You didn’t think we’d forget, did you? 😊 We’re getting closer to the remarkable milestone of 40 million postcards… so it’s time to launch our popular guessing game!

If you’ve joined the project recently, this might be the first time you enter one of these, so here is the gist:
Every member has a chance to submit a bet for the day and time on which they think the postcard number 40 million will be registered. The bets need to be submitted on the contest page.
Naturally, there are prizes for those who guess the correct time, or get really close!
The postcrosser whose bet is the closest to the exact minute when postcard number 40 million is registered wins a neat set of 40 Cardcetera postcards. The 4 next best guesses (before or after the registering time) will also receive a pack of 20 postcards from Cardcetera.
Some rules: each time slot can only be chosen by one person, so the first person to pick that slot gets to keep it. You can change it at a later stage, if you want, but only from the available time slots left. We will close the bets when there are 1000 postcards left to postcard 40,000,000. Check the contest page for more details.
Do some calculations on the back of an envelope or flip a coin… but be quick about it as the good slots run out fast! Good luck everyone!
77 comments so far
Wow - almost 40,000,000 sent cards! It seems like it was only yesterday we were celebrating 10,000,000.
Time flies when you're traveling the world via Postcrossing. :)
I guess soon, Russia to Germany
@ChaelaMonstah 10M was exactly 5 years ago today, or so says Facebook's "On This Day" feature 😀
What a lot of cards? So many happy mailboxes bringing smiles to people. :)
Wow! So much love flying all over the world! I am so happy to be a part of that! Now, I'm off to guess...
Oh wow! I think I have already bought all the postcards you have on your picture! Cardcetera is the best!!!! I guess I better get busy, as I would LOVE to win some more Cardcetera postcards!!
This is awesome!! I predict the 40 M will be delivered to LU!!
Wow! There are my 2234 too!!
Happy Postcrossing for all my dear friends!))
Submitted my guess! Thanks for a fun contest and good luck!
WOW! So many XD
We are soo good HURRAY!
So great to all postcrosser all the best and good luck!!!!
Maybe it will be a card from Belarus to Netherlands? :)
I am hoping it is a card from Guyana which will be this lucky card. As one of the only 2 active postcrossers from Guyana it will be an honour for one of my cards being the lucky one :)
Poland to Germany
Nice postcards to win by Cardcetera!
What about sender / receiver. Is there something for them too to win?
Allthough the honour of the magic number is nice as well.
from the Czech Republic to China.
Finland to poland.
from Taiwan to the Netherlands
It is great to be a part of 40 000 000.
I think that will be a card from Russia to Taiwan. Do you think so too?
Yes, I think so too.
From Russia to the Netherlands :)
I think that will be on 6 Feb, 2017
I guess it will be within this 10 days. On the 5th of February.
From where to where -hardly say. May be from Netherlands to ? Or vs.
i think the 40M postcarb will be received tomorrow 2 february...
I specify 2 february at 14h17min...
From Germany to idk
40 million...remarkable! And to think it all started with just one wonderful greeting. Congratulations to all who have participated to the fullest. Each postcard, sender and receiver, is a winner!
From Germany to China?
I think that will happen February 7 night or 8 in the morning.
It will be to me.
I will guess february 14th for st Valentine day . would will be cool
On the 14th of February!
China to Germany
On February 12th
on February 16th.
i wish i was the lucky dog:)
I think it will be 18 Feb,2017
On 17 Feb,2017
On 5 February, 2017:)
WOW!😺i will i am the luck one!
On 8 February,2017(^o^)/fromChina.
6th of February....Czech Republic to Russia
On February 13, From Sweden to Germany))😄
On 11 February ,2017
I think the happy event will occur February 4, 2017! :)
From Germany to the Netherlands)
February 13, 2017
On 6 Feabruary, 2017
11 February, from Germany to China
on 8 February, 2017
=) lots of smiles
On 9 Feb,2017 !!
on 13 Feb, 9 p.m. from Germany to Russia
On 5 Feb, from Finland to Germany
Postcrossing always makes me smile and happy!
on 4 Feb 21:00
12.February 2017
I think 13 Februari 2017
February 10 from Germany to Russia.
good ^-^
I remind everyone that for your guess to count, it must be entered on the contest page:
➡️➡️➡️ ⬅️⬅️⬅️
I think a great part of the 40 million Postcard celebration would be for everyone to become a Postcrossing Supporter...just an opinion. (I love my badge)
From USA to Gemany
From Germany to South Korea, 9th Feb.
I Think the 40th million postcard will be reached in the 9th February 2017, in the evening.
I think the 40th million will be reached at 21.February at 10.20 from Russia to Germany)
my second guess is 11th february
As for me it will be on the 12th February at 03:28 hours Russia - USA=)
14th February at 6:20 Germany-Russia :)
Rússia to China
13th February 2017 at 06,30 hours. Francisco Lima - Portugal
Russia to Canada
E ora via verso i 50.000.000
wow soon-soon
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