Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Earth day 2010 + Tuvalu = Postcards!


On April 22nd it will be Earth Day 2010 and, in a time when climate change is becoming more serious than ever, it’s important to not let this day go by unnoticed.

Postcrossing is collaborating with students in Tuvalu in a very special event around the Earth Day 2010 in which you can participate too – and it’s really easy, read on.

But first, for the ones who may don’t know where the country Tuvalu is, here’s a short summary from its Wikipedia page:

Formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. Its nearest neighbours are Kiribati, Nauru, Samoa and Fiji. It comprises four reef islands and five true atolls. Its population of 12,373 makes it the third-least-populated sovereign state in the world.

From all the important facts about Tuvalu, there’s something particularly important that you should: due to global warming and the rising of sea-level, there are predictions that in the next 50 years the entire population will have to be evacuated. The ocean can swallow Tuvalu whole, making it the first country to be wiped off the map by climate change! Isn’t that scary?

Tuvalu students certainly think it is, and so do we. Postcrossing is proudly collaborating with them in this year Earth Day to help spread their word about how important it is to reflect and act upon climate change. The project is called “Send Tuvalu to the world” and consists on sending 422 postcards to all over the world sharing their thoughts about Tuvalu. The students organized a painting contest to draw a special stamp to be used in all the postcards, so these are very special indeed.

How would like to receive one of these postcards from the remote islands of Tuvalu? We know many of you would, so here’s how:

Just leave a comment on this Postcrossing blog post saying you would like one. We will then select the receivers from the first users of each country until we reach the needed 422 addresses. There are many possible slots for each country, so be sure to leave a comment! We will then share your address with the organization of this event in Tuvalu and the students will send your way one of this very special postcards.

Tuvalu students

It’s really simple to participate. But also very important, is to be aware – more than ever – about climate change, what it is doing to our planet, and what we should do about it.

567 comments so far

paulo, Portugal

We surely want one! :)

mysonictruth, United States of America

I'd love one! I had no idea about this terrible issue! Earth DAy 2010!!

kirbird, United States of America

I would be absolutely thrilled to receive one! Let's spread the word! :)

ChocolateBunnies, United States of America

Ooh, what a treasure it would be to have a postcard from Tuvalu! Thank you for the opportunity!

ChocolateBunnies, United States of America

Ooh, what a treasure it would be to have a postcard from Tuvalu! Thank you for the opportunity!

Zmrzlina, United States of America

I'd love to receive one of these special cards. I hope those who do make sure they let their local media know about the issue and the postcard connection.

Bloui, Canada

I would love to receive one !

AllSerene, United Kingdom

I would love to receive one :)

Key-to-Riga, Latvia

Alex from Latvia here. I would be happy to receive one also!
cdnstar, why are you so pessimistic? Let's hope for the best! :)

NIDUSKA, Finland

I would love to receive one,too

Jetske, Netherlands

I would like to receive one. :) What a wonderful project. :)

anagahan, North Macedonia

I would love one!!!

guan1000, United States of America

I would like to receive one

Funkyflower, Netherlands

I would love to receive one :D great project!

virtual_vagabonder, Canada

I would love a postcard too! It sounds like a wonderful and insightful project!

Lorna, Brazil

I would love to receive one. It would be of great help to show to the students at Yázigi here in Brazil. We are also envolved with the climate change issue. I already knew about Tuvalu in the newspapers in Brazil. Please let me be one more to spread the word.

earwen, Spain

I would like to received one too, thank you!!!

SharonH, United States of America

I would be honored to receive one of your postcards. Thank you!

OutschoolStella, United Kingdom

My children & I would also love one of these cards. This sounds like such a fantastic project.

sonnentau, Germany

I would love to receive one, too :)
Great project!

Pru, Germany

Wow! I would definitely like to receive one of these cards. :) THANK YOU!

ellembee, United States of America

I would be honored to receive a postcard!

ellembee, United States of America

I would be honored to receive a postcard!

nylusmilk, Malaysia

hope to be the first from malaysia and receive a postcard! :)

DrDave, United States of America

What a wonderful project! I'd like to receive one of the postcards.

morrowbright, United States of America

I'd be honored to receive one of these postcards. :)

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Great project, postcrossing as usual is far more than the first purpose what we are here!
Please, send one to me, and I really hope it will come with an address to answer back to these kids! They should be ecouraged!

ambler, United States of America

I would love to receive a post card from Tuvalu!

votopost, United States of America

This is so exciting! I would love a postcard :)

DaniFoulle, Brazil

Oh, please, send one to Brazil! I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu! :)

fitziane, United States of America

Yes, please, send to me in Tianjin. I work at a school and our students would be very interested in seeing how their daily environmental habits could make a difference.

helent, Australia

I would love to receive one! I'm in Australia...

delidiva6953, United States of America

My kids and I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. We use our postcrossing experience to learn about the world around us and this would be a very real way for them to learn about global warming. We have learned so much already about our world and we were not even aware that such a situation existed. It would be such an honor to receive one of these precious cards and help spread the message of what global warming is doing---Thank you :)

Galamarova, North Macedonia

I would also love one! :)

jellybean, Australia

Isnt it wonderful what kids can do to let the world know of their concerns and issues affecting them. I would love a card and best wishes to those from Tuvalu.

lizza, Germany

i'd love to have one! it's a wonderful idea and a great cause! all the best to these creative and caring students, and i'll keep Tuvalu in my prayers!

titish, Australia

I'd love to receive one :)

aliakarim, Malaysia

I love to have one from Tuvalu. God saves all Tuvalus.

MarcusL, Australia

I am ten years old and would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. We are learning about our Pacific neighbours at school and have heard about the sea rising in Tuvalu.

coldbear, United States of America

I would love to recieve one of these cards. I live in alaska which faces many other issues dealing wth global warming!

shui, Taiwan

I would like to have one, too! :)

shui, Taiwan

Not long ago, I read a relative news in the website of Taiwan Environmental Information Center : (written in Chinese). Hope these postcards will draw everyone's concerns about these beautfiul islands, and the earth. :)

Hitokage, Taiwan

I would appreciate a card from Tuvalu! I have read about this project in Taiwan's newspaper several weeks ago, too! Hope we could always have a chance to visit those beautiful Tuvalu islands. :D

ains, United States of America

Very nice project :D
Would love to receive one if possible~

blunosr, Canada

Please count me in!

oklahomaplatypus, United States of America

Awesome project. I'd love to receive one.

artmonster, Taiwan

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu! :) Welcome to TAIWAN!

skootertrash, United States of America

Love to have one of your special postcards. :)

bandia, United States of America

I would be honored to receive a postcard from Tuvalu! I hope that through this project we can increase awareness about how global warming could affect the people of Tuvalu and throughout the world.

dreamingincode, United States of America

I too would like to receive one~

asyakvit, United States of America

I would love to get a postcard from there... but now I really want to go to Tuvalu and get to know its natives! Keep us updated and please let us know how else can we help!

yvi-1, United States of America

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. However, I would be even more excited to send a postcard to these children. If they are interested in receiving as well, please disclose their address to those interested.

