Today is a good day — it’s the day we get to announce that these vibrant and playful new stamps from Poland are scheduled to make their debut later this month:
Hurray! 🎉 Designer Agata Tobolczyk (who has also designed the previous Polish Postcrossing stamp) came up with this happy duo of stamps to brighten any postcard. They come in sheets of 12 stamps, and 144,000 units of each stamp are being printed in Poland by the Polish Security Printing Works company. The stamps will be available in post offices and also on the Polish Post online shop on the issue date, along with a fancy First Day Cover and its happy postmark.

The stamp launch date is October 26, 2024, and the community is organizing a meetup in Warsaw, where the special postmark will be available at the main post office. If you’re going to be around Warsaw towards the end of the month, consider joining the community in welcoming this new stamp!
101 comments so far
Congratulations. A fresh and happy design!
It's so adorable! Fingers crossed someone in Poland pulls my address :D
Yay! We are so happy as a Polish community to have new Postcrossing Stamps! Please let us know if you’d like to join the launch meeting in Warsaw 😊💌🤩
Hi, what a funny poststamp... hopefully waiting to receive one.
Those stamps radiate the happiness, that postcrossers feel, when receiving a lovingly selected and/ or decorated postcard.
Hopefully I got one of it! So nice!
I really like the designs of new PC stamps in our country 😊 they're so adorable! 😍
That's great! It would be so cool to receive one!
Congratulations to everyone in Poland 🎉
I really like these stamps.
The first day is so cute too 😍
ohhh, it is really nice !!
Congratulations to the Polish community! Very nice stamps! Hopefully they will also find their way into my mailbox 😁
What a fun stamp. Go Poland!
C'mon Aussie Post, how about a Postcrossing stamp for October 1, 2025, World Postcard Day and stamp collecting month. New Zealand beat us to the punch. Doesn't matter! All those in favor for an Aussie stamp?
So nice to see different results in stamps to honour Postcrossing.
Congrats Poland!
Nice stamps!
Sooooooo cute!!!! I've been in Poland 4 months ago, now I need to go back again to use these cute stamps!!! :D
Love the new Polish Postcrossing stamps:)
Please help us get some for Canada 🇨🇦!
Please write to:
Ms. Bronwyn Graves
Director of Stamp Services
Canada Post Corporation
2701 Riverside Dr. Suite #870
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0B1
Great stamps! I'm very happy they have been created and issued ☺️❤️
Congratulations Poland! These stamps are much more beautiful than the one we got in Germany.
Die Marken sehen sehr schön aus. Hoffentlich findet auch eine den Weg in meinen Briefkasten.
these stamps are so funny! great.....
It's a cool stamps. I'm waiting for an article about our stamps.
They look very nice😄
Super cute! I wish USPS would make one!!!
I love it! Congrats to Poland!
Postcrossing joy!
Congratulations! It is a wonderful stamp!
Such a delightful pair of postage stamps! Way to go Poland! 😊🎉👏
Great stamps! Congrats!
Good to know that poland has issued stamp on Postcrossing. Wish my country too should release stamp one day. As of now there are hardly 11,000 registered users of Postcrossers in India. A very small population of Postcrossers.
Cheers to all the postcrossers around the World.
Wish some one from poland can exchange a card with me using the postcrossing stamp.
I can send a AR card or maxi card or any card you wish.
satpal gandhi
So cute!
Well done POLAND >> Congrats & #Kudos Agata Tobolczyk <3
So funny!
Hopefully waiting to receive one!
Wow! Lovely! 😍
oooohhh i want one
Wonderful stamps for our polish postcrossers 😊
congrats dear Polish friends <3
hope we can change the maxicard :)
That is very nice! Congratulations!
I hope I could have someone from Poland who could swap with me a postcard - with the Poland posctcrossing stamp on it.
Keeping my hopes up :D
Lovely. Hope to get this card and cancellation during the meetup
Hello everyone! This card and stamp look amazing and so cute. Is there anyone from Poland who would like to exchange? I am from Mexico City. Please send me a private message.
- yep, those happy stamps make people smile ...
I hope so that once they will also travel to our mailbox ...
hurray for poland ánd for the designer !
Love it! I hope I receive a card with this stamp on it!
<3 I LOVE those!!!
These are cute and happy designs! I love them!
Yay for you!!
Cute! Although I did mistake the first red postbox for a toaster!
These stamps are wonderful! Would really love to receive one of these.
