Remember the World’s smallest postal service we wrote about two years ago? They make tiny customisable letters that you can send to your loved ones, and which look like this:

Cute, right? It’s impossible not to smile when you get one of these in the mail! :)
Lea Redmond, the Postmistress of the Word’s Smallest Post Service, has recently teamed up with Chronicle Books to make a do-it-yourself kit that allows anyone to do those amazing tiny letters and packages at home!
The World’s Smallest Post Service kit comes with paper, pen, minuscule stamps, stickers, packing material and even a little magnifying glass, so that you can write and send your own tiny letters and parcels.

The kit is available at
22 comments so far
I WANT....I WANT !!!! :-) ITS CUTE MAN!!!
I like :D
They don't ship outside of the USA and Canada! :( Has anyone found this elsewhere? I'll have a look for somewhere that ships internationally...
amyparis: i will ask the artist and let you know!
Wow! So amazing 0.0
I love it! That is so totally awesome!
This will never make it through German postal system... :(
So it must be sent inside a bigger envelope - the Finnish post has certain minimum requirements for the cards or/and envelopes; this does not meet the them! :(
Great idea, anyhow :D
funny and cute:)
Ooo! Is it sold anywhere in the UK?
So cute!
That is so neat!! Funny, too!! My parents met at the Curiousty Shoppe!!
so cute!But maybe it's much easier to be lost than the normal letters...
How nice! I really want this!
Really cute but I feel it would need a larger envelope to mail but it would be fun to take to the post office and what the postman expression when trying to mail it :) Wish it was shipped to US!
Here is the link to the product on, which ships worldwide, and is cheaper! :)
I've seen them sold in Hong Kong but I think they were going for twice that price... waaaay too much for me to consider it!
I never seen this! It's cool!So cute!!!
That's adorable! I wish they would sent world wide. :)
I want this! very like:)
I hope to receive like this here in the Philippines...
What a wonderful idea!
A lot of you who posted failed to notice that one packs the tiny envelope with the magnifying glass into a package to send! This is fabulous! I want this!
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