MariaFlorencia, Argentina

I'd love to receive one of this cards.. Thanks for the oportunity!!

DragonRabbit, Canada

I'm in and happy to be a part.

malleechick, Australia

I'd be honoured to receive a card from these students.

ylchewserena, Malaysia

It's nice to know that the young people are making an initiative to "save" Mother Earth from further destruction. I'd love to be part of this wonderful project. Count me in!

LarryHidingHawk, United States of America

I'm a ham radio operator & I talked to someone on Tuvulu once. So quite naturally I would be very happy to receive a postcard from them...that way I would have both an amateur radio contact & a postcrossing contact! The only thing better, I suppose would be to go visit!!

louisa_zbl, China

I'd love to receive one of the cards!

dan1066, United States of America

I live in Louisiana. We understand what's happening. Good luck.

katanke, Finland

I would love to receive postcard, Thank you :)

ringwood, Canada

What an wonderful project! Even though my son is only 14 months old, he loves seeing the postcards that Mummy receives every day, and I love teaching him about the different countries they arrive from. A card from Tuvulu would be a great honour for both of us! :)

Janice_Hou, Taiwan

I would love to receive one!!! ^+++^ Thank you :)

sayangshandy, Malaysia

I would love to receive one too, thanks ;)

happyiyi86, Malaysia

I would like to know something about Tuvalu, amazing project to inform the world about the place :)

Edeniade, Canada

Oh wow, a postcard from Tuvalu. I'd be so touched to get a postcard from one of the kids!

msarceda, Argentina

Please count me in!!! I'd love to have one!

natallie, Taiwan

Brilliant idea, make me count!

the_beatles_4_ever, United States of America

I'd love to get one! Maybe I could even try and get a local newspaper to cover the story to raise awareness!

is-this-it, New Zealand

Sounds great, I would love one! :)

redlynx, Russia

I'd love to get one!

kairway, China

Me! :)
Best wishes to people there.

DeLorean, United States of America

I would love to recieve one! Or send one! Whichever works!

Morgaine, Germany

Of course I'd be delighted to get a postcard from Tuvalu!
Thanks for introducing this project to us :)

kanerva2, Finland

Great! I'd love to recieve one, too!

willemijn, Netherlands

I'm surely not the first Dutch crosser to expres my wish for such an awesome card, but here you go.
I applaud this initiative.
Is there an address, so I can send a postcard to this organisatione, to salute and support them?

Shaneez, South Africa

Oh, yes, PLEASE, I would love to have one:-)
Thanks for highlighting this issue!

Floranna, Finland

I wouldlove to receive one and me part of this.

MALT, Netherlands

I would love to get a special postcard from Tuvala!

Willi, Germany

Yes,I would like to receive one 8->

annoka, Russia

I'd be happy to have this card from Tuvalu. Thank you for including me :)

las424, United Arab Emirates

I'd love to receive a postcard : )

janet000, Taiwan

Great idea! I would like to receive one. Let's show the earth our love!

Restu_Amalia, Indonesia

I would love to be a part of this amazing event ;)

marumo, Japan

Great idea! I'd like to receive one :)

laban, Finland

I have read about this threat and I fully appreciate this project, and for sure I would like ta have a card from the remote island of Tuvalu.

SIM95, Malaysia

I would like to receive one.
It's a meaningful project! ^_^

sgin, United States of America

I'd be happy to participate.

xud108, United States of America

I'd love to receive one postcard from Tuvalu. Let's do our little part to slow global warming starting from Reduce Reuse Recycle.

schneggisabrina, Switzerland

A great project. I would like to receive a postcard too... Thanks a lot.

Viva101, Australia

I'd love a card from Tuvalu, one of our close neighbours. Thanks

Harkfast, Germany

Me too!! :)

Delenna, Finland

Me too! Of course!

gina71, Germany

I would be honored to receive one of your postcards. Thank you!

Meloman, Russia

I would be happy to receive one!

Copperflower, Finland

This is an amazing idea, I'd love to receive a card, too. :)

Gaiasduhter, Germany

I would be happy to receive a postcard from Tuvalu!

ammy, Singapore

I'm from Singapore; am I too late to say I would like one? ;)

vortex, Australia

I'd love a card, please.

icarus, China

Great idea! I'd love to receive such a special card from Tuvalu and do want to send back to show my support and concern.

Zaone, Norway

I really would love one card from Tuvalu! :)

Aparna_s24, India

I would like one too.. We need to spread the word..

Amovitam, United States of America

I'd like a card from Tuvalu too!

daglelie, Netherlands

Great idea! I also would like to recieve one of those cards.

perheV, Finland

I met once a man from Tuvalu in a bar in Hong Kong, so I sort of have heard of the bad news and I would be honored to get a card from there!

takado, Germany

Wow - this is a fantastic way to tell the world about the problems of global warming ! I would be honoured to receive a card from Tuvalu and blog about this special event !

Little_rat, Russia

Surely would like to receive one!
It's really bad deal if such a nice country could disappear!

rachaface, United States of America

stellar idea - i'd love to receive one as well!

Elcmae, United Kingdom

Oh I do hope Tuvalu dosen't disappear from the world map. This is a great way of spreading the word. I would love to receive one of these cards, please.

TrickySticky, Netherlands

I also would love to participate. :-) What a wonderful idea! :-)

Mr_Walker, Sweden

I would love to have a card.

Vanajatar, Finland

It would be an honor to receive a card from Tuvalu. This project is very important and the way of spreading the word is definitely awesome. What a wonderful project!

indianfriendszone, India

Hello Tuvalu

Well i know i am too late to ask for it :) but still looking forward to get a card from your country...
it would be my pleasure to receive such special Earth 2010 card.
Thank You

chibibluebird, Canada

Awesome! I'd love to receive one.

ninam, Netherlands

What a great idea!
I'd love to receive one!

Coffeedoff, United Kingdom

I would be delighted to receive one of your cards. I think it is a great project. Thank you

walle, Croatia

I would like to receive one, too! It is great idea!

RitaG89, Netherlands

I would love to receive one. :) I just had to write a report about the mangroves of the pacific islands and I'm aware of the situation of Tuvalu.

hope_clearwater, Ukraine

I would definitely love to get one:)

objektklasse, Austria

I would love to get a card!

codruteco, Ireland

I want one!

Katlya, Germany

Great idea! I surely would love to receive one! =)

marja2006, Finland

I would love to have a card from Tuvalu! =)

KarenWatermelon, Canada

me too me too me too!
I was second to post on the facebook post of thise... didnt realize it was here! uh oh!

Rya, Switzerland

A wonderful idea! I would love to receive one!

