On the first day of Chinese New Year, 23rd January, the Singapore Philatelic Museum opened the doors to this year’s Dragon exhibition, which is a great success!
They’ve received more than 100 postcards, that have been placed in a special album on the Dragon’s Lair. Mishelle Lim, who works at the museum (and has been busy replying to all received postcards!), tells us that both adults and children like to peruse the album and read the messages on them!

Once again, thank you to everyone who participated, and if you’re ever in Singapore, do visit the Philatelic Musem! :)
28 comments so far
wow, great and fun! congrats to Michelle Lim!
We have a "Year of the Dragon" stamp here, in Canada. It's an oversea stamp and I use it on my Postcrossing postcards.
What a wonderful exhibit!
Great exhibition!
A wonderful exhibition, I wish I could be there to see it!
As a dragon lover and a Postcrosser, I really wish I could visit the exhibition. Their collection of dragon postcards is sure to be amazing!
Oh awesome! I would definitely like to visit an exhibit like this! I wish I could implement something like this! I would donate all my dragon postcards from around the world!
Great exhibition! I sent a dragon postcard and received an answer from Mrs. Lim. Thank you so much!
I sent this card www.postcrossing.com/postcards/NL-394162 and am looking forward for an answer from mrs. Lim!
I wish I had learned this information earlier. I was born in Dragon year and I think such exhibition is a great idea! Best wishes from a Russian dragon!
I so wish I could visit the exhibition, I love everything dragon }:=8)
I sent a dragon postcard and received wonderful exhibition postcard from Mrs. Lim. Thank you so much!
I just received beautiful dragon postcard from singapore stamp exhibition.
My dragon postcard is displayed in the exhibition.
Thank you very much
I too have received a great exhibition postcard from Mishelle on behalf of the Singapore Philatelic Museum - such fun - thankyou Mishelle :) :) :)
Mishelle Lim wrote that they "are also displaying the 3D version of the Mythical Creatures (stamp release) set" from Australia
[ http://shop.auspost.com.au/stamps/stamps-issues/mythical-creatures]
I have received the reply postcard from Mishelle,thanks a lot.
I sent a card as well, but I didn't receive a reply (yet?). I hope the card arrived. I wish I could go to the exhibition!
received Singapore Philatelic Museum return card,very nice dragon card,very beautiful stamp.
If you visit Singapore to see this WONDERFUL exhibit, be sure to buy some postcards with the famous Singapore lion on them (and send them to your lucky Postcrossing addressees)! Don't Forget....next Chinese New Year is February 10, 2013, and it will be the Year of the Snake (:-{), so get those scary, slithering snake cards ready....
I received my thank you dragon card today from the Singapore Philatelic Museum! Wish I could visit the exhibit! Glad I sent a card to be part of the exhibit!
we had sent a handmade card for the exhibition and we recd their postcard a week back.... beautiful card and nice stamp too... here is a pic of the card we recd...
I missed it because I went oversea that time. I hope I can see it too. I am in Singapore and I am dragon year born.
I will plan for next year Snake year. I think it is good idea to prepare by now. My sister and sister-in-law is Snake year born. I think she will glad to see it next year.
Received today a card from the museum! Thanks!
The expo in the SG Philately Museum is all year 2012 to be seen.
received my reply card today, woohoo!
I wish I could take a look of those dragon cards ...!
yea great if I could collect a few of them :-P
Thank you to the Singapore Philatelic Museum for the great iMAGINE DRAGONS postcard...i like the postage stamp and cancellation marks! Good luck in your project.
Yay, I received a reply card!
i will try to make a trip to Singapore this year, I will be there!so amazing!
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