Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing turns 12 + new Postcrossing stamps... from Indonesia!


Twelve years ago today, Postcrossing was opened to the whole world… so today it’s our own Postcrossingversary! 🎉 Hurray!

Connecting the world might not be an easy job, but we firmly believe it is an evermore important one. We’re thankful to every single one of our members who believe in this idea too, looking beyond borders, religions and politics to simply connect with other human beings out there, one postcard at a time.

And to make this special day even more special, we have great news! Indonesia Post is releasing 3 new Postcrossing-themed stamps today! Here they are, in all their colourful glory:

Indonesia Postcrossing stamp

Pretty cool, right? Meetups are being organised around Indonesia to celebrate the event this weekend — if you’re the area, head over to the forum for more information. We look forward to seeing these pretty stamps on postcards from Indonesia!

And now, it’s time to enjoy this milestone — do join us in this celebration, send a postcard (or 12!) and have a slice of cake! 🎂 Happy birthday Postcrossingversary, Postcrossing!

130 comments so far

Broe, Germany

Happy Postcrossingversary! I'm so happy you came up with this fantastic idea - and it works so well! Thank you, Paulo and Ana, and of course also thank you to all fellow postcrossers, who put an effort on their cards and bring the world a bit closer :-)
Who knows, maybe in a couple of years Postcrossing will get a Nobel Peace Prize ;-) It sure deserves it :-)
Also: those new Postcrossing stamps are beautiful! I cannot even decide which one I like best...
Happy postcrossing to all of you :-)

PedroSantos, Portugal

Muito fixe :)

cure_kitty, United States of America

Happy 12th Anniversary Postcrossing! Best Wishes and many more wonderful years to come! I Love Postcorssing, so much fun getting postcards from all over the world.
Take Care,
Diana Dalasio

DGladys, Hong Kong

The stamps are colourful and how nice to be recognised officially by a country!

LaBellaVita, United States of America

That's so cool! I wonder if any people at the meetups in Indonesia would be willing to do a direct swap...I LOVE the middle stamp of all the monuments around the world! Happy Anniversary, Postcrossing! Thank you for bringing the world closer together :-)

sumares, Puerto Rico

I had the wrong date saved on my calendar for Postcrossing's birthday! 😣

Look at all the beautiful budding flowers of friendship born from one idea! Thank you, Paulo and Ana, for sharing this gift with us and creating a wonderful community! Postcrossing is the best thing in my life … except for maybe my cats! 😛

Much love always to you two!

PeggyLoh, Singapore

Happy 12th Birthday PostCrossing.......esp to Paulo n Ana for creating this beautiful inexpensive interaction with the world......I really enjoy n still enjoying it very much together with my family members. We searched for beautiful postcards during our travels n send to the lovely PostCrossers who request for country travelled cards. Cheers n many more 12 years to come.
My salute to Paulo, Ana n all PostCrossers!!!
Cheers n Happy PostCrossing.
Jonathan n Peggy, Singapore

x_PostcardPerfect_x, United States of America

Happy to be a part of this wonderful community. Happy 12th Anniversary,Postcrossing!!!!

JonathanChua, Singapore

Hi Paulo n Ana........thank you for creating this beautiful postcard interaction for all PostCrossers to interact......globally.
Happy 12th Birthday PostCrossing!
Enjoyed PostCrossing n still enjoying it.
Let's keep this alive n let the world share this happiness n thrill.
Jonathan - Singapore.

Dgiles, Canada

Happy Birthday Postcrossing! Love the Indonesian stamps!

David in Ottawa, Canada

Mrbill, United States of America

Happy 12th Birthday to Postcrossing. Just think, one more year until you are a "teen-ager!"
I would like to propose that the USA issue a Postcrossing stamp as well. It would have to be international rate (currently $1.15) but a companion domestic rate stamp could also be issued (currently $0.49). I would hope that if any USA (or other countries) want to get on the bandwagon to start a petition to the US Postal service to issue such a stamp, we can remind them that - so far - there have been over 4,761,500 cards mailed from the USA alone!! That is a LOT of stamps sold. Remember, the Government thinks in terms of revenue!
Message me thru Postcrossing if you want to chat about this idea. . My used ID is MrBill
Best wishes to all.

kojep, Indonesia

Happy Postcrossingversary......