Wish that Royal Mail in the UK would do a Postcrossing stamp 😔
The stamps are so happy and bright. Wonderful!
I hope to receive a postcard with those stamps on one day!
I wish that Deutsche Post will make such nice postcrossing stamps too.
Hi, what a funny poststamp... hopefully waiting to receive one.
So cool. Just had a trip to Kraków, Poland
I wish that Japan Post will make postcrossing stamps too, but I know it's 99% impossible. Sob.
Congratulations on these amazing new stamps. I sure wish the USA would issue a Postcrossing stamp. None so far, but many of us keep hoping and keep asking.
So nice. I hope I will receive this stamp on postcards from Poland :) Still hoping for Malaysia to issue Postcrossing stamp.
So cute!
Blue sky, white clouds, and smiling faces, I love the design of this set of stamps! Make people feel happy!
It looks great.
Nice Design and a cordial Welcome to two New Postcrossing Stamps but just to remember how much postal rates in Poland have increased in Poland. 4,9 Złoty inland rate is 1,13€/1,22$ and 10 Złoty european countries rate is 2,31€/2,50$. For America you will have to fix an additional stamp to meet the 11 Złoty rate (2,54€/2,75) or 12 Złoty for Africa/Asia (2,77€/3,12$) or 13 Złoty for Australia/New Zealand/Pacific countries (3€/3,25$). This may sound not too much, but compared to the average income (1650-1950€ a month) in Poland it’s quite high. So keep in mind, how „precious” every postcard card sent to you is and is often meaning a little sacrifice for many members.
Gonggrats to the second PC stamp in Poland. Will have to make a new stamp collage 😇.
Congrats to Poland!
The designs are very cute, love it!<3
Hopefully one of them will visit my mailbox one day 🙌🏻💞
Diese beiden Briefmarken sind wirklich sehr schön. Vielleicht bekomme ich mal eine😍
these wonderful stamps are doing exactly what Postcrossing does, happy mailbox, happy face, happy cards.
Look forward receiving one.
So cute!
Oh, nice! I hope I`ll receive a postcard with this stamp from Poland, fingers crossed
Cute...I love it :)
These are wonderful!! 💕
They're so adorable! 😍 hopefully I would be able to get some at the post office :-)
oh, finally! I can't wait to send them on postcards to Postcrossers around the world! I really like these stamps. They are so cheerful, positive :)
Hooray for Poland!
Wonderful stamps! (L)
Yaay! It's so beautiful and whimsical! Fingers crossed someone in Poland pulls my address :D
These made my day! We all need some extra smiles. . .along with ALL our exchanges of postcards and wonderful attached stamps, the Postcrossing Blog keeps us constantly smiling with these great updates. Thanks to Agata for creating special smiles from Poland that will spread even more smiles across the entire world.
It's so beautiful, I wish I could have it!
Absolutely adorable!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful new stamps. Hopefully the USA will decide to join in on this someday soon.
Hooray, Poland!
Maybe someday the usa will have one.
Yippie!! Maybe someday the USA will get one too!
Great! I would love to receive one from the neighborhood.
Agreed Bako and Pangolee! Congratulations on two very nice Polish stamps. They're adorable. Perhaps someday the US Postal Service will listen to our pleas. Last time I wrote a request to the stamp committee they sent a reply asking me not to write again for several years. Not a great way to treat a frequent customer.
Lovely! I hope someone in Poland gets my address.
The Portuguese post office could also consider issuing a stamp dedicated to Postcrossing.
Congratulations, very nice stamp!
Beautiful stamps! Hoping Canada follows suit!
This is awesome! I hope everyone going to the meetup has fun. I hope more places will do this too
Beautiful stamps, so cheery and delightful!
that's so cute! such a nice design. <3
I love these happy stamps. It's great that there are so many Postcrossing themed stamps all over the world.
Congratulations on this great stamp to the Polish Postcrossers, the designer and the Postcrossing team! Triple hurray!
I hope that I'll recieve one soon. :)
Those two stemps are so adorable! ♥ I hope I'll get some one day.
Congratualitions, Poland! :)
Hello everyone! This card and stamp look amazing and so cute. Is there anyone from Poland who would like to exchange? I am from Mexico City. Please send me a private message.
I like it very much! Can someone exchange with me?
This stamp and this postcard are truly magnificent 🤩 !
I hope someone will send me one 😆!
How lovely!
So nice, I would like receive one on a postcard I Hope... Bravo
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