So, you might remember that last week I asked for your help with some postcards for a conference… and boy, did you ever deliver! :D
Here’s my brother opening the PO box about a week after the initial call:
I’m still speechless at the amount of postcards that tumbled out of that mailbox… it’s like it never ends! Can you believe there were over 600 postcards in there?!
So, I owe you… a lot. Thank you so, so much for your generosity and support. Seriously, postcrossers are THE best! :)

I expect that quite a few cards are still on their way and will arrive in the coming weeks, so I’ve already taken the address down. The audience should be less than 1000 people, so any extra cards will be safely kept for a next event of the sort.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a presentation to work on! The event will likely be recorded on video, so I’ll try to show you how it went in a few weeks. Fingers crossed! :)
134 comments so far
Wow! Good luck on the presentation
Wow! Great :-) I do not see mine but I am sure it is already there!
Oh. My. God. I wish I could find my postcard in this crowd!
Wow! I'd love to have that spilling out of my mailbox! Good luck with your presentation :)
Random comments from people in the post office at the time:
- "Are those all Valentine cards?! You must be popular!"
- "How long has it been since you opened your box? Months? Years?"
Boy, that is one happy mailbox! :D
Oh that's awesome! I can't believe there was even room for that many cards in that small post box :-D
Looked like this P.O Box had no end ^^
That's fantastic! Good luck with your presentation, Ana!
Wow so great! I bet the faces of the people in the post office were priceless haha!
such a wonderful sight....hope your talk goes well!
super !!!!!!! meine karte liegt oben drauf,graue Luftballons und ein roten.Voll Geil :-) :-) lg.
Your brother is now famous! All postal workers in the area knows him - he is the guy who received ALL those postcards!! :D
Mine´s on the way! And good luck ;)
This video makes me far too happy! Hope my postcard got there! :)
That's beautiful! I hope my postcard made it to you in time. It's a lovely thing you're doing - thank you :)
I see one from Essen :)
I feel sorry for that postman ;)
That is just so pretty :) I'm so happy for you
This was really fun to see!
Espero que o meu postal será utilisado por esta conferência porque fiz um esforço de escrever em português. Beijinhos
Awesome! Postcrossing is such an amazing community. There should be a Ted Talk.
omg! I thik I'd have a heart attack if it'd happen to me :D my record is only 10 postcards at one time :/
Good luck for your presentation!
Soooooooooo great!!!! I don´t have seen mine, but i guess it is there ;) Good look for the presentation!!!!
I'm happy to be part of it !!!
Wow! Amazing! I sent mine yesterday so you will receive it asap
Postcard avalanche! Way to go, Postcrossers!
Well, I don't think my postcard ended up in that group as I just mailed it a few days ago! If I found all those postcards in my mailbox, I'd be jumping for joy!!!
Ooooooh I think I saw mine!! This is quite exciting....
Idea: If you receive more postcards than needed, hand them out anyway, maybe just have someone standing at the doors and let people take some when they leave.
And invite your audience to spread the joy even further! Ask them to give the leftover postcard to a friend, a coworker, a postal worker, a stranger....
THIS is amazing... !!! Hope mine arrived too :)
or give everyone two postcards and for the next event, ask and we will send you more! :D :D :D
Super, super, super!!!
I think I saw my postcard! What a nice surprise.
Sweet! Be sure to let us know how the audience likes them.
amazing moment!!! i hope my mailbox will be like this one day.. :D
Wowwww! That's the fullest postal box I've ever seen! And they kept coming, and coming.. :-D
After the amazement my second thought was "how did the post office employees react?" :)
This video made me so happy and proud of "us" postcrossers. :D
;o) f a n t a s t i c ;o)
I saw mine in there! amazing to see all those tumbling out =) I agree, take the extras and challenge the attendees to pass them out to random people.
That's great! So good luck.
What fun!!! I hope the one we sent got there.
Wow, fantastic response! :)
Oh wow! The vid made me giggle. Love it how I assumed the flood of cards to end three times but they just kept coming. And how the last few ones dropped down from the boxs ceiling. Hahah
like hitting it big on a slot machine !
Awesome!! I kept thinking I hope your brother took a large bag with him.
@Mundoo: he didn't, but he managed to borrow one from the post office people who took pity on him :D
Glad we could all help you. Hope it goes well and we get lots more postcrossers.
I love seeing full mail box, this made me so happy. Good luck on your presentation!!!!! ;)))
That is awesome and amazing. Someone suggested a TED talk....I think that is a great idea, too.