Restu_Amalia, Indonesia

Yay! As Indonesian postcrosser I'm soooo happy with the stamps release. Will definitely go to meet up tomorrow in Jakarta. Happy Postcrossingversary :D

sekarlp, Indonesia

so happy to hear this news. finally. greetings from Indonesia, Sekar.

jm1122, United States of America

Happy Postcrossing for sure!

Yiyin2013, Indonesia

Happy 12th Anniversary,Postcrossing

Siti_Aisyah, Indonesia

Happy 12th Anniversary Postcrossing. Thanks Paulo and Ana for excellent and creative idea and to implemented that idea as we enjoy now.
Greeting from Infonesia, proud to be as the first country in Asia to issue Poscrossing stamp. All the best for all of us

irkusnardi, Indonesia

Happy 12th postcrossing Birthday. Happy sending and receiving postcards everyone

wastedlimes, Thailand

Hooray, Happy Postcrossingversary!! :)

mimi1004, Czech Republic

Krásné narozeniny!!! = Happy birthday!!! I love this very nice hobby 🙂

Tia_Wu, Taiwan

Happy Postcrossing Birthday!

jeanettep, New Zealand

Happy Postcrossingversary!

werewegian, United Kingdom

Fantastic stamps! Can't wait to get one. Happy anniversary post-crossing!

bstb, Germany

Yay! Happy Postcrossing Birthday! I celebrate with you. It's my birthday and my son's (He is also twelve today! Must be a Postcrossing child...), too! Let's have a party!

Helenisframed11, Australia

Happy Birthday Postcrossing. I certainly love the idea that we help to spread connectivity of people all over the world. We are people beyond political borders.

Levin81, Russia

Great day! And wonderful stamps!

shiguzman, Costa Rica

Happy anniversary! Thank you for make us part of this amazing Postcards world! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

anano, Indonesia

Beautiful stamps! ❤ Happy Postcrossingversary! 🎉

Namibia13, Germany

Happy Birthday Postcrossing, congratulations and big thank you Ana and Paulo! Will raise our glasses tonight!

Sidolix, Germany

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary !
I´m glad to be since 5 years here at HOME !
Congratulate also Indonesia Post for releasing this very nice stamps !
I like most the one with window and volcano... !

LenaSav, Belarus

Happy birthday, Postcrossing!

rikspacs, Finland

Happy birthday dear Postcrossing! We shall have birthday meetup also in Jyväskylä in Finland tomorrow! Hurray Hurray Hurray!

Rosebuddy, South Africa

Dear Paulo, Ana and all the good people in the postcrossing community, especially the wonderful new friends I have made worldwide😁Congratulations and celebrations🎉🍾📮and thank you all for the happiness you bring. Also to the Indonesian post office 👍Those stamps are SO beautiful and I would be overjoyed to receive one some day. Best wishes, Leigh

ekofan, Netherlands

Postcrossing project is 12 years old ! Wow, congratulations!
This project brings joy every day!

msteblovnik88, Slovenia


szendus, Hungary

Happy Birthday, Postcrossing! You give the opportunity to get connection between people around the world. Thanks for it. I believe that is not good for anybody being alone.

ned44440, Ireland

Happy 12th Birthday / Aniversary to Postcrossing and well done for keeping the show on the road as we say here. Here's to many many more aniversaries!! Postcards are smiles across the miles.
Great looking stamps from Indonesia and I look forward to receiving them in due course if I am lucky enough to get more cards from Indonesia. I am so looking forward to the Irish Postcrossing stamp to be issued in October 2017.

