Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Come Home at Once + Weekend Giveaway


Guy Atkins has been collecting postcards for years, especially from the Edwardian era. This was the golden period of postcards, which were then at the height of their popularity. With up to 6 daily mail deliveries (imagine that!), many people used them as we use Twitter or text messages these days — just to say “I’m thinking about you” or to convey some practical information (“I’ll arrive on the 10am train”).

It’s not so much the pictures on the postcards that capture Guy’s curiosity — instead he prefers the fascinating messages they hold. It all started when he was browsing an antiques market in London, where he found a perfectly boring postcard, sent on 21 December 1904 to Miss Emerson… which hid a very intriguing message. It said:

“Come home at once, all is forgiven. We have not had any news from father. There is heaps of m – – – y waiting for you to spend. Surely after that you could not stay away.”

One cannot help but wonder… what happened? What did Miss Emerson do that needed forgiving? And did she stay away or go back home?

I guess we’ll never know. And yet, the thrill of that mysterious message stays with us, and it stayed with Guy as well, who decided to collect other such intriguing postcards from that time. He has just launched a book with 100 of his best cards, appropriately titled Come Home at Once. Come Home at Once

We’ve had this book for a week or so, and I have to say, it is delightful. Perfectly sized, filled with mysterious messages that just draw you in and make you wonder. Some are funny, others shocking, some just confounding. Many don’t seem to say much at all… until you note the strategically positioning of the stamp, hiding a whole other layer of meaning. Some… well, we’re still trying to figure them out!

Come Home at Once

In order to promote his new book, Guy and his publisher have generously offered to give away 10 copies of the book to 10 lucky postcrossers! It’s like an early Christmas treat! :)

For a chance to win one, all you have to do is leave a comment below. And if you have any tips on how one could make the message on a postcard more intriguing, do share!

Good luck everyone! Check back on this post around this time next week for the winners (randomly picked by Paulo’s number generator, as usual).

And the lucky postcrossers, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… ludovico, Marie_S, foxfires, Shelleh, Kami-chan, librarymail, Huari, EngelDD, BLehner and vilnius. Congratulations to the winners and thank you everyone for the comments! What an outpour! :)

1000 comments so far

rosenbusch, Germany

Oh, a weekend giveaway. How nice!

Monicalovesmail, Netherlands

That is nice, I will look how I can
buy it!

Bosmuis, Netherlands

O I would love to receive this book. The grandmother of my husband left us a book with her old postcards from the time she was young. We love to go through it and see the cards she received from family and boyfriends.

DorotheeB, Germany

It's amazing to see (and read!) the little stories on old cards. And great to be part in Postcrossing to continue this - in 100 years maybe our postcards are part of such a project as this lovely book.

laalee, Germany

Great idea to collect all these postcards! I would love to read this book, it must be very interesting and fascinating!

sassefrass, Netherlands

What a lovely book idea! Would sure love to read it.
I think every written card is a treasure

ctr, Germany

What an interesting book! I would love to read it.

EllenWalker, United States of America

What a fascinating story. I would love to read this book.

YiliLoh, Malaysia

I think it is an amazing to have the book. Wish i could have it. Anyway, an early Merry Christmas to all!!! :)

GIRLONTHEGO1, United States of America

Interesting book! A message is more interesting when it's short and leave the reader wanting more words written. Like you said cryptic. I would love to have this book.

VMIB, Belgium

What a wonderful book!

KPost, United States of America

I sometimes get an intriguing one that tells me the sender is ABOUT to do something (about to tell someone he loves her, about to go on a long-awaited trip, about to have a baby), and those are always intriguing in the "I wonder what happened with that?" sense.

beesknees, United States of America

Little snippets are so much more intriguing than the big picture.

mogglits, Germany

Wow what a wonderful book. Thank you so much for the giveaway!
A love loooooong messages on postcards, I find it fascinating how people try to write with tiny letters to fit more words in the tiny space of a postcard.

Sunneva12, Norway

I'm in!
Thank you for the giveaway, and I wish everyone good luck :-)

Irina7654, Russia

I like this giveaway!

unbb24, Philippines

Wow. It looks like a wonderful book to read. I really love when postcards arrived on my mailbox and then there are wonderful messages that you will read especially if it's about their culture. Guy is so kind to make this a giveaway. Good luck to all of us.

MaraLou, Germany

That is an amzing idea and I love to participate.
Often I write the name and musician of my favourite song on the postcard, so people not only have a card but also a music to discover :-)

Brigi, Hungary

What an awesome book! I'd certainly love to read it.

felipem, Spain

Looks amazing!

Sweetie_in_Japan, Japan

Awesome!! Would love to read it :)

zeroday, United States of America

Looks great...

salviachan, Germany

What a wonderful idea.

PutriAmeliaQonita, Indonesia

what an awesome book! i would to receive this book. ihope i can read it

WarboS, Netherlands

What a nice book. Just imagine..... in 50 years one of the cards I sent to a another postcrosser in a book. What a surprise that would be.

annbublik, Ukraine

Wow, it's awesome! Good luck to everyone! :)

Leo9Ely, United Kingdom

My father inherited more than 200 postcards from this era. They had been sent to his mother, in the years that she was being wooed by her husband to be, later my grandfather. Sadly I only own a few of them.
There were also many containing messages of the kind that we now send electronically. They were indeed the e-mails of the time. In the UK, there were as many as six collections and deliveries of post each day. A card could be sent and delivered the same day. The cost of the stamp was just an old halfpenny; which today is approximately a quarter of a Euro-cent.
I have never known how much the postcards cost. I hope this fascinating book might answer that question.

aaronboardley, United Kingdom

Looks fantastic, I'd love to win a copy!

Hawwa, Spain

Wow, me too, I want to participate!
One tip is sending a message divided in two, three, four... postcards. So you need to get all in order to read it properly. Of course, postal services good running is required! :)

icensnow, Canada

This book looks fascinating! :)

chatenoire, Taiwan

Great Christmas gift for all the fellow postcrossers!

NaglasDrugys, Lithuania

That book looks really amazing!

Jana1, United States of America

Excellent. Messages from the past are fascinating!

Toni_Arashony, Belarus

The book looks really fantastic!=)

pinch, Finland

Sounds (and looks) fascinating!

AnniePost, United States of America

Wow! Thanks for letting us know about this book.

Blogger, United States of America

I would Love to win one of these books! My favorite card because of the message is this one .....

The senders wrote about being there to watch the first rocket launch to the moon.

IraFebdian, Indonesia

What a fascinating book, I would love to read it. I usually write an important event or history that happened on the same date I sent the postcard. Good luck to everyone :)

lucky2002, Lithuania

Those books look fantastic. I'd love one as an early Christmas present :-)

Bubsrocks, United States of America

What a great postcard book! Please enter me to win one :D

Axolotl, Germany

I'm thinking about buying the book, it sounds like a pretty interesting thing!

jojo8, Belgium

I find messages on old postcards intriguing, I'd love to read this book!

andrealandman, Netherlands

What a verry nice book.

Erwin, Netherlands

I know a special person i can make verry happy with this book.
And over 2 weeks my mother wil be 70 and loves postcards and postcrossing also.

dianasilva, Portugal

Seems an interesting book. I would love to read it :)

Smeichel, Netherlands

Would love to spend some time with that book and do some daydreaming...

DwaWilki, Poland

Looks like a fascinating read :)

UniChloe, Taiwan

What a nice way to reminisce about the good old times!

LilyMeadow91, Belgium

That man must have a huge postcard collection, I'd love to see it

yemi143, Indonesia

Let me join this

loops, Belgium

What a lovely book ! Instead of writing, you could draw on the back of the postcard... ;-)

angiek3, United States of America

What an interesting book. I would love to read it.

Killewips, Germany

Oh, I'd love a copy of this book!
For me the writing on a postcard is that tiny bit which makes it really special. I always send fully written cards - sometimes doing some research about the motive and write it down for the receiver, sometimes a little story or funny dialogues I overheard in the tube.
I cross my fingers that I'm among the lucky ones! :)

RainySun, Russia

What a nice gift this book could be..and will be)

postmuse, United States of America

Lovely book! I like the messages that my grandkids usually have me write on their cards ... always with their name and "wants you to know that _____" and the blank is filled it with something that is important in their minds at that moment. Often it is what they are doing at that moment, like eating a snack or playing with legos or waiting for the skies to clear so they can go back outside and play :)

lichri, Germany

great idea! would love to read this book and discover all those hidden stories

Csaw712, United States of America

How fun! I always enjoy reading old cards. My grandmother left us a pile from WWII...where it seemed common to write to any servicemen to support them. I am always intrigued to wonder...who ended up meeting, marrying, or not surviving.

nisnoopy3, Malaysia

I hope I get to read more about this interesting book! Thank you! :D

Tsadida, United States of America

"Come Home at Once." That's a message you don't hear every day.

Mitrie, Russia

Wow, I do love giveaways! This book seems to be amazing! :)

juli2012, Germany

What a wonderful book! That would be the perfect gift for my 40th birthday on the 26th this month ;)

Pulmu, Finland

I hope to be among the 10 lucky ones.

Mailbird2, United States of America

I've been reading messages on the back of antique postcards for some time. Would love to receive this book.

Bugatelli, Switzerland

Would love to have a copy... Great post, thank you. I never thought of intriguing messages by stamps...

SWD, United States of America

This sounds like a fascinating book. Who wouldn't want to be one of the ten lucky winners?

tumbleweed, Germany

Postcards from the Edwardian era with confounding messages? Now that is a book I'd love to receive!

atielandman, Netherlands

I like this book. Verry beautiful.

YOIYUMTEWA, United States of America

Great little book! The postcards and messages could be used as a start for some really interesting stories. Hmmm.....maybe I should polish up my writing muscles.....

Anmarelo, Netherlands

I would love to win that book. I like puzzles and mysterious messages!

mware1961, United States of America

What a beautiful book!!

hillfolk, United States of America

Sounds like a great book. I'm fascinated by the unique messages senders used to employ to make their postcards stand out from the norm. Spiral writing, cross-writing, and codes are just fascinating to read about.

Arkanna, Portugal

The book looks wonderful! I would love to read it.. :)

sundayinspain, United States of America

Great book! I like using different colors to make unique messages when I send postcards.

caraid67, Switzerland

This book is a great idea and I'd love to win one of them. :-)

dlipsey, United States of America

I travel almost every week - I think my family would like to send me these cards!

hopeley, United States of America

I'm excited to read this amazing book!

tanjahe, Finland

The book looks lovely!

Herchelle, Canada

What a great idea, a much better idea than squirrelling all my beautiful postcards in my pretty boxes. I would love a chance on one of these books, pretty please, with sugar on top!?

sdelnegro514, United States of America

I'd love to read this book! I never would have thought collecting old, used postcards could be so interesting!

Omaira, Spain

It´s so beautiful :D It would be amazing to win it!!

ivakey, Bulgaria

Looks like a fascinating book!

catherinah, Poland

Great idea!

lele110, Germany

What a beautiful book!

lynn_jkls, United States of America

What a fascinating book! I'd love to read this and pore over the cards!

Eloh, France

This book is in my Christmas gift list. But I'm not against to win it. :)
I also collect old postcards and I have some interesting messages in my collection.
This is a great book, thanks, Guy Atkins! :)

paklode, Lithuania

Amazing! Thank you ;]

idus, Germany

What an interesting book! :)
I'd love to win one.

inki1963, Germany

I would so much love to get one of these wonderful books ...

alex_dakov, Bulgaria

It would be an unforgettable present.

Raindancer, Sweden

Wow, that sounds absolutly misterious!

wayness, United States of America

Thank you, this book will go on my TBR list

Raynowp, South Africa

I would love this book.

Romme, Denmark

That would be a perfect give for me

miguelsotoorozco, Mexico

It's amazing that someone took all the time and effort to make a great book like this!

korpannita, Thailand

Looks amazing! Would love to win it! :)

debsbidi, Italy

This is my first postcrossing's giveaway :)
wow it's so beautiful this book

georginia, Poland

That is why I always say that the message is more important than the front for me!
It can be written in a code, reffering to certain book... But I've not tried this yet ;)

Grosia, Netherlands

I'd love to have this book! In my city there's also a shop with used postcards and some of the stories written on them seem even too private and intimate to be exposed so easily to our eyes :) It all feels like spying on these people and... I love it ;)

nomisho, Germany

This is awesome!

RyeCatcher, Canada

This is great. Win or lose, I think I'll get both books anyway!

KarineauxUSA, United States of America

I'm intrigued and would love to read this book!

kate101, Hungary

Looks fantastic! Yes please! :)

stripecat, Finland

meow! ;)

naomim, United Kingdom

This looks great, I love old postcards. I have some of the town my husband and I first lived in, with a sweet message on the back. I love to hear in the postcards I get about what the postcard is of. Like a card with a red squirrel on with a note on the back to say they can be seen in the park near the sender's house.

babylon, Taiwan

This book is beautiful!!!

martyna94, Poland

what an amazing book! I would looove to win it! :)

Charissa1404, Netherlands

Great.would love to win. To make a message intriguing you dont give the detail, or the plot.

Max3dOut, South Africa

Looks and sounds like an amazing adventurous read :o)

conniechiwa, United States of America

Messages of love will always make any missive intriguing. What a delightful book!

absolutmeliss, United States of America

Tell them about your day. it's a snapshot of what you did, and it will probably never be the exact same day again.

x6scro2, Germany

This is the perfect gift for my mum's sister (my aunt apparently) who lost her husband - a passionate postcardwriter - last year aged 78. The idea of the book is just great :) I love it!

hobbymail, United States of America

To make the message fun for now in the future I would include rebuses.
They always seem mystical to me when I see them in historical places. I absolutely love your book!

