Hurray, 9th October is World Post Day!
On this day we celebrate postal services, the global network that connects us all together. From remote villages to large metropolis, the mail delivery systems are practically ubiquitous, making sure our messages and parcels are delivered across the world everyday.
All over the world, post offices are celebrating this special day in many different ways! To help you celebrate with them, we’ve asked you to let us know what your own local post office was doing… here’s what you found:
From stamp launches to free postcards, visits to mail sorting centers and letter-writing competitions… there’s something for everyone! Check it out to see if your own postal service is doing something special – you might be surprised. If you know of any other activities taking place on this date that we’ve missed, just leave a comment below.
And like last year, we also invited our advertisers to join the celebrations. Many of them accepted the challenge, and created special offers for postcrossers! So if your stock of postcards is running a little low, now would be the perfect time to re-stock… enjoy!
- Acards – 10% discount on all postcards
Promocode PostDay.
- – 20% discount on all postcards
Promocode WPD2014. Dutch language, ships to Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Luxembourg and France only.
- BuyMeCard – 20% discount for all postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above. Russian language only.
- Cardcetera – 15% discount on all postcards, plus 5 customers will get a special set of cards for free
Promocode pcmailday2014.
- CardInBox – 20% discount (excluding shipping)
Promocode WPD2014. Russian language only.
- CardsShop – 10% discount on all postcards
Promocode CardsShop. Russian language only.
- – 10% discount on all postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above. Russian language only.
- Edelweiss Post – 20% discount + free pre-stamped postcard
- Heidin Korttipaja – 15% discount on all products
Promocode WPD15. Finnish language, shipping to Finland only.
- Inky Fingers – 20% discount on all postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above. Dutch language, shipping to Belgium and Netherlands only.
- Kaartfanaat – 20% discount from €25 + giveaway of 40 postcards to win
Promocode WPD14.
- – 15% discount for all postcards, stickers and envelopes
Promocode MAGIC. Russian language, ships to CIS countries only.
- Mark Stempel – 20% discount on all postcards
Promocode WorldPostDay2014. Russian language only.
- Minor Postcards – 15% discount on postcards and stickers for orders above €10
Promocode wpd14.
- modern times / AIM Produkte- 15% (once per customer) on all GEO and VIEW-Postcard-Packs (3 or 10 pieces per motive)
Promocode WPCD2014. German language, ships to Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
- MOO – 15% discount on postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above.
- – 15% discount on all postcards + a free “King fisher” card
Promocode worldpostday.
- Paper Postcards – 15% discount
Promocode wpd2014. Russian language only.
- Papierdier – 10% discount
Promocode wereldpost2014. Dutch language, ships to Europe only.
- Photofabrique – 20% discount in all postcards + 3 free postcards (gift) + free shipping on orders above 20 postcards
Promocode HAPPY2014.
- – 15% discount on all postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above.
- Postcard Fair – 20% discount
Promocode 20off.
- – 15% discount on all postcards
Promocode PostDay. Russian language only.
- PostCardPress – 20% discount
No need for promocode – just use the link above.
- PostcardShop – 10% discount
Promocode Ships to Europe, USA, Canada, and other countries after prior contact.
- PostHorn – 20% discount on all postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above. Ships to Russia only.
- – 20% discount in all postcards, and Free Dutch postage stamp
Promocode WPD14. Dutch language only.
- Kruglokot – 68% discount on all postcards
Promocode VAZVLFF7QW4M. Russian language only.
- – 15% discount on all postcards
Promocode POSTDAY2014. Ships only to Belarus.
- Skrive – 10% discount on all cards
Promocode POSTCROSSING. German language, ships to Germany only.
- Stationery Heaven – 15% discount
- VanillaTreeVale – 10% discount on all postcards
Promocode WPD2014. Shop only in Russian language, ships only to Belarus.
- UnaPhoto – 20% discount on postcards
No need for promocode – just use the link above.
All these offers will be valid through the end of October 9th. Pretty neat, right? A big thank you to all our advertisers for joining in the celebrations!
Happy World Post Day everyone! Send a postcard or two (or ten!), and don’t forget to say hi to your mail carrier! :)