Rozlinda, Malaysia

Hi! I would love to receive one from Tuvalu! =)

Frogglin, Australia

I would love to receive one also, if there's room in the Aussie slots!

tiinav, Finland

I would also be delighted to receive one of your cards. I think this is a great project (but it will not keep Tuvalu above the surface).

mattyboy3y, Italy

Yeah! This would be great! I'd love to get a PostCard from this tiny Paradise on Earth! Thanks so much :)

RueppurrerKind, Germany

I would love to receive one of these postcards :-)

Alina92, Germany

What a wonderful project! I would like to receive a postcard, too :)

isabetta, Italy

It's a great event and it's always good to learn what happens to our planet and what we can do for it. I'd love to receive one of these special postcards!

renske82, Netherlands

I would love to receive one. I think it's a great project, I hope it raises more awerness

dionysiac, Türkiye

It's great! I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu! :)

Bar1973, Netherlands

I would love a postcard, if I am not too late...

lohari_, Finland

I'd be honored to participate how ever possible :)

Vre, Switzerland

I would be very happy to get one of this cards!

Hawwa, Spain

I would love a card from this little country, if possible. It's so sad to think about the disappearance of this country... Best wishes for Tuvalu people!

Medea_H, Austria

I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu! Tashi Deleks! Medea

dennis_desmond_khoo, Malaysia

Hi, I would love to have a card from Tuvalu! =)

Mieka, Spain

I would really like to receive one. Already posted on facebook, didn't know if that counted, so here I am again. ;D

Wildfire, New Zealand

I also live in Oceania and I would really appreciate getting one of these special postcards. And even if I can not receive a postcard, I would like to send the children a postcard, along with many others who have expressed an interest in doing so. Will there be an address we can use?

katis, Czech Republic

I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu! :-)

LacrimadiLuna, Italy

I would like to receive one :) Thanks a lot and nice idea!

Smooth_O, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I haven't been active for a while, but i'm back on Postcrossing, and i would like to receive Tuvalu postcard.

mirmi40, Netherlands

I really want a postcard from Tuvalu!! Thanks!

papermoon, Cyprus

What a great idea! I would like to receive a card.

BraveJ, Serbia

I would love a card, too! :) Thank you!

pne, Germany

I would like one, too, please!

Brendon33, Finland

What a wonderful idea! I'd love to get one.

nicoleG, South Africa

Hi there, my name is Nicole, I'm 6 years old & live in South Africa. I'd love to receive one of your cards. I certainly believe that God will not allow your beautiful country to be swallowed by the ocean!

baroncilek, Türkiye

I would love to receive one of those cards! It is a wonderful project! Best wishes to Tuvaluan people!:)

Woyteq, Poland

It would be grat to receive such postcard. Happy Earth Day!

aletta74, Netherlands

Yes I want one. to make my collection "all over the world cards" complete!

Hasenwinkel, Germany

Please - I would like one, too.

tinkara, Slovenia

Oh, I would love to get a card from Tuvalu.

Schnekk, Germany

Schnekk should also get a card! :-)

Sauyee, Hong Kong

I would like one, please. :)

Marcie08, Austria

Great idea! I would like to receive one!

BlackKnight, Croatia

I would like to recieve a postcard from Tuvalu. Thanks!

Kropka, Poland

Greetings from Niepołomice, Poland. I'd like to show this postcard to my school mates.

MrsSpeechless, Switzerland

I would like to receive one of those postcards too :) Greets from Switzerland

khey, Germany

That's a fantastic idea! I'd love to be part of it and receive a card!

soydeviaje, Italy

I would love to partecipate to this project and receive the card!:-)

MinnieB, Australia

I would love one!

Ewinia, Poland

We'd love to receive the card! Happy Earth Day from Ewa & Inia :-)

jasminp, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I'd also like to receive the card. It's amazing that the island can be swallowed by ocean...Happy Earth Day

Ikun, Spain

Yes please, I'd love to have one! And I'm more than ready to send a postcard back to Tuvalu. Besides, is there any association (like WWF, Friends of the Earth, etc.) that actually sells Earth Day postcards? I would absolutely buy and send them around!
Ikun, Spain ^_^

stampmaz2000, Australia

I would love love love a postcard from Tuvalu. Thank you for raising the issue about how serious climate change is:)

suburbansafari, Australia

I would love to receive one of these cards. I have a friend who is Tuvaluan, so I've been watching this issue with some interest.

decowoman, Germany

I also would love to get one. I agree that we really have to something against the climate change. It would be horrible for these poor peopel if they had to leave their homes!!!!

flscott407, United States of America

What a great idea. I live in Florida and I wish the schools here would do this. The only way to solve our global warming issues is with our young people. Hopefully I'll receive a postcard that I can share with my daughter.

FairyFoot, United Kingdom

I would love to receive one, and perhaps even send them a postcard from Wales.

BBSir, Belarus

What a great idea. I would love one!

mor_lefay, Greece

I would love to receive one too! Great idea!

HM, Netherlands

I'm in! Would love to return one or two as well!

marifran, Netherlands

I would love to receive one :) Thanks for the opporunity !!

katts70, Estonia

I would like to receive a card too.

Nerys, Germany

I would love to receive a postcard. Tuvalu is a great name.
Thank you for the great idea!

Oi, Netherlands

I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu. It's an aweful idea to think about an entire island to be vanished forever..

pefawm, Norway

I really love to receive one. But do not forget what this is all about. We have to change the climed and not wait til your neighbour begins, but begin with your selv. There is so much you can do.

Charlie_Dale, Malaysia

I love to receive it. I can share it with my students about Earth Day 2010 and Tuvalu. In my school I also handle a programs related to enviromental education and supported any program such as Earth Hour and Egg = life handle by WWF. My school also nominated as Enviromental friendly school program.

scrutiny, Hong Kong

Would I be the lucky one from Hong Kong? This is a great initiative, I'm glad to be a part of it, even if I don't get a postcard! Is there something us non-winners can do? :)

mollyphlox, Finland

This is a great idea, I would love to receive one of those postcards! :)

liuchuang, China

I would love to get one~Such a brilliant idea!!!

LadyJelena89, Serbia

I would love to receive one :)

Ollychen, Belarus

I would be happy to receive a card like this!

Edoras, Germany

It's really scary! And yes, I'd love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. Great project!

guipost, Brazil

Of course I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu!
And I am from Brazil.

PaulaB, Switzerland

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu!

pinattina, Türkiye

I'd be happy to receive a card from Tuvalu :)

Belarus, Belarus

We would love one!

Nueteki, Russia

The project is very interesting. I would like to receive one too!

tristia, Australia

I'd love one too :)

Belkozavr, Russia

I would be happy to receive such a card. It's great idea! I've never thought that climate change could vanish a country so soon.

AnitaHeleena, Finland

I would like to recieve some of those special cards drawn by student at Tuvalu.

I have noticed that there are many teachers who use Postcrossing as a learning material in their classes. I think this if marvelous! My son's daughter, 6 years, even got a fairy tale book from Japan that was translated in English for her by a Japanese school class which is one of us, postcrossers.

I wish success for this project!


jhbr, Norway

i live in a city at norway's coastline - so i am in, of course!

KLMircea, Romania

I'm from ROMANIA and I WOULD LOVE to have such a cards :D:D:D

kasiar, Spain

I´d love to receive one card from Tuvalu! And of course I wish all the best for inhabitants of this beautiful country.

nastassia_zenovich, Belarus

Thank you for the great idea!
I would love one :)

east_wind, Finland

I'd love to receive one too. :) I hope that the project goes well!

ximilian, France

Me too!
I would love to have one of those!!!
Have a Great Earth Day, postcrossers!!!