Anabedoy, United States of America

I would love to win this!

castledane, Ireland

Fantastic idea, hope it comes my way, sounds very interesting, would love to win it. Thanks.

Alex071, Netherlands

Looks like a great book! Would love to go through all those old postcards! :)

tuppana, Finland


seashore, Germany

Sounds like an amazing book. Would love to win it.

Buddha02, Belgium

I'd love to read it!

honeysha, Malaysia

Fantastic =)

Achillea, Germany

What a lovely book! Yes!

Pagnol, Spain

What an interessting book.

tikismeekis, Spain

Very interesting!

Hugsonpaper, United Kingdom

I love looking at old postcards and reading the messages, so intriguing. I also still have all the postcards that were sent to me by family when I was a little girl and I treasure them.

mirella, Finland

Very interesting! I would love to read that book :)

Rona1108, Germany

It seems to be an interesting book. I would love to read this book.

Grandy, Romania

Beautiful book , full of history !

ramsteentje, Netherlands

What an amazing book! Would love to have it :-)

Sailorcalypso, Canada

Amazing! I would really like to read this book.

neongreen, United States of America

It would be a nice hanukkah gift :)

BTynan11, United States of America

Messages that intrigue me when receiving a postcard are either about their local area, something written in their native language and hopefully translated, proverbs, or even a recipe is neat.

tjane, Canada

Sounds very interesting!

ViewEditors, United States of America

What a beautiful giveaway! I'd love to win this book! Thanks for the chance! :)

Rita_K, United States of America

What a great idea for a book. I hope there will be more like this to follow. I'd definitely love a copy.

Evonny, Netherlands

If only ...........

shinylori, United States of America

What a great book! I will definitely be picking up a few copies for friends this holiday season, but would love to win one for myself! :)

andrearau, United States of America

Winner!! Winner!!!

2martt, Spain

I'm completly sure this book is fantastic! I'ld love to read all the stories on it!

natuurliefhebber, Belgium

Schitterend!!! Op memorial day 11/11/2014 hebben we oude albums boven gehaald en hebben veel oude foto's op prentbriefkaart gevonden, zelfs 1 van mijn grootmoeder in 1915 in haar naaiatelier prachtig!

ennstalerin, Austria

Very interesting book, I would love to read it :)

marichie, Spain

This is so cool!!

Scots_quine, United Kingdom

The book looks fascinating!

Danelle, United States of America

I love it when the sender of a postcard remembers to add the date, the weather and and little bit about themselves and what the photo reflects... it just takes me there!

Dorinco, United States of America

Very interesting, and it opens up many similar possibilities, based on circulated postcards. I would do something with maxicards/maximum cards.

SneekMvM, Netherlands

I hope tot ein. Ona postcard I tell what I die that day. I little information of my life to a pe rfect stranger.

BirgitHM, Austria

OMG .. I just posted about this book on my blog! Thanks for the great chance!! *keeping fingers (post)crossed*

adagio-bn, Malaysia


paraiha, Finland

What a wonderful story, and what a wonderful idea by Guy Atkins!

LifeAsRiley, United States of America

What an interesting and intriguing book! It's fun reading old postcards and getting a glimpse into daily life back then. My grandmother passed away this summer and I received some of the postcards she kept over the years. I like reading mail from people & relatives I know and read their insights on places they visited or experiences they had. Also postcards and messages with historical events are interesting since it is a glimpse of a reaction & interpretation of the event at that moment instead of a look back at & analyzing it from the present.

sadsunday, Lithuania

I would draw myself. They say eyes are the windows of the soul, but I think a postcard is a piece of your heart. And letting the other person see how you see yourself would be very nice and interesting.

cbayha, United States of America

What a treat this book would be to hold in my hands and read these stories!

Captainofgoods, Netherlands

As a sonnetwriter and Postcrossing lover I truly like vintage books. Also this book with lovely old cards. Greetings From The Netherlands

foysalratul, Bangladesh

to make a postcard intriguing just write the Nicest things that roam around on your mind. -Ratul, Bangladesh. :)

Nihonwosuki, Lithuania

Nice prize!

Lucy156, United Kingdom

What a wonderful book! I bet the stories are interesting.

lakecitylake, United States of America

Great looking book! Thank you for the hot tip!

saintursula, Germany

That book looks amazing! I like all kinds of messages, but the personal ones, about what's going on in someone's life or experiences they've had make postcrossing feel more chatty and like getting a card from an old friend.

AnneMac, Ireland

A wonderful book. A great stocking filler.

Queenofeverything, United States of America

I think it'd be an amazing gift for my adult daughter who got me hooked on Postcrossing! 8-)

PatydelaG, United States of America

Thank you!!! Gracias!!!

yoursatellite, Poland

This is very interesting album :)
How make our message more interesting? For example we can make a Rebus :)

Guiri, United Kingdom

What a good idea for a book!

arita123, United Kingdom

OMG, I would love to receive such an amazing book!

Madam, United States of America

I think you can make it more interesting by using riddles or quoutes from favorite books :)

Ceejayev, United States of America

Sure would love to have this book! My "tip" is to mail yourself a postcard for every day that you are on vacation. When you get home, you have a travel journal complete with pictures to enjoy for the rest of your life. I try to send postcards of places I have actually visited, then describe the day I visited, trying to let the recipient see and hear and smell and taste and touched what I've experienced.

Bahbah, Germany

Ooh, I would love to get one of these, but no chance as there are so many interested. But you can buy it though... and I will if it's sold in Germany :-)

ines-vs-the-world, Portugal

A book depicting postcards? What more could a bookworm and an avid postcrosser ask for? :))

Werhag, Finland

Sounds like a lovely book! I've often pondered the messges on the postcards I collect. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes very sad.

ed_firmo, Italy

Very nice book!

istaycee, United States of America

We enthusiasts need more books like this! Great job. I love it!

miss_lily, Belgium

That would make a wonderful Christmas gift indeed! :)

Flocke2010, Germany

Looks like the perfect gift for every postcard lover

AngelaWoy, Germany

One more, who would be happy to receive this little book :D

juttertje, Netherlands

Looks like a very interesting book. Coded messages to unknown people is not easy, you wouldn't be sure if the receiver understands your message.I recently saw the hidden meanings in the way ladies used to hold their fans and that would be nice to draw on a postcard.

carlafed, Italy

A great book, thank you for the gift, you always know what we postcrossers like best

zomertje, Netherlands

Do not think I have a chance but would love the oppertubity to get one,looks like an amazing book . Love to learn something about that time!!!

sblue, United States of America

It's like a real life Nick Bantock book.

hulamunki, United States of America

what a lovely and delightful book! i would so very much

alexisl, Canada

What a lovely little book! It would be my pleasure to peruse it.

bookwormNL, Netherlands

I love these old postcards! My father had a nice collection and I inherited them, but they were not used. Each of the cards in the book have their own personal history. Fantastic!

Anastasiia_Saniuk, Canada

This is amazing!
I usually doodle and hide a message between lines :)

deich_kind, Germany

What a wonderful book and really interesting to read about "the language of stamps". Up to now I didn't realize that I send a message by putting stamps on a postcard (often it's been more like: how do all these stamps fit into that tiny upper corner of the postcard without covering address or Text ;) )

Sooonia, Luxembourg

This is such a nice book :) I would be happy to pick up some ideas in it myself :D thanks in advance for the giveaway !

ravioli22, Germany

That would be a great pre-christmas gift!!!
If I didn't get it, I know it will be end up in my wishlist.

Kerstin-Jeanette, Germany

A book with old postcards, how beautiful.

Cairnsbirdwing, Germany

Oh that is a perfect givaway and it will land on my christmas list. Great

Ninjabi, South Africa

This book looks wonderful!

Lilijan, Netherlands

What a nice book....i like old postcards. Id would make me very happy :-)

pefawm, Norway

What a lovely book. Old cards are beautiful. Nice to see how things where in the old days.

forestofice, United States of America

What a fantastic idea for a book!

Peabea, United States of America

Thanks to the Author for his nice give away. I would love to win, but if not then congratulations to the winner(s). Happy Postcrossing

librarymail, United States of America


Maxus, Poland

That's great! Come Home at Once must be seriously like a thrilling novel full of untold stories. :)

Sparky4, United States of America

Very fun - thanks for posting about it - would love to win it!

guvina, Italy

How lovely :) I think riddles could be an idea!

Manitouwolf, United States of America

Very cool. :)

patpen71, Netherlands

Love to read those old postcards with hidden messages!

DakotaSkye93, Netherlands

I would love to have a copy!

Liadon, Germany

Such a lovely book!

kozmonot, Türkiye

it looks great!

mokomann, Canada

Looks amazing!

tooschler, United Kingdom

Love the idea of writing a find a word puzzle on a card!

dollart, Finland

I admire people who gets ideas for this kind of unique things. Well done.

TiinaMii, Finland

I would love to have a copy! Thank you!

Lumehelves, Serbia

Like it a lot!

VanessaBV, Portugal

The best postcards are the ones you don't really understand. Those stick to the back of your mind ;)

msgforjohn, United States of America

Cool, I'd love to win a copy!

annpreseli, United Kingdom

I'd love to receive a copy of this book. I have a collection of around 100 Edwardian Christmas postcards, and I too love the messages more than the design on the front.

ringwood, Canada

What an intriguing book! Wouldn't it be an interesting thought to sit down at your writing table, and pen something cryptic for future generations to find? Maybe one day far in the future, someone will find your postcard hidden away in a dusty, vintage bookshop and wonder over its meaning and it will inspire them to write a book...;)

Jess-Cee, Netherlands

Wow, I've been collecting postcards old and new for many, many years, I would certainly love to win this book. Especially as it is my birthday tomorrow :-)

CaptainMagic, France

this sounds like a book i'd love to add on my bookshelves !

OOG, Netherlands

Biggest secret would be intriguing hehe! Thx!

InTheDoghouse, United States of America

I collect old postcards and my favorites have intriguing messages written on the back (and sometimes the front!). This book looks wonderful.

Enitnerolf, Netherlands

I would love to have this book! My great aunt collected postcards when she was young, I have a lovely album with a lot of her postcards in it.
How could one make the message on a postcard more interesting? I guess making a puzzle of it could be fun, or sending a series of card that can only be understood if you read them in the correct order :)

xbeforethestorm, Russia

wow, it's really interesting ;)

tediousandbrief, United States of America

This sounds like an awesome book! I have a few of my parent's/grandparents old postcards from trips (or cards that I bought for their picture with odd messages on the back) and I love the idea of this being in a book form!

jillster, United States of America

Pick me! Pick me!

Mara7, Latvia

As always all the cryptic massages leaves the most intrigues :)

HicUpAppleNod, United Kingdom

Thank you so much for the giveaway guys!

When I was a child, my dad used to create little crosswords and puzzles for me, and write them down on the postcards he sent me when he was travelling for work.. his colleagues made fun of him, but I loved them and still have all the cards he sent me in my "postcard tin". I suppose that's how I started collecting postcards, and how I fell so much in love with snail mail.

Linn1984, Netherlands

I still love to write people. Postcards, of course. But also letters. And I feel there is nothing more 'real' and authentic than a handwritten postcard or letter.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You see so much of peoples lives nowadays, but what you see has nothing to do with being 'real' or 'authentic'.

Writing takes time, concentration (no backspace when you handwrite it!). Sending a card that arrives on that special day: you know the person that send you that thought about you days ahead! Sending a quick message on Facebook (after you got the notification: 'It's xxx birthday today!') just isn't that 'real'.

I would love to receive this book and read all those messages, 'real' messages, that someone wrote to someone else once.

maschaoben, Germany

I would love to receive this book! This weekend I was in Ryde on the Isle of Wight and I bought my first vintage postcard from 1909, with also an very intriguing message on it! This book would make me sooo happy! I will definitely start to collect these kind of postcards!

rosalinea, Poland

That's wonderful :) I'd love to read it ! :)

Mannike, Estonia

Sounds like a nice read.
It's nothing special, but between two people there could be a language that only they could understand. Hidden meanings to words... that'll convey a lot of meaning.
If you just want an interesting writting, be creative and tell it as a story. Some effort into writting it.

marthz, Finland

It would be a perfect Christmas gift :)

Elisabeth_, Austria

This book sounds very interesting! I'd love to read it.
And wow... up to 6 daily mail deliveries - people were so lucky back then!

vara81, Germany

I am very curious now and would love to see the rest of it :D

LadyTomoyo, Ireland

I would love to get a copy of this book! Receiving and sending good mail is wonderful, and reading about it too!

Teeerka, Czech Republic

That book looks amazing! :)

KarenNfld, Canada

What a lovely book!

Doroo, Germany

winning or not, I want one of these books. but it would be great to win one :)

SuperBambi, Canada

Iiiiiii want oneeeeee :P

lupsha, Romania

A perfect present to any postcrosser.

IonelaPreda, Romania

It'a a lovely book! A magnificent fingerprint of the past!

akviinas, Latvia

I would love to get one so much!

MrsJunimond, Germany

What a great giveaway! :)

moonandstarscrush, United States of America

How can we buy the book if we don't win I would love to own a copy

tetrismessiahs, Germany

Looks wunderbar! Reminds me a bit of the postsecret books. :)

mlandman, Netherlands

It looks very nice, I like to see the rest of it!

i8nutella, United States of America

Looks awesome. It would be a fun and mysterious read.

ewr, United States of America

Looks like a fantastic conversation-starter for your home or to put on the coffee table for guests to see!

veryInga, Germany

Das Buch muss wunderbar sein. Ich hätte es gerne. Viele Grüße!