Fantastic.....I am sorry I missed out...I was checking your address for the weekend
I don't see my card in there but I'm sure it arrived yet. What a sum of postcards! Good luck :)
Luckily, he doesn't have to registrate them... ;)
Oh my! I hope my postcard from the Philippines made it. Good luck at the conference! :-)
Impressive how many postcards fit in such a small PO box! :)
wow!!! Postcrossers really rock!!!!!
Wonderful! Good luck for you presentation. :)
Thank you for sharing the out pouring of support you got. I actually went back because I thought I saw my card spill out and I did! So happy to be part of something that is global and a shared passion of so many.
That is really fantastic but... to be honest, I am not surprised ;) I expected Postcrossers to react this way! Because Postcrossers are good and helpful people... However, the number of postcards is truly impressive... I couldn't stop smiling while all these postcards were pouring out of the mailbox! And I loved how the last three ones dropped down from the ceiling, just as if they appeared there magically out of nowhere =D Or as if some teleportation machine were installed up there :D And I saw one from Poland! =) We are keeping our fingers crossed for your presentation, Ana, and let us know how it goes! :-)
That's awesome.
Postcrossing is really a fun and meaningful hobby that should be promoted. Meanwhile in Hong Kong, we are also planning to promote Postcrossing on campus. This post is really encouraging to us. :)
Good luck for the presentation! :)
That is my dream mailbox!! :) I know everyone was like me, looking for their card. I wish I would have sent one that stood out more. Haha! The video really made me smile.
Good luck on your presentation!!
It seems like everyone wanted to see their own postcard that they mailed. Maybe you could post a video showing ALL of the cards you received. That way everyone who participated could see their card. Just an idea.
I'm proud to be a Postcrosser and proud of you, Ana, to stand up and speak to all those people at the conference. GOOD LUCK.
I sent 4 and would be happy if each participant received more than one postcard if available. Share, share, share, only requirement is you ask them to share too. I don't think you ever have to worry about reaching out to postcrossers and not having them come through at another time. Postcrossers are generous and glad to promote Postcrossing. This is a going to be a positive presentation "what makes you happy" PLEASE assure them that Postcrossing brings all of us a smile when we receive a postcard and sometimes a [happy] tear. And some of us have even gone on to have regular correspondence with a postcrosser we meet. It's bedtime here in California and I will be sleeping with my friends on my pillowcase; the Moomins from Finland! Best of luck Ana!
WWWOOOWWW!!! So many cards!!! :)
good Luck with your presentation!
Awesome! This video really made my day. Good luck with your presentation!
Great and I saw my card, good luck!
I can't see my own card.. but I'm so happy to see a fully packed mail box!!! You might have to check the mailbox regularly from now on! Haha!! Thank you and your brother for the video! :D :D :D
Wow, it's amazing!!! I enjoyed watching video!
Good luck with presentation!
This was my first postcrossing, and because of it, I'm a fellow postcrosser right now!
Fantastic amount of postcards. And I see mine postcard on photo. :D hope it will be taken by someone who wants to join us.
Goog luck on the conference!
WoW!!! good luck take care!! wow!!
We can do time-delayed postcard flash mob :D
Wow! That was one full postbox!
Best of luck with the presentation Ana!
@sparkly-: I like your idea to let the attendees spread the extra postcards on to others:)
Boy oh boy oh boy, so many postcards. :)
It's fantastic! So many postcards at one time!!!=) Unfortunately, I didn't see mine but I hope it's just hidden among all these fabulous postcards!=) Happy to be a part of it!
Maybe they were not able to put allcards into the box and put the remaining ones in a mailbag.
The magic of postcards!!! Good luck for the event!
Now that's a lot of postcards!!
I watched the video a few times... glad to see that there was an amazing response to your request! I saw a bunch from the US (we have the round stamp that is the image of the earth), but they went by so quickly that I can't confirm whether one of them was mine. I wish my PO Box would be that full of postcrossing postcards! Hope the presentation goes well!!
Woah! Awesome :D
Amazing! I don't see the one that I sent, but hopefully it's there somewhere. It would be great to see more pictures of the cards and the faces of the audience!
Ha ha I've sent the postcard user guide (the yellow one) so I wonder if that's mine ! Anyway several like that would be ok, back to basics :)
Great, so many postcards....
Good luck for the presentation!
That is so awesome! I saw one of mine fall out, lol. Ask and you shall receive ;)
Awesome! I saw my card in the video!
Wow, that's impressive! I wonder what the effect of these cards will be during the conference. Will people compare? Or even swap? Surely they will have something to talk about!
Good luck!
Holy mackerel!!!! The niceness of Postcrossing people never ceases to amaze me. I meant to send one, but didn't get around to it before the address was taken down. Oh well, I'm sure you will have enough!