Zastia, Switzerland

Happy brithday/anniversary to Postcrossing also from me. I am so happy I found out about it two years agon and am every day waiting impatiently for the postman to come.
May there be many more birthday/anniversaries to come and let's make people all over the world smile with our postcards.

sinta, Indonesia

Yay! Happy 12 Birthday Postcrossing! Can't wait to share the new stamps with all my friends ^-*

Verunslv, Russia

Happy Postcrossingversary, Postcrossing!
You're the best thing in my life! I'm very pleased to be a part of you!
Thank you for all you do for people from all over the world! I wish you a lot of wonderful stamps, cool postcards and friendly postcrossers. And live happily ever after!
From Samara (Russia) with love! :)

tyshadragon, United Kingdom

Happy Birthday, Postcrossing!

Geminiscp, Portugal

AWESOME 12 YEARS!! :) Happy Birthday and... I want those stamps!!!! :)

Goldberry59, Netherlands

Happy Anniversary!
When my daughter introduced me to Postcrossing, I was hooked immediately. I love getting postcards from all over the world and I love sending postcards back.
Postcrossing is the best idea ever!

Luciano, Brazil

Happy Birthday Postcrossing!
Indonesia congratulations for beautiful stamps!

SannyMelon, Germany

i my gosh i sooo love the first one*-* but well,still none for germany.. i give up!

Sommersprossen, Germany

I need these! Please Postcrossing algorithm send me lots of Indonesian cards :D

mounten, Italy

Happy 12 th Postcrosingversary,beautiful stamps from Indonesia I hope to be the lucky one to get one on a postcard 1 day.
Ciao from Italy!!! Keep on going!!!

Iside82, Italy

Happy Birthday Postcrossing! And hurray for the new stamps :D

KaFrie, Germany

Wohoo! Happy Birthday to all of us! And a big muito obrigado to Paulo and Ana!

angel_licka, Russia

Happy birthday!

beesknees, United States of America

Congratulations . Hope to receive one of these great stamps.

Kotanya, Czech Republic

Happy 12th Postcrossing Birthday! Thank you for all!!!

PilotOne, Portugal

Happy Postcrossing Birthday.
Thanks to all who are keeping this project alive and healthy!

elbe, Germany

Parabéns & Happy Birthday Postcrossing! :)

Norway_girl, Norway

Congratulations! This seems like a good excuse for eating 12 pieces of cake:)
I've been here for almost 10 years now, and I've really enjoyed sending and receiving wonderful postcards!

dewi-26, Netherlands

Happy Birthday Postcrossing, thanks to postcrossing, my old hobby is back :) And I have more collection from all over the world.

blueroseonthewall, Indonesia

Wow, this is great!!!!!!! I want to buy this.

kristinperry_, United States of America

Happy 12th Anniversary, Postcrossing! Thank you to everyone who makes Postcrossing possible. It is one of my favorite hobbies! I hope someone will send me a card with one of these cool new stamps!!

xstitcher81, Finland

Happy 12th anniversary Postcrossing! :D

Ester71, Czech Republic

Happy birthday ;)

DebiLynne, United States of America

I wonder when the USPS is going to make a PostCrossing stamp??

AlexandriaCH, Indonesia

I'm really excited with the stamps and will use it for my next sending postcards..!
Anyway, I went to Bandung main post office in jl. Asia Afrika (Bandung GPO) today, fortunately the philatelic section told me that there will be a postcrossers gathering on July 15th in Bandung! After waiting for along time, finally! This will be my first meetup.
I live in Bandung and definitely will come..
Can't wait for July 15th!!!

Salam postcrossing untuk semua :)

MissiveMaven, United States of America

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary! Hooray! Also, those stamps are *fabulous.*

MissiveMaven, United States of America

I also wonder if we'll see a Postcrossing stamp in the USA! Has anyone started an official campaign for that?

GreenKiwi0714, Hong Kong

Ha I turned 12 today too!

Flippie, Canada

Hiep Hiep Hoera!, with the Postcrossingversary! How it is to be a part of it! Hugs, for all the work, Anneke

Samantha31, Netherlands

Congratulations! I'm still a newbe but love it verry much!
Hope this will continue many more years!