CelesteP, South Africa

This book sounds like a great addition to my ever expanding library!!!! What an interesting read it wil be!!

Biepmiep, Netherlands

Let me try my luck at this.

Depechechrissy, Germany

Here, this is mine :)

jgincali, United States of America

This book looks amazing! I might have to buy a few for holiday gifts.

J0l1nd3, Netherlands

Looks like a great book! :)

LeeNightingales, United Kingdom

THis looks like an amazing thing ^_^

chrizine, Switzerland

great book !!

Sisko1, Finland

What a wonderful book! Wouldn't mind winning one. :)

TeenageCreep, Romania

old chap!

elaias, Germany

What a lovely book! Good luck everyone :3

Franziiii, Germany

So a beautiful book! However will win the copies, be happy about that!

papagena1791, United States of America

This would be a great book to read! Kind of reminds me of the story behind the Franz Ferdinand song "Right Action." From Wiki: "The lyrics for "Right Action" were inspired by a postcard found by lead singer Alex Kapranos at a London flea market that contained the words "come home, practically all is nearly forgiven""

DMBoom, Netherlands

Wow, I would love to win this. I collect postcards from the start of postcard sending up to the fifties, and letters too, for the romantic notion of sending postcards to convey all kinds of messages. This book would be a compliment to my collection and would find a very good home with me.

missingfish, United Kingdom

What a great idea! Only thing better than an old postcard, is lots of them!

NeriumBlack, Finland

Such a beautiful book!

mejulia, United States of America

what a lovely book and a peek into history.

Milyte89, Lithuania

Many thanks!

ned44440, Ireland


Alenkiy, Belarus

Great! Nice romantic book! I would like to have one)

UnaHora, Germany

What a nice idea and beautiful giveaway! Thanks!

amylyn, United States of America

I have added a pocket to my postcard, for private messages. I also like to write Hello Postperson on my cards so they know i know they read them :)

dheni, Hungary

That is very interesting! I like it! :)

Michaela0705, Germany

What a great idea, I would love to read those old time stories on the cards.
Many thanks for that generous giveaway :)

Popeyzinha, Czech Republic

"Once on highschool I gotta get textbooks in the vintage store, too, and I discovered the box selling also bunch of old written postcards, I was going through them until they closed the shop - these are the genuine pieces of history!"

Galamarova, North Macedonia

Looks awesome! :)

nugget, United States of America

Fascinating! I have found a few older cards in thrift stores and I always read them and wonder about that person in that moment in time....what's the story behind the card?

Irrra, Russia

I do love all that is related to old cards!

ccaroline, Lithuania

The story is amazing. Now I know where did my passion for postcrossing come from. A wonderful man!

faithst, United States of America

Beautiful book. Would love to win it. Good luck to me! And all entered. ;) Thanks for the opportunity.

lambdaman78, Germany

Wow! What a treat!

whodalalee, Canada

"He finally said it! I am so amazed that he finally said life will be changed now forever..."

RosaRosae, Spain

too down ??? to be touch...

Nina_April, Russia

Thank you for this new give away! I am in:-)

Tarzy, Netherlands

A few year ago I bought a stack of Dutch postcards that were sent during WW1. Some of them have very special messages on them especially as a lot of them were sent to a person in the army in The Haque. Because this man was in the army he could send and receive postcards without stamps. I love these cards!

pucky, Netherlands

I must be nr 303 with my reaction; wow, everybody wants to win such a fabulous book! Intriging for me is the mirroring writing, I guess Leonardo da Vinci did this, but not on postcards, I guess....

LaLa123, United Kingdom

I would love to win this book, it looks amazing

Conelmate, Argentina

It looks super interesting!

JR87, Czech Republic

Such an amazing idea for the book! Lovely!

vabaran, Lithuania

You must don't think what to write on postcard, just write all your thoughts for this moment! That'all :)

Lynn123, New Zealand

What a wonderful early Christmas present that would be. Good luck everyone.

elliefant, United States of America

I love reading old postcards! This sounds like a cool collection.

MrsFuchur, Switzerland

Oh, I love reading old postcards!
I also sometimes think about the people who see my postcard during its delivery (postmen, people working in the mail sorting etc.) and sometimes I smile at the thought that they just cannot help reading a message on the back of the card and that they might have a great day having done that. :) I also like to draw on postcards -- mostly badly drawn, but funny, pictures.

clau-clau, United Kingdom

As I am usually not very lucky with give-aways I guess I'll have to check where to get this book ;)
It looks very interesting - I found some postcards from my great-grandfather to my grandfather (neither of whom I met) a couple of years ago and found them fascinating (and even there I could not understand everything, with so many comments being out of context)

khansen4, United States of America

What a great idea-I would love this book. I am a genealogist and Post Cards hold a lot of history and gives more insight of the families.

jaeltentpeg11, Australia

How intriguing! :-)

jmieco, United States of America

What a wonderful and interesting idea for a book! Teaching my journalism students about responsible social media use in today's society, Come Home At Once would be a great lesson on what "social media" was like 100 years ago!

JohnnyLightning, Belgium

Early Christmas ... curious to read others mail ;-) raffle me in :-)

rockdg9, Australia

Such an interesting insight into societal changes. I would love to read this book!

Frohnatur, Germany

I sometimes wish I kept copies of the cards I send. I tend to write about my everyday life and I'd like to have a place where all of that is stored. But then that is the beauty of handwritten notes, isn't it? You send them away.

juytters, Belgium

Great book, thanks!

steven_74, Belgium

I would love to read this book!

ouissal, Germany

It's an amazing book!

Kelsta, Australia

Wow what an amazing insight

hmthompson, United States of America

We all know that maintaining a little mystery is way more appealing than revealing everything.

shelly, Spain

Wow!!! Love it!!!

jr11577, Ireland

Great competition and wonderful prizes :)

katkero2, Belgium

I'm intrgued. I also never knew there was a secret language of stamps.

PoetOfTheDark, United States of America

Hello early Christmas present! :)
What I like to do to make the message ifs postcard interesting is to write about how my day is going, or, I write short poems sometimes :)

Snitsya, Netherlands

What a wonderful giveaway!

whatshewas, Italy

Good luck to everybody, such a wonderful giveaway!

Snailaday, United Kingdom

What a lovely book, its like a grown ups version of the Jolly Postman. Poems on postcards is fun, you can do a line each over postcard

a-king, United States of America

That's cool. =) Reminds me of love letters somebody was selling at the flea market one time. I would love to have the book.

etherea, United States of America

What a lovely book! I'd love to win it!

FelipeDuarte, Brazil

Very interesting collection. I'd like a copy too.

Inkeltje, Netherlands

What a great little book! I'd like to win!

Squirrel820, United States of America

Such an amazing collection of postcards!! Thank you for this generous giveaway!!

trent6543, United States of America

This looks to be an amazing book! Whether I win this giveaway or not, I think I'm going to have to check this out!

jkim81, United Kingdom

What a lovely and romantic idea for a book!

Catamb, Portugal

It's a great idea. I would love to have a opportunity to have the book and, of course, read it.

mblasjor, Spain

Seeing this book, comes to my mind images of old cards and old stamps, all them with brown and smooth colours. Also I can imagine how the places drawn in the postcards and the life of the people there could have been.

FoxySanne, Netherlands

woop woop! nice nice!

angelamermaid, Canada

I found some postcards in an antique shop. On the back of a birthday card, withing the recipient a happy birthday, the sender wrote "I trust that it will not be a wet one" with the word "wet" underlined twice. I wonder what that story is!

olliechom, Thailand

I think I'm falling in love with this book. My home is always welcome to have this gorgeous book at once :)

sinta, Indonesia

If only postcards could talk... Thank you for generous Christmas give away :v

NynkeK, Netherlands

Wow! Fascinating :-) If I don't win one I'll buy it :-) awesome!!

crashtestrider, United States of America

This looks like such a good book!

viridianwings, United Kingdom

One of my favourite time periods! I'd love a copy of this :)

moniquec, Belgium

Can't pass a secondhand or antique shop without looking for old postcards... they are very intriguing.. especially the messages written on them. Always very happy when I find some ....Who was the sender??? , who the receiver ??? What' s the story behind the text...??? almost a ' whodunit "
Love such cards!

marupiter, United States of America

This book looks fantastic. *^*

rawrbear, United States of America

That looks so neat! Good luck everyone!

susandg, Philippines

Wow, great idea for a postcard book! A friend once sent me a postcard where he wrote a message in a spiral. Not so hidden, but it was a challenge to read!

itstephieparkeryall, Australia

Postcards are the ultimate "Hello." This book looks like a cool piece of history.

Lizzy1206, Netherlands

Wow, seems to be a great book. For me the best thing to read on an postcard are stories about what's on people's mind.
I like to read about how their life looks like, especially when they mention just one thing in detail. It makes me curious to know his/her life lookes beside these details.
I often lack space on a postcard. Great practice for me to write the story I want to tell in short.

Alison_Machado, Brazil

What a nice book! Good luck everyone. :)

MX1001, Malaysia

It looks like a great book! The title made me miss home :'(

sneps, Netherlands

What a wonderful prize!

STUFFellaneous, United States of America

Soooo want one!!!

FairyFoot, United Kingdom

I spotted this in a bookshop this weekend but did put it on my wishlist.

Papercat, Australia

What an utterly divine little book! It's on my Christmas Wish List!

Luziaceleste, Brazil

This makes me think on my collection of postcards being found one or two centuries ahead! De the messages still make sense or values changed?
Postcards are always a treaure, specially for treasure hunters!

cozygirl, United States of America

This is so neat!

shui, Taiwan

What a fascinating book!!! This also reminds me an old postcard my father wrote to my mother during his trip in Japan. Though my father only wrote a sentence on the card and it is just a simple greeting, but it still makes me wonder what he was thinking when he was writing and what makes him pick up the card. :-D I also love visiting a second-hand bookstore nearby checking if there is any old postcards inside and there is always something surprising me, especially when the postcard is written and posted from long long time ago. And thank you very much for this wonderful giveaway! I hope we can find this amazing book in local bookstore as well. :-)

lovpinka, Malaysia

I love the postcard booklet, i wan it!!! Thanks to give me chance to grab it as christmas gift.

KienMei, Malaysia

I wish to get it as I want to explore this book :P

mere5oh, United States of America

I bought a bunch of written cards on ebay once from long ago. Such an interesting read into another person's life. I would love to see this book. :)

elisake, Switzerland

This books looks lovely. A little treasure I would be very happy to win :-)

Charchar, United States of America

I enjoy going to the antique stores and browsing the postcards from years ago. I think giving a good description of the reason you chose the post card you are sending. Add the date the temperature and little notes to give the recipient a feel for the location or action expressed by the image.

MisguidedRoses, United States of America

I would love to receive this fabulous little book!

Duchessinoz, Australia

I would so love this book! I really enjoy receiving my postcards from all over, & trying to guess where they're from, before I actually look! I try and write things on my cards to make the receiver guess my hobbies, profession and favourites!

tootle, Canada

I love the connections postcards can give me us, it's kind of like stringing webs of friendship throughout the globe :):):)

IDonCarlos, United States of America

I want this book! Will look for it through a bookstore if I don't win!

anyalu6, Russia

what a great thing for giveaway!
as about message on a card: sometimes it's just better to write whatever you feel or think at the moment, isn't it? :)

Els01, France

This book looks wonderful, I'd love read through it!
Good luck to everyone and Happy Postcrossing!

Ramya, United States of America

Postcrossing has blessed my life in ways I never expected! I am making friends, yes, but I'm also doing some art swaps and learning so much about history - and culture in present day! How wonderful to have compiled a book such as this!

physss, Hong Kong

this book looks lovely.a GREAT THING TO SHARE.
i THINK TO MAke a message more unique is to share your deepest/most heartfelt feeling.One postcrosser sent a card written all his bucket list to me, it's surprising and very personal,which encourage me to think about my own bucket list, the thing i want to do before i leave this world:)

medvede, Russia

Великолепная книга, спасибо за рассказ!

campbell9, United States of America

What fun! Count me in!

Feetjieprinses, South Africa

What a great project!I sure hope to be one of the lucky 10!!

bee1220, Malaysia

It'd be a lovely bday and xmas present for me next month. good luck! :)

Putoet, Netherlands

Amazing. Hopefully one day (one of my) cards will end up in a book like this..

JinaSensei, United States of America

Very interesting concept. I like looking at antique cards reading their messages trying to figure out what the folks did next.

emoffdayz, United States of America

very cool and interesting count me in and postcrossing is awesome :) and wish every postcrosser in the :) world good luck :)

kpersona, Canada

Oh, so amazing! What a great gift.
Of course we all would love a copy.
Good luck to everyone!

DaniFoulle, Brazil

Lovely book! I hope I can win one! :)

KayF17, Australia

Definitely a book to put on my Christmas wish list.

Restu_Amalia, Indonesia

The book really mesmerized me, and it would be perfect for Xmas & new year early gift

sxoidmal, United States of America

I can't possibly win one, but I can't possibly walk away from this opportunity, either.

XgenX, South Africa

Something so special to have thats less than fleeting in this day and age of fast pasted communication - email, whatsapp, ebooks etc.

zachary, Canada

I have a bunch of old used postcards from the early 1900s. Maybe someday I can put them in a book for others to see.
Even better, maybe a postcard that I have sent someone will make it into a book in a hundred or so years. Now , that would be cool.

MsHelper, United States of America

Ohh,how interesting! I would love to read this book.

RachelMS, New Zealand

Fascinating. I also have some amazing postcards from my great grandmothers time which are incredible reading. This book sounds amazing.

