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Blog > Postcards for a good cause: 2023 results


Did you notice that the 2023 campaign of Cards for Literacy with Deutsche Post had one extra day for postcards to arrive this year? 😍 While a single day might not make a huge difference*, all of these postcards together are undoubtedly going to have a meaningful impact in a lot of people’s lives! Here’s how the campaign went this year:

Postcrossers in Germany sent a total of 120,783 postcards during December, raising €12,078.30 for Stiftung Lesen!
An artistic impression of a child sitting on a dove that is part dove, part plant or flower

What a great result this is! Well done, everyone! There’s so much promise in these numbers… so much good that can come from improving a person’s reading skills — and thus their whole outlook in life!

As always, a huge thank you to Deutsche Post, for partnering with the Postcrossing community and making this possible. We’ve now been running this campaign together for 11 years, if you can believe it, helping fun Stiftung Lesen on their various programs and research projects. We usually think of children when we think of reading problems, but did you know that there are about 6,2 million adults in Germany who cannot read properly? It’s hard to overstate how important this skill is in everyday life — from progressing in a career to living an independent life, it all starts with reading. So it’s important that those who need help improving their reading skills can receive it, and Stiftung Lesen and its partners are there to help.

And now, to wrap things up, Paulo run his script and randomly choose 6 winners to receive vouchers for the Deutsche Post shop. The winner of the big €100 voucher is Feuermaus99, and the five winners of the €50 vouchers are kuchenfee, Tazzdevil, Thekilein, Kamila_Dawid and Morle-Maus .Congratulations! 🎉 You’ll receive an email from us shortly!

(*) 140 postcards were registered on February 29, so not that few! 😊

32 comments so far

chaosnoneko, Germany


hesssteff, Germany

Only 1 card is still traveling,but 39 cards are arrived.

Gaiasduhter, Germany

Unfortunately, 15 of my cards I sent in December didn't arrive, but thankfully 222 of my December cards reached their destinations.

littleglitterwoman, Germany

Wow 👍 I Hope To Send Some in the Upcoming winter for this Good Cause [But Let's Get Into Spring And Summer And Autumn First] 😃

Shuart, Germany

Congratulation! Great project!

sonataca, United States of America


Tsadida, United States of America

Congrats on another successful year!

NellyMuc, Germany

I congratulate the winners and the children who benefit from them. I myself am dyslexic and a recognized and successful author. If you help the children right from the start, they have the same opportunities in life.

beesknees, United States of America

Well done, and I love the little artwork on the blog

Toome2, Netherlands

Great thing to do Germany!

Flicki, Germany

congrulation to winners, also have 9 Cards not arrived to the world. also sad news best wishes to all

jjmedusa, United States of America

What a great result! Congratulations to everyone, including of course the prize winners! :)

Iris_Khan, Russia

Honestly, the number of people reading poorly is simply shocking.

IndonesiaRaya, Indonesia

wow the vouchers 🤑🤑

Ich_bin_Berliner, Germany

A very good campaign - unfortunately only practiced in Germany.
Was allowed to write a lot less than all the years because the post office was quite slow in December this year.
ONLY 1.25% did not arrive at the time

soilian, Finland


kuchenfee, Germany

I am so surprised and happy. Thanks for the prize.
But the better thing is the donation to Stiftung lesen. I am happy, that I had the possibility to contribute to that.

Thekilein, Germany

Hello, I was very happy about the price!!
It's a good thing to collect so much money for a good cause. Thank you very much to everyone!!

jeroenvberlo, Netherlands

Well done. Keep up the good work.

PacificNWotter, United States of America

Congratulations on a successful campaign!!! Wish we did that here.

volvomom, United States of America

Yea!!! Congrats!

Patsmum, Germany

Every year it's a pleasure to contribute! I always send less cards in November to have the maximum number left for December...

JD_1, Germany

Love it! I am working in the Deutsche Post DHL HQ and learned about Postcrossing in our Intranet. What a great initiative!

AbstraktesHerz, Germany

I've written 53 Postcards in December. 52 of them have been registered. I think that's a great number. For me and for all of us who contributed by sending Postcards last year.

orange_memo, United States of America

Awesome! Love this!

Mirfi, Australia

Such a wonderful fundraising event. Well done to everyone!

gisela713, Germany

Unfortunately I didn't know that this great campaign starts in December because I'm new to postcrossing, but now I know and next year I won't be sending postcards on the last November, I'll wait, so unfortunately I only have 90 cents.

Demmi, Romania

Congrats "Postcrossers of Germany" on another successful year!
Happy Postcrossing!
:) :D

#cardsforliteracy #charity, #DeutschePost #Germany

MerlinM, Germany

So amazing every year to be part of it. Congratulation to the winners!!!

Robin67, Austria

Super! Congratulations!

My life would be a misery, if I couldn't read or write!

white_elephant11, Germany

I'm glad that I was able to contribute at least 6 postcards to this campaign. Every postcard counts, right? 😉

Flippie, Canada

Good for you!


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