Faroe Islands

is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 54,482 habitants. The capital of Faroe Islands is Tórshavn.
Members: 8 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,210 postcards
Received: 741 postcards
Ranking: 133rd (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Faroe Islands

Most active members

1. malotta, Faroe Islands malotta
221 postcards sent
2. Akaah, Faroe Islands Akaah
154 postcards sent
3. dja, Faroe Islands dja
124 postcards sent
4. Islander, Faroe Islands Islander
62 postcards sent
5. Miaerz, Faroe Islands Miaerz
59 postcards sent
6. stikkan, Faroe Islands stikkan
13 postcards sent
7. Ajungilaq, Faroe Islands Ajungilaq
5 postcards sent
8. MixMiaerz, Faroe Islands MixMiaerz
5 postcards sent
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