Gabriecho, Denmark

What a brilliant idea. I love looking at these cards in antique markets. I would be thrilled to win a copy!

lordemsworth, Italy

I like it!

willyly, Hong Kong

What a great book! Would love a copy ;)
As to an intriguing story, I believe that anything that happens in our daily lives can be intriguing, as long as the person telling it believes it to be. Even if it's a story about having a donut after resisting it for two weeks, that could still be a one-of-a-kind story to me!
Appreciate the smallest thing in life ;)

Liverpool, Indonesia

amazing book and idea :) Love it

XinJie97, Malaysia

It looks nice!

StoneFlower, Germany

oh what a wonderful book ♡
I always find it fascinating to get an insight in earlier times and other cultures to get a clue how they live or lived. :)

Meixi, Austria

What a wonderful book! Unforgettable Messages from the past!

artlover, Finland

I love books related to postcards! This looks very attractive :) Thank you for sharing it!

-Candice-, United States of America

Fantastic! I have always loved postcard imagery but over the years I have developed a fascination with the messages they contain. The information is sometimes very intimate and, occasionally, very damning. I am intrigued by the cryptic "come home at once" missive.

Pstcrdldy, United States of America

Sounds like a very fun and interesting read! I too enjoy the messages on the back of the card and the stories they tell.

Lafamilledu08, France

What an intriging book ! I would be curious to discover it :)

jdaraawisan, Philippines

a wonderful idea...good luck in advance for the winners.:)

reson8s, United States of America

To stimulate curiosity, I wrap the Postcrossing postcard in paper taken from a beautiful discarded book or calendar, the image and stamps matched to the recipient somehow...but what are the links? ;-) I and the recipient will know :-)

LotteMQ, Netherlands

It sounds like a wonderful book. I love that the messages are saved from oblivion. Those words must have meant so much to somebody someday...

Jack1313, China

Who wouldn't like an early Christmas treat? Just try my luck. ;-D

Aljena, Belarus

The book looks awesome!
The messages - that's what I also appreciate most of all in this project.

zuzanabed, Slovakia

I am also one of those who would like to get this interesting book. :)

saskia1973, Netherlands

In a world that seems to discard "old" I am glad somebody saved these treasures! I'd love to ponder about the stories behind the postcards...

anemone1, Finland

Hi! I would love to get that book... I always tell something about me and my hobbies and maybe something about the card. If the stamp is special, I will tell that, too.

JaneMH, United States of America

Looks like an interesting book.

Mewquat, United States of America

Sounds like a great book. Good luck to all and happy postcrossing!

Ortaine, Ukraine

Let's try. The book is really awesome.

Flex, Netherlands

It has to be a great book. If you see that one page, you want to see more :)
A long story on a postcard, one that almost doesn't fit, is always intriging!

vitabella, Indonesia

Where can I buy this book?

mariannehees, Netherlands

What an amazing book! I´d really like to read it!

Bramblepath, Taiwan

That's interesting! On Postcrossing we are usually so much more concerned about the postcard itself that the message section is often overlooked.

minny1975, Germany

Sounds like a great book.But i realy like to read the massage from all the people hier and how fast more than 500 massage are on this story in one day........nice to see people still love postcards and storys

mapa, Belgium

Love the handwriting on those old postcards and the pale colours in the picture. Good luck to everyone!

Burialsheer, Estonia

That's interesting. I'd love to win one. :)

DocRoc, Germany

WOW, so many messages? Are they giving something away for free? Im in :)

annsi, Germany

Sounds really great. ;) i'm in! *.*
I love to read typical sayings from other countries on my received postcard. :) Also I do write typical German sayings on the postcards - I think it's a funny affair. :)

MarySue89, Belgium

This would be the perfect christmaspresent for me! Thanks for the story!

kroete68, Germany

What a wonderful book :) 6 daily mail deliveries! wow! Thank you for sharing with us.

fripoustique, France

I would love to receive this book !

Nikola1987, Germany

Wow. Looks great!

fairymin, United Kingdom

What an amazing and beautiful book. Something to cherish for ever.

Minnastiina, Finland

What a great book idea! It would be nice to read it.

aJingggg, Taiwan

I want to dig deeper about the stories!

Spyglen, Lithuania

I would love to get an opportunity to figure out what is said on the postcards!

vajo, Belgium

A very interesting and nice book! A nice present...

FataMorgana, Netherlands

Mysterious postcards from the past. Love it!

PyrrhulaPyrrhula, Netherlands

Ooooooh, this would make my mystery-loving-mind go crazy! :)

Bowyum, Australia

I have an old card with a cryptic message. I like the sound of this book!

corpse_bride, Croatia

In love with books, in love with postcards... This is perfect.. Thank you for this :)

GoCindy, United States of America

Oh wow this is great! I think every postcard message should leave a little room for speculation.

xonxa2, Spain

What a wonderful book!! I would like to have one!! ;)

geoplop95, Romania

I would really like this book !

JormaS, Finland

I surely would like to get one!

susafoe, Germany

It seems to be the perfect book for a Postcrosser and booklover.
I would surely love to have one :-)

lottemeis, Netherlands

This weekend St. Nicholas arrived in The Netherlands. It would be great if he would leave this book in my shoe as a present.
It would be like finding 200 postcards in my mailbox ;)

Sabincia, Poland

It is amazing book :)

Sutomi, Germany

..what a treasure, would love to have one of the books ;o)

malinaguo, Türkiye

this is just awesome!!! amazing )))

Chibi_Massacre, Belarus

Amazing idea! :)

Ann34, Belgium

Oh my god, how many reactions up till now, the book will sell itself, what a great idea!
Have a nice day, many greetings from Belgium, Ann

Gerda-RD, Netherlands

Every Postcrossingfan would have such a book including me.

FMScreations, Netherlands

Nice! Hmm.. writing backwards, writing in reflection. so you need a mirror for reading it ^_^

Telenn, Netherlands

Oh that is a very iteresting booklet! Would love to flick through it!

HopeWillGoPlaces, Philippines

This looks like a cool read. I follor Postcrosing's blog post on the content (draw the weather forecast, write about how my day was, etc.). I also draw on the Postcard to give the recipient a preview of who I am because the backspace never seems to be enough.

teesa, Portugal

This messages are so delightful ! I have some card of Portugal from the beginning of 20 century with these kind of writing. Its wonderful so many time after the message steel "alive ".

rabziz, Latvia

Thank you for sharing info about this book. Looks like a
'must have' for me. :) The photo of the card with the puzzle is a great idea. I feel I'd find many awesome ideas and inspiration for writing cards.

kelliwoo, Taiwan

Wow that so lovely, so curious what message would be in there!!! >////

MatildeS, Belgium

I would looooove to win this book! :)

gracieb, United States of America

I would so love to receive this wonderful book. Postcards have become my passion. I go to flea markets all the time to buy new and used cards. I love to read the old ones to see where people have gone and what they had to say. I also love all the awesome stamps.

Ksuschka, Russia

It's an amazing idea for a book! I think it's very interesting to read it, look it through and feel that you just touch the history!

Barish, France

Even if I only have one chance out of 470 to win, I cross my fingers and I try. Thanks!

Olga_Drako, Belarus

The idea is great. To make a message intrigued it can be hidden under the silver scratch cover. I mean like in a lottery ticket when you need to scratch with a coin.
The message can be in the form of rebus or pictorial puzzle or as a acronym.

CuriousGeorge13, Canada

How can you not want this book?!? It sounds so intriguing!!! I would love it!!! And to try and figure out some of the meanings would be so much fun!!! Thanks for the opportunity to try an win one!! Good luck everyone, but I do hope I am one if the lucky ten!!!!!

justinj, India

wow!!! great way of promotion... would be more than happy to get one...

LindaLiao, Taiwan

It's such an amazing book that I wish I could win it and enjoy reading it on a Sunday afternoon. :)

HaiHwei, Malaysia

It will be good if I can read it to my student at school =)

ovidius, Romania

Nice idea. Postcards related items are always wellcomed.
I would like to get a copy. Thank you.

lama1, Netherlands

Looks like a great book. How great to start colleting these cards. I have a book at home about groceryshopping lists. They also reveal alot about the writer.

ihatecarnival, Portugal

even if i don't win a copy here, i'll try to purchase one later!

Eli33, United Kingdom

Secretly coded postcards! Maybe we should try that :)

Tatsiana_Akulskaya, Belarus

The message can be written with invisible ink. I remember that if you write with milk and then hit a paper with a candle , the message will appear.

amit19, India

Looks like a perfect book!! Would love to get an early Christmas treat...Who wouldn't?

alinecotrim, Argentina

Oh! What an amazing book! So historical and beautiful! It would be awesome to get one XD

j_nathalie, Latvia

Such an good idea to collect all those messages! I'm sure this book is gorgeous. Happy postcrossing,everyone. X N.

s_mse, Hungary

What a wonderful idea! It's the perfect Christmas gift. :)

bokonon1000, United States of America

Love the book: I hope I win!

jinvidson, China

I like this type of book.Is there ebook version?

andshesfearless, United States of America

I'd write a flash fiction piece on the back!

andreacrol, Netherlands

Verry nice.

anactsousa, Portugal

I would love to receive this books. It looks amazing and it would be perfect for my collection :)

And to make the message on a postcard more intriguing we can write from right to left and the letters on the contrary, so that it can only be read clearly when the post to turn the mirror :)

ATB, Germany

Please I will get one :)

ZenCat, United States of America

A glimpse into the past! What a fun weekend giveaway! I hope to win one of the copies.

Ejderha, Netherlands

What a fascinating and wonderful little book.
Recently I was able to purchase a wonderful collection of old used postcards because I loved the images so much.
I haven't actually taken a close look at the backs but now I certainly will!

beryngela, Portugal

It's so delicate

jokobo, Germany

Add a ton of smileys has always been my device... ;)
People love smileys, trust me... :D

Huari, Germany

Oh, I still have some space left for one of these books. :-)

Lynnae, United States of America

Looks like such a fun book! :)

jaenelle, United States of America

A fascinating idea! Makes you wonder what happened to the people, how their stories continued.

Mister1975, Germany

That sounds perfect. Enjoy postcrossing.

Shanaa, Finland

That looks awesome!

lamarto, Germany

That looks interesting!

DariaFedorushkova, Netherlands

Wauw, I'd love to win this book! It looks so gorgeous :)

nenya1985, Germany

Wow, sounds like a cool book.

Gauke, Türkiye

it sounds interesting!

HaruTarra, Ukraine

What a great work! These 10 postcrossers will be very lucky :)

chocolates, Belgium

Always like the handwriting on postcards. So personnel. Fantastic work!

Ingjerd, United Kingdom

I actually just bought a postcard from the Edwardian era, dated 27.12.1904!

marianaarts, Germany

Awesome! I guess as long as a message is personal and in a way creative it can be special to anyone…Thanks for the great giveaway-idea!!!

Lorie15, United States of America

I love it! After the contest I hope you let us know how to purchase it!

wishful, United States of America

Such a wonderful book, good luck to everyone...

goldspatz, Germany

Hello there! I like to put quotations on postcard if someone has special interests (and mentions them in his profil).

Good Luck everyone :)

Amatsubame, Netherlands

What a fascinating book! The Edwardian era is so interesting... Would love to read this :)

callmeflurry, United States of America

Oh, this looks so fascinating to read :) I love reading old postcards and letters.

woven, United States of America

Such a nice giveaway! Thank you!

Doodleali, United Kingdom

I love to read old postcards - what a lovely little book.

Magdolfi, United Kingdom

I' m allready in love with this book. It would be such a good combination with my received cards :)

sugarwendy, Singapore

Very meaningful:)
Thank you postcrossing and Guy Atkins for this great chance!

Mrs_V, United States of America

What fun! I would love to have a copy.

suejam6, United States of America

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Early Xmas perhaps?

darkdante82, Poland

Such a nice book. It's to early for Xmas, but St. Nick perhaps?:)

MarySt, United States of America

I love a good mystery! How lovely to see such beautiful cards!

Jess18877, Netherlands

That would be a great gift for my retering mailman Pieter

TwoBigOneLittle, Netherlands

Never heardof these oldfashioned tweets before. Would love to read them!

moonlessnite, Canada

A clever idea to publish a book that would appeal to a specific group/theme. I also try to add a bit of intrigue from time such as a postage stamp related to the theme...a stamp upside down, with a little message under it, in case the stamp is removed. a sticker for the seasonal aura such as pumpkins at Halloween, clovers in March, and snow flakes in winter.

Sjoukje99, Belgium

How grateful is the person who is able to know the secrets of this book? How happy will he be, while turning the pages and seeing the soul of this book?

Daisy67, Bulgaria

I love to read old writings, they are like massages in bottles from the past.

Lyudmila_, Russia

How fun! I would love to read this book.

foxfires, United Kingdom

Would love to win a copy of this fab book!

Oxymore, United Kingdom

This book is a must-have for any PostCrosser!
It is fabulous!

Papusz, United Kingdom

Aww, this looks wonderful! ^^

magenta0810, Japan

Looks like a great book to read! I always enjoy everyone's handwriting. Thank you for the great giveaway!

Tintenfisch, Germany

What an amazing book - for postcrossers as well as for bibliophiles!

violin, Spain

I really love this book. It´s amazing!!! Perfect Christmas gift.

USKestrel, United States of America

This little book looks like quite a treasure - to receive and to give to others who enjoy reading.

