
Fabi, Germany
  • country Germany
  • Member since Joined 9th Jul., 2006
  • icon Seen 2 months ago

Receive postcards
icon 2 Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2022 & 2023WPD

About Fabi...

For people who don't like to read a lot:
Fabi, female, born November 1987, likes postcards with woodland animals (illustrated or photos), snowglobes, farm animals (especially cows) and whatever you like to send. Not a big fan of viewcards or ad cards. NO war cards please. Don't like guns and all of that.

For people, who like to get to know the person behind the postcard:

Hello everyone,

my name is Fabi and I was born in November 1987.
I am still trying to catch all the Pokemon (at least on Pokemon Go I have the first two pokedex full), love to dream myself into a Disney movie (although I am not always the princess...) and still want to learn how to perform magic.
I like to daydream, love fantasy topics (like dragons, vampires, werewolves or other legends) and love to hear about whatever gossip you heard about. I love stories that are daily life but interesting. What did you see when you drove to the store last week? And when you look out of your window right now – what is going on? Is there any tradition in your country you'd like to share with me? Any folklore that is interesting?
Well, what else is there to tell? I love animals, long letters, cute postcards, music, Christmas, traveling, exploring places that nobody usually goes to and so much more.
I love geocaching, Pokemon Go and computer/Switch games. If you want to be friends on any of those games, let me know your nickname/friends code and I'll add you.
You got a card that has a funny Santa on it? Send it my way. You got a card that made you giggle when you bought it and you are waiting for the right person to send it to? Hey, here I am. Other than that I love animal postcards (especially illustrated and farm or woodland animals) and I recently started collecting cards with snowglobes on it.
My boyfriend doesn't understand why I like getting mail so much and why I am on this website to get mail from strangers. So if you could add a little fun fact so I can teach him something new, I would love that a lot. He likes to hear all the interesting stories as well, even though he would probably just throw away the card after reading it. That's why he probably won't ever get a profile on here.
Anything else? You are always welcome to ask me a question that I can answer in my thank you mail.
If you read until here, thank you so much! I appreciate that you take some time of your day to read my profile.

Have a wonderful day

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