the event.


It was the Postcrossing day in Sochi! All the members had a lot of fun and the fun of Postcrossing was showcased to the visitors. Moreover, the event was also very informative, people could learn greetings in different languages and also find out more about countries that are participating in Postcrossing. Many of them were surprised and interested in the project. Some of them got a postcard as a present, but not immediately – the winners addresses were written on the postcard, and after a couple of days they received it on their mailbox.


We hope that such events would bring more people to Postcrossing and be thrilling for both organizers and visitors. Maybe soon we will read about the Day of Postcrossing in your city too?


Bravo! We bet everyone had a blast! :) If you’d like to see some more pictures, we highly recommend Polina's gallery of photos from the event!

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38 comments so far

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Nice to see so many kids around. Growing with the interest in other cultures and in communicating is gorgeous!
So, congrats to the organizer!

CatharinaG3, Netherlands

Wauw, this is really a great idea!! Also a clever idea to give the postcards by sending them in the mail. Lovely pictures, too. :)

Bestgirl, Austria

Beautiful pictures. I´m sure your visitor had a lot of fun
Greetings to polina

ned44440, Ireland

What a colourful day. It sure looks like fun. Well done to all concerned.

Robin67, Austria

What a cooool idea! :-)

ColettaHinesNewell, United States of America

What a great event. I am always sharing about postcrossing but to have public event is a wonderful idea. How did you create interest and get people to come?

Mundoo, Australia

Wow, what a great idea and the day looks like a lot of fun. Well done to all concerned with this idea and the fun associated with it. What is the saying? Oh yes, 'get them while they are young'. The future of Postcrossing is in those childrens hands.

texasdreamer, United States of America

How wonderful that you did this! More people need to know about Postcrossing--it makes the world a better place! :)

zhan, China

wow~It's really cool to see that:)

honeybee, Austria

Congratulations to Polina, Alena and Katya for this special POSTCROSSING DAY. It is amazing which great job you did! I loved to read your story and looking at the nice pictures. I am sure that we will soon have some more postcrossers from Sochi.

shivani, India

the dragon is so wonderful! :) how i wish i was a part of this. Made my day !

DorotheeB, Germany

Congratulations! I'm impressed, what a great idea. It's fantastic to see that Postcrossing is really "living", and I hope that many people who enjoyed their time at the PC day will join the project!

amit19, India

Really, a wonderful idea!!! i loved the initiative taken by them and it's remarkable to see how they have organized the event.

krishnaraosridhar, India

Really... Really... Beautiful... Great... My best wishes to Polina, Alena and Katya... Happy PostCrossing days...

Layla1994, China

I really love this wonderful idea!

x_PostcardPerfect_x, United States of America

this is so great!!!!

Polyushka, Russia

So many kind words! Thank you very much dear friends for the warm comments!

iliovasilema, Greece

great idea :P need to use it for future meetings)

kk12, United States of America


MrsFuchur, Switzerland

What a nice idea! I really think I would have been happy to attend, as well. ^^ Must have been a magnificant day.

fisherman, Ireland

Great to see the future Postcrossers

florencen, Australia

very colourful and lovely weather too.thanks for all their efforts a great idea

YiliLoh, Malaysia

It is seems that all the poeple are having fun there! Thanx for the sharing! :)

Amiya-and-Dhruv, India

What a great idea! Congrats to the organisers for pulling this off so successfully, it looks like everyone had fun and hopefully Postcrossing got several new members! :)

wildernesscat, Israel

Big thumbs up for taking the initiative and making this happen!

rosenbusch, Germany

A great idea! An interesting day with a lot of fun...

pucky, Netherlands

Such a marvellous idea! The pictures look great!

dollart, Finland

Congratulations for organisators. We like to know more how you organised this event, How was the dragon made. Everything looks so nice :)

Ejderha, Netherlands

What a great idea! It looks like a wonderful day full of Postcrossing fun. And I love the Postal Dragon! (^-^) Well done.

anagahan, North Macedonia

One of the most creative Postcrossing events Ive seen!

vladimircobra, Lebanon

hi, i like too much your event, i'm a postcrosser & if you like to swap click my prfl, bye

rcornelison, United States of America

Thank you for the inspiring story. I tell everyone everywhere I go about this fun and interesting site. I'd love to do something like that here in the USA.

nyassa, United Kingdom

What a wonderful idea! The best I've seen for a while.

bodrumlu, Türkiye

excellent project.

moonlessnite, Canada

What an inovative way to introduce postcrossing. I like the method of having the child recive the postcard he won by MAILING it to them...that doubles the magic! Kudos to all involved!

Djez, Russia

Just nice
Мило, теперь проект ждет наплыв школьников "hi!my name is...I'm from Sochi"...)) Жалко что проект не заинтересовал более старшее поколение

vicbruschi, Spain

Great! Lot of fun and lot of work to achieve such good organization! I´m always thinking how to introduce postcrossing to my son and his school mates, and this brings me inspiration in how to propose it to his teachers. Congratulations!!

WY, Taiwan

Great idea, great organization & great event!
It's very meaningful knowledgable & educational especially for the kids.
Support from Taiwan!


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