ElizabethVF, United States of America

This book sounds like the perfect thing to browse through while watching Downton Abbey on DVD!

jeortiz, Brazil

That's so adorable! Wish I could make a book with my postcards!!!
Really want to win this :D

kiscsillag0310, Hungary

I love to read old times' messages. This book is amazing!

oli_ohyeah, Singapore

Keeping the past memories in the bottom of our heart..
Hope to get this:)

Zertz, Netherlands

I love vintage and old postcards, so this book sounds really great!

apila, Finland

Interesting book :)

NanaB, United States of America

Two of my favorite things- books and postcards!

teamug, Germany

Oh this is wonderful.
I have a few cards from this time - I wish I had more. They are so unique.
Hope I win one too...

dogfan, United States of America

Maybe someday my postcards will tell a story, too!

Lizard, Germany

Even though I am young, I like old cards and old books too.
They look so special.
I hope we win one for the family.

Ulvi, Germany

Wie süß - ich liebe diese alten Karten, die hatten unglaublich viel Stil

Robin67, Austria

It would be too cool to have one of my cards in a book one day! :-)

I love old cards as much as new ones.

nataliemeer, United Kingdom

What a beautiful and compelling book!

betslets, United States of America

One thing that is always precious to me is the message on the back of a postcard. Many cards, old and new, have wonderful thoughts of friendship and love. When my husband traveled on business, he knew I wanted postcards. He often addressed them when others were around, so didn't want to appear mushy, especially in front of new business contacts. So I taught him how to write "I Love You" using Gregg Shorthand (only he and I, and the few who could read shorthand, knew what it others, it was just a bunch of squiggles) To me, it was the world.

lillydale1, Australia

It is fascinating to read postcards from the past, you can learn a lot from the era by reading the conversations made to one another. Hope there is one to spare for me to enjoy. All the best everyone for a good read.

Neetstar, Australia

This looks like a very interesting book. A message that seems unclear to a stranger could make perfect sense to the intended recipient. Some of the old cards are very beautiful and all are fascinating as a snapshot of life at that time. =)

boydbroncos, United States of America

This book seems so great! I would be interested in looking at the page highlighted in the picture above with a "Reed" as the recipient. That's also my last name!

little-billie, Austria

This looks so interesting :) I love old postcards.

ironseafish, Germany

I once sent a letter with a tiny tiny letter hidden beneath the stamp. Wasn't a great idea, though, as my penpal basically had to destroy the stamp to read the unimportant tiny letter ;) ... .

This book looks genuinely intriguing!!!

Broe, Germany

I'd love to browse through this book! I'm sure it's a great past time :)

Polyhymniaa, Belgium

I'd love to have a look!

christine-JB, France

It looks great ! Let's cross finger :)

alidam2, Canada

What a lovely book. I enjoy reading about and looking at postcards. Thank you.

Tamara71, United States of America

The writing's of this era are always fascinating! The message is the best part and a good photo is a bonus. What makes a card really special to me is for someone to share something they love. Nothing shows the beauty of this World and it's people more than seeing it through another's eye's.

Juonsi, Latvia

That would be such a great gift for every postcard fan! And something you don't even think about at first. Postcards themselves - sure, but such a book is indeed quite a change in this postcard world.

Savannah_Allen, United States of America

This book sounds amazing! i would love this book so much! reading is one of my favorite hobbies!! :)

Tera_Ecau, Germany

wow..I´m curious what kind of messages the book might contain still :) I always find it interesting what is going through people´s minds when they´re writing the card.

Kincaid, Netherlands

Looks like wonderful book, giving a lot of food for thought... I would love to have one!

neelia, Germany

It seems to be so lovely... I could offer a lovely home for one of them ;)

gforp, Denmark

Break at work in the middle of the night with loads of letters and cards around me. All of them will get home in the morning. Maybe someone will write a book about them one day ... who knows :)

aelaina, United States of America

What a fun idea! I'll look forward to seeing the book!

mummy9yummy, United States of America

Scince 2nd grade I fell in love to get mail and send mail!
I wish I can send couple of postcards a day to a person and also receive couple of postcards from the person!

lisaclown, United States of America

To receive a card in code would have been so cool as a kid--like the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew Mysteries! A person could always send one card with the key to decipher the message and just hope the person receives both cards... Sometimes there is great art right on the spot the stamp is supposed to go...I rebel and place my stamp beside it.
Can't wait to read this book and look at all the beautiful cards and messages.

guise1201, United States of America

What a lovely book, I would love to be the lucky one!

stjohnsgirl, Australia

What a great book to have and to give away, help spread the love of postcards.

superdhebz, Philippines

I would love to have this and spend my afternoons reading and re-reading these awesome postcards! This book is such a dream!

JasonDavid, Canada

Six daily mail deliveries IS hard to imagine - I have just learned that in less than a year, we will love our household delivery altogether - I'll have to go to a community mailbox to retrieve my postcards. C'est dommage!

kugusch, Germany

another book to add to my wishlist... still want "the Englishman who posted himself"...and now this one is a definite WANT!!!!!

Maya799, Germany

I can't imagine the mail being brought so many times a day!

Linabella, Germany

That book sounds like fun. I will look for it next time I get to spend time in a book store. A fun way to add excitement is to leave out one common letter while writing.

k8hobbies, United States of America

awesome looking book.
I am fascinated with they myriad of messages one can leave by placing a stamp upside-down or sideways.

Ken_dra, United States of America

Finding an old postcard with an obscure message make the imagination run wild with adventure and mystery. I hope I will find a treasure like that in my life time.

die-Dusche, Canada

That's a fantastic looking book, I feel more willing to pay attention to what is written on the backs of older cards now.

lemony52, United States of America

What an exciting concept! My father used to do a similar thing with letters he would send my mother. She would find messages hidden in drawings! I'm sure the postman found it curious as well!

raeweed, United States of America

Lovely finding messages from the past. Imagining the writer and the recipient is delightful.

SaxMan, Taiwan

It's an amazing book!
Good luck to everybody!

kapelina, Russia

I'd love to read it!
Such a nice giveaway!

petrini1, United States of America

I'd love a copy of this book. And what a great source of ideas for fun messages to write on cards!

alaskanpoptart, United States of America

I would love a copy of this book. Also, I feel like the most intriguing messages are often the most "normal" or "mundane." It's amazing to think that somewhere on the other side of the world, someone about my age is waking up, going to school or work, or studying in a cafe somewhere. The simple snippets of everyday life. This is also why handmade cards intrigue me.

amyam1220, Canada

Looks wonderful!

Kasimir2007, Germany

It is really a nice idea. I would appreciate to get a copy of this book. It is a nice giveaway.

Wei_Yi, Malaysia

Thanks for the giveaway!
The book seems wonderful,would be suited for me to read through after my exams. A perfect gift to celebrate Christmas and the happiness after finishing the exams :P
Good luck to everyone!!Cheers~

cascadaschaf, Germany

I would be happy to get this book.
one girl asked me to draw funny mushrooms on the card, that was very funny and made the card intriguing :-)

fitziane, United States of America

6 mail deliveries a day! That means that one could send a letter with the first delivery and have a conversation all day. Cool.

BrendaGracia, Indonesia

This books seems interesting! Well, to make a card more intriguing, I always have fun decorating the postcards, that is why I have stocks of washi tapes and stickers. It makes me happy to decorate the postcards and I'd be happier to receive a compliment on the decoration when someone registers my card :)

ManueleV, Netherlands

I love old cards and this book is totally awesome. To make my cards more attractive to the receiver I make my own stickers with a collage of Dutch things, so the receiver can see what is Holland about: windmills, liquorice, stroopwafels, Delfts blue, cheese, clogs, Dutch stamps, Dutch flag and Dutch postbox.

calabacina, Spain

Me encanta la idea. Yo lo que hago es dibujar un loro que habla diciendo el mensaje de la postal.

koritsa_tut, Belarus

I would like to participate too. This book looks amazing! To make a card more interesting I put a date, local weather, my account name (if there is something wrong with the ID for example). I am a fan of good stamps and always use stamps depending on preferences of person I'm sending a card to. If someone likes envelopes, then I will definitely put something in the envelope. I also think it's nice to learn new words with Postcrossing, so I usually write several words in Belarusian with translation (like greeting, postcard, friend, love, my name is... etc.). Good luck for everyone in this lottery. Happy pre-winter season! (=

Geminiscp, Portugal

Did I ever tell you I love books? What a perfect idea, a book of cards! ;) I hope more people pay more attention to postcards when they see this book on bookstores. :)

Spreeuw, Netherlands

Wow, this book looks wonderful! Antique postcards can give an interesting peak into days long gone.

ClaireT, Singapore

We have some postcards from my grandmother's travels and they tell such a story of her adventures. This book sounds amazing.

KaFrie, Germany

Oh, how wonderful that would be to be one of the winners ;-)

devimarietta, Indonesia

Postcard not just about fascinating picture on it, but also message, stamp and also postmark. It's kind of history. Well, This book seems make me to decode the message such detective. Maybe you can consider random alphabet in one column could become one word or in one row as well. I would like to read detail and review it! Well, nevertheless by now, I think it could be wonderful idea to send message. The recipient of my card should be ready! :D

yoteun, Netherlands

Seems like a really nice book!

Pezziny, Singapore

Oh no I am late... I will come home at once... Hopefully the book will land on my mailbox :)

EHW, Germany

Lot of competition here. But I like to win this book, too.
But if not, I think I should buy it as a gift for myself.

And to make a postcard more intriguing for the receiver, look for interesting stamps and stickers.

willempie2, Netherlands

Intriguing book !! :)

therese123, Australia

Fantastic book. I wonder whether anyone will create a book about Postcrossing and some of the cards that are received?

pikkupiipari, Finland

Would be nice to get such a interesting book! Count me in! :)

Tim-David, Germany

this seems to be a great thing...unfortunatly everbody around me is sending eMail and SMS...the good old snail mail is worth to stay alive by sending postcards again. Idea for postcards? Tell something of your live, what you see and like, a short story...something more personal than "regards from..." and choose a nice stamp. That will make a postcard more special than stickers etc.

Marijaxxx, North Macedonia

This is so awesome, it reminds me of a postcard i bought from Italy. Me and my friends tried to figure out the writing even tho we don't know a word from the language haha :D

visionthing, Germany

reminds me on a postcard book my parents had, filled with treasures from around the world. I have to look for this!

windymoorlady, United States of America


curvy-ginger, Germany

Oh, it looks sooo nice! :)
Like to have it!

ksmuz, Poland

Great idea for a book. Lucky the people who will win it :)
I've always hunted in second hand bookstores for cards with intriguing message.

xj84, Germany

great book! :D

nubivagant, Portugal

What a wonderful book !! I love mystery and hidden messages, I'd love to take a look at this book!! :)
Even if I do not win, It will definitely be in my to-buy list! :D

zie, Malaysia

perfect book for history lover like me;')

annuc1s, Ireland

Wow this book looks amazing... :) would love to get my hands on one of these..
Oh and I usually add colour to my cards to make them more interesting

Jo-Marie, Belgium

I adore these postcards! I'm just thrilled!I would be so delighted to win this book.
Jo-Marie from Koksijde, Belgium.

wiwiek, Indonesia

What a great book... so inspiring :)

Naorviz, Spain

Oh this is a beautiful book. I would love to be included.
My personal secret/not so secret code is using Morse code in the postcards I send to a friend. It's fun to Figure out the message!

missnorbik, Ukraine

awesome giveaway! ^_^

kiucciola, Italy

What an awesome giveaway!!!
Postcrossing's really a great can travel the world just staying in your room!!!

Debecca, France

That's a great idea for a giveaway! And a great idea for a book, too! I love the mystery side of it, and to be both the Victorian and Edwardian eras hold a sort of secret meaning in themselves. That those people have left such secrets behind, in ways that make our imagination go wild, is a real delight, especially in book form! I'd say to make a message more cryptic you could use a code, agreed in advance, or, as in postcrossing you often send cards to people with a different mother tongue: mix things up, one word out of two in a language, thus making it difficult to read for anyone who doesn't know both languages (bonus point for rare languages, or dead ones like Latin that are still learned a lot today). Also using the grammatical order of one language while writing in an other, that would at least make any reader quizzical!

mimiei, Switzerland

wooow that's great!

ESD, United States of America

How cool! I plan to create a similar book someday, showing all the postcards I have received since Day 1 on! :)

Zimany, Switzerland

Thanks for letting us know about this book. There are some people around here who will receive it for Christmas!

rubin1973, Germany

What a great idea, very inspiring. It would be nice to win one of the books!

littlemissmonday, Tunisia

plz pick me , i would love to receive such a book , the idea is amazing *-*

peedie, United States of America

What a fun idea. I'll look it up :)

Joasnay, Netherlands

That's so cool! I would love to win it :)

blacklisted, Germany

Wow, I'm having goose bumps right now! I love vintage postcards and reading what was written on them seems to be absolutely fantastic!

Carleen, United States of America

Looks like a cool book!

Honey1968, Germany

A lovely idea. I would like to win it, too :)

13_february, Russia

Would like to get one of course! Vety interesting idea to make such a book!

edo, Spain

Soo interesting cards!!!!

mapcardcollector, United Kingdom

What a wonderful piece of social history. No-one will be reading our texts or e-mails in a hundred years' time.

Lucinde, Netherlands

Om my!! What a great book :D Two of my interests combined!

naturegirl, Estonia

Sounds really interesting :) My tip to make the message on the postcard more intriguing is to tell a secret. ;)

Engela63, South Africa

Please enter me to win the book. I cross my fingers !!

NatashaMay, Slovenia

Looks wonderful! Would love to win one. :)

HeiWi, Germany

Thank you for all your ideas to keep the postcrossing community busy and curious for more!

positivelypostal, United Kingdom

What a fantastic looking book, will probably buy one if I don't win it!

