Anita, a world traveler, joined Postcrossing at the recommendation of a pen pal. She has over thirteen thousand postcards in her collection.
- How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?
Because she knew how much I love postcards, my dear pen friend Aase from Denmark told me about Postcrossing in the summer of 2006. So I thought to myself “why not, let’s try it” – and after I found my first postcards in my mailbox it happened to me: I got addicted to Postcrossing.
I have met so many nice people via Postcrossing but also via private swaps and some of them in real life – robin67 and oldieoma from Vienna, Mozartkugel from Salzburg, ipuenktchen from Iran, Karmi from Slovenia, MARCILIA from Madeira/Portugal, Ziah from Mauritius etc.
Honeybee and ipuenktchen
Graz meetup: ipuenktchen, oldieoma and honeybee
Graz meetup: robin67 and honeybee
Salzburg meetup: mozartkugel, ipuenktchen, oldieoma and honeybee
Vienna meetup: oldieoma, honeybee and robin67
honeybee and robin67Each time I see a postcard stand I have to stop and to look; so my family and friends have to have good nerves and have to be very patient with me.
I think Postcrossing is such a wonderful and peaceful hobby. A Postcrossing friend from Portugal told me once that he want to suggest me for the Nobel Prize for Peace ;) because I helped people from Israel and Iran to exchange postcards (they both sent them to me and I passed them on). There is no postal exchange between them and some other countries of our earth. So I try to help my Postcrossing friends from time to time to realize their postcard-dreams into countries they never would be able to send a card.
- Do you have any other interesting hobbies?
I love reading and writing so I am very happy to work for a book publishing house here in Graz.
I also enjoy traveling very much and I have visited many countries: Norway & Svalbard, Finland, UK, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Hungary, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Canada (Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), USA (Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Washington State, Oregon, California), Africa (Egypt, Morocco, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe). My next journeys will lead me to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and in summer to Iceland (if the volcano let us go…), Faeroe Islands and Greenland.
Other hobbies: I am fond of playing the keyboard, singing, taking pictures and hiking.
- Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!
Honeybee postman
Honeybee postoffice
- Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.
In my collection I have 13,626 postcards and I love each one of them. I received my first card when I was three years old. I got it from my uncle, who died very young, so it is a wonderful reminder of him. My parents kept this card and all the others which arrived for me until I was ten. Then they asked me if I wanted to collect them and from then my postcard collection grew each year.
Of course there are some favourites – as I love map-cards very much and city views for example. You can visit my map-card collections – Europe, the Americas, Pacific Rim and Asia.
36 comments so far
so nice to know some more about you Anita! for the short time that i know you, you are indeed a sweet person!
best wishes and have lots of fun in exploring the world :)
Greetings to ANITA. We have a interesting private swap between AUSTRIA and URUGUAY. Happy Postcrossing!
Hallo liebe Anita!
Toll dich hier zu sehen. :D
Great to see you in the spotlight. :) Your mailman is great! ;)
wow truly impressive
That's a big collection.
I found that I sent a postcard to honeybee's pen pal who told her postcrossing! :D It's such a small world.
guten morgen, anita,
das war ja eine ueberraschung, dich hier in den spotlights zu sehen!! und bald mal ein wiedersehen!! (hehe, obwohl - genug bilder hast du ja schon von uns!!)
happy postcrossing! ipuenktchen
oh, sorry - liebe anita, das posting eben war von mir - IPUENKTCHEN - yashas account war noch offen..
er hatte dich ja leider in salzburg nur um 2 std oder so verpasst... lg ipue..
very impressive. ive been collecting since i was about 3 as well. How do you have those sorted?
Hi Wakegrace, I have them sorted in plastic baskets as you can see and I have several baskets for the continent. This basket of the continent I sort into countries. Some countries have their own basket like Austria, Germany, Finland because I have so many cards from these countries. Bye and happy postcrossing! :)
Guten Morgen, Marion. Ich freue mich schon auf ein Wiedersehen.
Hi Anita!
So nice to read an interview with you:-)
Have a great summer!
Carolien (Hammerfest)
HOneybee, I second the montion for you to win that NOBEL PEACE PRIZE! You are truly the quiessential postcrosser.
I like that pciture of the stork on the rooftop. I was in Holland in 1999, hoping to see a stork...too late in the year. I so would like a postcard like that. Meanwhile, continue to enjoy the magic of postcards. wishing you a lvoely July 2KX.
