Just in case you forgot… February 4th is Thank a Mailman Day! They’re the ladies and gentlemen who deliver all our postcards day after day, rain or shine, so they deserve our appreciation. If you’ve always wanted to do something nice for your mail carrier to thank them for all they do, next Thursday would be the perfect time to show your gratitude.

Here are some ideas of things you could do:
- Tape a colourful thank-you note on your mailbox.
- Leave some sweets or a goodie bag halfway into the mailbox slot, for them to pick up.
- If you enjoy baking, make some cookies — bonus points if the decorations are mail-themed!
- Any party is better with balloons and sparklers! :)
- If you’re at home, meet your mail carrier and say thank you in person, nothing beats voicing a heartfelt thank you.
- Use your crafty skills to make them a flag or a pin they can carry for the rest of their round!
As always, we’re actually quite curious about what you choose to do… Leave a comment with your plans, let’s plot this “conspiracy” together! :)