Vriesje, Netherlands

Love the Book!

claudianp, Spain

Woo! I would like to receive the book as a little present for Christmas :) looks really interesting ^^

MelissaSt, United States of America

A beautiful book.

_curt_, Canada

Looks like a beautiful book!

tlemon4, United States of America

I would love to win this!!

canadaposter, Canada

What a sweet read!

jonigee, United States of America

Intriguing Message:
"Wait for the next message..."

jonigee, United States of America

Writing and post cards, like a fish in bowl...
Would love to have this book to add to my collection of unique reading.

schofam, United States of America

Looks like a very cool book, would love to win!

JieChengJessie, Malaysia

Oh! What a lovely way to promote postcard collections to the world! ;)

wwwera, Israel

interesting idea

formosatw, United States of America

Looks like an amazing book!

AnitaLouise, United States of America

I love mysteries, suspense and thrillers. This book would really make me salivate :))
I have a postcrossing friend who sends me interesting postcards. I find that the picture itself is a great story. I make up short stories for some of the cards he sends me. That's probably what I would do if I had just a cryptic or interesting message---make up a story for it.
I would love to win a copy and wish everyone good luck on winning a copy.

Shar65, United States of America

Good luck to everyone!

Deetu, India

I've always loved stories more than I love facts ~ and postcards combine mysterious tales from strangers with visuals, stamps and the handwriting that adds beauty to the unknown. I'd love to win this because I have no clue about cards from that era. Fingers, toes and eyelashes crossed now.

tillfu, Hong Kong

Looks like a fascinating read, hope can win it and share with others... =)

-Laila, Netherlands

A perfect gift for postcroslovers! You never know what a hystory a postcard can make...... even the cards we send today ....

jolo, Germany

so greaaaaaat, this even beats the old erotic postcards book I had once won at an ebay auction- my mum refused to transport it in their car in case the police would control them at the border:O)

FinisterF, Finland

I wish someone will give this book for me for Christmas! (Unless I will win it of course :)) I appreciate mostly on postcrossing the cards that have an interesting message on them, about perhaps some random thing that happened to them. The messages are, to me, so much more precious than the picture.

zahahah, Malaysia

I would be absolutely delighted to win one of this!

Irip, Russia

i'm unlucky in lotteries (: just hello guys, have a good day!

paicontea, Germany

write numbers or symbols instead of letters (translation needed:) or write your letter in form of a snake or snail!!

NettiL122, Germany

It must be interesting to read these postcards.

montchitchka, France

what a great idea :) the book just looks awesome!

danielc, United Kingdom

That looks like a very interesting book!

moonandstarscrush, United States of America

Where can we buy one if we don't win one ?

Jillspost, Norway

Perhaps in hundred years or so, they will publish a book with postcrossing cards from this century :-) It is great to get a glimpse of past times, sounds like a wonderful book :-)

Kampenwandgucker, Germany

Oh, so nice! I like it!

EngelDD, Germany

I would love to win this book and to have a look at the past... ;o)

Rhazlin, Malaysia

oh how i want to own this book! brilliant idea;')

A_Christian, Germany

Such a fantastic idea! :-)

zirafka105, Czech Republic

Hope I am not late for the giveaway :) I really enjoy looking at old postcards in museums. It is interesting to have a glimpse into the sender's story... This book is going to be on my Christmas wish-list this year :) Thanks for sharing!

Leschu, Japan

Wow, I thinks it would be very interesting to see how these cards are written. Cool, that you give 10 of the books to us!!!

Happy Postcrossing

virgie, Philippines

What a brilliant discovery. Glad it can be shared with the world not just for display in a museum.

linku, Germany


Scissorsmama, South Africa

Reminds me of my Grandmother's scrapbook of postcards. See kept every postcard my Grandfather ever sent her. Sending of postcards was very popular in early 1900's.

Smalin, Germany

Oh, how beautiful is that!

CikShikin1, Malaysia

i love to had this book..hopefully i can had it..

vilnius, France

Today is my bday, so that would be a pleasant news to have such a cute and well-thought book in my hands, to read it before starring night sky and picturing my cards travelling the world...

mantalma, Finland

What a wonderful book! I would love to have one!

drob, Netherlands

What a nice book! Good that you made it! I love the mystery of postcards. Can't wait to see the book.

Sandristica, Spain

I want it!

PauliB, Germany

Really nice idea!
And for making cards more interesting I usually only write some information and music/art/.. suggestions. The receiver can than look it up or ask me about more info. :)

Anna_Bennet, Germany

Just love it

JadaSmith, China

I want you

douglasmonty, United Kingdom

Wow thats amazing!

LauLau75, Netherlands

This seems like a lovely book, I would love to receive it. As an inspiration for my own postcards album (a work in progress..)

Olga-N, Germany

Lets see how lucky I am. Luck, come to me))

RicksCasablanca, United States of America

Ideal Christmas gift for many ! Support yor local bookstore.

merryrose22, Canada

I know some people who would be very good at leaving intriguing messages that the receiver would hopefully know how to 'decode'. :) The book looks like a great one! especially for my good friend Irene (one of the above people). Another friend of mine is good at drawing little pictures...that turn into a 'sentence' when read in a line.

Lagmar, Ukraine

The book is amazing! :)
I think interesting quotes are always intriguing! :)

marciaguedes, United Kingdom

Very interesting hobby. It's really intriguing some messages in the cards and surely I want to know what happened to that lady...At least is good to imagine. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sunflowerrrf, United States of America

Yes please. I love the idea of cryptic, special messages. It seems though, the sender/ receiver must have a strong relationship to catch those meanings. Sometimes like the emails and texts of today.

KaylaKrattiger, United States of America

I'm a New Mexico Postrosser and I hope to win this book.

kdfc, United States of America

I love this! I need to see this to be more creative with my messages. I hope I win...

milla1222, Sweden

What a lovely idea for a book! A piece of everyday history not usually shown in books.

Loli-ts, Spain

I'm definitely intrigued!!! I have some cards written and sent to/by my grand-mothers around 1920, and sometimes I buy old cards from unknown people too, but never find such a mysterious one. Next time I'll look on the back side too! :-)

sumares, Puerto Rico

Participating in Postcrossing is its own reward! Everything else is just a bonus :) I like the image included in the post of the wordsearch. How fun it must have been to solve puzzles in order to read your message!

Dennlet, United Kingdom

ooh interesting! When I was a teenager me and my friends would send cryptic postcards to strangers. We found it hilarious to think of the puzzlement they would have when they received them.

Itamar, Brazil

I'd like to get a copy of this one :)

Seashelly, Netherlands

A postcardbook, a postcardbook, my kingdom for this postcardbook....

Alexia_1987, United Kingdom

Ooh this looks very interesting :)

ToucheTurtle, United Kingdom

What a lovely idea for a book. Something I`d be very pleased to have!

celinora, Germany

Great idea. It immediately inspired my imagination to invent (or detect?) the story behind the story. Makes a grey and rainy November day shiny.

Jarmo, Sweden

Very interesting to read this. Think the older cards give much more than those of today, even if cards of today is, and will be interesting reading in future. In some way much more fascination reading older ones.

MichPen, United States of America

It would be a fun book to have. I would look through it over and over, just like I do with the postcards I have received so far.

Con, Australia

What an amazing book to see the old look postcards

mavro, Australia

Fantastic book to leave out on the coffee table for friends and family to browse through when visiting

mavrocks, Australia

Love to see this on my bookshelf.To look through when sipping coffee to remember the old days

chloeolivia, United States of America

What a great idea! I'll be adding it to my Christmas list

Nadz, Malaysia

Such an interesting book on postcards. Would love to analyze each of the pages :D

JAKA, Slovenia

Interesting, I would love to have it :-)

amycate, United States of America

My great grandfather sent my great grandmother a postcard of an early fire "apparatus" with a message saying "isn't this new American invention great?"....I can see her rolling her eyes the same way I do when my husband turns on a car repair show!!

kolengel, Colombia

Maybe we can create another book like this... with our Postcrossing Postcards! I loved the idea..

Jean0823, Malaysia

Beautiful book , full of history ! I want it

Kat_44, United States of America

Looks like a fascinating book! If I don't win it, where can I buy it??

Embassy, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has sent only around 5100 postcards during the last 6 year. Some recipients are delighted to receive cards from what they call a "rare country". I hope the "rare country" will receive one copy of this "rare" book.

Kat_44, United States of America

Oops, I found the link in the article. @ Embassy, I'd love to get a card from Sri Lanka someday (my son-in-law's family is from Kandy).

Embassy, Sri Lanka

Here's a related joke I heard long ago.
A card with this message was sent to a troublesome son who had run away from home. 'Do not come home at all. All is forgiven".

HippieOtter, United Kingdom

I'd heard there was a secret language of hand fans but I didn't know that there was one for stamps as well!

Rayezilla, United States of America

That looks like a great book.

Tobby, Belgium

i would love to have this book - great ! thank you

MWalks, Canada

Seems like quite a unique and neat book. A good gift to myself or maybe someone else. :-)

ShokoFlomel, Russia

Great :)
Come home at once and have a chance :)

miarhi, Finland

What a great idea for a book. I loved reading my parents and grandparents old postcards when I was a child and I'd love reading this book too.

KatrienJ, Belgium

Seems like a nice book!

How to make a postcard intresting? Make it something of your own! Try to make something out of the postcard you would want to receive yourself! Try to be original and surprising!

haizaam, Malaysia

what a great effort to compile all those postcards in one book, like it:)

uncoiled_tiger, United Kingdom

What an awesome book! Maybe you could write as though you were a character from a novel you've read to recreate the same atmosphere as the postcards in the book?

Janine87, Germany

I would like to collect such old postcards, but I guess I have no idea where to find some :D

Nepenthe17, Greece

It seems really interesting!

Bookhuntress, United States of America

I have some old postcards from family; but none as intriguing as this!

patrofied, India


NadjaRed, Russia

Hello!That looks like a very interesting book!

Klebeband, Germany

cum on and pick me ;)

cyphecks, United States of America

Looks like a great book; I'd love one!

sayuri2023, United Kingdom

Great book!

For a postcard, I would love to send anything that can make the receiver smile.

Inika, Russia

I'd like this book! I think it's very interesting! :)

lucie_zp, Ukraine

I'd love to read the book!

honeybee, Austria

I would be very happy to receive this book. It looks so lovely and very interesting. I am always very pleased when I receive a card with more information on it, not just greetings. When I am sending out cards from a trip or vacation I always send one to my home address, too :) And a nice stamp makes a card perfect.

miffy_ler, Taiwan

How I would love to read this with my girls!

Shelleh, United States of America

I need this book! It sound delightful.

Tirbjam, Denmark

How nice, I cross my fingers even thow, I nener win anything anyway, he he. I always try to write something about my self and informations about the Postcard, if is about a city in my country

malaya, Philippines

Nice book! Thank you for the give away. ;)

momamaus, Germany

Sounds amazing and inspiring!

Titi-uu, Finland

What a book! GOOD LUCK to everyone!

frecklefancies, Canada

WOW! I would love to have this book! It seems like a great read no matter how many times you go over, and over, and over it. As for my postcards, I try to make them intriguing by leaving vague but thought-provoking messages or quotes on them (e.g. "If you're looking for a sign, this is it!")

candy9494, United States of America

Lovely postcard book. So nostalgic. I would love to own one of these!

BeautyAdornsVirtue, United States of America

Absolutely charming. I'd love to have one!

Branwen74, Netherlands

This is just lovely, I'd love to have a look see through this book.

wattwanderin, Germany

I suppose you can make a message more intruiging by writing about interests you have in common with the recipient, telling about your adventures in his country or sending your dreams, hopes, wishes to the universe...
i love the answers, so I hope to read in these old messages.

postalservice, United States of America

Looks like a terrific book!

Bestgirl, Austria

oooooooh, what a charming book. this kind of cards is one of my great favs. It would be sooo amazing to win one of them.I'm cmpletely crazy with postcrossing since March 2012.
I love all facets from postcrossing: send ,recive, send and get hurray mails and get a new adress.

ludovico, Portugal

Wonderful. It's like my grandmother's father was sent to work in Moçambique in 1910. No plains then he went by boat and in every harbour he snt a postcard to his daughter. I still keep 3 of them, the others my grandmother cut them with scissor to give me the stamps...

Katerina_5, Ukraine

Great idea! For the first time I participate in the Giveaway on Postcrossing!:) So interesting:)

szendus, Hungary

Hope I'll read this interesting book once. :)

nereida-cat, Spain

What an amazing idea to share a postcard collection. I really enjoy antique cards so I would love to have the book ; )

cwessolleck, Germany

I think it would be a nice present. And it would be interesting to share it with my grandchildren.

vashoe, United States of America

This books looks fabulous. Good luck everyone!

GiJag, Canada

This looks like such an interesting book! And what a neat concept to publish something with postcards in it! Will keep my eye open for that one...Good luck to all!

NicRooz, Netherlands

I would love to give this book as a special Christmas Gift to one of my beloved family member... Who oh who may that be..??

caseyclark4, United States of America

I would love this book to share with my students! They love primary documents (sometimes).

sharingpostcards, United States of America

What a delightful book. I hope I win.

cynthiamae, Canada

Wow, this looks amazing

bungaalangalang, Indonesia

wow, cool!

cindynvb, United States of America

what a great book idea. I have a collection of postcards from my maternal great grandparents. I love reading the messages. One summer I went to Vermont, where most of them were addressed. I found all the addresses and had a friend take a picture of me on the porch of each house. It was a lot of fun.

jameschrasta, United States of America

Sounds cool.

