The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!
I’m a big reader of sci-fi books, and the way they end up predicting the future (or not predicting it at all!) can be surprising. The most unexpected things come true, and then at the same time we don’t have the long-promised flying cars! What’s going on? Anyway, science fiction aside—what are your predictions for the future?
In some ways, my predictions are a little pessimistic (sorry!). For example, I think that worldwide trends are leading towards a higher likelihood of humans coming into contact with new-to-us diseases, as our habitations push further and further into the habitats of animals that humans don’t normally come into contact with. On the other hand, I think that science is going to come up with some great answers for that: mRNA vaccines are a great start, and I think we can make it faster and safer to produce them all the time.
I think we’re also going to get better at treating all sorts of other conditions, partly with vaccines, partly with medication, and partly with gene editing. (There’s a great tool called CRISPR which can edit DNA, and I read the best joke about it the other day: KFC has asked scientists to edit the chicken genome—they want to make it CRISPR! Okay, it’s a bit niche, I know.) The things we’re going to be able to understand and fix and improve are going to be astounding.
I also think that no matter what, humans are going to come together and support each other. A lot of people take a pessimistic view of humanity, and I can see why… but in every terrible situation, there are also amazing people, and I think those people will always rise to the challenge.
Now it’s your turn! You can write it on your postcards this month, or just answer in a comment: what are your predictions for the future?