What have rubber ducks to do with postcards? Kirsi (Huppu68) thinks they go very well together. She lives in Helsinki (Finland), and in this week Postcrossing Spotlight she’s going to tell us who is 'Mauno’.
- How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?
I read an article from the weekly magazine of Helsingin Sanomat newspaper and I registered to Postcrossing right away. I’ve always loved sending postcards and I was a bit sad, because people has sent their birthday and Christmas wishes by e-mail or text messages. When I got my first cards via Postcrossing I was hooked; this is a perfect site for me. I have also got a lot of good friends from all over the world and here in Finland too. We have lots of Postcrossing meetings here and I’m totally hooked on them too.
- Do you have any other interesting hobbies?
I love photographing and I always have my camera with me everywhere I go. I also collect rubber ducks and I have about 120 different ones. Lately I have put these two hobbies together and started to take photos of my Postcrossing Duck called Mauno “Manu” Anselmi. He is quite famous already here in Finland; I took a photo of Manu with The Prime Minister of Finland :) Manu has his fan club in Facebook and I just started to write his own blog (only in Finnish though, sorry).
- Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!
A photo of my nearest mailbox, where I mostly post my cards and a photo of my nearest post office.
- Show & tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.
Oh, this one is really difficult… I love almost all my received postcards and they all are like small gifts to me. I keep some of my favourite cards on our walls on boards and I’ll show a few photos of them. I have many collections of different themes and I have received thousands of cards for them via the official site and official forum of Postcrossing. I’m happy and thankful for every card I’ve received – they are all special for me.