Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Lithuanian giveaway results + stamp project


Last week we showed you a wonderful project by a group of Lithuanian members, who designed and printed their own postcards. They offered to send 16 lucky postcrossers a postcard from their special set… but the response was so overwhelming, they had a lot of trouble picking the winners, and therefore decided to increase that number to 45! :D

So, without further ado, the members who will receive a postcard from Lithuania are: qvovadis, AnaPinto, pierrev, strummer, MrPooney, famvanrems, tiira, Kazoline, budzin, milko, SueJames, Kirst, drup, leojus, niteshyft, cinghiospol, hulottati, Mayangiras, neitrino, Roo17, vchera, TinTin, GSD, SilentSilence, araneia, arti_baki, hillie67, Ilona500, Hansgom, geekerella, ARod26, PoppySu, signhild, Olha_K, diome, emma-cole, sofree, ceoramalho, mahoema, wikinet, MiniP, rhackett, only_rose, Dechen and zie.

Congratulations everyone! And a big thank you to this group of postcrossers, for their generosity!

On a somewhat related note, another group of postcrossers from Lithuania is currently working on convincing their postal services to make a Postcrossing stamp. If you’re Lithuanian and want to help this idea move forward, please join them on this Facebook group. Thank you!

48 comments so far

arti_baki, Russia

Thank you! I'm so happy)

diome, Finland

Thank you!:D

qvovadis, Mexico

Wow! Thank you very much! I'm so excited!

famvanrems, Netherlands

wow!! hurray we are very happy! We will be sleeping under our mailbox from now on!

Hansgom, Netherlands

Great, I cannot wait. Ačiū.

strummer, Italy

Oh my god! I won! :-DDDDD I never win anything so... finally I was lucky today! Yay!!!! :-P Thanx

only_rose, Belgium

Thanks a lot guys!

HM, Netherlands

congratulations to all!

this was such a nice competition, to put one postcrossing-country in the spotlight.

I enjoyed reading and learning all about Lithuania. It's ranking higher on my wishlist to visit.

martymarty, Czech Republic

Cool, how they increased the number of gifts! And I think the number of comments at this article was quite a record, wasn´t it?

ilona500, Netherlands

Thanks for choosing me! i'm looking forward to the card!

♥ Ilona

hillie67, Australia

Thank you so much, I too have never won anything. And I too will be sleeping under my letter box. My children love that I am excited about post crossings now they run to the letter box to see if I have one or not now they will be extra excited as will the lady that i nurse. Thank you again to the people that organized this


AnaLourenco, Portugal

Thank you so much :) I'm really happy :D

mahoema, Netherlands

Woohoo, mad my day! :D Thanks a lot!

Kazoline, Belgium

thanks :)

MrPooney, Canada

Awesome! I can't wait to get the card, thank you guys

cinghiospol, Italy

Aciu Aciu! :-)

Marynia88, United Kingdom

No winner from Poland? These days, I am hardly surprised... :>. And there were soooooo many kind and thoughtful Polish entries which showed first-hand knowledge of Lithuania and its history. I am disappointed in you, guys.

strazdas007, Lithuania

Group for post stamp is same :)

nisha, Poland

Congratulations to the winners! :)

I've never won anything yet, but I'm going to participate in the giveaways - I believe it will happen to me someday, too :)

nevasara, Lithuania

to Marynia88:
It was a random selection without peeking into the profiles and nationality.
If you are really interested in the cards, I will share some with pleasure - just send me a message with your address :)

drup, United States of America

Thank you so much, I cannot wait to see the card. It will be my first received card from Lithuania :).

geekerella, United States of America

Yay, Thank you! Totally turned my day around! I can't wait to see my card, it'll be my first from Lithuania as well!

leojus, Austria

Thanks!! I'm excited to reveive a card :-D

re-think, Lithuania

THANKS to everyone who participated! We didnt expect so much attention. AČIŪ! This contest wasnt last one if postcrossing's chiefs will aloud to us make more :)

P.S. Riga is very nice city but it is LATVIA's capital :)

Marynia88, United Kingdom

Hi Nevasara, another Lithuanian user has written to me now, so I acknowledge that I jumped to conclusions too quickly. But I don't think my entry was that good, I meant I liked other Polish posts. If you are up for a swap, we can always exchange postcards, since your new set of Lithuanian cards looks really lovely :).

ceoramalho, Brazil

Thank you very much!!!! I'm looking forward to the card!!! :)

araneia, Netherlands

Ah thank you! So nice to recieve a card, maybe to practice the language and bring the memories about Lithuania back!

GSD, Trinidad and Tobago

Awesome! Thank you very much. It was unexpected :) and I am pleasantly surprised. You idea is inspiring! Great work!

Mayangiras, France

thank you so much :)Postcrossing rocks! and Lithuanian, you're great!

rhackett, Canada

You've made my day! Thank you!

zie, Malaysia

thank you thank, i'm the lucky one..yay!

Apwohalyptica, Lithuania

Dear Marynia88,

I beg Your pardon for being this rude but don't You think that You are being a bit... well, overdid? :) Yes, I agree that there are no Polish users that won BUT if we start counting all the missing nationalities...

There are up to 200 countries with hundreds of nationalities and if all of them would start crying and saying such things as 'I'm disappointed in you' because none of their people were selected as winners, there would be, you know, chaos.

Polish people's knowledge was, as you said, fist-hand because Lithuania and Poland share pretty much united history and are neighbours. It's kind of duty to know the facts about your neighbour well.

Once again, sorry for so rude answer of mine. I didn't want to insult neither You nor Polish people :)

And for all the winners — your answers were GREAT!♥

Carlos_Pereira, Portugal

Thank you for your offer. I'll be waiting for this special postcard im my mailbox!

MiniP, Czech Republic

Aciu! ありがとうございます!! Thank you!! And good luck with the rest of the project :) You've made my day :>

MiniP, Czech Republic

Arh, I've just remembered that the people I worked with from Lithuania, taught me how to count but I can only remember du and penki !! LOL!!

vchera, Russia

Sorry:) I mean that I was happy! Did not notice that my mother's profile was logged in..:)

milko, Greece

Super!!! Jus nerealūs!! Keep going and happy postcrossing using beautiful cards ;)

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Congrats for the increased number of winners, it means we postcrossers are really good!

SilentSilence, Spain

THANK YOU very much! I can't believe it, it's the first time I win something from the postcrossing giveaways :D

LadyTomoyo, Ireland

You have my vote for a new Postcrossing stamp! It would be great. ^^ (I'm Dutch speaking, so I can't read the facebook page.) And congratulations to all the winners.

emma-cole, United Kingdom

Aaaah, I'm so excited! Thank you to postcrossing, and to the people who organized the competition!


lucymonty, United Kingdom

Congrats to the winners! I hope I'll get one of these cards someday :-)

ARod26, United States of America

Thank you! i can't wait to receive it :)

Pauli22, Netherlands

Enjoy the postcards winners! Congratulations!

myshadow, Canada

Congrats to the winners!
I was lucky and got one of them as an official last week. That made me feel very special! :)

krishnaraosridhar, India

Congrats all the winners... Great Project...

rhackett, Canada

I received my postcard today and think it is fabulous! It is a black and white photo with a child on tiptoes reaching up to kiss her mother, who is very elegantly dressed.
Thank you very much, it made my day!
Ramona in Toronto

araneia, Netherlands

A lovley thank you for the card. I heve learned in Lithuanian school in Riga (we have one there). But anyways we nice of you =). Best Wishes!


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