
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 84,482,267 habitants. The capital of Germany is Berlin.
Members: 62,604 (Browse all)
Sent: 13,992,461 postcards
Received: 14,012,900 postcards
Ranking: 1st (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Germany

Most active members

1. Willi, Germany Postcrossing Supporter Willi
39,418 postcards sent
2. klausdiemaus, Germany klausdiemaus
36,615 postcards sent
3. Nordbaer, Germany Postcrossing Supporter Nordbaer
34,374 postcards sent
4. Antje321, Germany Antje321
31,052 postcards sent
5. rosenbusch, Germany Postcrossing Supporter rosenbusch
29,403 postcards sent
6. uttia4a, Germany Postcrossing Supporter uttia4a
28,401 postcards sent
7. hepman, Germany hepman
26,076 postcards sent
8. Rehus, Germany Rehus
22,609 postcards sent
9. elfie-luna, Germany elfie-luna
22,584 postcards sent
10. elbe, Germany Postcrossing Supporter elbe
22,500 postcards sent

Random members

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