(and spread the word about the problem, do not ask just for a pc!!! :D)

maud560, Netherlands

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu! I had heard of the country but not of the danger of extinction. Hope it turns out ok.

fisherman, Ireland

I would love to receive one of these special cards

icspi, Netherlands

I would love to get this postcard!

helena_of_troy, Finland

Would love to receive a card from Tuvalu!
Thanks and good luck!

czekoladowy_stefan, Poland

Great idea! thank you!

Nordbaer, Germany

Yes, I would love to receive one and hang it on my postcard wall in my house as a permanent reminder how important the protection of the environment is...

Kurzwelle, Germany

I would like to get such a postcard, too. :-)

caveman, Germany

Great project! The thought of leaving the place I've lived for so many years and becoming a climate refugee scares me.
And to speak honestly, to receive a card from this remote part of the world that I will never see by own eyes is very thrilling.
Good luck to Tuvalu!

frankou, Taiwan

I would love to get one!

Tan_ja, Finland

I'd love to get one too! :) This is a great idea

bookboy, United States of America

Count me in! I'd love to have one!

chongcw, Malaysia

Just want to be one of the receivers you select, so I wish I can have one~~ ^_^

mbprovence, United States of America

I would like one, and can we send one to them as well?

Cheryll, Suriname

Hi! I sure would like to receive this special card! thanks and all the best to the people in Tuvalu!

Stephany, Netherlands

I would also like one. I love the idea.

rkneo11, India

It is a great thing that they have decided to fight adversity by any means possible...
Love to have a card from them...

zoomster, Canada

What an awesome thing...count me in!!

chahsin10, Taiwan

Wow,it's really a significant activity. I'd love to receive one. Also, I'm willing to send to them. ^^

ChristyLiu, China

Global warming a significant thing of the earth, every one should be aware of the seriousness of the problem. I would love to have one postcard and call more people to protect our earth.

lucymonty, United Kingdom

I'd love to receive one of these cards! I'm very concerned about climate change so anything to help spread the word :-D

Saint, Finland

What a wonderful idea, I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu!!!

kugusch, Germany

This sounds like a wonderful project and I'd also be honored to be one of the lucky recipients!

jolanta22, Poland

I would like to receive one :)

zihmin, Taiwan

What a great idea. I would love one TOO! ^^

AndAllThatJazz, United States of America

I would be very happy to receive one!

honeybee, Austria

What a great idea. I would be proud to receive one, too.

valdagua, Portugal

I would love to receive one card.
This is a great idea !

lena-lena, Germany

Wow, what a great idea - and what a horrible thought about having to be evacuated from your home :(
I'd certainly love to get a card!

ferdyaraujo, Portugal

I would love to receive one !

EddieGunner, Bosnia and Herzegovina

would love one too :)

janabell, Canada

I would be thrilled to receive one of these very special postcards :-)

Melandry, United States of America

Of course I would love to get one!

DivotedDiva, Finland

I would be honoured to receive one of these special cards from Tuvalu. :) Great idea!

PC, Russia

Thanks! I would like to receive one.

Coban, Germany

Send me one. I promise you'll get one in return ;-)

bramblerose_took, Netherlands

I would love one too. :)

coccolone, Germany

I would very much like to receive a card! :D

marites1034, Philippines

i hope am not too late..i really want one. This is really a good move by the students of Tuvalu.

phuleshouse, Canada

I would be interested in one! Let us hope it does not happen!

Chaospony, Canada

I would love a postcard from Tuvalu. What a wonderful project!

viggo_sanlorenzo, Argentina

Pls I would love a postcard from Tuvalu! It's an amazing project! Good luck!

alcott1, United States of America

This is a wonderful project. I think we Postcrossers care a lot more about what is happening in other parts of our world because we communicate with people from all over the globe and care about what happens to those people. I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu.

hosky, China

I think it's a very good try to spread the idea of protecting the earth. I'd surely like to participate. Thanks!

Tanja68, Finland

I would like to have one. A great idea!

Rommirusina, Finland

I would like one! Let's cool the climate together!

Venia, Norway

Me too. :) Thanks so much!!!!

sumares, Puerto Rico

From one island nation to another! I would love to receive a postcard in my Puerto Rican mailbox from Tuvalu :) Count me IN!

squino, Italy

I'd really love to take part to this project. It's very important to spread this message.

thatbutterflygirl, United States of America

I would like to receive one!

andrea209, Germany

What a great idea. I would love to have one!!

Gunslinger, Lithuania

It would be great to receive one :}

badguy, Poland

Hi! I'll be appreciate to get one of them. Bye, bye

olygirl, United States of America

I would love to receive one if I can!

yiphinwai, Malaysia

good project

Pipey, United Kingdom

I would love one please :-)

Dorthe, Denmark

What a great idea, please count me in

ChaosKind, Germany

brilliant idea, I'd love a card!

Duckfan, Netherlands

We would love a card from this special project :)

evaofadawn, Korea (South)

I'd cherish a card of such uniqueness! yay for supporting such a cause :)

delenn_mir, Poland

I would love such a card!

Pebbles84, Netherlands

What a wonderful idea! I would love to receive one :)

lada-y, Russia

I would love one!

edo, Spain

Good morning to all of you!!I´m Estela from Spain and I´ll be very happy if you could send me a card of your beautiful country!!:9 I must to addmit that I don´t know more about your place,but now I´m so interesting into meet more than your customs and country!!Have a nice day!!

croire_en_soi, Russia

Amazing idea!
Great project!
Count me in.

Csigat_Snail, Slovenia

Wow, great idea! I would like! =)

mmkay, Poland

Don't think I'm gonna make it, but I'll be happy to receive one, too.

rmb_cba, Argentina

It'll be a honor and a pleasure if I recive one of these postcard from Tuvalu!

marijep, Netherlands

Great idea. I would love to get a card :)

moonlessnite, Canada

Children + education = our future....great project kids. I would like one, please.

Aline_Paiva, Brazil

That'a an amazing idea! I'd like to receive one of them =)

sunny76, Germany

Once in a lifetime... :) Would be great to get a card from Tuvalu. Never heard about it before.

sylvestrezhu, China

I'd love to have one, too!!!

Mimmi1, Germany

A great idea - I'd definitely love to receive one!:)

hantsu, Finland

Wow, such a great idea. I would love to receive one! :)

mellovesfairies, Germany

Awesome idea, I would love one, please!!!

Huppu68, Finland

Oh, this sounds great and I'd love to receive a card from Tuvalu :) I just hope I'm not too late...

sedna, Germany

Hello! I'd love one aswell of course :).

vytinga, Canada

Me2, just i guess i'm not first from Lithuania, ane:)

Spanishliz, Canada

I would love to have a card from Tuvalu.

ichabodhides, United Kingdom

I'd love to receive one, too. Great idea!

ulpa, Poland

i'd love one as well! poor tuvalu! :(

luckydec, China

I would like to receive one!!!!

