The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!
This month, we’ve chosen a prompt that Tomoe (aka Sleep) suggested in our writing prompts thread on the forum. If anyone is a fan of comics, you’ve probably thought about this one already, but it’s a fun question to ask anyone—and trickier than you might think to decide!

I am a comics fan, so I have a head start in thinking about this: I love Captain America, Captain Marvel, Wiccan, Hulkling, Spider-Woman and her fellow spiders, America Chavez… But would I want those powers for myself? Flight is cool, and I’d certainly feel better about my impact on the environment if I could just fly myself to the library… but it might not be much faster than walking, and it seems like it must be tiring!
In the end, I know what I’d choose. The first one would be self-healing abilities, so I can heal up quickly from any bangs and bruises (not to mention my persistent eczema) and work with infectious diseases in the future without fear. And the second would be time manipulation. Imagine if I could just stop time for everyone else and read a book? Imagine how much I could get read with an extra hour in the day…
I’d love shapeshifting too, of course, and more flippantly, I’d definitely love the superpower of making a cape look cool… but I can only choose two, and my heart is set on self-healing and the ability to stop time. What about you, fellow Postcrossers? Tell us about the two powers you’d choose in the comments, or write about it on your cards this month!