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Blog > Stamps For a Good Cause


Receiving lots of mail definitely has its perks, and one of them is all the pretty stamps you get from all over the world. I carefully cut them off envelopes and end up stashing them somewhere, waiting for that one person who collects stamps, or for the inspiration for a crafty project to strike. Sadly, most of the time they just end up forgotten, waiting for Marie Kondo to come around and ask whether they spark joy…

Bethel stamp initiative

But they can bring joy! Patrick (aka patric) from Germany brought Bethel’s stamp initiative to our attention and we wanted to share it with you, in case you’d like to make your stamps work for a good cause. Here’s Patrick, explaining the concept:

Some time ago, I became aware of the Bethel charity here in Germany. They have a simple concept: the charity employs 125 adults with different handicaps. Members of the public make donations by sending in stamps. New stamps, old stamps, German stamps, foreign stamps… The workers there open the incoming mail and sort the different types of stamps into categories. These are then weighed and put into packages and are sold to dealers and collectors. Because of the stamps being sold by weight, they have the name “kiloware”. Believe it or not, the charity gets 400 shipments a day! That is 29 tons a year!"

Simple, right? You too can help Bethel thrive! Make a pile of stamps, or set up a collection box in your office or somewhere people might contribute. When it’s full, send it to:

Briefmarkenstelle Bethel
Quellenhofweg 25
33617 Bielefeld

And that’s it! Bringing joy and cleaning up in one fell swoop… Marie Kondo would be proud!

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39 comments so far

abbyaguas, Philippines

Really? That's a lot of mail to open everyday!

MeggieW, Australia

This is such a great idea. I have been looking for some charities to send my extra stamps to. There are so few in Australia. I will definitely get a packet shipped off.

ctr, Germany

I do it since several years, too. And I asked the secretariat at work to help me. They use a big envelope as a collection box. When it is filled I send it to Bethel.

Luziaceleste, Brazil

So simple... I will give a hand for sure!

andrea209, Germany

For many years now my husband and I are also supporter of this initiative.

bra, Austria

I'm going to be a member too

Birte-dV, Germany

They do a good Job - hope they will get lot of stamps. We live not too far away and bring stamps there when my daughter is in Hospital there.

mounten, Italy

What a great idea!!!

Mailbird2, United States of America

Oxfam in Canada can also use stamps. Does a Postcrosser know of charity sites in the USA that welcome stamps for raising funds? Great idea!

Topas, Germany

Support them. Since my childhood I know Bethel.

borntoorganize, United States of America

What a terrific idea!

lillsche, Germany

Bethel is a pretty good hint I got from Patrick in my early stages of postcrossing. The bad thing about it is: they will use your address to spam you with tons and tons of printed begging letters and advertisement. So if you send them stamps, avoid to provide your own address if you do not want to get paper trash in turn ;)

Anori, Germany

I know Bethel. It is a very good organization. It is a good thing here to donate stamps. Please help bethel!

Mrbill, United States of America

In reference to the comment by lillsche earlier, I have made donations to several charitable organizations in the USA and have received advertisements and "begging" letters in return. Occasionally I will donate to these places but the ones which do not interest me end up, NOT in the trash, but in my recycle box. For me, the good done by donating far exceeds the concern of being on a mailing list. Yes, my recycle box gets full at times but this is far better than trashing the unwanted mail...which we all receive anyway, don't we??

FatimaIgnacio, Brazil

Important is to do good in some way. I'll send the stamps that I have received. I will feel good.

Norway_girl, Norway

If I had not donated used stamps to a Norwegian charity, I would have considered sending the stamps to Bethel instead. It's a good way to get rid of used stamps :)
I only get one letter back when I've sent the charity an envelope of stamps. But that's ok with me, because this tells me that the postal service hasn't managed to mess up and not deliver the envelope.

crazyaboutpostcard, Canada

Absolutely - I will send! Thank you for posting this.

Serendipity_it_is, Netherlands

Loved your post! Great iniative and really serves a good cause.
Bielefeld has an interesting story to it....check it out on Wikpedia :-))
On the sidelines....I've been using the fantastic Marie Kondo- method (Konmari method) for years and i'm sure this will spark joy! LOL

meiadeleite, Portugal

@Serendipity_it_is Yay! Great to find another fan! :D

melilot, France

As I ask for postcards under envelopes, now I have stamps, I don't do a collection, I'm just happy to watch them, and will happily send a package to this charity.

nephthys51, Australia

The Sister of St Joseph in Australia collect used stamps to fund work in support of schools and medical services in various parts of the world - Stamps, P.O. Box 3031, Burwood NSW 1805 Australia - That's who I send mine to now. When I lived in Japan I sent them to The Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative Service, 2-3-18-23 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 who provide medical services in Asia. Lots of options around the world I'm sure.

shammy, Canada

I've been in touch with Patrick before, when he was collecting stamps for Nepal. Now I've got an envelope almost full ready to send to Bethel.

NIDUSKA, Finland


Anidotje, Netherlands

Today I send two envelopes. It's nice to do something good with the stamps !!

sorichie, India

Is there a way to buy these stamp packets (kiloware)?

Geminiscp, Portugal

nice idea! :)

Tranchile, Guernsey

As a disabled Postcrosser in Guernsey who attends our local hospice which is entirely run by donations and collect stamps to help, but being a small Island they get very few if you can help them as well they would be overjoyed.
The address is:-
Les Bourgs Hospice
Andrew Mitchell House
Rue du Tertre
St Andrews

Any help even one envelope will be much appreciated. Most local post in Guernsey does not have stamps on as it is delivered same day and just franked.

mounten, Italy

Good idea!!! Will help too in future by sending used stamps.

Mailbird2, United States of America

Thank you DixieDear for USA stamp ministry address. Just down the street from me :D

Norway_girl, Norway

Used stamps can be sent/given to most of the Sons of Norway lodges in USA, Norwegian Embassies, Consulates and Norwegian Seamen's Churches all over the world, which will forward them to Tubfrim, a Norwegian charity.

Maybe you could send used stamps to the German Embassies, for them to forward to Bethel? It might be an idea to email them first to check if it's ok, though?

marica_t, United States of America

Excellent idea! Once I get an envelope full, I'll mail it to them! :)

Tuihei, Finland

I have done this for scouts in Finland.

missyfrog, United States of America

What a lovely cause! Sharing this on my Facebook page in hopes that some will send a package.

butterflycard, Malaysia

I can give people here a suggestion If anyone wants to get used Malaysian stamps that glow in the dark you can ask me.Either give me used stamps that you can get from your country or other places.I have even several used stamps of Singapore.Kindly see my profile for details.thank you
Kiron Manuel

Trans_Niqabi, United States of America

Sent a HUGE package today. Glad to be able to help!

akalle, Sweden

I do the same here in Sweden

The address that you can send your stamps to is:
IMs frimärkstjänst
Box 91
713 22 Nora

akalle, Sweden

They are founding a shelter for women and children in Jordan. And especially now with the war in Syria, they really need all help they can get.

llorencatto, Brazil

It is the first time I read this blog, it is so interesting. I would like to have thousands of stamps to send to these people.

nards_Nuggles, Australia

Can this article be re-posted annually? Its easy for me to collect stamps, but I'm not always sure where to send them.


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