Freya_os, Croatia

I would love to have one!!!!!!!!!

ieroglif, Ukraine

Let's hope the predictions are false!
I'd be honoured to receive one of these cards.

Orlica, Poland

I would love to receive one of these postcards, it would be great thing!

thunderstorm_19, Canada

I'd love one!

ineos, Germany

ohh i would love to receive one of these cards

CsCJanni, Germany

Gosh, so many entries already but I'd also love a postcard

NeonHairspray, Lithuania

i would love to receive one ^^

Qualle, Germany

How small things can change the world... great idea!

I'd love a card, too.

k_fignewton, United States of America

I as well would love to receive one! =)

menchtseph, Portugal

oh, I'd love to receive one :)

moniqee, Poland

Amazing idea! It would be great to receive a postcard from Tuvalu :)

phoebeanna, United States of America

i would love to recieve one and would be happy to send the students one from here. :)

daniela_dmp, Romania

I would love to receive one :)

hadassah, Finland

I would love one too:)Awesome idea!

stoneagewoo, United States of America

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu!! Welcome to Mexico!! Let's do good changes for our planet!!

anansie, Slovenia

I would love to receive such postcard but also wish to send one back if possible.

akiduobe, Lithuania

I would love to get a postcard from Tuvalu! ♥

PenguinChick, Canada

I would love to receive one! Is it possible to send cards TO these students, also?

buttercup65, New Zealand

I think this is a neat way to raise awareness. I would love to receive one of these very special cards!

stubborn, United Kingdom

I'd love yo receive one :))

hummingacres, Canada

What a fantastic idea! With 3 kids under the age of 7 we've been using postcrossing educationally. I'm sure I'm not the first from Canada > but thank you for sharing info on Tuvalu (I am one that has not heard of it before)

Sennukka, Finland

I would love to receive one and send one too if possible. :)

Stuuvi, Finland

i would love to get one :)

Dumelaisuzu, South Africa

I think this is a great idea

moonblood, United States of America

I would be so happy to get one. Thank you!

hvalerpaaloftet, Belarus

I would love one as well :)

tc_tsang, Hong Kong

I would want to have 1 also... Thanks

dovcele, Lithuania

I'd be great to receive a postcard from Tuvalu...:)

ames, Portugal

I hope i'm lucky enough to receive one of this posts ('',)

trailwalker, United States of America

i would love to have one !way cool

krystie, United States of America

This is a wonderful idea. I would love one!

Mithrellas, Czech Republic

oh, I would love to participate! :-)

jpgcc, Portugal

I would love to get one!

dehringfam, United States of America

I'd like a card from Tuvalu!!

capricious-pancake, Poland

It would be absolutely amazing to receive such card!

ida, Finland

I would like to recieve one too! :)

Shaula, Netherlands

I would love a card from Tuvalu as well :)

wolljule, Germany

Ooooohh it would be fantastic if I could get one of these cards.
Best wishes

kisscut, Germany

I would really appreciate to receive one of those :)

marty44, Germany

I would like to send and receive one :)

rms, Portugal

I'm already wainting for it :-)

BeckyS, United States of America

I would also like to receive one♥

martabarata, Germany

I'm a bit late, but would also love one :)

pers-liza, South Africa

I would just love to add one of these special Postcards to my collection, here in South Africa!!

dennda, United Kingdom

I'd love to receive such a postcard too !

Speranza, Ireland

I'd love to get one from Tuvalu and maybe to send them one too:)

Dot, Netherlands

Would love to receive one!

felipe, Austria

dear all
what a wonderful idea! I would most certainly love to get one of your postcards!
best wishes from austria - martin

Monika198, Poland

I'd love to get one, too :)

Sylwia_k, Poland

Sister of Monika198 would also like to join :)

davedave, Austria

Of course I'd also love to get such a card!

jooliette, Brazil

Hey! I'd love to receive on of these postcards! :) Best wishes from Brazil!

ecurry, Canada

I'd love to participate. Can you send cards too? :D

ann2ve, Norway

I`d love to recieve a postcard from Tuvalu! And if I get an adress I`ll send a card from Norway :)

SunnyakaSolecito, Slovenia

I'd like one but i guess i am too late...

natalijag, Slovenia

I would like to get one:) Thank youuu:))

green-eyes, Canada

Oh...that sounds wonderful! I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu. I am also willing to send one back. Please add me to the list. Hope I am one of the lucky ones?

zirafka105, Czech Republic

I'd like to get a Tuvalu card too :-) Count me in :-)

nhigh, United States of America

I would like one too.

zjhzlk, United States of America

I would like one :). Thanks!

rosigur, Lithuania

Would be really pleased to have such unique card in my collection too. Thankies for opportunity!

keetje2612, Netherlands

Am I to late? :(:(
If not, I would love to receive a card!

ingushka, Lithuania

good idea! I'd like to receive one postcard too.

csp00, United States of America

I'd love to do it!

Lisa1, United States of America

Would love to receive and send a postcard to Tuvalu. Count me in! :)

asinx, Czech Republic

would be a nice addition to my collection :)

Niphredil, Spain

What a beautiful project! :)

i'd love to receive one of those special postcards from Tuvalu...

Best wishes from Spain, postcrossers! :)

vanessa85, Switzerland

Been in love with Tuvalu since years! Would be so great to receive a card from there!!

lilmonster, Montenegro

Oh, would be so happy to have one postcard from there! It would made my day. Hope it's still place for me there :)

Karen07, United States of America

Even if I don't get a card - thank you for making me aware. I'll share the news. I would love a card of course!

thisisj, United States of America

It's probably too late to be considered for a card, but what a wonderful idea! Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

hardlymorethanever, New Zealand

would love to be a recipient, thank you :)

mcfloozy, United States of America

I would so love to receive a card from Tuvalu! If you post an address for the classroom, I would be delighted to send them a Happy Earth Day card from Massachusetts. Save Tuvalu!

vanessa294, Germany

I would love a card from Tuvalu, too. Thanks for this event!

eglemarija, Spain

I would be very happy and thankful to receive postcard from Tuvalu :)

three, Germany

I would love a card as well. This is a very serious issue!

pcbuyer, United Kingdom

It would be good to post the address of their school and we could all send them a card to let them know the World cares about them. Take care and spread the word.

Afriki, Germany

This is a great idea, many people will learn more about it. I was collecting cards since I was a child and therefore it would be absolutely great to get one!

Tinetta, Italy

This is really a great idea =)I'd like to get one of them because I want to know more about it, TUVALU!and have something made by children =)

dougy, Germany

I would like to have one, too! :) it´s a great idea :)

shaunnaf, Canada

Here's hoping they aren't lost to the world - that would be scary! I would love to get a card.

Orchlin, United States of America

I'd love to have a card - it would go well with our Capstone course at Hanover College.

alina_doe, Romania

I knoew where the country is, but the fact that it would be the first one to disappear..that's new.
I would love to receive a card from its inhabitants!

