If you’re anything like me, you cannot bear the thought of throwing stamps away — not even used ones. Luckily, there are many organizations out there that collect them to finance good causes or bring awareness to important issues. Today we’re choosing to highlight one of them that was brought to our attention by Charlotte (aka maxcat1) from the USA.
The students at Foxborough Regional Charter School in Massachusetts have a longterm project called the “Holocaust Stamp Project”, through which they are attempting to collect 11 million cancelled postage stamps. You can probably guess why such a big number, but we’ll let them explain in their own words:
Each stamp that is collected symbolizes one wasted life, “thrown away” as having no value, much the same way as an envelope bearing a cancelled stamp postage stamp is tossed in the trash.
Begun in 2009, the Holocaust Stamps Project is a component of community service learning (CSL), at Foxborough Regional Charter School. It is a unique educational initiative that provides opportunities for students to gain a deeper understanding of how important it is to demonstrate acceptance, tolerance, and respect for diversity in their own daily lives.
The goal is to collect 11,000,000 postage stamps as a way to symbolically honor every victim of the Holocaust. Students and community volunteers trim and count the thousands of stamps that arrive daily from across the country and the world. The wide range of themes depicted – people, world history, places, flora and fauna, inventions, ideas, and values – leads to discussions about what makes our diverse world so special.
Eleven million is an unfathomable number.
According to the last update from May 2nd 2017, over 9 million stamps have already been collected, so they’re well on their way to reaching the goal they’ve set.

Over the years, classes have been using the stamps to craft meticulous collages showcasing certain aspects of the holocaust. The resulting pieces of art are a thoughtful reflection of the lessons learned from this dark period of humanity’s history, from the viewpoint of the students.
36 comments so far
I spareused stamps as you never know when the moment to deliver them will reach. The stock I have at this point will go for this nice project!
This is a great project. I'm originally Dutch, so I know first hand what the Holocaust means... There is an envelope ready to mail. Good Job!
What a great project! Will send some stamps this week to them.
It is a great project. I wish them luck, but I think they are near their target. I save mine for Human Writes, an organisation that promotes friendship by letter with Death Row prisoners in the US. Best wishes to the High School.
My late Grandfather was one of the liberating soldiers who first arrived at Belsen. He never recovered mentally from what he witnessed, so I will be honoured to support this incredibly important project, in loving memory of the 11 million as well as the many millions more who survived, yet still suffered.
What a great project .You've got my support and
stamps too. I'll send some soon.
Now I know for what I have collected all these stamps! Thanks to all the postcrossers who sent me their cards in envelopes ;-)
The stamps are now on their way to Foxboro ;-)
When diversity means "only girls" as on the picture then it'll get not my support.
Before any body get ideas, I'm the son of a survivor of the KZ system. And I hunted Nazis with the German police, when the USA gave them shelter.
But only girls, even with different skin colours, isn't diversity for me.
Both boys and girls attend the school.
Have got my envelope to go
What a great project! You´re doing a great job!
Mine (and mum-in-law's) are on their way as of yesterday. What an awesome and inspiring project.
@Esperantist: I think they mean the same thing, which is used stamps! A cancellation is a marking that has been applied on the stamp by the post office to prevent it from being reused. They usually bear the name of the place and the date.
In other words, they don't want new, unused stamps — just old ones! :)
What a great idea. Unfortunately, I collect and keep my stamps and also swap them. But if in the future I retire from this hobby I certainly know what to do with them.😃
pourquoi les juifs ? Il y a eu des Grecs , Des maquisards , des gitans , des patriotes de toutes nations et de tout pays et religions qui ont été mal traiter , l'idée est bonne , mais je ne peux approuver ce que vous faites quand vous oublier 85% des morts et leurs familles ( dont je fait partie )
It took me a moment to realize that the collage in the photo is a rainbow with a pink triangle. Well done. I support any efforts towards education, shared knowledge, compassion, and understanding. I also love creating with used objects, including stamps. Thanks for shedding light on this project.
What a lovely symbolic gesture by the school and students. Good luck to you all and thank you for your efforts. My stamps are on their way to you :)
Thx for info about this project Meia ;) Big bag of stamps on the way to Foxboro.
Please forgive my ignorance but the stamps you ask for are they ANY stamps, i.e. the many I have from my postcards? or do you mean unused stamps? Again, please excuse my ignorance and I like the idea of this project.
@grandmamoo44 They would like to receive previously used stamps — so hopefully those from envelopes that you receive with normal mail. Please don't ruin your lovely postcards! :)
My envelope full of stamps is sended :)
@meiadeleite, Thank you for your reply, I will get as many stamps together as I can, I don't have very many on envelopes but I think I CAN get some off my cards, which I shall start doing this week & get them sent off as I think this is a wonderful idea.
@EHW misogyny is detected!
Not sure why this post is raising hackles... I thought it was a nice stamp-themed project, with an important educational component for children.
The fact that they've chosen to focus on a specific tragedy (the Holocaust) does not diminish any other tragedies, including those of soldiers. Please don't fall prey to the "not as bad as" fallacy.
Also, it's a girls and boys school. Just follow the links — the information is all there.
@Red_Queen - I do not think EHW dislikes women!
I also noticed the fact that only girls are shown on the picture and therefore checked out their school-site.
So many women all over the world try to connect, grow, raise where men have stopped communicating, uprooted and destroyed... Therefore it is so important, that boys are involved in such great activities that create understanding between cultures.
And after checking out the school-site, I noticed they did.
Lovely project, and many thanks to the author of the article for bringing to our attention, and for taking the time to write the article! I'll definitely be helping.
@teamug does "'When diversity means "only girls" as on the picture then it'll get not my support'' mean EHW likes us? He didn't check the school-site he said he wouldn't support the project... Oh, yes! this is love...
Hi, I am sending 150 stamps as soon as I get to go. I love all projects!
Will join in - nice project
Atlas - Normanhurst - Sydney - Australia
A perfect address for the stamps I do not swap at
www.100stamps.club !!
For example the round globe stamps from USA!
What a pitty they transform stamps into art-projects. That is hurting for collectors.
Allthough I received a stampartwork from my sister, who used to participate in postcrossing as well. With a love-hate connection the work is still on one of my walls, but went from livingroom to kitchen, to hall to attic.
Does anyone has the link to the previous blog of the German organisation that collect stamps for the good cause? They don't mangle and [hurt, maim, cripple] stamps, but sort them out and sell them to collectors. I prefer to sent them my more beautifull stamps that I don't need. And it's cheaper to sent them when I mail them out in Germany ;) .
P.s. my sticker stamps go to the USA!
Love that project, I sent them a few.
A very good project! School is over, but in September as soon as my students come to school I will tell them about the idea. We are joining!!!
Here is the link to the blog about stamps for a good cause: https://www.postcrossing.com/blog/2016/08/31/stamps-for-a-good-cause
The 1st place one is my favorite because as a child my mother had a pair of wooden shoes that hung on our kitchen wall.
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