Zenaida, Canada

Want. Please!

faithst, United States of America

Wow! How kind. The book looks interesting. I look forward to reading it.

samantharenee17, United States of America

That book looks awesome! I would love to read those messages.

belladomanda, United States of America

I love a mystery! Thanks for alerting us to this fascinating topic!

unicorn11, Canada

What an intriguing idea. Should I not win - I'll have to try to buy that book!

Manila, Malaysia

it's awesome.. :D

fictionalworld, Philippines

Wow! What a nice way to know more about the past. Definitely an early Christmas gift for an old soul like me:)

fictionalworld, Philippines

I would love to own one:)

bluerthanyellow, Philippines

mysteries? postcards? old times? i love them all! It would definitely be a treat if i win one :)

Merfia, Israel

Nice book for interesting hobby )

tiffany8672, Japan

It is the best Christmas gift to postcard lovers:-)

dianaf, Netherlands

Love to have it. A postcard always seems more interesting when you write tiny and a lot. Also maybe, including a riddle or a rebus.

kathrin_danielle, Switzerland

This would really be a perfect Christmas gift.

MelanieC, Australia

This looks fascinating!

olly93karma, Israel

Wow, what an awesome book! Thanks a lot for the giveaway, I would love to get one!

juno_mercury, Russia

Great book! Thanks a lot!

grandie, Germany

This sounds wonderful, a book of magic postcard stories...

asha, Malaysia

thanks for sharing this with us, would be a real treasure to my collection if i win this;')

CaatjeS, Netherlands

That looks nice!
My friend and I used to name a bibleverse, but only the quotation, not was was said there, so the other has to look it up. So I wrote on the postcard 2 John 12.
And then she looked it up to find out that it says this: "I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.'
Kind of coding a message is great fun!

Grasp, Russia

Халява приди!

noranora, Latvia

Wonderful collection, I would be very happy to be among winners!

MiddLin, United States of America

How generous of Guy! I love to read the cards my grandparents sent while courting. . .

messuage, United States of America

810 people so far. My gosh. I do hope I am 810. What a nice number. I have won the privilege, perhaps, of having a fine number.

kride, Finland

What a beautiful book..

Senfei, Russia

Wow! I love the idea of this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

cindybeaule, United States of America

Is it too late to post? I certainly hope not! Oh, this book looks luscious! Finger's crossed.

Kanone, United States of America

Looks like a great book. I think it would be fun to write in code on postcards, but only if I knew that the person receiving it would decode the message.

canute, India

Must be a really interesting book :)

fictionalworld, Philippines

Exciting book!:)

angelina_von14, Russia


mamarochat, United States of America

Interesting book.

Laurasblume, Germany

I would love to read this book!
Maybe I have a chance to win it :)

bluerthanyellow, Philippines

So excited for this book! Hope i could win one...

giacatalan, Philippines

Crossing my fingers!

rayday2, United Kingdom

I love historical cards, you get a glimpse of the past and the present all in one.

ketija, Latvia

I'd love to get this special book! :)

Annie123, Poland

Great giveaway! Hoping to win :)

dettiiii, Hungary

What a lovely book! :)

stargrace, Canada

What a lovely contest! Fingers crossed :D Thank you for running it.

ksyou, Russia

Wow! Both...loooks and sounds an amazing thing! Hope I am lucky enough to get it!

mezkute, Lithuania

Oh, my Chritmas tree would be complete with such gift under it.... oh i want this :)!

shadowsword, Malta

I love books, I love postcards and I think that this book would be nice to have for both of my collections!

JoyceBird, United States of America

I love cryptic messages - especially when they don't "match" the card!

ollomol, United Kingdom

Such a great book, I love it!

USAnnika, Germany

Oh what a wonderful book.

jannasimone, Netherlands

I would love this!

copperluck, Canada

I'd love to go back in time. This book could take me there.

figarofigaro1, United States of America

Books and postcards together. That's a wonderful thing!

LucasToledo, Germany

This book is amazing! Perfect for us, postcrossing fans!

Irka_ili, Ukraine

Good luck!

daneela, Germany

the handwriting looks awesome - i really like old postcards!

ZymovaKazka, Ukraine

yay! great book for giveaway :)

NerdishMum, United Kingdom

What a beautiful book and a wonderful idea :)

upside_down, Türkiye

Fingers crossed!

Ocean-Eyes, Canada

This book looks like such a neat combination of social history and postcards!

kybaliona, United Kingdom

That book looks so fun! There is something amazing about reading old postcards, you can't help imagining who wrote it.

pbujno, Poland

Chciałoby się ją mieć na półce... ;)

kinucci, Italy

Yay, a new giveaway

Speranza, Ireland

I love this kind of thing! A peep into the past.

Hanajima, Italy

Thank you for the giveaway! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

graugans, Germany

This is a fabulous booklet! It reminds me of the old picture postcard my grandmother left us. Fantastic giveaway!

Zeeuwseknoop, Netherlands

Love it ! It looks really nice :)

rosie_posie, United States of America

Lovely opportunity. Good luck,everyone!

Marylove, Belarus

What a wonderful and amazimg book!

givenics, Indonesia

Such a lovely book =)

Solaris88, Netherlands

Looks like a lovely book for a rainy afternoon ^^

slogsdon, United States of America

What an interesting book!

IrishInks, United States of America

such a clever book! Love reading old postcards and I hope someone someday enjoys reading mine!

MirjamW, Netherlands

Wow, that looks lovely!! :))

RianasMum, Philippines

I super like this book.:) Since I am into doodling lately, I doodle/draw on postcards and write a few message. This makes my postcard extra special :)

halie, United States of America

Love this! Just being yourself already makes a message on a postcard intriguing :)

walliswwy, Hong Kong

What a wonderful book :)

lrushing, United States of America


Aleedye, Canada

I would love to own that!

Daantje304, Netherlands

Beautiful book!

anitabekkema, Netherlands

what a lovely book! what i love to win voor all those postcards to put in.

greetings anita

luizaemrich, Argentina

It's amazing!

HeidiRand, United States of America

This is great! I collect old postcards (don't we all?) mostly for the image on front, but sometimes for the message. One of my favorites - the only thing written on the card: "I have a boil on my lip." :)

Aya_, Poland

Oh, it's lovely! I like such little sneak peaks into someone's life.

Schlafmohn, Germany

It looks so lovely

Susel79, Germany

wie wunderschön...

Liveke, Chile

Looks like an amazing book!!

Irenethefairy, Taiwan

I really love the pictures ! They look awesome. I wish I could have collected more vintage postcards while living in Istanbul.

Luckystarshine, Austria

A superb book! =)

Mari-Pyon, Germany

How nice!I think I will participate :)

DracuLaura, Germany

Oh, this looks lovely and sounds fascinating, pieces of history.
Using cryptographics could be a nice way^^

ECarrington, Canada


SunnyakaSolecito, Slovenia

All i want for Christmas is... this boook :)

glaucimara, Brazil

I would love to get one this together with a postcard...

Flagships, Belgium

What a beautiful book! I love books and also postcards. Isn't that a beautiful combination? :).
Let's hope the person who gets it will be very happy. But I think she or he will be :).


Liselle, South Africa

How wonderful is this! This definitely would be a much treasured book in my household. How utterly intriguing will it be to page through it and to go on this mysterious trip.

lilalaus, Germany

So beautiful cards *-* I would love to have received one of them if I was alive back then.
Postcards are thte thing to make people happy :D

Laoise, Ireland

Oh, that makes me feel so curious!!
I´d love to see these cards - the handwriting, the stamps, the addresses, the messages... It looks wonderful.

nahtanoj, France

Woooow, this book look amazing!
Good luck to everyone!
Santa is really coming soon this year. :)

fiederalala, Germany

Omg perfect, i collect postcards and books :)

gemd, United States of America

Ive got some edwardian cards from relatives. Also some just-post edwardian but still edwardian in style, including a Christmas card from 1913, cards from a boarding school in 1903. And cards from when my great grandpa was in a hospital recovering from a gas attack during WWI in France. Fascinating! I wish postcards nowadays were as fancy on the back side.

Lancelotje, Netherlands

I would love an early Christmas present! Love to receive it as a present for Christmas anyway, putting it down on my list for Santa

NanaMuffinLady, Germany

So lovely!

Ampersand, Belgium

6 daily mail deliveries, it's like a dream ^-^

What an amazing book to flip trough and take in all those little messages.

Obscura_Femina, Germany

I love that postcards bring out the nostalgia :) lovely book

yukarti, Indonesia

It looks like a whispering hope.
Oh, how welcome Guy Atkins writings, making my heart in his sorrow rejoice.
Soft as the voice of an angel, breathing a lesson unheared.
With a gentle persuasion, whisper her comforting word.

maryana__sunway, Ukraine

This book looks amazing! Would love to have it :)
I love presents, especially Christmas presents :)

maripe92, Germany

It looks great!

shesayshi, Philippines

Interesting book! Sending out a card with a message written in your own language always makes it more intriguing :)

Loma2323, United States of America

I think the most intriguing postcards always hint or question the future. Writing about dreams, fears, or half-baked plans make for most wistful cards. This book is going on my Holiday wishlist ASAP. Great blog post!

jasonfay, United States of America

Looks like a very nice book.

schnueffelliv, Germany

Postcards get never old, the become a valuable memory

nickimags, Jersey

What a wonderful book! I think you could maybe do a word-search with the message in the words that you find!

caperobin, South Africa

What a fantastic book! Would SO love to win a copy! Maybe a postcard with a riddle on would be more intriguing? Or maybe it would be intriguing for the sender to share some good life advice or just generally something they've learnt in their life.

michiganstarstruck, United States of America

What a wonderful book ❤️

tlblovell, United States of America

Had to go WAY down the page
to leave this comment.
Looks like an incredible book!
I hope that I win one!

Lemurette, Japan

What a gorgeous book! It'll be on my list to Santa :)

Gristle_McNerd, Germany

Heh. I've got a friend who'd just love this...

BBrasley, United States of America

Crossing my fingers that i win this adorable book!

biancad, Belgium

Waaaw, looks amazing!
I'd love to win a copy!

vanaspecies, Lithuania

What a lovely book! :)

Well, it's not so intriguing, maybe more interesting - to read something personal. Even a short story, quote and explaining why its importabt for a writer, etc.... :)

quidditch338, Türkiye

Such an amazing, lovely book , hope i can get it :) so wonderful i need all the luck

marieaniek, Belgium

Oh how nice a give away. How to make a postcard more intriguing, write a good riddle on it ;-)

GeekyElfGirl, United States of America

So cool! I think it would be fun to send a first postcard in an envelope with a cypher wheel enclosed, and then the rest of the postcards sent in code (no envelope). :)

Joffley, Germany

probably it is this book that I´d like to spend my Christmas holidays with sitting in a cozy armchair with a cup of cocoa when it´s frosty and snowy outside

visserm1962, Netherlands

Wow. Nice book
I always write the name of à song Which is favourite at that moment

mikebond, Italy

Very nice book! I'd like to receive it for Christmas!

IngridOKC, United States of America


bitterly_cold, Finland

Wow, That´s nice book!

MattMils, South Africa

Awesome! Looks very intriguing :) Would love to win!

kerplunk105, United States of America

Such a neat idea!

Tama18, Hungary

My father has a similar hobby as Guy Atkins', he would be so happy to have this book. And I find this kind of cards and Guy's book interesting too:)

Calimera, Netherlands

This is a wonderful present! I once wrote a cross word puzzle on a card, and once I've send my card with message written in circles on it. My reader had to twist the card round and round to read it. Fun for both of us.

agica, Slovakia

Oh.. I would love a copy of this book:)

pixii, Hungary

Me me me me meeee! Hello Guy, how yoh doin?

speculoos, France

Postcrossing Team can come at my home when they want :) We'll read this book, or i could show them my tiny collection of strange postcards :)

MarloesCrijns, Netherlands

Wonderfull! Would be awesome to received a copy. :)

Macchiato_Gurl, Malaysia

cool! Givin' this a shot ^^

heidim, Netherlands

I realy would love to have this book, if i am not 1 off the lucky ones i want to buy it :)

Nanesh, Netherlands

Oh wow that looks awesome! As an amateur story writer, it should have plenty of story ideas.

Anadria, Netherlands

Well, I don't have any specific tips, but I do think it is amazing that thanks to Postcrossing so many people are trying to bring these times back in some way.

HermioneGinny, Italy

Oh, what a beatiful gift :-) !

Ankica, Germany

Wonderful book. :) Thanks for the opportunity. :)

Anzhelka, Russia

I love such awesome articles here on Postrcossing! Thank you so much for this giveaway! I`ve never won anything here, maybe this time, who knows! :-)

Finbar-nl, Netherlands

What a great book. One day I'll write down my memories about the cards I did receive in my life. When I can remember any of those stories that day...

nicky811121, Bulgaria

That's awesome!

pdxbatman, United States of America

This book sounds amazing and I'd love the opportunity to have one!

Jalalabad, Sweden

Seems like a fascinating read :)

tjs1963, United States of America

Beautiful!! I would love to have one!

kvalka, Iceland

This is fun. I like it when I get something more than just "happy postcrossing"

lorieb, United States of America

What a sweet book! It would look great on my coffee table nect to a antique bowl or basket (or tin) of postcards! :)

hyacinthbucket, United States of America

This book must come home at once, with ME! It will be welcomed by all my other book friends and made to feel at home. I will love it!

tracicakes, United States of America

I love reading old postcards at antique stores :)

Taubenbaum, Germany

This book looks great!
What makes a postcard intriguing for me is if the writer tells me of his day. A little piece, one day of a whole life - what could be more faszinating?!
Have a nice weekend :o)

sinka77, Finland

Oh, so pretty and intersting little book!

necuvant, Netherlands

When I was little I wanted to become a detective, I surely would like one of those! :)

swan, United States of America

I think writing an interesting question would be intriguing. One would wonder what the answer was. Or a book recommendation.

mikluk3110, Poland

Sounds great! I love old postcards, books and everything connected to the United Kingdom and the Royal Family, so it's a wonderful combination for me :)

tindiplekk, Estonia

oh i really need this book.

