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Blog > Polish sound postcards


You know the expression “an image is worth a thousand words”? Postcards do tell a lot about themselves just from the pictures, but what if they could tell you more by listening to them? That’s right, what if you could listen to a postcard? Impossible? We thought so too… until now.

They are known as Polish sound postcards (or Polish Flexi-Disc Postcards) and they existed in the 1960's in Poland initially as a way to give access to western pop music.

But how’s that possible you may be thinking? The trick is that those were not regular postcards but slightly bigger and squared. On the front, there was a photo as any other postcard, but on the back, it had an engraved recording that you could play in a traditional record player. You could even record your own personal message at the beginning of it. Neat, uh?!

To lean more about them, check this video of Mat Schulz, an Australian currently living in Poland that collects these sound postcards.

Unfortunately, they don’t seem to be produced anymore (and almost no one has a record player these days) but it seems it’s still possible to find some in Poland in flea markets or in collectors shops.

Do you know any place that sells them? Then let us know in the comments!

26 comments so far

megliken, Poland

I have postcards like that from my grandma and also I have record player :)
I think you can buy them on flea markets, e.g. on Kazimierz in Cracow (Poland).

mattyboy3y, Italy

Yeah, we had in Italy ages ago... I think in the 70s, 80s.
I remember them now. For sure You can still find them at flea markets.

honeybee, Austria

Really great. I still have a record player but I have never seen such a postcard here.

mevo, Poland

Some time ago I bought this gift for my dad,
because it has a turntable (Unitra) ^_^ He was very happy ;-)

Vagabond_Trader, United States of America

For the "record" many people still have record players, and young people are into records now. They sell them everywhere, and most bands release their music on lp's.

denarose, Australia

A very interesting interview. No I have never seen those type of cards. We do have a record player still! Wonder if someone would come up with a singing CD postcard?!!
Thank you~~

moonlessnite, Canada

Most interesting...I will keep my open for one of the cards...and with the modern updates, perhaps they will make a comeback, and smaller size. If I could pick the tune, I wold definately buy a bunch.

Lorelai, Germany

More stories like these...

isagv, Germany

I once received a record card from the US by a swap. Unfortunately our record player could not play it because the card was to small and the record needle did not move so far left.

izola, Poland

Almost a tear in your eye I spun when I watched the movie on Youtube. The same still have a turntable, CD and various patterns and pictures, well, with different contractors. It's really a unique record. On one of the recorded voice of my grandmother's best wishes for the parents to mark the first anniversary of the wedding ... Grandma no longer lives 41 years ... and her voice is still alive and is in such a beautiful setting music. I did not think about you only buy new CDs, but those that I certainly did not sell for any money ...:)

dan1066, United States of America

Fantastic story. Thanks for sharing this with us. I remember the "records" on the back of cereal boxes here in the U.S..

jordi07, Spain

Wonderful postcards! I have two from Paris, edited near the sixties, but you have a great collection!

SilentSilence, Spain

Wow! I've never seen a postacard like those!

anusiagd, Poland

I didnt think that sb can write sth about it ;D I have big amount of them still in my house, but for me it wasnt sth special until I've read this article ;)

MikoMuha, China

I've never heard that before...
I just know the greeting cards that can play a piece of music
These kind of postcard must be fantastic!

a_panko, Poland

Wow... I've never heard about them. I remember only those with the Happy Birthday song. When I was a little girl I got few of them but now they don't even exist I guess. :)
Greetings from Poland.

Blogger, United States of America

I have one from Japan, one from Italy, and a new recordable postcard from Target in the USA. - I just bought another one at a postcard show last week, but I haven't scanned it yet. - They are very hard to find here!!

Fantastic article!

Robin67, Austria

I still have a record player too! :-D

sumares, Puerto Rico

I suggested this story when I learned of it at Public Radio International! :)

destinyandfaith, United States of America

I don't know about everywhere but her in the US there are birthday type cards where you can record your on voice or choose one with a song or funny story. They have a little button in them that you push. They are fun to play with but some people might consider them pricey at $4.

danelia, United States of America

I do recall records on the back of cereal boxes but I'd never seen one on a postcard. That is awesome.

Twoey, Canada

Hopefully with all the singing birthday cards we have now, these will be making a comeback. Maybe they'll be mailing mp3s? A lot of kids still do enjoy record players though. It was a popular Christmas present this year in my school.

plumeria, United States of America

That's so cool. I have never seen or heard of such a postcard! I would love to get one though. :)

domingochavez, Poland

If someone wat to get this kind of card, please PM me, I've got one piece :)

domingochavez, Poland


Lyusy, Russia

When I was 6 years old, my dad was on business in the other town and sent me such a postcard which is still with me. And I also keep Dad's recoder and from time to time I listen to the old song on the postcard!


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