Nath09, Belgium

Me too I'd be very happy, great initiative and we can be grateful to be part of the Tuvalu-project (but a little sad it wasn't mentioned this morning that we had to post on the blog ... I was so quick then :-)).

manopaslaptis, Lithuania

I also would be very happy about receiving one of those postcards!

trinschen, Germany

that's an amazing idea, I'd love to get a postcard from Tuvalu :)

LidijaLT, Lithuania

Me too, I'd love to get postcard from Tuvalu!

tatjanab, Slovenia

I would certainly love to get a postcard, but even if I don't, I will speak about this in the classroom. I teach English at a secondary school (15 to 19-year-olds) and I will do my best to keep them aware of the problem.

MrsTaavi, Germany

I would really like to receive a card from Tuvalu and it would be a pleasure to send a card back. :-)

nunoftferreira, Portugal

I also would like to receive one :)

ssarahh, Czech Republic

cool idea, I'd like to join :)

gulseren, Türkiye

I would like to get one please :-)

jne4str, United States of America

I would also love to receive a card from Tuvalu. Thanks for sharing this information. Sounds like a great project!

rpepperdine, United Kingdom

I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu. This is a great project and I will be telling people all about it.

Katha_Leen82, Germany

I also like to get a postcard from Tuvalu. :-)

LaTurca, Türkiye

please send me one !

latitude34, United States of America

I'd like to receive one. Thank you.

umut, Türkiye

You're doing great. Thanks to you this site is not an ordinary sharing spot but more than this. Everytime ı can learn something about the world and what's going on at the other places.Thanks for the raising awereness.
Sure I'd love to participate too. Greetings from Bursa!

switowna, Poland

I hope you find one more postcard - especially for me ;).

mazenfakih, Lebanon

I would love to get one too...

lukkyluke, Belgium

I also love a card from Tuvalu.

vergi, Russia

I'd like to participate=)

iloveletters, Germany

Am I to late to participate?

dulcey, United States of America

Hello! From NH! I would love a card from Tuvalu!!!

msmolins, United States of America

Hello! I would love a postcard from Tuvalu!

chpmnk73, United States of America

Count me in, this sounds great! :)

CanisLupus, Poland

I'd be really excited to get a postcard from Tuvalu! ;)

mcpheebeth68, United States of America

Of course I would like one - Great idea!!

laurie09, United States of America

Our family would love one, too! Thanks

hadaverde, United States of America

I would love to receive one of the postcards from Tuvalu if I am lucky enough to be selected!

ChasingAutumn, United States of America

I would love a card. I can't believe the country might disappear because of climate change!

lednimedved, United States of America

I would like to get one of these cards too. Anything that can help spread awareness of global warming and climate change. Thanks for the opportunity postcrossing!

Cherilyn, United States of America

I'd also like to participate, if it's not too late. Good luck with your project.

alpski_popotnik, Slovenia

It is really scary to think what all can happen in future, so this chance for getting a card from Tuvalu is maybe the last.

Syliar, Sweden

I would like to recieve one of these cards :D

Lorelai, Germany

Kids are the future:
interesting idea for Tuvalu.
Our daughters (17,14,10) + I would be proud to be multiplicators for this project.

bkoonce, United States of America

I don't be believe a whit about global warming, but I'm all about the postcards!

Steffelchen, Germany

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. :) Greetings from Paris, France. :)

ganderson, Australia

What a wondeful thing for children to do for their future. I would love to receive a card.

Blackie, Italy

I'd love to be in this project as well! =)

ephemera, Norfolk Island

All the best for this project from another small Pacific island. I'd be honoured to receive one of these postcards!

lohsmeng, Singapore

I would like to receive a postcard from Tuvalu.

Rabarber_, Netherlands

This sounds like a really nice and important project! Such a great idea to draw attention to the people on Tuvalu. I would be honored if I could be in this project :)

gringalais2, Chile

Hopefully I am first from Chile. I would love to get a postcard!

tmcmandy, Hong Kong

great idea... love to have one card too!

Blogger, United States of America

Wonderful! I would love to have one in my collection!

Blogger, United States of America

Is there an address where we could send them a random postcard from where we live? Just to let them know we like what they are doing? Regardless if we are too late to get a card from them.

Gudrun59, Germany

I would be so happy to take part in this great project.

micklpickl, United States of America

This would be so cool! Add my name to the mix, please.

renegade_cavalcade, Canada

I'd love one...if it is not too late :)

amaterasu98, Austria

now that we were later told that we shall post here instead of at the facebook site, I'm positive that I'm not the 1st person from Austria to post (I was the 3rd person in total to post and also the 1st from Austria there). I don't think that this is fair, sorry.

marlepowe, United States of America

It would be awful to have to leave your home and nothing left, I would love to participate and receive a postcard from Tuvalu.

mdebets, Germany

I'd love one too.

ilove2smile, United States of America

Wow, I would be so honored to receive one!

scrapbookartist, Canada

It would be an honour to receive a postcard.

Hildegarde, Belgium

Very much aware of climate change and its consequences (I worked in nature conservation for 10 years), I would like it very much to receive a card (but I am probably way too late :-)

AKadventurer, United States of America

I would love to receive a card, although I know that I'm also probably too late.

uscshameless, United States of America

I would love to receive a card, Earth Day is my birthday, so I feel a special connection with the Earth Day celebration... we're so lucky to have the world we have, we need to keep it healthy and well!

SDSmith, United States of America

I would love to receive one also. Earth Day is a very important day. This is the only planet we have so we need to save it.

Dancing_Sun, Thailand

I would love to receive one of these special postcards. :)

LittleCableCars, United States of America

50 years actually sounds like an emergency to me. I'd also like to receive one. Thanks.

peterahon, Philippines

I would like to send the kids postcards from Korea I would be interested to get at least 5 names... good wishes, pete

heyjude, United States of America

We'd sure like to get one here in Tinian if it's not already too late and we'll send back a Tinian crard or a few.

emilia558, Taiwan

I would like to receive one.

Fin-Sari, Finland

This ia an amazing idea, though I seem too be late...Shit! :-(

Karen-Campbell, United States of America

A postcard from Tuvalu.

dineshsoni, India

Am I too late? I would like to receive one if I can still receive..

karirose19, United States of America

I would love to receive a postcard. Wisconsin, USA!

florencen, Australia

you could send one to me if I am not too late.

estromberg, United States of America

Would love a postcard!! Living close to a shoreline I understand the rising sea levels. Best wishes to all in Tuvalu!!

awesomeang, United States of America

I'd love one - what a great cause!!! :D

xtlera, Germany

I would like to received one too, thank you!!!

sep123321, China

China have so many postcrossinger ,i want a postcard send from there,but so many people,i dont know if i can Competition than them ,good luck to me? let me dream come true :)

megscannell, United States of America

Count me in! And I hope that postcrossing offers a follow up story, of all the places around the world the cards went!

jjalltheway, United States of America

Hi Tuvalu! I hope I'm not too late. I would love to recieve a card with the special stamps! I wouls also like to send one to the kids of Tuvalu. I hope they all come with a return address, I will send them one back letting them know that we do care about their Island nation.