MissFroggy, Netherlands

This sounds amazing :D

candiryna, Estonia

That is beautiful:)

hopper7782, United Kingdom

Beautiful.I would love this as I collect EdwardIan postcards.

AllSerene, United Kingdom

Oh, how wonderful!

Meligrana, Portugal

Wow!!! Wonderful, wonderful...

Sinecdoque, Spain

Awesome book!! Would love to have it.

ghepkaner, Türkiye

It's great that these postcards were preserved. People throw away eveything nowadays

Friezinne, Netherlands

I love books, I love postcards, I love vintage!

InP, Finland

Very interesting!

postcardsbeyond, Türkiye


nublu, Estonia

What a nice collection, I usually doodle something, also, I like telling stories with stamps, if it's a big enough envelope or postcard. Putting stamps just in a row is boring for me so I try to be creative when placing them. For example, A moose in a field of flowers, birds Flying above a City or if it's a historical figure, draw a thought bubble with his popular quote next to it. Heh, sometimes they even have conversations or tell short jokes!

Renren16, Philippines

It looks like a lovely book! I think postcards with a drawn picture and a just a few words written would make a postcard intriguing. Or maybe written in a made up script! :)

parmaviolets, United Kingdom

Oh my goodness, this book looks fascinating. I would love to win it. Good luck everyone!

viovi, Lithuania

How wonderful :) I'm also trying my luck to win this amazing book :)

AnnetGerards, Netherlands

I love it !!!!!

Michele1998, United States of America

What a fascinating book - I would love it! Thanks Postcrossing!

sportydogs, Canada

I would love to win a copy of this!

flaviapimentel24, Portugal

Great book!! I'd love to win it :)

QueenJane, United States of America

What an interesting little piece of history.

LuizaSP, Brazil

Very interesting!

Dunan19, Netherlands

Chances are very low.. but you never know:) it would be so nice to recieve a book like this!
My tip for postcards: just write positive words. It can chance peoples day:)

indestructible, Germany

Beautiful! Please sign me up :)

MoniqueB, Czech Republic

Amazing book. I wish her win :)

st33ltrout, Canada

Oh wow, that book looks fantastic!

Lievelien, Netherlands

What a cool book! A perfect christmas treat!

araneia, Netherlands

Oh, I will give it a try :)

maxsbeth, United States of America

What a lovely book! Inspires me to make my own book with MY post cards!

TheBusyLibrarian, Netherlands

A really inspirational book that I could use for our Postcrossing Meetups in our library! Hope we are lucky...
Greetings from the busy librarian, Ellis. Have a wonderful day!

Marie_S, Russia

What a wonderful book! Would love to have a copy!

julcos, Norway

I would love to receive this bok. Great idea! Love it! Maybe I can try to make one like this with my cards, but first I need this like model..!

Cello_77, United States of America

This is neat!! I love learning about old letters! To make a message unique? I love fountain and dip pens as well as the wonderful and varied world of inks that goes with them. I like to jazz up my cards with uniquely-colored inks and with pretty writing (flourished, if I can manage it!).

Isfare, Czech Republic

What an amazing book! I'd love to have one so much! :)

Rabbitthekitten, United Kingdom

I never win anything.

icamon, Sweden

Wow, I would LOVE to win this... :)

Mailartlover, Germany

Ohhhh this is lovely and I am sure would be a great inspiration for mail!! I enjoy to make my messages colorful or try to add a little drawing sometimes. :-)

dennda, United Kingdom

Pick me, pick me! :)

EstonianGirl, Estonia

Seems to be really interesting :)

SofiaJervis, Portugal

Seems like an awesome and mysterious book!! :D
Love it!!

HildeCV, Belgium

I'm in love with old cards and their message...

Saxophone911, United States of America

The postcards are do adorable! Such an awesome giveaway!

roccoco, Germany

What a lovely book about ancent Postcards. :)

Sanne93, Netherlands

Cool! Looks great, would be nice to have one! Makes me smile! :D

SoonerOrLater, Germany

What a lovely idea for a book. :)

cardsharp326, United States of America

Years ago, in a postcard club I belonged to in Seattle, there was an older gentleman who only bought cards based on their messages. Years before that, he had completed a collection based on cards of every place he had ever lived. He even had a postcards of his schools and the church where he was married! He'd love this book...but he's gone, so if I win, I'm keeping it!

bm123i, United States of America

I would love to receive one, I think it is so interesting looking back in time using letters and postcards, as it is becoming a dying art :( Always remember to date your postcards too, as they can become primary source evidence for the future.

vitandval, Uzbekistan

Sounds wonderful! Will try!

Hellish_Socks, Uzbekistan

wow! What a cool book! My popogod likes it!

frankjoe, United Kingdom

What a fab looking book !

Daydreamer13, New Zealand

Would love a book :)
To make postcard more intriguing,maybe don't finish message and say"to be continued.."

TARMAK, Uzbekistan

Cool! Would like to have such book!

WweGirl, Canada

I really like the book!!

madzia050, Netherlands

Nice give away :)

cornflakegirl79, Peru

Lovely give away! :)

Luvmybrowneyedgirls, United States of America

Lovely contest. I hope that I win it. It would be awesome

SuzyDoozy, New Zealand

Ooh I'd love it. So interesting!

ValCoop, Russia

Sounds like an interesting one

patarouva, Finland

comment :)

Whole_lotta_love, Austria

like :)

missmily, France

awesome :-)

sonyfj, Finland

this book looks good :)

islandgirrl, Guernsey

I hope I win, love this idea of a book

hannastr, Finland

This reminds me of my late grandma's collection of postcards!

Pip11, Australia

Shhh! Someone's secret story. I love discovering old postcards, reading them & imagining the story & the people behind them. Thank you for the give away! Good luck everyone!

StagePaint, United States of America

I love this book. If i don't win i just may have to buy it!
Best of luck for your book and to the winners.

Corina84, Netherlands

What an amazing book. I collect old postcards. Like to write down my favourite quote or movie.

kristenita, United States of America

I love reading old postcards. It is like reading someone's diary! I once read one from a beach town that said, "The girls are mighty pretty here!"

BeTravelicous, Belgium

What a nice way to start the weekend!

penvriendin, Netherlands

I'll keep my fingers crossed hoping to be one of the Lucky Ten! Don't know what to write on the back of your postcrossingcard? Your everyday life can hold lots of inspirational ideas. Have you been doing your weekly shopping? Tell what you bought (1 or 2 items) and why you bought it. Went for a walk in the parc or windowshopping? Tell about that one person that attracted your attention and why. Take one thing from your bucketlist and tell why you want to do that specific thing. Your Xmas or birthday wishlist may also hold an interesting item to talk about. A typical proverb from your country, its literal translation and perhaps the history behind it may also be of interest to someone abroad.

Sandrine06300, France

It would be THE PERFECT christmas gift !!

FRANcamente, Brazil

I would like to imagine what people want to do with the postcards on the book! From postcrossing I always have great feelings and start to wondering how the person who writted the card is... or what they wanted to share with me! It´s a perfect hobby... recover feelings lost (or found)in a piece of paper... how wonderful piece of paper! It will be na amazing christmas gift! :)

ywana, Czech Republic

Found some old postcards in the basement of my dad. If you read them you realize the difference between messages on postcards now and back in the day.

deltiologist4ever, United States of America

Two of my favorite things combined into one, what could be more perfect :)

Rabenherz, Germany

Seems to be an awesome book. I would love to read.
I have an old letter of my grandma of a japanese man who has sent it to her.. It included a selfmade drawed card of Japan. I love this letter. Hope our postcards will also be part of our children and grandchildren.

cristianaafreixo, United Kingdom

This book, that idea is genial!
Once, I received a card from a postcrosser asking me if I am already be in love for anything ... :) and this stuff about asking or talk about everything or something specific or sharing feelings, moments, doubts or other thing is the essence of send a postcard! For me, postcrossing is about that and thank for make the Postcrossing!
Happy Postcrossing for everyone!
Cristiana Afreixo, 21/11/2014, 21:32 H, PT

Ailinel, Czech Republic

Wonderful book for reading during sad dark winter nights :) makes you smile and warm you up, I am pretty sure about it ;)

DrMeow, United States of America

I love old postcards!

Vallmo, Sweden

'Come home at once' You are more than welcome at my house!

Wieka, Netherlands

I would love this so much!
postcards and books combine.
Just divine.

Nummel, Germany

That sounds like a really great book.
One of my hobbies is collecting postcards of my hometown that were published around 1900 and in general I love reprints of old photos of cities, old advertisements and the like.

BestWishesEric, United States of America

Looks beautiful! I want to learn to draw better to add to my postcards.

Luciole, Czech Republic

I love the idea!
There is a guy in the Czech republic who wrote a book of stories about his favoutrit postcards history.

joystain, Türkiye

I would love to read it :)

Amalicious, United Kingdom

It seems like an amazing book,i would really like to have it,i looove postcards!! :)

chikupunya, Germany

wow, great idea! i'd love to read it :)

OnTheMoon, Italy

Very cool idea! It'd be great to use it as inspiration! :D

frozenreverie, Canada

What a wonderful way to spark and at the same time smooth a wanderlust spirit.

ralphfan88, United States of America

I really enjoy old postcards, it's just so hard want to send them!

arrow12, Australia

WOW, sounds like an amazing read.

Marcella1985, Netherlands

Looks like a really interesting book, I would love to win one!

fisherman, Ireland

I like intriguing postcards from former times

AmyTheSpiritSeeker, United States of America

woop woop!

tinachiu, United States of America

Thank you for offering this holiday treat. I think one tip to make the postcard appealing is to write a sentence in your own language and translate them. Although there might be some lost in translation, but I think this tip can make everybody happy. For instance, 祝大家假期愉快! (Happy holiday, everyone!)

Yvette13, Netherlands

So nice for the upcoming holidays; Sinterklaas and Santa Claus

Dorylu, Portugal

What better to give away than a part of history that includes postcards! Everyone at some point in life wonders about past lives, stories, families, mysteries! A great ideia for a book, I would love to win it.

Olivia-Sanziana, Romania

Great book!

iqueenbeenana, United States of America

What a super idea! Just want to express my gratitude to Postcrossings amd all who participate.

sugarh11gh, Indonesia

would love to get one!

Chopi, Indonesia

Interesting book :)

astux, United Kingdom

sent a postcard to your childhood home, if the house been sold - let the kids know "the hidden secret" of the house :)
Adventures never stop!

rungitom, Malaysia

Interesting book, I would love to have one. :)

mkiriyuu, Indonesia

Lovely book! :D

Niklaas, Canada

Fascinating. Looks like a great gift!

shiau_jin, Taiwan

So lovely! I love it!:D

ladyull, Spain

sooo cool! :)

Havarah, United States of America

I always feel like my most interesting postcard messages are stream of consciousness --- when I get an address, read the profile, and acknowledge that the person will be happy to hear whatever I have to say at the moment -- and then I just let loose and often it comes out like a poem or a riddle. I think maybe the receiver asks a question to themself after reading? Maybe.

A mystery is interesting. :)

domoarigato89, United States of America

Hope to win!

jjmedusa, United States of America

What a great giveaway! Thank you for doing this. It inspires me to be more creative with what I write.

craftgasm, United States of America

This looks absolutely lovely. I hope you will tell us how to order it when it's available!

clouisesz, United States of America

I am so new to postcrossing but am loving it. This book looks amazing. Thank you for your contest.

Ploi, Thailand

What an interesting idea of a giveaway ! This book looks stunning and would worth to be collected :)

Sreisaat, Cambodia

What an interesting book! People back in those days seemed to be a little more creative in writing messages. Coded messages (riddles, crosswords, or even number problems) would be a great way to make a message more intriguing. I can imagine solving it is half the fun - where the other half is the receiving the card, of course!

usuiliou, Taiwan

What a wonderful book! I hope I can get one!:D

ladybug513, United States of America

I always thought it would be fun to write an entire message in pictures (pictograph). But, challenging! Love the idea of the messages in this book.

ohtardnassac, Netherlands

Wow this is quite cool! I guess to make things interesting, it would be to write in code, but it might get a little tiring for the sender too haha.

lisad6791, United States of America


limeIike, Philippines

The book almost made me cry. It's vintage, it's nice and it's really really worth having! Wish I have one...

mbponangi, India

This book seems to be a wonderful piece. Always love vintage ones

darciad, United States of America

OOooooh!! Me! ME!! Pick me!!

iseeknirvana, India

love the postcards !!!

dark_peppermint, United States of America

Sounds like some of those could be a good idea to do creative writing based off of, to just write short stories that would answer the questions you'd have after reading them. it sounds like a fun little book :D

ladibom7, New Zealand

What a lovely prize to win.

Josefine1968, Canada

What a nice giveaway. Would love to win and have my first postcard book ;oD

Rommorwen, United States of America

I love it! My favorite part of a postcard is the words. Then the stamp :)

treksek, Estonia

What a great postcard book!

Liisakene, Estonia

Wow, what a book!

Heihannel, Finland

The book looks amazing! It's enchanting to imagine that some of the cards we send today, might be in such book in 100 years from now. At least I hope so.:)


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