Postcrossing headquarters is cheerfully celebrating this incredible milestone of 2 million received postcards! :) Thank you so much for making this possible through your lovely postcards!
Of course you’re all itching to know who were the lucky members that exchanged this special postcard, so here’s the screenshot of the action:

Postcard 2 million travelled from Muffins in Germany, to coveralls1 in Norway!
Congratulations to these 2 members! And despite the many tries nobody guessed the countries. We’ll be organizing another contest soon to give that prize away.
ana & paulo
60 comments so far
It is unbelievable, so fast, the number count down ...
Woohoo! Congratulations!
Congratulations and a great achievement. I hope we are able to see a pic of the postcard on the Wall.
Joey (Coveralls1) and Muffins you are very lucky! :P
Congratulations to all postcrossers for this victory! :D
Congratulations to Paulo and to us ;-) !!
Congratulations to all that made this possible but in special to Paulo :)
Thanks Paulo, for making it all possible.
Ohh, it is so wonderful. We all love Postcrossing;)
Congratulations !!!
Oh, two of my favorite postcrossers did it. That makes this even more wonderful. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Unbelievable! I think two weeks ago there were still 82,000 left.... time and the postcards are running :-)
My suggestion: Why don't you give the price two both of them who were "involved" in postcard # 2,000,000 - to coveralls1 and muffin?
Congratulations! I can't believe it! Yesterday there's still about 3000++
Congrats! Up to the next million!
Congratulations! More such kind of celebrations!
Congrats! And thank you so much Paulo!
Cool! :) Postcrossing has really made my life more interesting, so thank you all very much! And a special "thank you" for Paulo for making this possible!
Congratulations to everyone - at this rate it won't be long to 3 million. Keep it up! :))
I wonder when we'll reach 2,500,000 or even 3 million postcards...
WOW!!Congratulations!!!That was really fast!!!
Thank you Paulo!
Congratulations to all!!
Congratulations! And thank you Paulo for making my life better:)
I have ever got one card from Muffins~~
Congratulations, thats fantastic :) went so fast at the end! On to the next 2 millions ;-P Thanks Paulo for this great website!
It's a happiness!!! Congratulations to all the postcrossers in the world and specially to coveralls and Muffins, Paulo and Ana ;)
Congratulations!!!Omedetou Gozaimasu *U*
Wow!!! That's fantastic! Congratulations to postcrossers everywhere. I received my first ever postcrossing card from Joey so I'm delighted for him (and Muffins too). Thanks heaps to the postcrossing team!
Congratulations to the lucky two postcrossers, Muffins and coveralls1, and to the great team supports this project, of course congratulations to all postcrossers who made this moment possible!
I stayed up for it...WOW that was exciting!!
That was so great! Congratulations! Even though postcrossing is my hobby, my multi-generational household gets involved everytime something comes in and something goes out. I think my mail lady even is excited to deliver postcards to me! I knew I was out of the run because the mail came yesterday before we were even at about 2000. I gave everyone exciting updates on how close we were, even on Facebook too because most of my friends know about my great hobby! Sadly, it was getting late and the cards weren't ticking away fast enough. I went to bed at 175, knowing it would happen before long. How exciting!!!!!
Happy postcrossing guys!
Joey realy deserves it! He once registered my postcard that had actually got lost, which was really nice of him. And come to think of it, if he hadn't, he wouldn't have got the lucky 2 million card. So here's one example how little acts of random kindness pay off!
Congratulations to everyone! It's time to celebrate!!!
And BIIIG thanks to Paulo!
Congratulations! It happened so quickly!:)
Great! But I'm going to be the person who sends or receives postcard number THREE million. You'll see!
2 Million Postcards
Chai Yoooooooooo :D
Many congratulations. Its a gr8 achievement.
Happy postcrossing to everybody and May we touch the 3 million mark soon.
Many warm congratulations to Paulo and Anna on creating such a special place for people around the world. I can't say how much your terrific website has broadened my horizons and helped me to make great new friends. So - thank you for sharing your idea with us and making it happen! Hope you are out having a celebratory cocktail!
Congratulations, Muffins and Coveralls! Thank you, Paulo, for Postcrossing.
I believe that we'll celebrate the 3 million postcards received this year maybe in October or November.
When does the countdown to 3 million begin?
To Joey and Muffins: if You don't have a scanner, a camera would do as well ;)
Oh man! This is exciting! I couldn't get enough sleep, i wanted to see it but I fell asleep but I am very very happy that two of my well known fellow postcrossers were the special sender and receiver! I can't wait for 3 million now!
My friends, let's work even harder to make it to 3 million! We didn't take much time to reach 2 million from 1 million!
WOW, 2 Forum members did it! :D Congratulations to 2 wonderful people and be well soon Joey! :-))
Congratulations to Joey and muffins, and to Paulo and the entire PC-team as well. You guys gave me goosebumps, it was so exciting! Thank you for all your care about this project.
Keep on Postcrossing!
CONGRATS TO POSTCROSSING MEMBERS and Muffins (Germany), coveralls1 (Norway) for making it so special.
Lets Celebrate 26th Feb every year for such remarkable achievement.
Can anyone let me know the date on which 1 Million Mark was achieved?
Thank You
Congratulations to all of us!!!
happy postcrossing for ever! Lets go to the 3.. 4.. 5 million cards :-)
congratulations to the 2 lucky guys and all of us:D
indianfriendszone, we reached a million last year on May 11 :)
2 million, wow! Party party partyyy~
And that was a fast million, within nine months?? :D
Yay!! 2 million postcards!! :) :) It moved so fast at the end..I got Twitter updates to my mobile phone about it! :)
Congrats!! Three things that helps us with postcards
1. Generates revenue to Government by stamp purchase
2. Gives us knowledge about people and places
3. Its a written proof or document which can stay with us
for decades unlike Emedia.
congrats all the members for making it possible
Isso é maravilhoso, que cheguemos logo aos 3 milhões
Happy postcrossing for all!!!
Congratulations! Fico feliz por ver um projecto criado por um português correr tão bem!
Great! Great! Great! Congratulations!
YAY! That's awesome!
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