AJAlbrizze, United States of America

We would love to participate! Please count us in.

shell618, United States of America

I think this so such a great way to raise awareness of such an important event! Please concider me for one of the postcards.

sheewee, Malaysia

This is a great activity. I really wish to have one too =)

abbyaguas, Philippines

0hh, I'm too late. But I would like to have one as well, if there's more.

Komet83, Germany

This is a great thing, you're doing here. Maybe it is going to help people thinking about the effects of global warming and maybe more people will try to help preventing this.
I would love to get a postcard from Tuvalu, but I am absolutely sure that I am too late... there are surely many people from Germany in this list already.

Anyways, keep up the good work!

belissah, Finland

I would love to get one, too! This is very important thing and I find Postcrossing system totally respectable helping Tuvalu!

nobodies, Lithuania

I want to get one too, but i think, that i'm not the first from Lithuania. All the best for Tuvalu.

neitoinen, Finland

I would love to receive one !
already enrolled facebook..

Dager, Belgium

Okay!! My second attemp (I already posted yesterday on Facebook) It is so sad to see the direct impact of the global warming on places like Tuvalu. I would love to take part of this great project. If I receive a card I will post it on my postcard blog: This will be my way to spread the word :)) And I would love to send some cards back to the students!!

saskia1973, Netherlands

Such a lovely project!

simonwest, China

I hope I can receive one from those students, but I think the more important thing is to alert more people about the climate change.. thank you Paulo & Postcrossing!

MarjoleinVtG, Netherlands

This is a great project! I hope I can receive a card too :)

nnniiina, Finland

This is such an important project! Unfortunately I noticed it too late to receive a card, but just in case I want to comment, I'd love to receive card from Tuvalu. :)

masito, Switzerland

I'd like to get one too :)

Mierna, Ukraine

I would be glad to receive this card.

sxdpeter, China

I would like to receive one! Thank you very much.

sonataca, United States of America

I know I don't stand a chance but I would like to have one too. All this time, I heard my native country, Bangladesh would be drowned by 2012 but it seems a bit different after reading this. It is exremely sad. I try my best to be eco friendly but it is not a one person job and my family does not really take part in such cause since being eco-friendly is a bit expensive but whatever is possible, I try to do it. Our world's population is growing everyday and if we run out of places to live in, it will be outrageous. Anyway, I hope Tuvalu does not get wiped out. I learned Tuvalu when I had started to collect one postcard from every nation in this world. And that happened thanks to postcrossing.

Well done postcrossing!

nadeshi, Finland

I would love one too :)

Fuengfa, Thailand

This's a nice project. I would to receive one :D

nisha, Poland

I would really like to receive one postcard, too...

peter88823, Malta

I'm very enthusiatic about receiving a postcard from Tuvalu.

Count me in please! :)

tdkiska, Poland

I know that is late now, but i'll try...
I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu.

Flugelse, Germany

Me too! :))
Love the polynesians. Have been to french polynesia a few years ago. There are so lovely people!

Jodie05, Australia

I am sure I am too late :-( but I would be delighted to receive a card from Tuvalu! It's so surreal to think of a whole country disappearing. This is a fantastic collaboration, thank you!

d3mon3, Canada

I would really love to receive one!!

Wendy19, United Kingdom

I would really love to receive one! :)

lapoussine35, France

Wonderful idea! It would be so neat to get a card from the kids :-) I can dream right :-)

annapm, Ukraine

Of course I want to take part in this project!

holbi, France

I would be glad to receive one of these postcards (I live in France !)

Thanks a lot !

KPost, United States of America

I would love one!

kubikula, Czech Republic

I am indeed interested in one of those postcards. Please, send me one!
Hi Tuvalu!

Kyurisu, Estonia

Wow this is such an awesome idea! I hope postcrossing will keep on doing fun stuff like this ^_^
I would really want one a lot, though I might be late ;_;

Gulfmann, Taiwan

I am hope to receive one !!

wwwera, Israel

I really want to join... country! and help this I would also love one! :)

StojakSiblings, Germany

us too^^xd

carolienv, Norway

Hi, I would love to receive a card!
All the best from the world's northernmost town: Hammerfest at 70 North in Northern Norway

Ukraine_win, Ukraine

Ukraine with you, this is a wonderful day on April 22. we want one!

lupideeloop, Spain

It's lovely how you do! Greetings from Spain! It's not easy to change our minds to protect the planet, but we have to do. Time's going out so far...

Pixie1, Netherlands

Great project! Here in Holland, not the entire country would be swept away, but certainly half of it. Eventhough it is hard to change, we have to, to save the climate. I would certainly love to receive a card.

baiqitun, China

Amazing! I'd love to join too :)

caffeine9, Lithuania

I would happy to receive one card :)

OlyaS, Ukraine

I'd love to receive one of these special cards.

oumacillas, South Africa

I would love to receive one too

brian_kam, Hong Kong

I like to have one~ thx~

geraldinetxw, Singapore

I would definitely love to receive one!:D

BOOGIE_PIPPIN, United Kingdom

I had never heard of this tiny island or Earth Day so would love a card as a keepsake. We live and learn!

NomadicParamedic, Canada

I couldn't imagine - not only losing my home, but having my entire COUNTRY disappear into the sea! Even if I don't get a card, I would love to know if there is anything else I can do to help the project!

danikbates, United Kingdom

I would love one from the islands, but its such a shame that the island is more likely to disappear shortly! It is such a shame, and I hope I can get out there before its under water.

guioliveirax, Portugal

I would really like to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. And this is a great project!

lankygecko, Finland

I'd like to participate!

Gizella, Finland

Yes, I would love to receive a postcard. It's a great idea.

littlebig, Czech Republic

A really superb project! Greetings to Tuvalu, I would definitely love to participate.

lindafayivy, Netherlands

I hope my message is not too late, but I'd really love to receive such a special card!
Thank you very much and good luck to all the inhibitants of Tuvalu!

zeninthekitchen, Türkiye

If noone from Turkey applied yet, I could be the one (and would be happy to send a postcard to the students of Tuvalu who are working on this project!)

Norway_girl, Norway

I guess I'm a bit late, but I'd still love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu!

Justvibewithme, United States of America

I would love to help I can send postcards from NC where I live. GA and SC.

ZafiriAthena, United States of America

I would really like to participate!

Lukka, Russia

I'd love to receive card too! (I know that I'm too late)

hector_alejandro, Venezuela

I{d love to recieve a card here in Venezuela!!! (I hope that I{m too late)

Islander, Faroe Islands

Great way to get people to pay attention.
I would love to receive one.

AshleyF, United States of America

I'd be honored to receive one of these special cards. :)

jarzan, Finland

If there still is any cards to deal then I also would like to get such a treasure.

kleo11, United States of America

Who wouldn"t want a postcard? This is why we are here in the first place and then to find out that it could become extremely rare. Bonus. Of course I would love to have a postcard.

moeshell, United States of America

I would love a postcard from Tuvalu. Earthday has always been special for me because it is always the day after my bday.