Trans_Niqabi, United States of America

Yay Postcrosssing! Yay Indonesia! I hope I get all three of these beautiful stamps. Happy Postcrossingversary!!!

Tranchile, Guernsey

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary from Guernsey and as a mint stamp collector I hope I get these very beautiful stamps. Being disabled and unable to travel this has given me a great insight into the rest of the world and I have made some lovely friends worldwide too because of it.🎉🇬🇬

lena_alexandrova, Belarus

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary !

Icemom, United States of America

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary! I love it here!

Also, I'm pretty sure those Indonesian Postcrossing stamps are the coolest ever. Way to go, Indonesian Postcrossers!

Karulek, Poland

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary!
Postcrossing is one of the best things in my life ^^
Thank you!

Jumu, Netherlands

Congratulations, and celebrations!

So much fun.

Hauer, Canada

Wish, I had known from the start, I started this wonderful journey 4 years ago and have learned so much about Countries, people's, cultures and the list could go on and on.
Congratulations to each participant.

ConstantGardener, United States of America

Happy BIRTHDAY Post Crossings !
Bringing the World Together !

leiste, United States of America

Wow. Those stamps are beautiful. We need to recruit more Indonesian Postcrossers!

canoesoul, China

Happy birthday, Postcrossing!

renatoBG, Serbia

Happy Birthday, dear Postcrossing!

viley, United Kingdom


Mosshumla, Sweden

Happy birthday, Postcrossing!

And congratulations, Indonesia, for the beautiful new Postcrossing stamps! I hope, I'll receive one (or all) of them soon.

Jacque53, United States of America

Congratulations Postcrossing on your 12 year Postcrossingversary! May the next 12 years bring all of you at Postcrossing headquarters many happy times, many achievements and many blessings! I feel so honored to be a part of this magical, awesome program!

Wow......the new Postcrossing Indonesian stamps are beautiful!

Topas, Germany

Congratulation Postcrossing. Happy Postcrossingversary.
Big thank you to Ana and Paulo for giving us this wonderful possibility to correspond with the world.

Topas, Germany

new Indonesian Postcrossing stamps are just great.

Gaspara, Italy

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary ! and thank to who had the idea and to all members!

Gaspara, Italy

the stamps are wonderful!

TattooMom, Netherlands

Happy Postcrossingversary everybody!

Quitzia, France

The stamps is wonderful !!!
Happy Postcrossingversary !!

Barbyd, Australia

"Happy birthday" and Congratulation on your 12 year it is so amazing, to reach this wonderful milestone. Having such dedicated founders as Ana and Paulo give the warm and Fuzzy's that no other website can give you. Here's looking forwards to year 13. Luck is not a factor with postcroosing it has joy, love and Hugs for all around the world.

limoda, Italy

happy postcrossing to all the world !!!

gong88, China


emoffdayz, United States of America

wow!! Congratultions!! wooo hooo!! high five for this and happy postcrossing !! from all over the world :)

katiebull, United States of America

If any one has the stamp of the far left thank i could directly swap with that would be so amazing! i'd be looking for at least a amount of 10 or more, if you happen to be willing to swap, please contact me on my instagram @chailakes

dogfan, United States of America

Beautiful stamps! Happy anniversary!

kala, United States of America

Happy Birthday/Anniversary Postcrossing!

Tsadida, United States of America

Happy Birthday Postcrossing! Awesome at 12 years old.

cheller7, United States of America

Making the world a little brighter and a lot happier one postcard at a time...Happy Postcrossingversary! :-) I am grateful to be part of this wonderful community!

Love the stamps too!