Definitely one of the best "things" Postcrossing allowed me to was to get to know Anita! She is not only a big collector of postcards but also a totally great woman. Unfortunately, in the present world, is difficult to find a person with such a big heart as her, I got that lucky...!
Honeybee is really a very passionate Postcrosser and it is wonderful to know her (personally even!). :-)
It is a joy every time to send out cards together and combine some exploring with visiting nice cakeshopes, cafés or restaurants! ;-)
And her postman looks really nice. Hehe! I don't even know what mine looks like! :o
heheheh I think everybody loves her postman, he look cutes. Nice knowing anita. Good luck with you collections.
Great to have someone from my neighbourhood in the spotlight! :-) A very nice interview!
Great to see in the spotlight a nice person who I "met" online in my first days at postcrossing (and who led me to great postcards!), whom I already met personally, who has such a big and inspirational passion. Postcrossing is not about postcards only, it's about persons sending these cards, isn't it?
Liebe Anita, danke für diesen tollen ausführlichen bebilderten Einblick! Die Bilder sind wirklich "aussagekräftig"!
Wonderful! And that is a whole lot of places that you have visited :)
Hallo Anita,
es total super hier von Dir zu lesen, die Fotos sind sehr hübsch mit Dir und den anderen PC.
Viel Spaß weiterhin mit Schreiben, Lesen und Verschicken der Karten.
Anita:)you deserve to be here on SPOTLIGHT! :) one of the best postcrosser i've ever meet, thanks for all the great cards and wonderful swap we did last year:) all the best to you always!
A wonderful spotlight indeed! Really enjoyed reading about you and your amazing 13,000 (and growing) postcard collection and looking at the photos! Brava, Anita!
Hallo Anita,
schön dich einmal zu sehen und auch alle anderen. Deine Sammlung ist ja wirklich groß.Vielleicht kann ich auch mal zu einem Treffen kommen. Werde dir aber weiter viele Karten schicken.
Hallo Anita, das ist ein wundervoller und vor allen Dingen beeindruckender Bericht, der eindeutig zeigt, dass Postcrossing die Welt ein Stückchen weit positiver macht und sogar politische Grenzen aushebeln kann, by the way, den Nobelpreis würde ich unterstützen, ich kann mich meinen Vorkommentierern nur anschließen und freue mich weiterhin auf einen intensiven Tausch- und Chatkontakt mit dir.
Nice to see familiar faces with Honeybee. I have met Robin67 and oldieoma in Vienna this March also. I met ipunktchen in Hämeenlinna, Finland last autumn. Great photos and loved your story Honeybee. Maybe i get to meet you next time it travel to Vienna, it is one of my favorite cities :)
Hallo Anita,
was für eine Überraschung hier ein Interview mit dir zu lesen!
Nette Bilder ;-))))
Hi Anita,
nice to read your story - great interview, great photos - i am impressed :-))
Liebe Grüße, Gaby
Great! It's really very nice meet postcrossers around the world!!!! :) This year I'm going to Europe for the first time and I hope I'll meet some of them ;)
Hello Anita
I agree you should receive Peace Nobel Price.
Is always good swap with you!!!!
Thank you for shareing your experience...
Wonderful spotlight! I loved your pics, Anita, and your brave postman! You sound like an incredible person and incredible Postcrosser!
So schön, daß du genießt beim Postcrossing zu sein. Ein gutes Hobby führt oft viel mit sich. Ich wurde zu Postcrossing von meiner Freundin in Oregon, USA eingeführt, und ich bin froh es weitergegeben zu haben.
Hi Anita!
I have so many unique beach cards from you in my collection,they always remind me your kindness!
You're a great postcrosser!
Wishing you all the bests!
Hi Anita, lovely to see you in spotlight. It always great to receive a postcard from you and try to send a new postcard to your collection ;) (That isn't so easy with your amazing collection :) )
Hallo Anita!
Ich habe erst jetzt bemerkt, dass Du ja auch im Spotlight warst!!! :)
Es ist immer wieder schön, von Dir zu hören bzw. zu lesen, auch wenn ich solch 'ne Schnarchtüte bin! ;)
Auf viele weitere Swaps! :)
Liebe Grüße,
Dear Anita,
I was so happy to see the spot light on you. The first or the second card i have received on postcrossing was from me, and later you turned out to be such a wonderful friend. Thank you very much for the wonderful swaps.
Hej Anita!
Great to read about you here! From what I know, you are a very a nice person and a good example of a great postcrosser!
Hi Anita,
Wow, great to meet an Austrian on Spotlight. What a chance to make our country well known all over the world.
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