Erigone, Italy

I would love one!

shootingstar7, Puerto Rico

I would like to participate, please. April 22 is earth day and also my birthday!!! I love you earth!

Dasii, Poland

I would like one!

jordi07, Spain

I would love to receive one !

Thanks and good luck! ;)

juytters, Belgium

I am sure I won't be the first of Belgium but I'd love to send them a card. Can the address of their school be published on the site? Thanks, Jo

Eva-Alianne, Netherlands

I would love to get a card from Tuvalu. Because next month i am going to school for the first time.( in 2 weeks i celebrate my 4th b-day) And i am very looking forward to that day. I hope in my school they will organize actions like this!!!

Whimsey, Finland

I would love a postcard from Tuvalu too and it would be great if the school address appeared somewhere that we could send some cards there too :)

lujanruizm, Spain

It's a fantastic idea. I would like to received one. Thanks

Brigitte-Meyer, France

I think it is a very good idea and i hope it will help Tuvalu to be known all over the world, and that every one can become conscious that those islands as Tuvalu or Kiribati will one day disappear because of our selfishness. Millions of cards shoud be sent! And of course i would like to receive one that will help me to have Tuvalu in my mind and in my prayers every day.

OnTheMoon, Italy

This is amazing! Would love to receive one!

Palmela, Portugal

I realy want received one . thank you

Laser, Netherlands

I'm probably too late, but I wholeheartedly support this mission! Tuvalu was very important to the internet-users that work in or for television, for providing the world with the suffix ".tv" which many a tv-producer picked up on. If only those tv-persons - making use of this .tv address - could be 'pressed into service' to help make this a success!

positivelypostal, United Kingdom

I would be delighted to receive a card from Tuvalu which I can feature on the Positively Postal website - where we would be without the postal system! Scott :)

MaddieLunde, Canada

I would Love it so much if I got a postcard from Tuvalu!!!!!! That would be so cool :D

Save Tuvalu!!!!!!

Tiffani, United States of America

Of course I would also love to receive a postcard given it's not too late!
This is a great opportunity for everyone to be more aware of what's going on around our world. Thanks postcrossing!

velorium, Germany

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu. I have a band and I have written about 2 songs about Tuvalu so far. I have even done school presentations about Tuvalu. I am the biggest fan of this country. And I really mean it. q

Lori45P, Canada

What a great way to make the world aware of the seriousness of climate change. I would be thrilled to receive one of these cards! I would also love to send them a card in return to show that we are aware and that we do care.

MaddieLunde, Canada

This is a fascinating project!!!! i would Love to be apart, Here in Canada.

islander61, Bahamas

Please add my name to the list to receive a postcard.

NASAChelle, Spain

I would love to receive a postcard from Tuvalu to share their story on my educational website Imagiverse.ORG . Stories like this make the meaning of Earth Day so very real!

shiauchin, Malaysia

yes... yes.. I'd love to receive one.

cloable, France

I'd love to have one too :)

graceylou, United States of America

I would love one! :)

graceylou12, United States of America

I would like to receive one!

elwingelfje, Netherlands

I'd love to get a card.

Chunli, China

Good idea! I would like to receive one! Best wishes for Tuvalu!:-)

rettaharp, New Zealand

Wow what a list. Please count me in as I would be honored :0)

Tux, Germany

Here's a pleased receiver of a card from this country so far away from Europe!

arasmi, United States of America

I'd love to receive one if it's not too late :]

lindenfir, Lithuania

It would be a honour to complement cards' collection with one from wonderful country - Tuvalu. Have a great Earth Day! all the best from Lithuania :*

kokoronotomo, Australia

This is such a great idea! I would very much like to recieve one if not too late! =)

PENZE, France

I would love to receive one of their cards! :o)

icitaiwan, Netherlands

I have no idea if it's still possible to join, but I'm definitely interested in receiving such an awesome card ^_^

Kijem, United States of America

What a wonderful way to share an important message and realize the impact of what we do truly affects all the world. We would love to receive a card! Thank you! :)

elefunk, Germany

What a wonderful idea! I really would love to recieve one card, too. I`m also in concern about the climate and I think we cannot do eonugh to save Mother Earth.

viou, Russia

I would like to receive the card)

nyassa-ici, United Kingdom

Well, at 695 previous comments, it seems likely that I'm far too late, but if there happened to be a slot left for a French address, I'd be so delighted to receive one of these cards. Whether or not I receive a card, I think it's a wonderful way to get the message across, and congratulations to everyone involved in the unique idea.

wildernesscat, Israel

I'd love to participate as well!

Mik, France

I'd love to receive a card, although I'd treasure it, I'd like to put it up for sale on my site on Delcampe to generate more pubicity, let someone else have the card, and of course donate the proceeds to Tuvalu.

Pietro83, Italy

Needed to say?! I want one too! :-D

Davyn, Finland

Yes please, I would love to have one. :)

Margitka, Czech Republic

Great, waw, postcard from Tuvalu! I would love to receive one, please;)

Lieverona, Netherlands

Love to do something for this earth and eveything on it. I think I am too late for a card, but then my post is important. Save some energy, take your bike, think green and save the world.

evgeni, Ukraine

I'd certainly like to get a card, too! Can I send one in return?

gillenia, Austria

Great idea... needless to say, i want one too

knitter007ca, Canada

Thank you for hosting this special project. Hooray for Tuvalu and Earth Day 2010!!

jmw1072, United States of America

I would love one!!! Great project!

ludovico, Portugal

Great project! I really would love to receiva a postcard from Tuvalu with the condition that the sender sends also his/her adress so I can send a postcard back.

AnnaEli, Germany

I would love to get one :)

Saintois, Belgium

of course I would like to have one.. but I really want to send childrens of Tuvalu a postcard too. Give me their address..

Silv_a, Lithuania

Of, course, I would like to receive one too. :)

hhannah, Finland

I'd love to have postcard from Tuvalu:) we can't let tuvalu sink!

sonjab, Germany

would love one card from there!

manu_hsp, India

I would like to receive one. it's truly a great way to create awareness around the globe.

Christa, Germany

I would love to receive a card from Tuvalu , I also can send them something back ...maybe from my danish pupils ?!

maisiecatgsy, Guernsey

I would like a card from Tuvalu, I understand about living on an island because I do too!!

madalenafeio, Portugal

It's a great idea to alert people to the problems Earth is facing. I Would be honoured to receive a postcard from Tuvalu, but would like even more to send one back...

violeta13, Romania

I'd love to receive one!

Shiz, Finland

Participating on such a project would be both fun and most important. So if or when needed, count me in!

snowkitten, Ireland

Oooh, I would love to take part!

elainevaleria, Brazil

Of course I'll be happy in receiving one!

superpana, United States of America

Wow - what a great project about a scary and important issue!

I would treasure a postcard from the students in Tuvalu!

sinusdivinus, Belgium

I would really love to receive a wonderful card!

Djalima, Austria

Hey! What a great idea! I'd for sure love to recieve one of the cards.

paulo, Portugal

Thank you everyone for the outstanding participation! We have now enough addresses and will forward them to the students in Tuvalu. :)


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