Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > The World Postcard Day is coming up!


It’s less than one week until World Postcard Day, and we can feel those pens getting a little antsy in anticipation… Are we all ready for the big day? 😍 Even if you are not quite fully ready yet, there’s still time to make this the best World Postcard Day yet!

World Postcard Day logo

Just like last year, we’re keeping the maximum limit of 10 postcards for each postcrosser to send out on October 1st. We do this because we only have so many addresses available on any given day, and we risk running out of them. :( So, how does it work? If you only have a couple of slots available, you’ll be able to send a couple of postcards. If you have 5, you can request 5 addresses. But if you have 10 or more slots open, you’ll only be able to send 10 postcards on October 1st. Remember that you have to send one postcard on World Postcard Day in order to receive the special “WPD badge” when that card gets registered… but you don’t need to send your maximum allowance. Please be mindful of others and of the limited number of addresses available. 🙏😅

That said, we really encourage everyone to send postcards to people beyond Postcrossing who might not be expecting them: your faraway friends and relatives, the children in your family, your favorite school teachers, the hardworking fire brigade, people in your local nursing home, someone whose work you admire in your community… Anyone who could use some cheering up or support is a good candidate to receive a postcard too! If you have good suggestions for potential postcard recipients, leave them in the comments — we’d love to know whom you’re mailing your cards to on this special day.

Dinah over at The Handwritten Letter Appreciation Society suggested connecting sister cities on World Postcard Day, by sending a few postcards to your town’s twinned places. It’s a nice way to do some cultural exchange and bring distant cities together through postcards!

The image is a colorful illustration for World Postcard Day 2024, featuring various whimsical elements related to postcards and mail. The background is predominantly orange, with scattered images of postcards, envelopes, stamps, and letters floating around. In the center, a person dressed in a cape appears to be joyfully spreading the postcards. The text World Postcard Day 2024 is prominently displayed at the bottom, surrounded by artistic depictions of landscapes, cityscapes, and night skies, capturing the enchanting and magical theme of the celebration.

There are lots of Postcrossing meetups taking place a bit all over the world — more than 100 planned so far! Geocaching is also joining the festivities this year, encouraging its members to attend gatherings between September 29 and October 5 in order to receive a special World Postcard Day–themed souvenir. With so many events, it’s likely there is one close to many of you out there… so do take a look! This could be your opportunity to meet some friendly peeps who also love coming home to a postcard in their mailbox.

Another way you can participate is by taking some postcards to your local library, and talking them into offering these to patrons on October 1st! I’ve done this with my own library, and they were quite enthusiastic about the idea. And if you are in a school, remember that this is a good day to use our lesson plan (available in several languages) to teach a class about postcards, stamps and mail in general. Other ideas or photos of activities you might organize are always welcome! You can share them on this forum topic.

Finally, don’t forget that the classic dish for World Postcard Day is ravioli — they look like tiny postage stamps! Consider picking some up (or even making them!) before October 1st, so you’re ready to enjoy the day with a delicious twist.

We hope you have an amazing World Postcard Day, full of happiness, connections, and plenty of postcards! Let’s make it unforgettable and bring smiles to as many faces as possible!

18 comments so far

royale, United States of America

This will be my first WPD, can't wait! Will be sending many cards out this year!

arvind, India

I got the WPD badge last year, and it was my first year in postcrossing. I have reserved two slots for this year. Eagerly waiting for Oct 1 :)

gcbacon860, United States of America

I'm so ready for this amazing day. Thank you for sharing this information with us. I had no idea what exactly this was all about. Now that I know I will spend a few hours sending out postcards on October 1st.
I was able to pick up free postcards last week in Maine ( USA) at the welcome center.
Namaste 🙏 Gail Bacon

Mouzly, Netherlands

Excited to participate in my first WPS! I saved one adres specifically for the event. I hope more become available before the event starts.

dutchgranny, Netherlands

since coronatime my husband and I have (24/7) libraries in our garden with about 400 books in them to lend for free // kind people donated enough books to change those collections regularly // + each 3 months we organize a themed-writingcontest for adults and children // at WPD: people can take cards for free at our cupboards: all gotten by kind organisations like those who protect or rescue wild animals or pets that are threatened, abandoned or in danger + the lokal weekly papers and websites published our annoucement = WPD can be joined in that way also by people with less money in their pocket :-)

sealed4ever, United States of America

Looking forward to a New Jersey WPD meetup with old and new friends!!

Enjoy everyone!!📮

myhillsidegarden, United States of America

After reading this article, I think I will go through my address book and send to those friends and relatives that I usually send holiday cards too. And, I'm saving 5 slots for my first WPD here on Postcrossing.

carazee, United States of America

This will be my second WPD, but last year I was too new when October rolled around. I am so excited to participate this year and will also be sending cards to family, friends and how about co-workers.
Have fun everyone!

Ich_bin_Berliner, Germany

I've been looking forward to it for a long time
Can't wait...
Waiting for the launch!

ned44440, Ireland

I'm looking forward to this year. I have all the WPD badges so far and hope to add to my collection. Hope to have all ten slots open on October the 1st.

Aileen93, Germany

Looking forward to it. 😊 Had to smile about the Ravioli thing. Will send postcards to people here and family and friends and the lady who does a lot for others in our town. 😊 Have a great day, everybody ❤️

Anjanette, United States of America

This will be my first Postcrossing WPD and I am so excited! Knowing ravioli is the classic dish for WPD made me smile, it will definitely be served in this house October 1. ❤️

Anjanette, United States of America

P.S. I would not have been prepared for WPD if not for a wonderful postcrosser who had suggested I keep a few slots open for it. I’m so grateful for that!

sand2sand, United States of America

In addition to my Postcrossing allotment, family, and friends around the globe, I'm planning on sending a card to the USPS Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee saying how much I'm looking forward to the future U.S. Postcrossing stamp!

Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3300
Washington, DC 20260-3501

P.S. See the recent update at

TurtleFan, United States of America

@dutchgranny that sounds lovely!

@sand2sand, great update, I'll happily send them a card.

I will be sending cards to the various people I've recruited to postcrossing and others I'm hoping to recruit. :)

I will be attending an event in Zurich, Switzerland on Oct 1 and then in Balatonfüred, Hungary on Oct 5. I'm excited about the celebrations!

MagicMarie, Germany

Thanks for sharing all the fantastic stories!
I'm so excited!
While reading about the libraries I got the idea to stop at the local public book shelve in town to drop some of my postcards and also leave a note to let others know about the WORLD POSTCARD DAY! I have some neat flyer about Postcrossing too. I might catch some curious book-lovers to write a postcard than. 😍

XxXthalyaXxX, Brazil

It will be my first WPD and I'm very excited, I've already separated postcards and special stickers for that day, I hope to be able to send them to incredible people, I'm very excited. I'm open to direct swaps for that day too :)

mcroper, United States of America

Hi! It's my first WPD as well. I don't have any slots available. Will I still be able to send some out or sign up for more? Thanks!

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