AmitxSahoo, India

Happy Postcrossingversary!!! <3

fisherman, Ireland

Happy Anniversary - I love those colorful stamps from Indonesia

iphoto, Australia

Congrats🎈from "Down Under" 💌

We'll celabrate by throwing a 🦐🦐🦐 on the barby with a cold 🍺 or 🍸🍹🍷👍

Worlds_Away, Portugal

Happy Postcrossingversary! Thank you so much to all remarkable members and, of course, to Paulo and Ana.
I am proud to belong to this community created by Portuguese people.
Warmest regards to all! Maria

PROBOJATI, Indonesia

Anna and paulo! Congrats for your postcrossing job and now we are big family because of your job! You change our life! Happy postcrossingversary and 12th grinding!!! Wooow yaaay!!! Im from Indonesia and im proud for all of this!

Im waiting you to come here..come on pack your bag now

mazura, Malaysia

Happy Postcrossingversary! I wish someone could send the postcard with the special stamp to me.. 😁

Shafath_Ahmed_R, India

belated HAPPY birthday postcrossing :):):)

chammy, Japan

Happy Postcrossingversary!!👏🎉

jjmedusa, United States of America

WOW! Those Indonesia stamps are gorgeous!

lilani, United States of America

Thank you for such a wonderful site, congrats, and Happy Postcrossingversary! Love those stamps!

honeybee, Austria

Happy postcrossingversary Postcrossing! A million thanks to Ana & Paulo finding for me the perfect hobby :)

butterflycard, Malaysia

I keep on hearing how the internet has affected postcards and stamps.To my knowledge the internet has increased the interest in stamps.There is improved communication and we can be on the lookout for more items.
If anyone wants items from Asia let me know.

Adilauci, Indonesia

Happy Postcrossingversary \(^o^)/ I am so happy to be part of this community.

mysweetlife63, United States of America

Happy Birthday & thank you!

Ejderha, Netherlands

Happy 12th Postcrossingversary everybody!!!
Thank you over and over again for this wonderful hobby that connects us all.
I love the colourful Indonesian Postcrossing stamps and I hope someday to welcome them in my letterbox. (^_^)

NancyNijntje, Netherlands

Respect Paulo, Ana and the Postcrossing Team! Happy Postcrossingversary and that we all can celebrate many more years to come. Hope to receive the beautiful Indonesian stamps soon on a nice card ha ha!

youngnini, China

Happy Postcrossingversary ! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o I'm happy to be a part of the community, and hope to find more surprise about the world through ~\(≧▽≦)/~

yayanpuji, Indonesia

How can i get these stamps?
I live here in Indonesia :)

lingling8391, Hong Kong

Happy Postcrossingversary!!🎂🎂

riazkhan4880, India

Happy 12th Anniversary!!!!
You all are doing a great job of bringing the world together. I am so happy to be a part of this. I have made so many wonderful friends. People of Indonesia you have done a wonderful job of creating these wonderful stamps. Hey could you please send it to me :) A gift in return is guaranteed.

ggdw, China

very very nice!

Chiko-chan, Japan

Happy Birthday! Postcrossing!! Thank you very much every day!

Herchelle, Canada

One day, Canada Post will finally listen to their best customers, and finally give us a Postcrossing stamp!

AeLF, Portugal

Happy birthday to something that enriched my life! Thank you!

atbohemia, Macao

Happy Postcrossingversary!

sanhecao, China

Happy Postcrossingversary



stefanois, Belgium

Great ! Fantastic ! Wonderful to see how Postcrossing can make people so happy and smiling :-)) Happy Postcrossingversary !

Roadrunner73, Germany

Simply beautiful, and once again it's a shame that german mail is unable to join the league of postcrossing stamps issuing countries.

yun0527, Taiwan

Hello,I from Indonesian but I live in Taiwan (I married here)can join here?How to do it?Thanks

punsinyan, Indonesia

Happy birthday, Postcrossing!

mamanx, Indonesia

As Indonesian I will buy these stamp as many as I can and swap to other postcrossers all over the world. Are you interested? Please let me know!

Tataus, Portugal

So beautiful love these stamps!

Naddin76, Russia

Happy Birthday Postcrossing!
Indonesia congratulations for beautiful and cute stamps!


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