
is a country in the continent of Africa with a population of 1,261,041 habitants. The capital of Mauritius is Port Louis.
Members: 56 (Browse all)
Sent: 4,420 postcards
Received: 4,192 postcards
Ranking: 89th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Mauritius

Most active members

1. julesverne, Mauritius julesverne
662 postcards sent
2. tropicalsamuelvivi, Mauritius tropicalsamuelvivi
510 postcards sent
3. tasneem, Mauritius tasneem
313 postcards sent
4. Jelissa_18, Mauritius Jelissa_18
142 postcards sent
5. xaviercoiffic, Mauritius xaviercoiffic
129 postcards sent
6. hajoudou, Mauritius hajoudou
111 postcards sent
7. wolfgirlmu, Mauritius wolfgirlmu
111 postcards sent
8. Island_And_Me, Mauritius Island_And_Me
90 postcards sent
9. shyamini, Mauritius shyamini
79 postcards sent
10. ElectricSunset, Mauritius ElectricSunset
78 postcards sent

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