Everyone does silly things once in a while… and postcrossers are no exception. So we were thrilled to discover a thread on the forum about the little accidents that happen in Postcrossing, and had a lot of fun reading through it! Here are some of our favourite accidents:
I heard of a friend that someone wanted to send postcards from when they where on holiday and threw them into a red “mailbox” only to find out a while later that these wheren’t actual mailboxes but trash cans!
Another time I thought I was writing to a person who liked cat cards so I told them all about my cats etc. Then I realized it was a person who was afraid of cats! So I had to put an address label over the address. Luckily I didnt send the card out!
I had a stack of cards ready to take to the Post office. Official cards and some RR swaps. They were sitting on the edge of my sofa with a throw pillow next to them. I grabbed the whole bunch of cards and headed to the Post office. About 10 days later for some reason I reached over and picked up the throw pillow and saw one card that had slipped in between the pillow and sofa. It was a private swap card and when I saw it I was horrified. I mailed it and send a very “I’m sorry” u2u to the person…We both got quite a laugh out of it…
A couple of times I’ve put some of my received postcards in my postcards-to-send pile and sent them out accidentally. Both times the post office was nice enough to return them to me!
What about you? Do you have any interesting postal stories or accidents? Leave a comment below or on the forum thread with your stories!