Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: heidrunhlin from Iceland


Heidrun, 49 y.o., coming from icy Iceland. She’s a warm person that enjoys planting trees as a hobby, doing deco books and of course, sending cards! Her 9 y.o. son is already a devoted Postcrosser too.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I found a link that was in the homepage of the Icelandic Mail Service. I believe it is not there anymore. I had collected postcards for years (written and stamped) so this was just what I wanted. A wish come true!

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

My other hobby is planting trees, we have some land where we can plant and grow them. Trees grows slowly here – but we don´t give up. And I also do decos (small books where you put a picture and it travels between people. Everyone does one page and finally it goes back home.That’s in Yahoo Groups (for example: Old_decos_and_homers). It is related to scrapping.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

Hedrunhlin’s shy mailman and one of the mailboxes:

Hedrunhlin mailman

Hedrunhlin mailbox
Show & tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

My very first Postcrossing postcard was a special one. Sent from France by a Finnish Postcrosser, from a place where I had been years before. But every card I get is a special one and I feel the kindness when people choose something I will like. My son is also a Postcrosser (Hemmi) and people have sent him such nice cards too. Happiness is getting a postcard from a stranger wishing you all the very best.

Hedrunhlin planting trees
(On our way to plant trees)

11 comments so far

Mundoo, Australia

I love seeing all the different mailboxes around the world. Great interview.

jp40, Brazil

Great interview, good pics :)

decowoman, Germany

I really like the concept of introducing some postcrossers its really intresting to read about the other experiences they made and also to see some pictures e.g from their postbox , mailman etc.

Blogger, United States of America

I love that your son does postcrossing too. Both of my girls have accounts also. It's a great way to learn geography!

adobe, United States of America

I can personal testify to the fact that Heidrun makes beautiful decos. I hope she and her son get a lot more postcards due to this story too!

ekolter, United States of America

Oooh, Iceland! I've been fascinated by your country for ages! Nice to see someone from there featured :)

isagv, Germany

I would like to visit Iceland too. You have wonderful horses over there. :)

PSHQuilts, United States of America

What a great family! And it's so true about people sending kindness around the world. Thank you for the wonderful interview and update!

kazinhabueno, Brazil

Every day I discover how special Postcrossing is... Thanks for one more good interview! Congrats Heidrun!

Nin10dude317, United States of America

After Postcrossing, she likes to plant trees!? I though i was devoted with my bi-yearly plantings. I guess some people out there are more enthusiastic than me!

SLLiew, Malaysia

Enjoyed reading your spotlight. Cheers from tropical island of Penang, SL :)