I think I just spotted my card in the video at
41 seconds, with a butterfly sticker on it, I
often put those on my cards!
Wow, what greatamount of cards.
Wow!! I hope the ones I sent you have already arrived. Good luck with your presentation.
OH NOOO - I missed the event :'(
*silently crying*
Can you take a photo of all the audience holding their postcards during the conference? :)
What a good idea to make this video and wait a week! Impressive!!! I thought thwy came out all when it starting falling out from the backside! I guess this was a lot of fun for you both!
Your presentation will probably be as amazing as this event!
I'm so speechless :D
The call was answered, take a bow postcrossers, job well done.
OMG! Hope my card will arrive soon also :) Great work Postcrossers!
Never have I seen something so beautiful as that PO box full of postcards. I bet the postman/woman thought you were crazy! I hope the card I sent arrived safely. Good luck with the presentation! Hopefully we'll see some new postcrossers from Portugal. :)
No need to thank us. THANK ***YOU & PAULO*** for this project that changed so many lives! ;) :)
All the best for your presentation. My card will be with you, I spotted the Labskaus in the left lower corner :-)
I spotted my covered bridge postcard from Cedarburg, Wisconsin! So cool! I am happy for your success!
This must be one of the best videos I have EVER seen! :-)
It would probably stress me out to receive that much mail, but I'd still love it. :-D
Is your brother really willing to hand those cards over? ;-)
This is so great to see! I am happy you've received plenty of cards for your presentation and I hope that people are able to get some extras to share. I didn't see mine in the pile but hopefully it made it.
Crazy... And só natural comunga from postcrossers...
Enjoy your presentation as much as we enjoy postcrossing.
Looking forward for the vídeo...
All luck in world for u!
Amazing response...
i hope this will help you in your presentation :)
Best of Luck Ana
wondering if my card has received you or not :(
That was fun to watch. Thank you for sharing with us. I know we all hope "our" card got there and will make its way into the hands of a future Postcrosser. Great project, Ana! Looking forward to hearing how the presentation goes and the attendees' responses!!
that was like a neverending story of a mailbox in Portugal...I wish my mailbox was as this sometimes. :)
I wonder if the postman read them all...? :-)
i agree with hopeley to share all postcards with the people at the conference!!
Wow, having those many postcards in the mailbox is like a dream come true!
I can't see my post card, hope it's already some where in this collection :)
Postcrossers are the most AWESOME people! Did everyone notice how much people wrote on those cards??? How WONDERFUL is that? ;D
Blessings as you share Postcrossing with new people! Hope we get to "meet" a lot of them through future postcards!
I also hope that all the cards received will be given to the audience :-). After all, that's for this specific conference that so many postcrossers sent cards.
Even if the quantity doesn't allow to give everyone the same amount of postcards, people will understand the spontaneous kindness of postcrossers.
I would be a little bit disappointed if my card was kept for another conference, but naturally you must do what you think is the better ;-). Good luck !
I'd LOVE to register all of those! Every step of the postcrossing process is just wonderful to me!
I love this video. Last night I dreamed it was MY mailbox, hahaha. I hope my card reached in time and I am sure you will do fine with your presentation at this conference, Ana.
How many delegates are expected?
Fantastic! What a HUGE bunch of postcards. Good luck on your presentation.
Spectacular... Amazing... Hope my PostCard from India also reaches you in time...
Best wishes for all the success of your presentation... one time record was for 6 cards only!! Great work!!!! Happy n successful presentation....we showed them, PostCrossers!!!!!
I'm happy to be one of these crazy people ;) What a wonderful project!!!
Nice video - but I think it is a set-up - you arranged the postcards to fill up the mailbox for the purpose of this video. LOL.
Mine was found on top of the card mountain!
A big round of applause for you and everyone involved in this project! The video is fantastic - and there will be more, I guess! :-) Are you going to count all cards? ;-)
Remarkable global response from Postcrossers. I agree with suggestions that all
cards should be distributed at the conference. Saving cards seems disrespectful
to persons who cared enough to mail them.
That is a fun vid, I've been watching it a lot of times by now. :)
I was thinking, maybe the "extra" cards could be distributed in the conference also. And the recipients could forward them to people they know...
This is so awesome! For second I thought there was no end to the PO box =D
Add oil on your presentation!
(In Cantonese, we literally say "add oil" to mean "Keep up the good work," or "Do well")
All the best! =)
I so my carte so happy !!! This presentation will be magic !
Sooooo.... How was it ? No feedback ?
Almost 2 months since the last update. Ana, we really want to hear some feedback about your presentation :)
@melilot @podgirl As soon as the organizers put the video online, i'll post an update!
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