Today is the day the new Postcrossing-themed stamp from Luxembourg makes its debut, in all its philatelic glory! Don’t their printed stamp sheets look pretty?

Ah… I wish teleportation existed already, so we could quickly buzz ourselves there to send a few postcards! 😍
On the September issue of PhilatéLux (the philatelic magazine from Post Luxembourg's), designer Stina Fisch gave a short interview, sharing a little bit about herself and her work on the Postcrossing stamp. Here is an excerpt of the page dedicated to the Postcrossing stamp:

- This is not the first postage stamp you have designed. What did you find particularly challenging, and how did you overcome that?
One particular challenge was the extremely small format and the need to ensure that it would still be legible. I really wanted to get across the idea of the handwritten message and to express the serendipity of the Postcrossing project — that is, discovering something new and surprising without looking for it.
- Do you write and send postcards yourself?
Yes, I love sending postcards because I love to receive them. I keep all my postcards, use them as bookmarks, and leave the postcard in the book when I‘ve finished it. I love coming across them years later. Is writing postcards still a thing? Sure, a text message does the same thing… but a handwritten note means a lot to me… the short walk to the postbox… and then the recipient’s delight at getting a personal message amid bills and flyers.
Congratulations to all Luxembourg postcrossers, and a big thank you to Post Luxembourg, for deeming the Postcrossing community worthy of this honor. The stamp is now available on their webshop, and we look forward to seeing it in postcards flying around the world. If you’re in Luxembourg, do send us some photos of the stamp — we’d love to see these in the hands of postcrossers, or close to one of your yellow postboxes!
50 comments so far
Supi. 1a :-)
I wish Philippine postal service (Phlpost) will also issue a beautiful postcrossing postage stamp!
Cards, hands and pens, all together for postcrossing!
Yeah 😍 I just bought some stamps in Luxembourg.
They are sooo nice.
Beautiful stamp 😍
Hope to get one on an official sometime 🤞
Already ordered this morning 🤩
Another lovely piece for postcards. Congrats to everyone that put effort to get this.
Love these! The USA is slacking!!!!
Beautiful! Well done!
What beautiful stamps! Congratulation Luxembourg!
Super cute stamps, wish to receive a postcard from Luxembourg with these stamps on it.
Really nice stamp
Only 307 Luxemburger members!!
What are my chances to get one on a card!
Interesting that there are so many dark skinned hands on the stamp. In my many years of postcrossing, sad to say it’s very rare to have a correspondent from a nation where dark skin is common.
Now I have a reason to visit Luxembourg again and send some postcards from there :-)
It's so lively and captures the spirit of Postcrossing beautifully! Lucky Luxembourgers who now have this stamp! Kudos and thanks to Stina Fisch for a beautiful design!
Nice, get with it US!
This is great. I would love to have a commemorative stamp for postcards for PostCrossing in the US. How does one petition the postal service to create a new stamp?
lovely one!
Great news. Nice Stamp.
What a year for some countries, with there new Stamps!
Bought 850 stamps this morning for our meeting on Satruday ;)
Wow, the list of countries with Postcrossing stamps is impressive! I love the design and the message of connection -- very true to the spirit of Postcrossers!
I hope China Post and USPS will also release a postcrossing stamp someday.
The stamp is so well designed. It is clear that the postcards are handwritten.
Lovely stamp!
The stamp is exquisite. Thank you for sharing it. I hope that we are successful in persuading Canada Post to issue a special Postcrossing stamp someday soon!
Beautiful stamp wish New Zealand would design postcrossing stamp. Thanks for sharing 😁
Is there anyone who's in Luxembourg could swap cards with this stamps with me? Thanks!!!
I live in Luxemburg, will buy some stamps soon....!!
I am from Luxembourg and I will try to use this stamp as often as possible with all my postcrossing cards.
Great things! hurray postpeople Luxembourg.
I hope to get one someday....
Wonderful! How I wish the United States would create a Postcrossing stamp. When, oh, when, will it happen?
Congratulations to Luxemburg! 🥳🎉🎊
I am looking forward to receiving this nice special stamp. 🥰😍👍
very nice, congratulations
Cute.. Congratulations Luxembourg
G’day 🖐 from ‘Down🌏Under’ advising that I’ve placed my order online tonight - it took less than 5 minutes 👏👏👏 followed the link that Ana provided ... thanks 😉
Wow, it's beautiful! Congratulations!
Very nice stamp. 😍 Congratulations to all Postcrossers from Luxembourg! 🥳 I hope I'll recieve it one day!
Congratulations on the issuance of the post-crossing stamp 🎉
It's a wonderful design.
I hope the card travels from Luxembourg to reach me 😊
Wow awesome design I hope I get a card from Luxembourg with this stamp ,🙂
I wish someone could send a postcard to me with these stamps
I like it!
Ok - Luxembourg has 307 members. If each one were to send about 2700 postcards, with these stamps attached, maybe a good percentage of Postcrossers around the world would indeed be the lucky recipients. (I can only dream, for now. . .here's hoping I will be among those that receives mail from a Luxembourg Postcrosser) Great Stamp!
Lucky me. I just received a card with the new Postcrossing stamp. With matching view side. Thank you, Jo.
Beautiful!! I hope to receive one. 😊
I bought some allready and I am sending cards with this stamp..our postoffice was all surprised..they did not even heard about postcrossing before..but apparently many people asked for those stamps..I got the last 21 ;-) But they will get new one's. On my card I was happy to mention that this is the first card that I am sending with the new stamp...unfortunatly no feedback :-)
wooow!!it's awesome and so sweet to get such support from postal!!wish i may have chance to get one hah!
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