Ten years ago today, Paulo launched a fresh version of the website, which included cool features such as avatars, maps, the inactive state, the little ticker on the frontpage that shows what’s happening now… aaaaaand this blog too! 🎉
Although the Postcrossing blog is but a small part of the website, it’s something that we’re particularly proud of. Through it, we share news and interesting stories, introduce members and their creative endeavours, talk about mail and stationery, celebrate milestones… and we also hear back from you on the comments, which is the best part!

Ten years of existence is definitely something worth celebrating, so today we’re digging the archives for some of our favourite posts and series.
Looking at tags on the blog’s Archive page, it’s easy to spot that our longest series of posts have featured spotlight interviews, in which we ask a few questions to members of the community. We’ve talked with 113 postcrossers so far, who have showed us their mailboxes, their mail carriers and their favourite postcards. We’ve talked to many other postcrossers too, about the wonderful meetups they’ve organised, their quirky postcard walls and nice friendship stories they’ve experienced because of the project.
We’ve also collaborated with museums, libraries, schools, charities and post offices — all of which we’re quite proud of.
Ten years later, we’re still fond of researching the history of post offices and postcards and finding out about other cool projects that use mail. And one of our favourite parts is coming accross cool new artists and stationery makers.
And last, but not least, the Little Mail Carriers were introduced to the blog back in 2010 and are very dear to our heart. They’ve traveled around the world several times over, reporting their adventures and showing us the beauty and charms of the places where mail travels to. Who knows where will they pop up next?

Here’s to another 10 years of bringing you nice stories from the Postcrossing community and the world of mail! 😊
52 comments so far
Happy Birthday !!
Hooray! I always look forward to reading the latest blog posts :)
Greetings from northeast Ohio, USA!
happy birthday !!!!!
I enjoy the blog so much! Always looking forward to the next entry.
Right now I am waiting for the little mailcarriers to show up again :3
Happy 10 th Birthday and many years to go!!!!!
I love this blog, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday and at the same time, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! Wishing you all a prosperous New Year and great fortune, health and happiness! Happy Woof Woof Year! XD XD XD
Happy Birthday 🎂 Blog 🙌 .
I love the blog and read everyone. It's amazing how much you can learn from it sometime. It's the best social space I know 👌. Well done to everyone who share their stories and to those who moderate the blog 👏.
Congratulations! Blog on! Oh, thank you for the highlighted links, I am looking forward to following each one. :)
Congratulations to 10 years !!!!!! Like the spotlight interviews very much and the little Mail carriers are a favorit of mine. CARRY ON !!!!!!!!
Love the blog - keep up the good work
Happy birthday, dear blog!
I'm always happy when there is a new entry.
Happy Birthday and congratulations! :D
Happy birthday, and thank you for all your hard work running this brilliant site for everyone to enjoy!
Looking forward to the next 10 years!
Thank You for sharing Happiness <3
Time flies when we are doing what we enjoy! <3
Hurray! I wish I would have known about this site 10 years ago. Or even 5, lol.
You do a fantastic job and it is much appreciated. Thank you.
i love this blog!!! lots more years to come
how old is post-crossing
I enjoy the blog - happy birthday and thanks for all the hard work.
Congratulations! Parabéns! I cannot properly express how much I appreciate your work! Thank you. :-)
And a question: where can I subscribe to read the updates on the blog? I see it only when I log in, and by then I missed all the important dates and events. :-(
Best to all, happy postcrossing!
@Weisserose not yet, but it's a feature we're planning to implement this year! :)
The topics of the blog are always so interesting!
Congrats for 10 years sharing great stories about our project.
Greetings from the Allgäu!
Jonas :)
Happy Birthday :) Your blog it's very interesting especially for beginners ^_^ Thank you so much. Agnès
I love this blog, because it helps me learn more about our world. My life would be so different if I had not found postcrossing.
Happy Birthday 🎂🎉 and well done for keeping us so well informed. Happy Chinese New Year (Year of the Dog) to all the countries that celebrate it today. 🐶
Happy birthday and keep on with your wonderful Project!
Happy Birthday and thank you for all the informative topics.
Happy Birthday!
Blahoželám k 10. výročiu POSTCROSSINGu. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday my dear Postcrossing,
Happy Birthday to you. :-)
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to you !
Happy Birthday!
Thank you! Happy Birthday & many more too!
Congratulations to the 10-year-old.
It's a great blog, I like to come by and enjoy reading.
For many more years!
All the best, Carmen
Waiting to turn 100! 😍
HIEP HIEP HOERA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ....and many more....
Many congratulations! It is always interesting to read the blog! Thank you for doing it!
Many Happy Returns! I hope that the Little Mail Carriers will be able to visit beautiful Australia soon - maybe for the upcoming Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast ? !!! Cheerio, Bev B.
Congratulations! Up to the next ten years!
I have participated in Postcrossing for over eight years. It has provided me immense pleasure. Thank you, Postcrossing Team.
Hieperdepiep hoera!
Many congratulations with the 10th birthday of the blog. I've participated in Postcrossing since 2009 and I had wonderful times sending and receiving beautful cards, meeting nice people, visiting nice places!
Thank's a lot for all that nice!
I love to read the blog! Happy birthday!
Happy 10th birthday 😊🔝👏 yesterday it was my 9th birthday on Postcrossing.....and I still love it 😍
There’s a SM:)E in every blog❣️
I haven't been on postcrossing very long, but I love it.
Happy birthday!!
Wow, congratulations & Happy Birthday!
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